internal static double GetVersion(String fileName) { IList <string> tn = new List <string>(CSharpCCGlobals.ToolNames); tn.Add(CSharpCCGlobals.ToolName); string commentHeader = "/* " + CSharpCCGlobals.GetIdString(tn, fileName) + " Version "; string file = Path.Combine(Options.getOutputDirectory().FullName, ReplaceBackslash(fileName)); if (!File.Exists(file)) { // Has not yet been created, so it must be up to date. return(typeof(CSharpCCParser).Assembly.GetName().Version.Major); } TextReader reader = null; try { reader = new StringReader(file); String str; double version = 0.0; // Although the version comment should be the first line, sometimes the // user might have put comments before it. while ((str = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { if (str.StartsWith(commentHeader)) { str = str.Substring(commentHeader.Length); int pos = str.IndexOf(' '); if (pos >= 0) { str = str.Substring(0, pos); } if (str.Length > 0) { try { version = Double.Parse(str, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch (FormatException) { // Ignore - leave version as 0.0 } } break; } } return(version); } catch (IOException) { return(0.0); } finally { if (reader != null) { try { reader.Close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } } }
private static void GenerateFile(string fileName, string templateName, IDictionary <string, object> options, string[] optionNames) { try { string file = Path.Combine(Options.getOutputDirectory().FullName, fileName); OutputFile outputFile = new OutputFile(file, typeof(CSharpFiles).Assembly.GetName().Version.ToString(), optionNames); if (!outputFile.needToWrite) { return; } TextWriter ostr = outputFile.GetTextWriter(); bool nsFound = false; if (CSharpCCGlobals.cu_to_insertion_point_1.Count != 0 && CSharpCCGlobals.cu_to_insertion_point_1[0].kind == CSharpCCParserConstants.NAMESPACE) { for (int i = 1; i < CSharpCCGlobals.cu_to_insertion_point_1.Count; i++) { if (CSharpCCGlobals.cu_to_insertion_point_1[i].kind == CSharpCCParserConstants.SEMICOLON) { CSharpCCGlobals.cline = CSharpCCGlobals.cu_to_insertion_point_1[0].beginLine; CSharpCCGlobals.ccol = CSharpCCGlobals.cu_to_insertion_point_1[0].beginColumn; for (int j = 0; j <= i - 1; j++) { CSharpCCGlobals.PrintToken(CSharpCCGlobals.cu_to_insertion_point_1[j], ostr); } nsFound = true; ostr.WriteLine("{"); ostr.WriteLine(); ostr.WriteLine(); break; } } } CSharpFileGenetor generator = new CSharpFileGenetor(templateName, options); generator.Generate(ostr); if (nsFound) { ostr.WriteLine("}"); } ostr.Close(); } catch (IOException e) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Failed to create " + fileName + ": " + e.Message); CSharpCCErrors.SemanticError("Could not open file " + fileName + " for writing."); throw new InvalidOperationException(); } }
private static void ReInitAll() { Expansion.reInit(); CSharpCCErrors.ReInit(); CSharpCCGlobals.ReInit(); Options.init(); CSharpCCParserInternals.reInit(); RStringLiteral.reInit(); // CSharpFiles.reInit(); LexGen.reInit(); NfaState.reInit(); MatchInfo.reInit(); LookaheadWalk.reInit(); Semanticize.reInit(); ParseGen.reInit(); OtherFilesGen.reInit(); ParseEngine.reInit(); }
public void GenerateNoErrors() { var input = MakeUpGrammar(); SetupOptions(); using (var reader = new StringReader(input)) { var parser = new CSharpCCParser(reader); CSharpCCGlobals.FileName = CSharpCCGlobals.OriginalFileName = ""; parser.csharpcc_input(); CSharpCCGlobals.CreateOutputDir(Options.getOutputDirectory().FullName); Semanticize.start(); ParseGen.start(); LexGen.start(); OtherFilesGen.start(); } Assert.AreEqual(0, CSharpCCErrors.ErrorCount); }
private static String image(MatchInfo m) { String ret = ""; for (int i = 0; i < m.firstFreeLoc; i++) { if (m.match[i] == 0) { ret += " <EOF>"; } else { RegularExpression re = (RegularExpression)CSharpCCGlobals.rexps_of_tokens[m.match[i]]; if (re is RStringLiteral) { ret += " \"" + CSharpCCGlobals.AddEscapes(((RStringLiteral)re).Image) + "\""; } else if (re.Label != null && !re.Label.Equals("")) { ret += " <" + re.Label + ">"; } else { ret += " <token of kind " + i + ">"; } } } if (m.firstFreeLoc == 0) { return(""); } else { return(ret.Substring(1)); } }
public static void start() { Token t = null; if (CSharpCCErrors.ErrorCount != 0) { throw new MetaParseException(); } if (Options.getBuildParser()) { try { ostr = new StreamWriter( new BufferedStream( new FileStream(Path.Combine(Options.getOutputDirectory().FullName, CSharpCCGlobals.cu_name + ".cs"), FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write), 8192)); } catch (IOException e) { CSharpCCErrors.SemanticError("Could not open file " + CSharpCCGlobals.cu_name + ".cs for writing."); throw new InvalidOperationException(); } IList <string> tn = new List <string>(CSharpCCGlobals.ToolNames); tn.Add(CSharpCCGlobals.ToolName); ostr.WriteLine("// " + CSharpCCGlobals.GetIdString(tn, CSharpCCGlobals.cu_name + ".cs")); bool implementsExists = false; bool namespaceInserted = false, namespaceFound = false; if (CSharpCCGlobals.cu_to_insertion_point_1.Count != 0) { CSharpCCGlobals.PrintTokenSetup(CSharpCCGlobals.cu_to_insertion_point_1[0]); CSharpCCGlobals.ccol = 1; foreach (Token token in CSharpCCGlobals.cu_to_insertion_point_1) { t = token; if (t.kind == CSharpCCParserConstants.COLON) { implementsExists = true; } else if (t.kind == CSharpCCParserConstants.CLASS) { implementsExists = false; } if (t.kind == CSharpCCParserConstants.NAMESPACE) { namespaceFound = true; } if (t.kind == CSharpCCParserConstants.SEMICOLON) { if (namespaceFound) { namespaceFound = false; namespaceInserted = true; ostr.WriteLine(" {"); } else { CSharpCCGlobals.PrintToken(t, ostr); } } else { CSharpCCGlobals.PrintToken(t, ostr); } } } ostr.Write(" : "); ostr.Write(CSharpCCGlobals.cu_name + "Constants "); if (implementsExists) { ostr.Write(", "); } if (CSharpCCGlobals.cu_to_insertion_point_2.Count != 0) { CSharpCCGlobals.PrintTokenSetup(CSharpCCGlobals.cu_to_insertion_point_2[0]); foreach (Token token in CSharpCCGlobals.cu_to_insertion_point_2) { t = token; CSharpCCGlobals.PrintToken(t, ostr); } } ostr.WriteLine(""); ostr.WriteLine("");; if (Options.getStatic()) { ostr.WriteLine(" private static bool cc_initialized_once = false;"); } if (Options.getUserTokenManager()) { ostr.WriteLine(" /** User defined Token Manager. */"); ostr.WriteLine(" public " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + " ITokenManager tokenSource;"); } else { ostr.WriteLine(" /** Generated Token Manager. */"); ostr.WriteLine(" public " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + " " + CSharpCCGlobals.cu_name + "TokenManager tokenSource;"); if (!Options.getUserCharStream()) { if (Options.getUnicodeEscape()) { ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + "UnicodeCharStream cc_inputStream;"); } else { ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + "SimpleCharStream cc_inputStream;"); } } } ostr.WriteLine(" /// <summary>Current token.</summary>"); ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + "public Token token;"); ostr.WriteLine(" /// <summary> Next token.</summary>"); ostr.WriteLine(" public " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + "Token cc_nt;"); if (!Options.getCacheTokens()) { ostr.WriteLine(" private " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + "int cc_ntKind;"); } if (CSharpCCGlobals.cc2index != 0) { ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + "private Token cc_scanpos, cc_lastpos;"); ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + "private int cc_la;"); if (CSharpCCGlobals.lookaheadNeeded) { ostr.WriteLine(" /** Whether we are looking ahead. */"); ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + "private bool cc_lookingAhead = false;"); ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + "private bool cc_semLA;"); } } if (Options.getErrorReporting()) { ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + "private int cc_gen;"); ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + " private readonly int[] cc_la1 = new int[" + CSharpCCGlobals.maskindex + "];"); int tokenMaskSize = (CSharpCCGlobals.tokenCount - 1) / 32 + 1; for (int i = 0; i < tokenMaskSize; i++) { ostr.WriteLine(" static private int[] cc_la1_" + i + ";"); } ostr.WriteLine(" static " + CSharpCCGlobals.cu_name + "() { "); for (int i = 0; i < tokenMaskSize; i++) { ostr.WriteLine(" cc_la1_init_" + i + "();"); } ostr.WriteLine(" }"); for (int i = 0; i < tokenMaskSize; i++) { ostr.WriteLine(" private static void cc_la1_init_" + i + "() {"); ostr.Write(" cc_la1_" + i + " = new int[] {"); foreach (int[] tokenMask in CSharpCCGlobals.maskVals) { ostr.Write(tokenMask[i] + ","); } ostr.WriteLine("};"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); } } if (CSharpCCGlobals.cc2index != 0 && Options.getErrorReporting()) { ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + "readonly private CCCalls[] cc_2_rtns = new CCCalls[" + CSharpCCGlobals.cc2index + "];"); ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + "private bool cc_rescan = false;"); ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + "private int cc_gc = 0;"); } ostr.WriteLine(""); if (!Options.getUserTokenManager()) { if (Options.getUserCharStream()) { ostr.WriteLine(" /// Constructor with user supplied ICharStream."); ostr.WriteLine(" public " + CSharpCCGlobals.cu_name + "(ICharStream stream) {"); if (Options.getStatic()) { ostr.WriteLine(" if (cc_initialized_once) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" Console.Out.WriteLine(\"ERROR: Second call to constructor of static parser. \");"); ostr.WriteLine(" Console.Out.WriteLine(\" You must either use ReInit() " + "or set the CSharpCC option STATIC to false\");"); ostr.WriteLine(" Console.Out.WriteLine(\" during parser generation.\");"); ostr.WriteLine(" throw new InvalidOperationException();"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(" cc_initialized_once = true;"); } if (Options.getTokenManagerUsesParser() && !Options.getStatic()) { ostr.WriteLine(" tokenSource = new " + CSharpCCGlobals.cu_name + "TokenManager(this, stream);"); } else { ostr.WriteLine(" tokenSource = new " + CSharpCCGlobals.cu_name + "TokenManager(stream);"); } ostr.WriteLine(" token = new Token();"); if (Options.getCacheTokens()) { ostr.WriteLine(" token.Next = cc_nt = tokenSource.GetNextToken();"); } else { ostr.WriteLine(" cc_ntKind = -1;"); } if (Options.getErrorReporting()) { ostr.WriteLine(" cc_gen = 0;"); ostr.WriteLine(" for (int i = 0; i < " + CSharpCCGlobals.maskindex + "; i++) cc_la1[i] = -1;"); if (CSharpCCGlobals.cc2index != 0) { ostr.WriteLine(" for (int i = 0; i < cc_2_rtns.Length; i++) cc_2_rtns[i] = new CCCalls();"); } } ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(""); ostr.WriteLine(" /** Reinitialise. */"); ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + "public void ReInit(ICharStream stream) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" tokenSource.ReInit(stream);"); ostr.WriteLine(" token = new Token();"); if (Options.getCacheTokens()) { ostr.WriteLine(" token.Next = cc_nt = tokenSource.GetNextToken();"); } else { ostr.WriteLine(" cc_ntKind = -1;"); } if (CSharpCCGlobals.lookaheadNeeded) { ostr.WriteLine(" cc_lookingAhead = false;"); } if (CSharpCCGlobals.TreeGenerated) { ostr.WriteLine(" ccTree.Reset();"); } if (Options.getErrorReporting()) { ostr.WriteLine(" cc_gen = 0;"); ostr.WriteLine(" for (int i = 0; i < " + CSharpCCGlobals.maskindex + "; i++) cc_la1[i] = -1;"); if (CSharpCCGlobals.cc2index != 0) { ostr.WriteLine(" for (int i = 0; i < cc_2_rtns.Length; i++) cc_2_rtns[i] = new CCCalls();"); } } ostr.WriteLine(" }"); } else { ostr.WriteLine(" /// Constructor with Stream."); ostr.WriteLine(" public " + CSharpCCGlobals.cu_name + "(System.IO.Stream stream)"); ostr.WriteLine(" : this(stream, null) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(" /// Constructor with Stream and supplied encoding"); ostr.WriteLine(" public " + CSharpCCGlobals.cu_name + "(System.IO.Stream stream, System.Text.Encoding encoding) {"); if (Options.getStatic()) { ostr.WriteLine(" if (cc_initialized_once) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" Console.Out.WriteLine(\"ERROR: Second call to constructor of static parser. \");"); ostr.WriteLine(" Console.Out.WriteLine(\" You must either use ReInit() or " + "set the CSharpCC option STATIC to false\");"); ostr.WriteLine(" Console.Out.WriteLine(\" during parser generation.\");"); ostr.WriteLine(" throw new InvalidOperationException();"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(" cc_initialized_once = true;"); } if (Options.getUnicodeEscape()) { ostr.WriteLine(" cc_inputStream = new UnicodeCharStream(stream, encoding, 1, 1);"); } else { ostr.WriteLine(" cc_inputStream = new SimpleCharStream(stream, encoding, 1, 1);"); } if (Options.getTokenManagerUsesParser() && !Options.getStatic()) { ostr.WriteLine(" tokenSource = new " + CSharpCCGlobals.cu_name + "TokenManager(this, cc_inputStream);"); } else { ostr.WriteLine(" tokenSource = new " + CSharpCCGlobals.cu_name + "TokenManager(cc_inputStream);"); } ostr.WriteLine(" token = new Token();"); if (Options.getCacheTokens()) { ostr.WriteLine(" token.Next = cc_nt = tokenSource.GetNextToken();"); } else { ostr.WriteLine(" cc_ntKind = -1;"); } if (Options.getErrorReporting()) { ostr.WriteLine(" cc_gen = 0;"); ostr.WriteLine(" for (int i = 0; i < " + CSharpCCGlobals.maskindex + "; i++) cc_la1[i] = -1;"); if (CSharpCCGlobals.cc2index != 0) { ostr.WriteLine(" for (int i = 0; i < cc_2_rtns.Length; i++) cc_2_rtns[i] = new CCCalls();"); } } ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(""); ostr.WriteLine(" /// Reinitialise."); ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + "public void ReInit(System.IO.Stream stream) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" ReInit(stream, null);"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(" /// Reinitialise."); ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + "public void ReInit(System.IO.Stream stream, System.Text.Encoding encoding) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" cc_inputStream.ReInit(stream, encoding, 1, 1);"); ostr.WriteLine(" tokenSource.ReInit(cc_inputStream);"); ostr.WriteLine(" token = new Token();"); if (Options.getCacheTokens()) { ostr.WriteLine(" token.Next = cc_nt = tokenSource.GetNextToken();"); } else { ostr.WriteLine(" cc_ntKind = -1;"); } if (CSharpCCGlobals.TreeGenerated) { ostr.WriteLine(" ccTree.Reset();"); } if (Options.getErrorReporting()) { ostr.WriteLine(" cc_gen = 0;"); ostr.WriteLine(" for (int i = 0; i < " + CSharpCCGlobals.maskindex + "; i++) cc_la1[i] = -1;"); if (CSharpCCGlobals.cc2index != 0) { ostr.WriteLine(" for (int i = 0; i < cc_2_rtns.Length; i++) cc_2_rtns[i] = new CCCalls();"); } } ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(""); ostr.WriteLine(" /// Constructor."); ostr.WriteLine(" public " + CSharpCCGlobals.cu_name + "(System.IO.TextReader reader) {"); if (Options.getStatic()) { ostr.WriteLine(" if (cc_initialized_once) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" Console.Out.WriteLine(\"ERROR: Second call to constructor of static parser. \");"); ostr.WriteLine(" Console.Out.WriteLine(\" You must either use ReInit() or " + "set the CSharpCC option STATIC to false\");"); ostr.WriteLine(" Console.Out.WriteLine(\" during parser generation.\");"); ostr.WriteLine(" throw new InvalidOperationException();"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(" cc_initialized_once = true;"); } if (Options.getUnicodeEscape()) { ostr.WriteLine(" cc_inputStream = new UnicodeCharStream(reader, 1, 1);"); } else { ostr.WriteLine(" cc_inputStream = new SimpleCharStream(reader, 1, 1);"); } if (Options.getTokenManagerUsesParser() && !Options.getStatic()) { ostr.WriteLine(" tokenSource = new " + CSharpCCGlobals.cu_name + "TokenManager(this, cc_inputStream);"); } else { ostr.WriteLine(" tokenSource = new " + CSharpCCGlobals.cu_name + "TokenManager(cc_inputStream);"); } ostr.WriteLine(" token = new Token();"); if (Options.getCacheTokens()) { ostr.WriteLine(" token.Next = cc_nt = tokenSource.GetNextToken();"); } else { ostr.WriteLine(" cc_ntKind = -1;"); } if (Options.getErrorReporting()) { ostr.WriteLine(" cc_gen = 0;"); ostr.WriteLine(" for (int i = 0; i < " + CSharpCCGlobals.maskindex + "; i++) cc_la1[i] = -1;"); if (CSharpCCGlobals.cc2index != 0) { ostr.WriteLine(" for (int i = 0; i < cc_2_rtns.Length; i++) cc_2_rtns[i] = new CCCalls();"); } } ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(""); ostr.WriteLine(" /// Reinitialise."); ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + "public void ReInit(System.IO.TextReader reader) {"); if (Options.getUnicodeEscape()) { ostr.WriteLine(" cc_inputStream.ReInit(reader, 1, 1);"); } else { ostr.WriteLine(" cc_inputStream.ReInit(reader, 1, 1);"); } ostr.WriteLine(" tokenSource.ReInit(cc_inputStream);"); ostr.WriteLine(" token = new Token();"); if (Options.getCacheTokens()) { ostr.WriteLine(" = cc_nt = tokenSource.GetNextToken();"); } else { ostr.WriteLine(" cc_ntKind = -1;"); } if (CSharpCCGlobals.TreeGenerated) { ostr.WriteLine(" ccTree.Reset();"); } if (Options.getErrorReporting()) { ostr.WriteLine(" cc_gen = 0;"); ostr.WriteLine(" for (int i = 0; i < " + CSharpCCGlobals.maskindex + "; i++) cc_la1[i] = -1;"); if (CSharpCCGlobals.cc2index != 0) { ostr.WriteLine(" for (int i = 0; i < cc_2_rtns.Length; i++) cc_2_rtns[i] = new CCCalls();"); } } ostr.WriteLine(" }"); } } ostr.WriteLine(""); if (Options.getUserTokenManager()) { ostr.WriteLine(" /** Constructor with user supplied Token Manager. */"); ostr.WriteLine(" public " + CSharpCCGlobals.cu_name + "(ITokenManager tm) {"); } else { ostr.WriteLine(" /** Constructor with generated Token Manager. */"); ostr.WriteLine(" public " + CSharpCCGlobals.cu_name + "(" + CSharpCCGlobals.cu_name + "TokenManager tm) {"); } if (Options.getStatic()) { ostr.WriteLine(" if (cc_initialized_once) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" Console.Out.WriteLine(\"ERROR: Second call to constructor of static parser. \");"); ostr.WriteLine(" Console.Out.WriteLine(\" You must either use ReInit() or " + "set the JavaCC option STATIC to false\");"); ostr.WriteLine(" Console.Out.WriteLine(\" during parser generation.\");"); ostr.WriteLine(" throw new InvalidOperationException();"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(" cc_initialized_once = true;"); } ostr.WriteLine(" tokenSource = tm;"); ostr.WriteLine(" token = new Token();"); if (Options.getCacheTokens()) { ostr.WriteLine(" token.Next = cc_nt = tokenSource.GetNextToken();"); } else { ostr.WriteLine(" cc_ntKind = -1;"); } if (Options.getErrorReporting()) { ostr.WriteLine(" cc_gen = 0;"); ostr.WriteLine(" for (int i = 0; i < " + CSharpCCGlobals.maskindex + "; i++) cc_la1[i] = -1;"); if (CSharpCCGlobals.cc2index != 0) { ostr.WriteLine(" for (int i = 0; i < cc_2_rtns.Length; i++) cc_2_rtns[i] = new CCCalls();"); } } ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(""); if (Options.getUserTokenManager()) { ostr.WriteLine(" /** Reinitialise. */"); ostr.WriteLine(" public void ReInit(ITokenManager tm) {"); } else { ostr.WriteLine(" /** Reinitialise. */"); ostr.WriteLine(" public void ReInit(" + CSharpCCGlobals.cu_name + "TokenManager tm) {"); } ostr.WriteLine(" tokenSource = tm;"); ostr.WriteLine(" token = new Token();"); if (Options.getCacheTokens()) { ostr.WriteLine(" = cc_nt = tokenSource.GetNextToken();"); } else { ostr.WriteLine(" cc_ntKind = -1;"); } if (CSharpCCGlobals.TreeGenerated) { ostr.WriteLine(" ccTree.reset();"); } if (Options.getErrorReporting()) { ostr.WriteLine(" cc_gen = 0;"); ostr.WriteLine(" for (int i = 0; i < " + CSharpCCGlobals.maskindex + "; i++) cc_la1[i] = -1;"); if (CSharpCCGlobals.cc2index != 0) { ostr.WriteLine(" for (int i = 0; i < cc_2_rtns.length; i++) cc_2_rtns[i] = new CCCalls();"); } } ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(""); ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + "private Token cc_consume_token(int kind) {"); if (Options.getCacheTokens()) { ostr.WriteLine(" Token oldToken = token;"); ostr.WriteLine(" if ((token = cc_nt).Next != null) cc_nt = cc_nt.Next;"); ostr.WriteLine(" else cc_nt = cc_nt.Next = tokenSource.GetNextToken();"); } else { ostr.WriteLine(" Token oldToken;"); ostr.WriteLine(" if ((oldToken = token).Next != null) token = token.Next;"); ostr.WriteLine(" else token = token.Next = tokenSource.GetNextToken();"); ostr.WriteLine(" cc_ntKind = -1;"); } ostr.WriteLine(" if (token.Kind == kind) {"); if (Options.getErrorReporting()) { ostr.WriteLine(" cc_gen++;"); if (CSharpCCGlobals.cc2index != 0) { ostr.WriteLine(" if (++cc_gc > 100) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" cc_gc = 0;"); ostr.WriteLine(" for (int i = 0; i < cc_2_rtns.length; i++) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" CCCalls c = cc_2_rtns[i];"); ostr.WriteLine(" while (c != null) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" if (c.gen < cc_gen) c.first = null;"); ostr.WriteLine(" c =;"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); } } if (Options.getDebugParser()) { ostr.WriteLine(" trace_token(token, \"\");"); } ostr.WriteLine(" return token;"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); if (Options.getCacheTokens()) { ostr.WriteLine(" cc_nt = token;"); } ostr.WriteLine(" token = oldToken;"); if (Options.getErrorReporting()) { ostr.WriteLine(" cc_kind = kind;"); } ostr.WriteLine(" throw GenerateParseException();"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(""); if (CSharpCCGlobals.cc2index != 0) { ostr.WriteLine(" private sealed class LookaheadSuccess : System.Exception { }"); ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + "readonly private LookaheadSuccess cc_ls = new LookaheadSuccess();"); ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + "private bool cc_scan_token(int kind) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" if (cc_scanpos == cc_lastpos) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" cc_la--;"); ostr.WriteLine(" if (cc_scanpos.Next == null) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" cc_lastpos = cc_scanpos = cc_scanpos.Next = tokenSource.GetNextToken();"); ostr.WriteLine(" } else {"); ostr.WriteLine(" cc_lastpos = cc_scanpos = cc_scanpos.Next;"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(" } else {"); ostr.WriteLine(" cc_scanpos = cc_scanpos.Next;"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); if (Options.getErrorReporting()) { ostr.WriteLine(" if (cc_rescan) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" int i = 0; Token tok = token;"); ostr.WriteLine(" while (tok != null && tok != cc_scanpos) { i++; tok =; }"); ostr.WriteLine(" if (tok != null) cc_add_error_token(kind, i);"); if (Options.getDebugLookahead()) { ostr.WriteLine(" } else {"); ostr.WriteLine(" trace_scan(cc_scanpos, kind);"); } ostr.WriteLine(" }"); } else if (Options.getDebugLookahead()) { ostr.WriteLine(" trace_scan(cc_scanpos, kind);"); } ostr.WriteLine(" if (cc_scanpos.kind != kind) return true;"); ostr.WriteLine(" if (cc_la == 0 && cc_scanpos == cc_lastpos) throw cc_ls;"); ostr.WriteLine(" return false;"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(""); } ostr.WriteLine(""); ostr.WriteLine("/** Get the next Token. */"); ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + " public Token GetNextToken() {"); if (Options.getCacheTokens()) { ostr.WriteLine(" if ((token = cc_nt).Next != null) cc_nt =;"); ostr.WriteLine(" else cc_nt = cc_nt.Next = tokenSource.GetNextToken();"); } else { ostr.WriteLine(" if (token.Next != null) token = token.Next;"); ostr.WriteLine(" else token = token.Next = tokenSource.GetNextToken();"); ostr.WriteLine(" cc_ntKind = -1;"); } if (Options.getErrorReporting()) { ostr.WriteLine(" cc_gen++;"); } if (Options.getDebugParser()) { ostr.WriteLine(" trace_token(token, \" (in GetNextToken)\");"); } ostr.WriteLine(" return token;"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(""); ostr.WriteLine("/** Get the specific Token. */"); ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + " public Token GetToken(int index) {"); if (CSharpCCGlobals.lookaheadNeeded) { ostr.WriteLine(" Token t = cc_lookingAhead ? cc_scanpos : token;"); } else { ostr.WriteLine(" Token t = token;"); } ostr.WriteLine(" for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" if (t.Next != null) t = t.Next;"); ostr.WriteLine(" else t = t.Next = tokenSource.GetNextToken();"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(" return t;"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(""); if (!Options.getCacheTokens()) { ostr.WriteLine(" private " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + "int cc_ntk() {"); ostr.WriteLine(" if ((cc_nt=token.Next) == null)"); ostr.WriteLine(" return (cc_ntKind = (token.Next = tokenSource.GetNextToken()).Kind);"); ostr.WriteLine(" else"); ostr.WriteLine(" return (cc_ntKind = cc_nt.Kind);"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(""); } if (Options.getErrorReporting()) { if (!Options.getGenerateGenerics()) { ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + "private System.Collections.IList cc_expentries = new System.Collections.ArrayList();"); } else { ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + "private System.Collections.Generic.IList<int[]> cc_expentries = new System.Collections.Generic.List<int[]>();"); } ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + "private int[] cc_expentry;"); ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + "private int cc_kind = -1;"); if (CSharpCCGlobals.cc2index != 0) { ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + "private int[] cc_lasttokens = new int[100];"); ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + "private int cc_endpos;"); ostr.WriteLine(""); ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + "private void cc_add_error_token(int kind, int pos) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" if (pos >= 100) return;"); ostr.WriteLine(" if (pos == cc_endpos + 1) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" cc_lasttokens[cc_endpos++] = kind;"); ostr.WriteLine(" } else if (cc_endpos != 0) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" cc_expentry = new int[cc_endpos];"); ostr.WriteLine(" for (int i = 0; i < cc_endpos; i++) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" cc_expentry[i] = cc_lasttokens[i];"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(" foreach (int[] oldentry in cc_expentries) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" if (oldentry.length == cc_expentry.length) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" for (int i = 0; i < cc_expentry.length; i++) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" if (oldentry[i] != cc_expentry[i]) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" goto cc_entries_loop;"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(" cc_expentries.add(cc_expentry);"); ostr.WriteLine(" goto cc_entries_loop;"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(" cc_entries_loop:;"); ostr.WriteLine(" if (pos != 0) cc_lasttokens[(cc_endpos = pos) - 1] = kind;"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); } ostr.WriteLine(""); ostr.WriteLine(" /** Generate ParseException. */"); ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + "public ParseException GenerateParseException() {"); ostr.WriteLine(" cc_expentries.Clear();"); ostr.WriteLine(" bool[] la1tokens = new bool[" + CSharpCCGlobals.tokenCount + "];"); ostr.WriteLine(" if (cc_kind >= 0) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" la1tokens[cc_kind] = true;"); ostr.WriteLine(" cc_kind = -1;"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(" for (int i = 0; i < " + CSharpCCGlobals.maskindex + "; i++) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" if (cc_la1[i] == cc_gen) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" for (int j = 0; j < 32; j++) {"); for (int i = 0; i < (CSharpCCGlobals.tokenCount - 1) / 32 + 1; i++) { ostr.WriteLine(" if ((cc_la1_" + i + "[i] & (1<<j)) != 0) {"); ostr.Write(" la1tokens["); if (i != 0) { ostr.Write((32 * i) + "+"); } ostr.WriteLine("j] = true;"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); } ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(" for (int i = 0; i < " + CSharpCCGlobals.tokenCount + "; i++) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" if (la1tokens[i]) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" cc_expentry = new int[1];"); ostr.WriteLine(" cc_expentry[0] = i;"); ostr.WriteLine(" cc_expentries.Add(cc_expentry);"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); if (CSharpCCGlobals.cc2index != 0) { ostr.WriteLine(" cc_endpos = 0;"); ostr.WriteLine(" cc_rescan_token();"); ostr.WriteLine(" cc_add_error_token(0, 0);"); } ostr.WriteLine(" int[][] exptokseq = new int[cc_expentries.Count][];"); ostr.WriteLine(" for (int i = 0; i < cc_expentries.Count; i++) {"); if (!Options.getGenerateGenerics()) { ostr.WriteLine(" exptokseq[i] = (int[])cc_expentries[i];"); } else { ostr.WriteLine(" exptokseq[i] = cc_expentries[i];"); } ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(" return new ParseException(token, exptokseq, TokenImage);"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); } else { ostr.WriteLine(" /** Generate ParseException. */"); ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + "public ParseException GenerateParseException() {"); ostr.WriteLine(" Token errortok = token.Next;"); if (Options.getKeepLineColumn()) { ostr.WriteLine(" int line = errortok.BeginLine, column = errortok.BeginColumn;"); } ostr.WriteLine(" string mess = (errortok.Kind == 0) ? TokenImage[0] : errortok.Image;"); if (Options.getKeepLineColumn()) { ostr.WriteLine(" return new ParseException(" + "\"Parse error at line \" + line + \", column \" + column + \". " + "Encountered: \" + mess);"); } else { ostr.WriteLine(" return new ParseException(\"Parse error at <unknown location>. " + "Encountered: \" + mess);"); } ostr.WriteLine(" }"); } ostr.WriteLine(""); if (Options.getDebugParser()) { ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + "private int trace_indent = 0;"); ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + "private bool trace_enabled = true;"); ostr.WriteLine(""); ostr.WriteLine("/** Enable tracing. */"); ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + " public void enable_tracing() {"); ostr.WriteLine(" trace_enabled = true;"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(""); ostr.WriteLine("/** Disable tracing. */"); ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + " public void disable_tracing() {"); ostr.WriteLine(" trace_enabled = false;"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(""); ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + "private void trace_call(string s) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" if (trace_enabled) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" for (int i = 0; i < trace_indent; i++) { Console.Out.Write(\" \"); }"); ostr.WriteLine(" Console.Out.WriteLine(\"Call: \" + s);"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(" trace_indent = trace_indent + 2;"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(""); ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + "private void trace_return(string s) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" trace_indent = trace_indent - 2;"); ostr.WriteLine(" if (trace_enabled) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" for (int i = 0; i < trace_indent; i++) { Console.Out.Write(\" \"); }"); ostr.WriteLine(" Console.Out.WriteLine(\"Return: \" + s);"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(""); ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + "private void trace_token(Token t, string loc) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" if (trace_enabled) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" for (int i = 0; i < trace_indent; i++) { Console.Out.Write(\" \"); }"); ostr.WriteLine(" Console.Out.Write(\"Consumed token: <\" + tokenImage[t.Kind]);"); ostr.WriteLine(" if (t.Kind != 0 && !tokenImage[t.Kind].Equals(\"\\\"\" + t.Image + \"\\\"\")) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" Console.Out.Write(\": \\\"\" + t.Image + \"\\\"\");"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(" Console.Out.WriteLine(\" at line \" + t.BeginLine + " + "\" column \" + t.BeginColumn + \">\" + loc);"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(""); ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + "private void trace_scan(Token t1, int t2) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" if (trace_enabled) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" for (int i = 0; i < trace_indent; i++) { Console.Out.Write(\" \"); }"); ostr.WriteLine(" Console.Out.Write(\"Visited token: <\" + tokenImage[t1.kind]);"); ostr.WriteLine(" if (t1.Kind != 0 && !tokenImage[t1.Kind].Equals(\"\\\"\" + t1.Image + \"\\\"\")) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" Console.Out.Write(\": \\\"\" + t1.Image + \"\\\"\");"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(" Console.Out.WriteLine(\" at line \" + t1.BeginLine + \"" + " column \" + t1.BeginColumn + \">; Expected token: <\" + tokenImage[t2] + \">\");"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(""); } else { ostr.WriteLine(" /** Enable tracing. */"); ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + "public void enable_tracing() {"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(""); ostr.WriteLine(" /** Disable tracing. */"); ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + "public void disable_tracing() {"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(""); } if (CSharpCCGlobals.cc2index != 0 && Options.getErrorReporting()) { ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + "private void cc_rescan_token() {"); ostr.WriteLine(" cc_rescan = true;"); ostr.WriteLine(" for (int i = 0; i < " + CSharpCCGlobals.cc2index + "; i++) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" try {"); ostr.WriteLine(" CCCalls p = cc_2_rtns[i];"); ostr.WriteLine(" do {"); ostr.WriteLine(" if (p.gen > cc_gen) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" cc_la = p.arg; cc_lastpos = cc_scanpos = p.first;"); ostr.WriteLine(" switch (i) {"); for (int i = 0; i < CSharpCCGlobals.cc2index; i++) { ostr.WriteLine(" case " + i + ": cc_3_" + (i + 1) + "(); break;"); } ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(" p =;"); ostr.WriteLine(" } while (p != null);"); ostr.WriteLine(" } catch(LookaheadSuccess) { }"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(" cc_rescan = false;"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(""); ostr.WriteLine(" " + CSharpCCGlobals.staticOpt() + "private void cc_save(int index, int xla) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" CCCalls p = cc_2_rtns[index];"); ostr.WriteLine(" while (p.gen > cc_gen) {"); ostr.WriteLine(" if ( == null) { p = = new CCCalls(); break; }"); ostr.WriteLine(" p =;"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(" p.gen = cc_gen + xla - cc_la; p.first = token; p.arg = xla;"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(""); } if (CSharpCCGlobals.cc2index != 0 && Options.getErrorReporting()) { ostr.WriteLine(" sealed class CCCalls {"); ostr.WriteLine(" public int gen;"); ostr.WriteLine(" public Token first;"); ostr.WriteLine(" public int arg;"); ostr.WriteLine(" public CCCalls next;"); ostr.WriteLine(" }"); ostr.WriteLine(""); } if (CSharpCCGlobals.cu_from_insertion_point_2.Count != 0) { CSharpCCGlobals.PrintTokenSetup(CSharpCCGlobals.cu_from_insertion_point_2[0]); CSharpCCGlobals.ccol = 1; foreach (Token token in CSharpCCGlobals.cu_from_insertion_point_2) { t = token; CSharpCCGlobals.PrintToken(t, ostr); } CSharpCCGlobals.PrintTrailingComments(t, ostr); } ostr.WriteLine(""); if (namespaceInserted) { ostr.WriteLine("}"); } ostr.Close(); } // matches "if (Options.getBuildParser())" }
public static void start() { Token t = null; keepLineCol = Options.getKeepLineColumn(); if (CSharpCCErrors.ErrorCount != 0) { throw new MetaParseException(); } CSharpFiles.GenerateTokenManagerError(); CSharpFiles.GenerateParseException(); CSharpFiles.GenerateToken(); if (Options.getUserTokenManager()) { CSharpFiles.GenerateITokenManager(); } else if (Options.getUserCharStream()) { CSharpFiles.GenerateICharStream(); } else { if (Options.getUnicodeEscape()) { CSharpFiles.GenerateUnicodeCharStream(); } else { CSharpFiles.GenerateSimpleCharStream(); } } try { ostr = new StreamWriter( new BufferedStream( new FileStream(Path.Combine(Options.getOutputDirectory().FullName, CSharpCCGlobals.cu_name + "Constants.cs"), FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write), 8192)); } catch (IOException) { CSharpCCErrors.SemanticError("Could not open file " + CSharpCCGlobals.cu_name + "Constants.cs for writing."); throw new InvalidOperationException(); } List <string> tn = new List <string>(CSharpCCGlobals.ToolNames); tn.Add(CSharpCCGlobals.ToolName); ostr.WriteLine("/* " + CSharpCCGlobals.GetIdString(tn, CSharpCCGlobals.cu_name + "Constants.cs") + " */"); bool namespaceInserted = false; if (CSharpCCGlobals.cu_to_insertion_point_1.Count != 0 && CSharpCCGlobals.cu_to_insertion_point_1[0].kind == CSharpCCParserConstants.NAMESPACE) { namespaceInserted = true; for (int i = 1; i < CSharpCCGlobals.cu_to_insertion_point_1.Count; i++) { if (CSharpCCGlobals.cu_to_insertion_point_1[i].kind == CSharpCCParserConstants.SEMICOLON) { CSharpCCGlobals.PrintTokenSetup(CSharpCCGlobals.cu_to_insertion_point_1[0]); for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) { t = (CSharpCCGlobals.cu_to_insertion_point_1[j]); if (t.kind != CSharpCCParserConstants.SEMICOLON) { CSharpCCGlobals.PrintToken(t, ostr); } } CSharpCCGlobals.PrintTrailingComments(t, ostr); break; } } ostr.WriteLine("{"); } ostr.WriteLine(""); ostr.WriteLine("/// <summary>"); ostr.WriteLine("/// Token literal values and constants."); ostr.WriteLine("/// <summary>"); if (Options.getSupportClassVisibilityPublic()) { ostr.Write("public "); } ostr.WriteLine("class " + CSharpCCGlobals.cu_name + "Constants {"); ostr.WriteLine(""); ostr.WriteLine(" /// <summary> End of File</summary>"); ostr.WriteLine(" public const int EOF = 0;"); foreach (RegularExpression re in CSharpCCGlobals.ordered_named_tokens) { ostr.WriteLine(" /// <summary>RegularExpression Id.</summary>"); ostr.WriteLine(" public const int " + re.Label + " = " + re.Ordinal + ";"); } ostr.WriteLine(""); if (!Options.getUserTokenManager() && Options.getBuildTokenManager()) { for (int i = 0; i < LexGen.lexStateName.Length; i++) { ostr.WriteLine(" /// <summary>Lexical state.</summary>"); ostr.WriteLine(" public const int " + LexGen.lexStateName[i] + " = " + i + ";"); } ostr.WriteLine(""); } ostr.WriteLine(" /// <summary>Literal token values.</summary>"); ostr.WriteLine(" public static readonly string[] TokenImage = {"); ostr.WriteLine(" \"<EOF>\","); foreach (TokenProduction tp in CSharpCCGlobals.rexprlist) { IList <RegExprSpec> respecs = tp.RegexSpecs; foreach (RegExprSpec res in respecs) { RegularExpression re = res.RegularExpression; if (re is RStringLiteral) { ostr.WriteLine(" \"\\\"" + CSharpCCGlobals.AddEscapes(CSharpCCGlobals.AddEscapes(((RStringLiteral)re).Image)) + "\\\"\","); } else if (!re.Label.Equals("")) { ostr.WriteLine(" \"<" + re.Label + ">\","); } else { if (re.TokenProductionContext.Kind == TokenProduction.TOKEN) { CSharpCCErrors.Warning(re, "Consider giving this non-string token a label for better error reporting."); } ostr.WriteLine(" \"<token of kind " + re.Ordinal + ">\","); } } } ostr.WriteLine(" };"); ostr.WriteLine(""); ostr.WriteLine("}"); if (namespaceInserted) { ostr.WriteLine("}"); } ostr.Close(); }
public static int MainProgram(String[] args) { // Initialize all static state ReInitAll(); CSharpCCGlobals.BannerLine("Parser Generator", ""); CSharpCCParser parser = null; if (args.Length == 0) { Console.Out.WriteLine(""); help_message(); return(1); } else { Console.Out.WriteLine("(type \"csharpcc\" with no arguments for help)"); } if (Options.IsOption(args[args.Length - 1])) { Console.Out.WriteLine("Last argument \"" + args[args.Length - 1] + "\" is not a filename."); return(1); } for (int arg = 0; arg < args.Length - 1; arg++) { if (!Options.IsOption(args[arg])) { Console.Out.WriteLine("Argument \"" + args[arg] + "\" must be an option setting."); return(1); } Options.SetCmdLineOption(args[arg]); } try { FileInfo fp = new FileInfo(args[args.Length - 1]); if (!fp.Exists) { Console.Out.WriteLine("File " + args[args.Length - 1] + " not found."); return(1); } parser = new CSharpCCParser( new StreamReader(new FileStream(args[args.Length - 1], FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read), Encoding.GetEncoding(Options.getGrammarEncoding()))); } catch (SecurityException) { Console.Out.WriteLine("Security violation while trying to open " + args[args.Length - 1]); return(1); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { Console.Out.WriteLine("File " + args[args.Length - 1] + " not found."); return(1); } try { Console.Out.WriteLine("Reading from file " + args[args.Length - 1] + " . . ."); CSharpCCGlobals.FileName = CSharpCCGlobals.OriginalFileName = args[args.Length - 1]; CSharpCCGlobals.TreeGenerated = CSharpCCGlobals.IsGeneratedBy("CSTree", args[args.Length - 1]); CSharpCCGlobals.ToolNames = CSharpCCGlobals.GetToolNames(args[args.Length - 1]); parser.csharpcc_input(); CSharpCCGlobals.CreateOutputDir(Options.getOutputDirectory().FullName); if (Options.getUnicodeInput()) { NfaState.unicodeWarningGiven = true; Console.Out.WriteLine("Note: UNICODE_INPUT option is specified. " + "Please make sure you create the parser/lexer using a Reader with the correct character encoding."); } Semanticize.start(); ParseGen.start(); LexGen.start(); OtherFilesGen.start(); if ((CSharpCCErrors.ErrorCount == 0) && (Options.getBuildParser() || Options.getBuildTokenManager())) { if (CSharpCCErrors.WarningCount == 0) { Console.Out.WriteLine("Parser generated successfully."); } else { Console.Out.WriteLine("Parser generated with 0 errors and " + CSharpCCErrors.WarningCount + " warnings."); } return(0); } else { Console.Out.WriteLine("Detected " + CSharpCCErrors.ErrorCount + " errors and " + CSharpCCErrors.WarningCount + " warnings."); return((CSharpCCErrors.ErrorCount == 0) ? 0 : 1); } } catch (MetaParseException e) { Console.Out.WriteLine("Detected " + CSharpCCErrors.ErrorCount + " errors and " + CSharpCCErrors.WarningCount + " warnings."); return(1); } catch (ParseException e) { Console.Out.WriteLine(e.ToString()); Console.Out.WriteLine("Detected " + (CSharpCCErrors.ErrorCount + 1) + " errors and " + CSharpCCErrors.WarningCount + " warnings."); return(1); } }