public override SqlExpression VisitTrimFunction(PlSqlParser.TrimFunctionContext context) { var arg1 = Expression.Build(context.concatenationWrapper()); var part = "both"; if (context.LEADING() != null) { part = "leading"; } else if (context.TRAILING() != null) { part = "trailing"; } else if (context.BOTH() != null) { part = "both"; } var toTrim = " "; if (context.quoted_string() != null) { toTrim = InputString.AsNotQuoted(context.quoted_string()); } var arg2 = SqlExpression.Constant(part); var arg3 = SqlExpression.Constant(toTrim); return(SqlExpression.FunctionCall("SQL_TRIM", new SqlExpression[] { arg1, arg2, arg3 })); }
public static SqlStatement Create(PlSqlParser.CreateUserStatementContext context) { var userName = context.userName().GetText(); SqlExpression arg; SqlIdentificationType type; if (context.byPassword() != null) { arg = SqlExpression.Constant(InputString.AsNotQuoted(context.byPassword().CHAR_STRING().GetText())); type = SqlIdentificationType.Password; } else if (context.externalId() != null) { arg = SqlExpression.Constant(InputString.AsNotQuoted(context.externalId().CHAR_STRING())); type = SqlIdentificationType.External; } else if (context.globalId() != null) { arg = SqlExpression.Constant(InputString.AsNotQuoted(context.globalId().CHAR_STRING())); type = SqlIdentificationType.Global; } else { throw new ParseCanceledException(); } var id = new SqlUserIdentifier(type, arg); return(new CreateUserStatement(userName, id)); }
public override SqlExpression VisitTimeStampFunction(PlSqlParser.TimeStampFunctionContext context) { SqlExpression arg; if (context.bind_variable() != null) { arg = SqlExpression.VariableReference(Name.Variable(context.bind_variable())); } else if (context.argString != null) { arg = SqlExpression.Constant(InputString.AsNotQuoted(context.argString)); } else { throw new ParseCanceledException("Invalid argument in a TIMESTAMP implicit function"); } SqlExpression tzArg = null; if (context.tzString != null) { tzArg = SqlExpression.Constant(InputString.AsNotQuoted(context.tzString)); } var args = tzArg != null ? new SqlExpression[] { arg, tzArg } : new SqlExpression[] { arg }; return(SqlExpression.FunctionCall("TOTIMESTAMP", args)); }
public override SqlExpression VisitDateImplicitConvert(PlSqlParser.DateImplicitConvertContext context) { var s = InputString.AsNotQuoted(context.quoted_string()); return(SqlExpression.FunctionCall("CAST", new SqlExpression[] { SqlExpression.Constant(s), SqlExpression.Constant("DATE") })); }
public static string Simple(PlSqlParser.IdContext context) { if (context == null) { return(null); } return(InputString.AsNotQuoted(context.GetText())); }
public override SqlStatement VisitCreateProcedureStatement(PlSqlParser.CreateProcedureStatementContext context) { var procedureName = Name.Object(context.objectName()); bool orReplace = context.OR() != null && context.REPLACE() != null; var body = context.body(); var call = context.callSpec(); RoutineParameter[] parameters = null; if (context.parameter() != null && context.parameter().Length > 0) { parameters = context.parameter().Select(Parameter.Routine).ToArray(); } if (body != null) { var plsqlBody = Visit(body); if (!(plsqlBody is PlSqlBody)) { throw new ParseCanceledException("Invalid procedure body."); } var block = ((PlSqlBody)plsqlBody).AsPlSqlStatement(); var declarationArray = context.declaration(); if (declarationArray != null && declarationArray.Length > 0) { foreach (var declContext in declarationArray) { var declaration = Visit(declContext); block.Declarations.Add(declaration); } } return(new CreateProcedureStatement(procedureName, parameters, block) { ReplaceIfExists = orReplace }); } var typeString = InputString.AsNotQuoted(call.dotnetSpec().typeString.Text); var assemblyToken = InputString.AsNotQuoted(call.dotnetSpec().assemblyString); if (assemblyToken != null) { typeString = String.Format("{0}, {1}", typeString, assemblyToken); } return(new CreateExternalProcedureStatement(procedureName, parameters, typeString)); }
public static ObjectName Object(PlSqlParser.ObjectNameContext context) { if (context == null) { return(null); } var parts = => x.GetText()).ToArray(); var realParts = new List <string>(); foreach (var part in parts) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(part)) { var sp = part.Split('.'); foreach (var s in sp) { realParts.Add(s); } } } parts = realParts.ToArray(); ObjectName name = null; for (int i = 0; i < parts.Length; i++) { var part = InputString.AsNotQuoted(parts[i]); if (name == null) { name = new ObjectName(part); } else { name = new ObjectName(name, part); } } return(name); }
private static SetPasswordAction SetPassword(PlSqlParser.AlterUserIdActionContext context) { string password = null; if (context.byPassword() != null) { password = InputString.AsNotQuoted(context.byPassword().CHAR_STRING().GetText()); } else if (context.externalId() != null) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } else if (context.globalId() != null) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } else { throw new ParseCanceledException(); } return(new SetPasswordAction(SqlExpression.Constant(password))); }
public override SqlExpression VisitConstantString(PlSqlParser.ConstantStringContext context) { var value = InputString.AsNotQuoted(context.quoted_string()); return(SqlExpression.Constant(Field.String(value))); }
public override SqlStatement VisitCreateFunctionStatement(PlSqlParser.CreateFunctionStatementContext context) { var functionName = Name.Object(context.objectName()); bool orReplace = context.OR() != null && context.REPLACE() != null; var body = context.body(); var call = context.callSpec(); SqlType returnType; var returnTypeSpec = context.functionReturnType(); if (returnTypeSpec.TABLE() != null) { returnType = new TabularType(); } else if (returnTypeSpec.DETERMINISTIC() != null) { returnType = Function.DynamicType; } else { var typeInfo = new DataTypeVisitor().Visit(returnTypeSpec.primitive_type()); if (!typeInfo.IsPrimitive) { throw new NotSupportedException(String.Format("The return type of function '{0}' ('{1}') is not primitive.", functionName, typeInfo)); } returnType = PrimitiveTypes.Resolve(typeInfo.TypeName, typeInfo.Metadata); } RoutineParameter[] parameters = null; if (context.parameter() != null && context.parameter().Length > 0) { parameters = context.parameter().Select(Parameter.Routine).ToArray(); } if (body != null) { var functionBody = Visit(body); if (!(functionBody is PlSqlBody)) { throw new ParseCanceledException("Invalid function body."); } var plsqlBody = ((PlSqlBody)functionBody).AsPlSqlStatement(); var declarationArray = context.declaration(); if (declarationArray != null && declarationArray.Length > 0) { foreach (var declContext in declarationArray) { var declaration = Visit(declContext); plsqlBody.Declarations.Add(declaration); } } return(new CreateFunctionStatement(functionName, returnType, parameters, plsqlBody) { ReplaceIfExists = orReplace }); } var typeString = InputString.AsNotQuoted(call.dotnetSpec().typeString.Text); var assemblyToken = InputString.AsNotQuoted(call.dotnetSpec().assemblyString); if (assemblyToken != null) { typeString = String.Format("{0}, {1}", typeString, assemblyToken); } return(new CreateExternalFunctionStatement(functionName, returnType, parameters, typeString)); }
public static SqlTableColumn Form(PlSqlParser.TableColumnContext context, List <ColumnConstraint> constraints) { var columnName = Name.Simple(context.columnName()); var columnType = SqlTypeParser.Parse(context.datatype()); if (columnType == null) { throw new ParseCanceledException("No type was found for table."); } SqlExpression defaultExpression = null; bool identity = false; bool nullable = true; string indexType = null; if (context.IDENTITY() != null) { if (!(columnType is NumericType)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot have an identity column that has not a numeric type"); } identity = true; } else { var columnConstraints = context.columnConstraint(); if (columnConstraints != null && columnConstraints.Length > 0) { foreach (var constraintContext in columnConstraints) { if (constraintContext.PRIMARY() != null) { constraints.Add(new ColumnConstraint { ColumnName = columnName, Type = ConstraintType.PrimaryKey }); } else if (constraintContext.UNIQUE() != null) { constraints.Add(new ColumnConstraint { Type = ConstraintType.Unique, ColumnName = columnName }); } else if (constraintContext.NOT() != null && constraintContext.NULL() != null) { nullable = false; } } } if (context.defaultValuePart() != null) { defaultExpression = Expression.Build(context.defaultValuePart().expression()); } if (context.columnIndex() != null) { var columnIndex = context.columnIndex(); if (columnIndex.BLIST() != null) { indexType = DefaultIndexTypes.InsertSearch; } else if (columnIndex.NONE() != null) { indexType = DefaultIndexTypes.BlindSearch; } else if ( != null) { indexType = Name.Simple(; } else if (columnIndex.CHAR_STRING() != null) { indexType = InputString.AsNotQuoted(columnIndex.CHAR_STRING()); } } } return(new SqlTableColumn(columnName, columnType) { IsNotNull = !nullable, IsIdentity = identity, DefaultExpression = defaultExpression, IndexType = indexType }); }
public override DataTypeInfo VisitString_type(PlSqlParser.String_typeContext context) { string size = null; if (context.numeric() != null) { size = Number.PositiveInteger(context.numeric()).ToString(); } else if (context.MAX() != null) { size = "MAX"; } SqlTypeCode typeCode; if (context.CHAR() != null) { typeCode = SqlTypeCode.Char; } else if (context.VARCHAR() != null) { typeCode = SqlTypeCode.VarChar; } else if (context.STRING() != null) { typeCode = SqlTypeCode.String; } else if (context.CLOB() != null) { typeCode = SqlTypeCode.Clob; } else if (!context.long_varchar().IsEmpty) { typeCode = SqlTypeCode.LongVarChar; } else { throw new ParseCanceledException("Invalid string type"); } string encoding = null; if (context.ENCODING() != null) { encoding = InputString.AsNotQuoted(context.encoding.Text); } string locale = null; if (context.LOCALE() != null) { locale = InputString.AsNotQuoted(context.locale.Text); } var meta = new List <DataTypeMeta>(); if (size != null) { meta.Add(new DataTypeMeta("MaxSize", size)); } if (locale != null) { meta.Add(new DataTypeMeta("Locale", locale)); } if (encoding != null) { meta.Add(new DataTypeMeta("Encoding", encoding)); } return(new DataTypeInfo(typeCode.ToString().ToUpperInvariant(), meta.ToArray())); }