public void ShowStatus(NetworkContext context) { ColumnDesign[] columns = new ColumnDesign[3]; columns[0] = new ColumnDesign("Status"); columns[1] = new ColumnDesign("Service"); columns[2] = new ColumnDesign("Address"); TableRenderer table = new TableRenderer(columns, Out); context.Network.Refresh(); IDictionary<IServiceAddress, string> status_info = null; // Manager servers status, MachineProfile manager = context.Network.ManagerServer; if (manager != null) { ColumnValue[] row = new ColumnValue[3]; row[0] = new ColumnValue("UP"); row[1] = new ColumnValue("Manager"); row[2] = new ColumnValue(manager.Address.ToString()); try { status_info = context.Network.GetBlocksStatus(); } catch (NetworkAdminException e) { Error.WriteLine("Error retrieving manager status info: " + e.Message); } table.AddRow(row); } else { Error.WriteLine("! Manager server not available"); } // Status of root servers MachineProfile[] roots = context.Network.RootServers; if (roots.Length == 0) { Out.WriteLine("! Root servers not available"); } foreach (MachineProfile r in roots) { ColumnValue[] row = new ColumnValue[3]; if (r.HasError) { row[0] = new ColumnValue("DOWN"); } else { row[0] = new ColumnValue("UP"); } row[1] = new ColumnValue("Root"); row[2] = new ColumnValue(r.Address.ToString()); if (r.HasError) { Out.Write(" "); Out.WriteLine(r.ErrorState); } table.AddRow(row); } // The block servers we fetch from the map, List<IServiceAddress> blocks = new List<IServiceAddress>(); if (status_info != null) { foreach (IServiceAddress s in status_info.Keys) { blocks.Add(s); } } else { MachineProfile[] sblocks = context.Network.BlockServers; foreach (MachineProfile b in sblocks) { blocks.Add(b.Address); } } blocks.Sort(); if (blocks.Count == 0) { Out.WriteLine("! Block servers not available"); } foreach (IServiceAddress b in blocks) { ColumnValue[] row = new ColumnValue[3]; if (status_info != null) { String status_str = status_info[b]; if (status_str.Equals("UP")) { // Manager reported up row[0] = new ColumnValue("UP"); } else if (status_str.Equals("DOWN CLIENT REPORT")) { // Manager reported down from client report of error row[0] = new ColumnValue("D-CR"); } else if (status_str.Equals("DOWN HEARTBEAT")) { // Manager reported down from heart beat check on the server row[0] = new ColumnValue("D-HB"); } else if (status_str.Equals("DOWN SHUTDOWN")) { // Manager reported down from shut down request row[0] = new ColumnValue("D-SD"); } else { row[0] = new ColumnValue("?ERR"); } } else { // Try and get status from machine profile MachineProfile r = context.Network.GetMachineProfile(b); if (r.HasError) { row[0] = new ColumnValue("DOWN"); } else { row[0] = new ColumnValue("UP"); } } row[1] = new ColumnValue("Block"); row[2] = new ColumnValue(b.ToString()); table.AddRow(row); } table.CloseTable(); }
private void ShowNetwork(NetworkContext context) { MachineProfile[] profiles = context.Network.MachineProfiles; int managerCount = 0; int rootCount = 0; int blockCount = 0; ColumnDesign[] columns = new ColumnDesign[2]; columns[0] = new ColumnDesign("MRB"); columns[0].Width = 20; columns[1] = new ColumnDesign("Address"); TableRenderer table = new TableRenderer(columns, Out); context.Network.Refresh(); foreach (MachineProfile p in profiles) { if (p.HasError) { ColumnValue[] row = new ColumnValue[2]; row[0] = new ColumnValue(p.ErrorState); row[1] = new ColumnValue(p.Address.ToString()); table.AddRow(row); } else { string mrb = String.Empty; mrb += p.IsManager ? "M" : "."; mrb += p.IsRoot ? "R" : "."; mrb += p.IsBlock ? "B" : "."; ColumnValue[] row = new ColumnValue[2]; row[0] = new ColumnValue(mrb); row[1] = new ColumnValue(p.Address.ToString()); table.AddRow(row); managerCount += p.IsManager ? 1 : 0; rootCount += p.IsRoot ? 1 : 0; blockCount += p.IsBlock ? 1 : 0; } } table.CloseTable(); Out.WriteLine(); if (profiles.Length == 1) { Out.WriteLine("one machine in the network."); } else { Out.WriteLine(profiles.Length + " machines in the network."); } if (managerCount == 0) { Out.Write("none manager"); } else if (managerCount == 1) { Out.Write("one manager"); } else { Out.Write(managerCount + " managers"); } Out.Write(", "); if (rootCount == 0) { Out.Write("none root"); } else if (rootCount == 1) { Out.Write("one root"); } else { Out.Write(rootCount + " roots"); } Out.Write(", "); if (blockCount == 0) { Out.Write("none block"); } else if (blockCount == 1) { Out.Write("one block"); } else { Out.Write(blockCount + " blocks"); } Out.WriteLine(); }
private CommandResultCode ShowPaths(NetworkContext context) { MachineProfile[] roots = context.Network.RootServers; if (roots.Length == 0) { Error.WriteLine("No root servers available on the network."); return CommandResultCode.ExecutionFailed; } context.Network.Refresh(); // For each root server in the network, foreach (MachineProfile root in roots) { IServiceAddress rootService = root.Address; Out.Write("Root server: "); Out.WriteLine(rootService.ToString()); Out.WriteLine(); PathProfile[] paths = context.Network.GetPathsFromRoot(rootService); if (paths.Length == 0) { Out.WriteLine(" [No paths on this root server]"); Out.WriteLine(); } else { ColumnDesign[] columns = new ColumnDesign[3]; columns[0] = new ColumnDesign("Name", ColumnAlignment.Right); columns[1] = new ColumnDesign("Type", ColumnAlignment.Center); columns[2] = new ColumnDesign("Status", ColumnAlignment.Center); TableRenderer table = new TableRenderer(columns, Out); foreach (PathProfile p in paths) { ColumnValue[] row = new ColumnValue[3]; row[0] = new ColumnValue(p.Path); row[1] = new ColumnValue(p.PathType); try { string stats = context.Network.GetPathStats(p.RootAddress, p.Path); if (stats != null) row[2] = new ColumnValue(stats); } catch (NetworkAdminException e) { row[2] = new ColumnValue("ERROR RETRIEVING"); } } table.CloseTable(); } } return CommandResultCode.Success; }
private void ShowFree(NetworkContext context) { // Refresh context.Network.Refresh(); MachineProfile[] machines = context.Network.GetAllMachineProfiles(); if (machines.Length == 0) { Out.WriteLine("No machines in the network."); } else { ColumnDesign[] columns = new ColumnDesign[4]; columns[0] = new ColumnDesign("Machine"); columns[1] = new ColumnDesign("Used Memory"); columns[2] = new ColumnDesign("Used Disk"); columns[3] = new ColumnDesign("Notes"); TableRenderer table = new TableRenderer(columns, Out); foreach (var machine in machines) { ColumnValue[] row = new ColumnValue[4]; if (machine.IsError) { row[3] = new ColumnValue(" ERROR: " + machine.ErrorMessage); } else { row[0] = new ColumnValue(machine.ServiceAddress.ToString()); row[1] = new ColumnValue(MemoryReport(machine.MemoryUsed, machine.MemoryTotal)); row[2] = new ColumnValue(MemoryReport(machine.DiskUsed, machine.DiskTotal)); if (machine.DiskUsed > ((double) machine.DiskTotal*0.85d)) { row[3] = new ColumnValue(" WARNING: Node is close to full - used storage within 85% of total"); } } table.AddRow(row); } table.CloseTable(); } }