public LocalAuditFileInfo(LocalEnvironment env, FileInfo f) : base(env, f.FullName) { this.LocalAuditEnvironment = env; this.file = f; this.Name = this.file.Name; this.FullName = this.file.FullName; }
public LocalAuditFileInfo(LocalEnvironment env, string file_path) : base(env, file_path) { this.LocalAuditEnvironment = env; this.file = new FileInfo(file_path); this.Name = this.file.Name; this.FullName = this.file.FullName; }
public LocalAuditDirectoryInfo(LocalEnvironment env, string dir_path) : base(env, dir_path) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dir_path)) { throw new ArgumentException("Value cannot be null.", "dir_path"); } = new DirectoryInfo(dir_path); this.Name =; this.FullName =; }
public WinRmAuditEnvironment(EventHandler <EnvironmentEventArgs> message_handler, string host, string user, SecureString pass, LocalEnvironment host_environment) : base(message_handler, new OperatingSystem(PlatformID.Win32NT, new Version(0, 0)), host_environment) { this.Manager = new MachineManager(host, user, pass); this.IsConnected = true; }
public WinRmAuditEnvironment(EventHandler <EnvironmentEventArgs> message_handler, IPAddress address, string user, SecureString pass, LocalEnvironment host_environment) : base(message_handler, new OperatingSystem(PlatformID.Win32NT, new Version(0, 0)), host_environment) { try { this.HostEnvironment.Status("Connecting to Windows host address {0}", address.ToString()); this.Manager = new MachineManager(address.ToString(), user, pass); ICollection <dynamic> r = this.Manager.RunScript(@"{ Get-WMIObject Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName . | select-object Description, Caption,OSArchitecture, ServicePackMajorVersion Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem -Property Name }"); if (r == null || r.Count < 2) { this.HostEnvironment.Error("Could not remotely execute PowerShell command on Windows host address {0}.", address.ToString()); this.IsConnected = false; } else { PSObject os = r.First(); PSObject name = r.Last(); this.OSCaption = (string)os.Properties["Caption"].Value; this.ComputerName = (string)name.Properties["Name"].Value; this.IsConnected = true; this.HostEnvironment.Success("Connected to Windows host address {0}. Computer name: {1}. Windows version: {2}.", this.Manager.IpAddress, this.ComputerName, this.OSCaption); } } catch (TrustedHostMissingException te) { this.HostEnvironment.Error(te, "Error connecting to Windows host address {0}. You must add the host address to the TrustedHosts list of the WinRM client for your computer", address.ToString()); this.IsConnected = false; } catch (Exception e) { this.HostEnvironment.Error(e, "Error connecting to Windows host address {0}.", address.ToString()); this.IsConnected = false; return; } }
public GitHubAuditEnvironment(EventHandler <EnvironmentEventArgs> message_handler, string user_api_token, string repository_owner, string repository_name, string repository_branch, LocalEnvironment host_environment) : base(message_handler, new OperatingSystem(PlatformID.Unix, new Version(0, 0)), host_environment) { GitHubClient = new GitHubClient(new ProductHeaderValue("DevAudit")); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user_api_token)) { GitHubClient.Credentials = new Credentials(user_api_token); } try { Repository = GitHubClient.Repository.Get(repository_owner, repository_name).Result; } catch (AggregateException ae) { host_environment.Error(ae, "Error getting repository {0}/{1}.", repository_owner, repository_name); RepositoryInitialised = false; return; } catch (Exception e) { host_environment.Error(e, "Error getting repository {0}/{1}.", repository_owner, repository_name); RepositoryInitialised = false; return; } try { RepositoryBranch = GitHubClient.Repository.Branch.Get(repository_owner, repository_name, repository_branch).Result; } catch (AggregateException ae) { host_environment.Error(ae, "Error getting branch {0}.", repository_branch); RepositoryInitialised = false; return; } catch (Exception e) { host_environment.Error(e, "Error getting branch {0}.", repository_branch); RepositoryInitialised = false; return; } RepositoryName = repository_name; RepositoryOwner = repository_owner; Success("Connected to GitHub repository {0}/{1} on branch {2}.", RepositoryOwner, RepositoryName, RepositoryBranch.Name); this.RepositoryInitialised = true; }
public DockerAuditEnvironment(EventHandler <EnvironmentEventArgs> message_handler, string container, OperatingSystem os, LocalEnvironment host_environment) : base(message_handler, os, host_environment) { ProcessExecuteStatus process_status; string process_output, process_error; bool container_exists = false; bool container_running = false; string command = "docker", arguments = "ps -a"; bool r; if (this.HostEnvironment.IsDockerContainer) { r = this.HostEnvironment.Execute("chroot", " /hostroot " + command + " " + arguments, out process_status, out process_output, out process_error); } else { r = this.HostEnvironment.Execute("docker", "ps -a", out process_status, out process_output, out process_error); } if (r) { string[] p = process_output.Split(this.HostEnvironment.LineTerminator.ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); for (int i = 1; i < p.Count(); i++) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(p [i]) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p [i])) { continue; } if (p[i].Trim().StartsWith(container) || p[i].Trim().EndsWith(container)) { container_exists = true; if (p [i].Contains("Up ")) { container_running = true; } break; } } if (container_exists) { this.Container = container; this.ContainerRunning = container_running; this.HostEnvironment.Success("Found Docker container with id or name {0}.", this.Container); } else { this.HostEnvironment.Error("The Docker container with name or id {0} does not exist.", container); } } else { this.HostEnvironment.Error("Error executing command docker ps -a: {0}.", process_error); } }
public SshAuditEnvironment(EventHandler <EnvironmentEventArgs> message_handler, string client, string host_name, int port, string user, object pass, string keyfile, OperatingSystem os, LocalEnvironment host_environment) : base(message_handler, os, host_environment) { ConnectionInfo ci; Info("Connecting to {0}:{1}...", host_name, port); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyfile)) { ci = new ConnectionInfo(host_name, port, user, new PasswordAuthenticationMethod(user, ToInsecureString(pass))); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyfile) && pass != null) { ci = new ConnectionInfo(host_name, port, user, new PrivateKeyAuthenticationMethod(user, new PrivateKeyFile[] { new PrivateKeyFile(keyfile, ToInsecureString(pass)) })); } else { ci = new ConnectionInfo(host_name, port, user, new PrivateKeyAuthenticationMethod(user)); } SshClient = new SshClient(ci); SshClient.ErrorOccurred += SshClient_ErrorOccurred; SshClient.HostKeyReceived += SshClient_HostKeyReceived; SshClient.ConnectionInfo.AuthenticationBanner += Ci_AuthenticationBanner; Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); try { SshClient.Connect(); } catch (SshConnectionException ce) { Error("Connection error connecting to {0} : {1}", host_name, ce.Message); return; } catch (SshAuthenticationException ae) { Error("Authentication error connecting to {0} : {1}", host_name, ae.Message); return; } catch (System.Net.Sockets.SocketException se) { Error("Socket error connecting to {0} : {1}", host_name, se.Message); return; } finally { sw.Stop(); } if (!SshClient.IsConnected || !SshClient.ConnectionInfo.IsAuthenticated) { Error("Failed to connect or authenticate to {0}", host_name); return; } this.IsConnected = true; this.User = user; this.HostName = host_name; this.ssh_client_pass = pass; Success("Connected to {0} in {1} ms.", host_name, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); string tmp_dir = Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT ? Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TEMP", EnvironmentVariableTarget.User) : "/tmp"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmp_dir) && Directory.Exists(tmp_dir)) { this.WorkDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(tmp_dir, "devaudit-work", this.GetTimestamp())); } else { Warning("Could not get value of temporary directory from environment. The work directory wll be created in the DevAudit root directory."); this.WorkDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine("work", this.GetTimestamp())); } if (!this.WorkDirectory.Exists) { this.WorkDirectory.Create(); this.WorkDirectory.Refresh(); Debug("Created work directory {0}.", this.WorkDirectory.FullName); } Info("Using work directory: {0}.", this.WorkDirectory.FullName); }
public DockerAuditEnvironment(EventHandler <EnvironmentEventArgs> message_handler, string container, OperatingSystem os, LocalEnvironment host_environment) : base(message_handler, os, host_environment) { Tuple <bool, bool> container_status = this.GetContainerStatus(container); if (container_status.Item1) { this.Container = container; this.ContainerRunning = container_status.Item2; this.HostEnvironment.Success("Found Docker container with id or name {0}.", this.Container); this.GetOSName(); this.GetOSVersion(); } else { this.HostEnvironment.Error("The Docker container with name or id {0} does not exist.", container); } }
public AuditEnvironment(EventHandler <EnvironmentEventArgs> message_handler, OperatingSystem os, LocalEnvironment host_environment) { this.OS = os; if (OS.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT) { this.LineTerminator = "\r\n"; this.PathSeparator = "\\"; } else { this.LineTerminator = "\n"; this.PathSeparator = "/"; } this.MessageHandler = message_handler; this.HostEnvironment = host_environment; }
public ScriptEnvironment(LocalEnvironment host_env) { this.HostEnvironment = host_env; }
public SshDockerAuditEnvironment(EventHandler <EnvironmentEventArgs> message_handler, string client, string host_name, int port, string user, object pass, string keyfile, string container, OperatingSystem os, LocalEnvironment host_environment) : base(message_handler, client, host_name, port, user, pass, keyfile, os, host_environment) { ProcessExecuteStatus process_status; string process_output, process_error; bool container_exists = false; bool container_running = false; bool r = base.Execute("docker", "ps -a", out process_status, out process_output, out process_error); if (r) { string[] p = process_output.Split(this.LineTerminator.ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); for (int i = 1; i < p.Count(); i++) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(p[i]) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p[i])) { continue; } if (p[i].Trim().StartsWith(container) || p[i].Trim().EndsWith(container)) { container_exists = true; if (p[i].Contains("Up ")) { container_running = true; } break; } } if (container_exists) { this.Container = container; this.ContainerRunning = container_running; this.Success("Found Docker container with id or name {0}.", this.Container); this.GetOSName(); this.GetOSVersion(); } else { this.Error("The Docker container with name or id {0} does not exist.", container); } } else { this.Error("Error executing command docker ps -a: {0}.", process_error); } }
public GitLabAuditEnvironment(EventHandler <EnvironmentEventArgs> message_handler, string api_token, string host_url, string project_name, string repository_branch, LocalEnvironment host_environment) : base(message_handler, new OperatingSystem(PlatformID.Unix, new Version(0, 0)), host_environment) { try { GitLabClient = new GitLabClient(host_url, api_token); IEnumerable <Project> projects = GitLabClient.Projects.Accessible().Result; Project = projects.Where(p => p.PathWithNamespace == project_name).FirstOrDefault(); if (Project == null) { host_environment.Error("Could not find project {0}.", project_name); RepositoryInitialised = false; return; } Repository = GitLabClient.GetRepository(Project.Id); if (Repository == null) { host_environment.Error("Could not get repository for project {0}.", project_name); RepositoryInitialised = false; return; } } catch (AggregateException ae) { host_environment.Error(ae, "Error getting repository for project {0} from {1}.", project_name, host_url); RepositoryInitialised = false; return; } catch (Exception e) { host_environment.Error(e, "Error getting repository for project {0} from {1}.", project_name, host_url); RepositoryInitialised = false; return; } try { RepositoryBranch = Repository.Branches.All().Result.Where(b => b.Name == repository_branch).FirstOrDefault(); } catch (AggregateException ae) { host_environment.Error(ae, "Error getting branch {0}.", repository_branch); RepositoryInitialised = false; return; } catch (Exception e) { host_environment.Error(e, "Error getting branch {0}.", repository_branch); RepositoryInitialised = false; return; } this.RepositoryInitialised = true; }