protected static IResponseWriter CreateForm(WebRequestTO webRequest, string serviceName, string workspaceId, NameValueCollection headers, List<DataListFormat> publicFormats, IPrincipal user = null) { //lock(ExecutionObject) { string executePayload = ""; IDataListCompiler compiler = DataListFactory.CreateDataListCompiler(); Guid workspaceGuid; if(workspaceId != null) { if(!Guid.TryParse(workspaceId, out workspaceGuid)) { workspaceGuid = WorkspaceRepository.Instance.ServerWorkspace.ID; } } else { workspaceGuid = WorkspaceRepository.Instance.ServerWorkspace.ID; } var allErrors = new ErrorResultTO(); var dataObject = new DsfDataObject(webRequest.RawRequestPayload, GlobalConstants.NullDataListID, webRequest.RawRequestPayload) { IsFromWebServer = true, ExecutingUser = user, ServiceName = serviceName, WorkspaceID = workspaceGuid }; // now bind any variables that are part of the path arguments ;) BindRequestVariablesToDataObject(webRequest, ref dataObject); // now process headers ;) if(headers != null) { Dev2Logger.Log.Debug("Remote Invoke"); var isRemote = headers.Get(HttpRequestHeader.Cookie.ToString()); var remoteId = headers.Get(HttpRequestHeader.From.ToString()); if(isRemote != null && remoteId != null) { if(isRemote.Equals(GlobalConstants.RemoteServerInvoke)) { // we have a remote invoke ;) dataObject.RemoteInvoke = true; } dataObject.RemoteInvokerID = remoteId; } } // now set the emition type ;) int loc; if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(serviceName) && (loc = serviceName.LastIndexOf(".", StringComparison.Ordinal)) > 0) { // default it to xml dataObject.ReturnType = EmitionTypes.XML; if(loc > 0) { var typeOf = serviceName.Substring((loc + 1)).ToUpper(); EmitionTypes myType; if(Enum.TryParse(typeOf, out myType)) { dataObject.ReturnType = myType; } // adjust the service name to drop the type ;) // avoid .wiz amendments ;) if(!typeOf.ToLower().Equals(GlobalConstants.WizardExt)) { serviceName = serviceName.Substring(0, loc); dataObject.ServiceName = serviceName; } } } else { // default it to xml dataObject.ReturnType = EmitionTypes.XML; } // ensure service gets set ;) if(dataObject.ServiceName == null) { dataObject.ServiceName = serviceName; } IResource resource = null; if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(dataObject.ServiceName)) { resource = ResourceCatalog.Instance.GetResource(dataObject.WorkspaceID, dataObject.ServiceName); if(resource != null) { dataObject.ResourceID = resource.ResourceID; } } var esbEndpoint = new EsbServicesEndpoint(); dataObject.EsbChannel = esbEndpoint; var canExecute = true; if(ServerAuthorizationService.Instance != null) { var authorizationService = ServerAuthorizationService.Instance; var hasView = authorizationService.IsAuthorized(AuthorizationContext.View, dataObject.ResourceID.ToString()); var hasExecute = authorizationService.IsAuthorized(AuthorizationContext.Execute, dataObject.ResourceID.ToString()); canExecute = (hasExecute && hasView) || (dataObject.RemoteInvoke && hasExecute) || (resource != null && resource.ResourceType == ResourceType.ReservedService); } // Build EsbExecutionRequest - Internal Services Require This ;) EsbExecuteRequest esbExecuteRequest = new EsbExecuteRequest { ServiceName = serviceName }; Dev2Logger.Log.Debug("About to execute web request [ " + serviceName + " ] DataObject Payload [ " + dataObject.RawPayload + " ]"); var executionDlid = GlobalConstants.NullDataListID; if(canExecute) { ErrorResultTO errors; executionDlid = esbEndpoint.ExecuteRequest(dataObject, esbExecuteRequest, workspaceGuid, out errors); allErrors.MergeErrors(errors); } else { allErrors.AddError("Executing a service externally requires View and Execute permissions"); } foreach(var error in dataObject.Environment.Errors) { allErrors.AddError(error,true); } // Fetch return type ;) var formatter = publicFormats.FirstOrDefault(c => c.PublicFormatName == dataObject.ReturnType) ?? publicFormats.FirstOrDefault(c => c.PublicFormatName == EmitionTypes.XML); // force it to XML if need be ;) // Fetch and convert DL ;) if(executionDlid != GlobalConstants.NullDataListID && !dataObject.Environment.HasErrors()) { // a normal service request if(!esbExecuteRequest.WasInternalService) { dataObject.DataListID = executionDlid; dataObject.WorkspaceID = workspaceGuid; dataObject.ServiceName = serviceName; // some silly chicken thinks web request where a good idea for debug ;( if(!dataObject.IsDebug || dataObject.RemoteInvoke) { if (dataObject.ReturnType == EmitionTypes.JSON) { executePayload = ExecutionEnvironmentUtils.GetJsonOutputFromEnvironment(dataObject, workspaceGuid,resource.DataList.ToString()); } else if (dataObject.ReturnType == EmitionTypes.XML) { executePayload = ExecutionEnvironmentUtils.GetXmlOutputFromEnvironment(dataObject, workspaceGuid,resource.DataList.ToString()); } dataObject.Environment.AddError(allErrors.MakeDataListReady()); } else { executePayload = string.Empty; } } else { // internal service request we need to return data for it from the request object ;) var serializer = new Dev2JsonSerializer(); executePayload = string.Empty; var msg = serializer.Deserialize<ExecuteMessage>(esbExecuteRequest.ExecuteResult); if(msg != null) { executePayload = msg.Message.ToString(); } // out fail safe to return different types of data from services ;) if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(executePayload)) { executePayload = esbExecuteRequest.ExecuteResult.ToString(); } } } else { if(dataObject.ReturnType == EmitionTypes.XML) { executePayload = "<FatalError> <Message> An internal error occurred while executing the service request </Message>"; executePayload += allErrors.MakeDataListReady(); executePayload += "</FatalError>"; } else { // convert output to JSON ;) executePayload = "{ \"FatalError\": \"An internal error occurred while executing the service request\","; executePayload += allErrors.MakeDataListReady(false); executePayload += "}"; } } Dev2Logger.Log.Debug("Execution Result [ " + executePayload + " ]"); // Clean up the datalist from the server if(!dataObject.WorkflowResumeable && executionDlid != GlobalConstants.NullDataListID) { compiler.ForceDeleteDataListByID(executionDlid); if(dataObject.IsDebug && !dataObject.IsRemoteInvoke && !dataObject.RunWorkflowAsync) { DataListRegistar.ClearDataList(); } else { foreach(var thread in dataObject.ThreadsToDispose) { DataListRegistar.DisposeScope(thread.Key, executionDlid); } DataListRegistar.DisposeScope(Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, executionDlid); } } // old HTML throw back ;) if(dataObject.ReturnType == EmitionTypes.WIZ) { int start = (executePayload.IndexOf("<Dev2System.FormView>", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 21); int end = (executePayload.IndexOf("</Dev2System.FormView>", StringComparison.Ordinal)); int len = (end - start); if(len > 0) { if(dataObject.ReturnType == EmitionTypes.WIZ) { string tmp = executePayload.Substring(start, (end - start)); string result = CleanupHtml(tmp); const string DocType = @"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ""-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"" """">"; return new StringResponseWriter(String.Format("{0}\r\n{1}", DocType, result), ContentTypes.Html); } } } // JSON Data ;) if(executePayload.IndexOf("</JSON>", StringComparison.Ordinal) >= 0) { int start = executePayload.IndexOf(GlobalConstants.OpenJSON, StringComparison.Ordinal); if(start >= 0) { int end = executePayload.IndexOf(GlobalConstants.CloseJSON, StringComparison.Ordinal); start += GlobalConstants.OpenJSON.Length; executePayload = CleanupHtml(executePayload.Substring(start, (end - start))); if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(executePayload)) { return new StringResponseWriter(executePayload, ContentTypes.Json); } } } Dev2DataListDecisionHandler.Instance.RemoveEnvironment(dataObject.DataListID); dataObject.Environment = null; // else handle the format requested ;) return new StringResponseWriter(executePayload, formatter.ContentType); } }
public void ErrorResultTO_MakeDatalistReady_CannotSetUnknownMemberError_MessageConvertedToOutdatedServerError() { var errorResultTO = new ErrorResultTO(); errorResultTO.AddError("Cannot set unknown member"); //------------Execute Test--------------------------- var result = errorResultTO.MakeDataListReady(false); const string expected = "\"errors\": [ \"Resource has unrecognized formatting, this Warewolf Server may be to outdated to read this resource.\"]"; // Assert Message Converted To Outdated Server Error Assert.AreEqual(expected, result, "Error message not relevent"); }
/// <summary> /// Invokes the specified service as per the dataObject against theHost /// </summary> /// <param name="dataObject">The data object.</param> /// <param name="errors">The errors.</param> /// <returns></returns> /// <exception cref="System.Exception">Can only execute workflows from web browser</exception> public Guid Invoke(IDSFDataObject dataObject, out ErrorResultTO errors) { var result = GlobalConstants.NullDataListID; var time = new Stopwatch(); time.Start(); errors = new ErrorResultTO(); int update = 0; // BUG 9706 - 2013.06.22 - TWR : added pre debug dispatch if(dataObject.Environment.HasErrors()) { errors.AddError(dataObject.Environment.FetchErrors()); DispatchDebugErrors(errors, dataObject, StateType.Before); } errors.ClearErrors(); try { var serviceId = dataObject.ResourceID; // we need to get better at getting this ;) var serviceName = dataObject.ServiceName; if(serviceId == Guid.Empty && string.IsNullOrEmpty(serviceName)) { errors.AddError(Resources.DynamicServiceError_ServiceNotSpecified); } else { try { var sl = new ServiceLocator(); Dev2Logger.Log.Debug("Finding service"); var theService = serviceId == Guid.Empty ? sl.FindService(serviceName, _workspace.ID) : sl.FindService(serviceId, _workspace.ID); if(theService == null) { errors.AddError("Service [ " + serviceName + " ] not found."); } else if(theService.Actions.Count <= 1) { #region Execute ESB container var theStart = theService.Actions.FirstOrDefault(); if(theStart != null && theStart.ActionType != Common.Interfaces.Core.DynamicServices.enActionType.InvokeManagementDynamicService && theStart.ActionType != Common.Interfaces.Core.DynamicServices.enActionType.Workflow && dataObject.IsFromWebServer) { throw new Exception("Can only execute workflows from web browser"); } Dev2Logger.Log.Debug("Mapping Action Dependencies"); MapServiceActionDependencies(theStart, sl); // Invoke based upon type ;) if(theStart != null) { theStart.DataListSpecification = theService.DataListSpecification; Dev2Logger.Log.Debug("Getting container"); var container = GenerateContainer(theStart, dataObject, _workspace); ErrorResultTO invokeErrors; result = container.Execute(out invokeErrors, update); errors.MergeErrors(invokeErrors); } #endregion } else { errors.AddError("Malformed Service [ " + serviceId + " ] it contains multiple actions"); } } catch(Exception e) { errors.AddError(e.Message); } finally { if (dataObject.Environment.HasErrors()) { var errorString = dataObject.Environment.FetchErrors(); var executionErrors = ErrorResultTO.MakeErrorResultFromDataListString(errorString); errors.MergeErrors(executionErrors); } dataObject.Environment.AddError(errors.MakeDataListReady()); if(errors.HasErrors()) { Dev2Logger.Log.Error(errors.MakeDisplayReady()); } } } } finally { time.Stop(); ServerStats.IncrementTotalRequests(); ServerStats.IncrementTotalTime(time.ElapsedMilliseconds); // BUG 9706 - 2013.06.22 - TWR : added DispatchDebugErrors(errors, dataObject, StateType.End); } return result; }
public void CanConvertErrorResultTojson() { ErrorResultTO errors = new ErrorResultTO(); errors.AddError("Error 1"); errors.AddError("Error 2"); var result = errors.MakeDataListReady(false); const string expected = "\"errors\": [ \"Error 1\",\"Error 2\"]"; Assert.AreEqual(expected, result, "Expected [ " + expected + " but got [ " + result + " ]"); }
protected static IResponseWriter CreateForm(WebRequestTO webRequest, string serviceName, string workspaceId, NameValueCollection headers, IPrincipal user = null) { //lock(ExecutionObject) { string executePayload = ""; Guid workspaceGuid; if(workspaceId != null) { if(!Guid.TryParse(workspaceId, out workspaceGuid)) { workspaceGuid = WorkspaceRepository.Instance.ServerWorkspace.ID; } } else { workspaceGuid = WorkspaceRepository.Instance.ServerWorkspace.ID; } var allErrors = new ErrorResultTO(); var dataObject = new DsfDataObject(webRequest.RawRequestPayload, GlobalConstants.NullDataListID, webRequest.RawRequestPayload) { IsFromWebServer = true, ExecutingUser = user, ServiceName = serviceName, WorkspaceID = workspaceGuid }; // now bind any variables that are part of the path arguments ;) BindRequestVariablesToDataObject(webRequest, ref dataObject); // now process headers ;) if(headers != null) { Dev2Logger.Log.Debug("Remote Invoke"); var isRemote = headers.Get(HttpRequestHeader.Cookie.ToString()); var remoteId = headers.Get(HttpRequestHeader.From.ToString()); if(isRemote != null && remoteId != null) { if (isRemote.Equals(GlobalConstants.RemoteServerInvoke) ) { // we have a remote invoke ;) dataObject.RemoteInvoke = true; } if (isRemote.Equals(GlobalConstants.RemoteDebugServerInvoke)) { // we have a remote invoke ;) dataObject.RemoteNonDebugInvoke = true; } dataObject.RemoteInvokerID = remoteId; } } // now set the emition type ;) int loc; if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(serviceName) && (loc = serviceName.LastIndexOf(".", StringComparison.Ordinal)) > 0) { // default it to xml dataObject.ReturnType = EmitionTypes.XML; if(loc > 0) { var typeOf = serviceName.Substring((loc + 1)).ToUpper(); EmitionTypes myType; if(Enum.TryParse(typeOf, out myType)) { dataObject.ReturnType = myType; } // adjust the service name to drop the type ;) // avoid .wiz amendments ;) if(!typeOf.ToLower().Equals(GlobalConstants.WizardExt)) { serviceName = serviceName.Substring(0, loc); dataObject.ServiceName = serviceName; } if(typeOf.Equals("api", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { dataObject.ReturnType = EmitionTypes.SWAGGER; } } } else { // default it to xml dataObject.ReturnType = EmitionTypes.XML; } // ensure service gets set ;) if(dataObject.ServiceName == null) { dataObject.ServiceName = serviceName; } IResource resource = null; if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(dataObject.ServiceName)) { resource = ResourceCatalog.Instance.GetResource(dataObject.WorkspaceID, dataObject.ServiceName); if(resource != null) { dataObject.ResourceID = resource.ResourceID; } } var esbEndpoint = new EsbServicesEndpoint(); dataObject.EsbChannel = esbEndpoint; var canExecute = true; if(ServerAuthorizationService.Instance != null) { var authorizationService = ServerAuthorizationService.Instance; var hasView = authorizationService.IsAuthorized(AuthorizationContext.View, dataObject.ResourceID.ToString()); var hasExecute = authorizationService.IsAuthorized(AuthorizationContext.Execute, dataObject.ResourceID.ToString()); canExecute = (hasExecute && hasView) || ((dataObject.RemoteInvoke || dataObject.RemoteNonDebugInvoke) && hasExecute) || (resource != null && resource.ResourceType == ResourceType.ReservedService); } // Build EsbExecutionRequest - Internal Services Require This ;) EsbExecuteRequest esbExecuteRequest = new EsbExecuteRequest { ServiceName = serviceName }; foreach(string key in webRequest.Variables) { esbExecuteRequest.AddArgument(key, new StringBuilder(webRequest.Variables[key])); } Dev2Logger.Log.Debug("About to execute web request [ " + serviceName + " ] DataObject Payload [ " + dataObject.RawPayload + " ]"); var executionDlid = GlobalConstants.NullDataListID; if (canExecute && dataObject.ReturnType != EmitionTypes.SWAGGER) { ErrorResultTO errors = null; // set correct principle ;) Thread.CurrentPrincipal = user; var userPrinciple = user; Common.Utilities.PerformActionInsideImpersonatedContext(userPrinciple, () => { executionDlid = esbEndpoint.ExecuteRequest(dataObject, esbExecuteRequest, workspaceGuid, out errors); }); allErrors.MergeErrors(errors); } else if(!canExecute) { allErrors.AddError("Executing a service externally requires View and Execute permissions"); } foreach(var error in dataObject.Environment.Errors) { allErrors.AddError(error,true); } // Fetch return type ;) var formatter = DataListFormat.CreateFormat("XML", EmitionTypes.XML, "text/xml"); // force it to XML if need be ;) // Fetch and convert DL ;) if(!dataObject.Environment.HasErrors()) { // a normal service request if(!esbExecuteRequest.WasInternalService) { dataObject.DataListID = executionDlid; dataObject.WorkspaceID = workspaceGuid; dataObject.ServiceName = serviceName; if(!dataObject.IsDebug || dataObject.RemoteInvoke || dataObject.RemoteNonDebugInvoke) { if (dataObject.ReturnType == EmitionTypes.JSON) { formatter = DataListFormat.CreateFormat("JSON", EmitionTypes.JSON, "application/json"); executePayload = ExecutionEnvironmentUtils.GetJsonOutputFromEnvironment(dataObject, resource.DataList.ToString(),0); } else if (dataObject.ReturnType == EmitionTypes.XML) { executePayload = ExecutionEnvironmentUtils.GetXmlOutputFromEnvironment(dataObject,Guid.Empty , resource.DataList.ToString(),0); }else if(dataObject.ReturnType == EmitionTypes.SWAGGER) { formatter = DataListFormat.CreateFormat("SWAGGER", EmitionTypes.SWAGGER, "application/json"); executePayload = ExecutionEnvironmentUtils.GetSwaggerOutputForService(resource, resource.DataList.ToString()); } } else { executePayload = string.Empty; } } else { // internal service request we need to return data for it from the request object ;) var serializer = new Dev2JsonSerializer(); executePayload = string.Empty; var msg = serializer.Deserialize<ExecuteMessage>(esbExecuteRequest.ExecuteResult); if(msg != null) { executePayload = msg.Message.ToString(); } // out fail safe to return different types of data from services ;) if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(executePayload)) { executePayload = esbExecuteRequest.ExecuteResult.ToString(); } } } else { if(dataObject.ReturnType == EmitionTypes.XML) { executePayload = "<FatalError> <Message> An internal error occurred while executing the service request </Message>"; executePayload += allErrors.MakeDataListReady(); executePayload += "</FatalError>"; } else { // convert output to JSON ;) executePayload = "{ \"FatalError\": \"An internal error occurred while executing the service request\","; executePayload += allErrors.MakeDataListReady(false); executePayload += "}"; } } Dev2Logger.Log.Debug("Execution Result [ " + executePayload + " ]"); // JSON Data ;) if(executePayload.IndexOf("</JSON>", StringComparison.Ordinal) >= 0) { int start = executePayload.IndexOf(GlobalConstants.OpenJSON, StringComparison.Ordinal); if(start >= 0) { int end = executePayload.IndexOf(GlobalConstants.CloseJSON, StringComparison.Ordinal); start += GlobalConstants.OpenJSON.Length; executePayload = CleanupHtml(executePayload.Substring(start, (end - start))); if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(executePayload)) { return new StringResponseWriter(executePayload, ContentTypes.Json); } } } Dev2DataListDecisionHandler.Instance.RemoveEnvironment(dataObject.DataListID); dataObject.Environment = null; return new StringResponseWriter(executePayload, formatter.ContentType); } }
/// <summary> /// Invokes a plugin assembly /// </summary> /// <param name="plugin">The action of type Plugin</param> /// <param name="req">The req.</param> /// <param name="formatOutput">Indicates if the output of the plugin should be run through the formatter</param> /// <returns> /// Unlimited object /// </returns> public Guid Plugin(ServiceAction plugin, IDSFDataObject req, bool formatOutput) { Guid result = GlobalConstants.NullDataListID; Guid tmpID = GlobalConstants.NullDataListID; var errors = new ErrorResultTO(); var allErrors = new ErrorResultTO(); try { AppDomain tmpDomain = plugin.PluginDomain; //Instantiate the Remote Oject handler which will allow cross application domain access var remoteHandler = (RemoteObjectHandler) tmpDomain.CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap(typeof(IFrameworkDataChannel).Module.Name, typeof(RemoteObjectHandler).ToString()); var dataBuilder = new StringBuilder("<Args><Args>"); foreach(ServiceActionInput sai in plugin.ServiceActionInputs) { dataBuilder.Append("<Arg>"); dataBuilder.Append("<TypeOf>"); dataBuilder.Append(sai.NativeType); dataBuilder.Append("</TypeOf>"); dataBuilder.Append("<Value>"); dataBuilder.Append(sai.Value); // Fetch value and assign dataBuilder.Append("</Value>"); dataBuilder.Append("</Arg>"); } dataBuilder.Append("</Args></Args>"); //xele.Value = (remoteHandler.RunPlugin(plugin.Source.AssemblyLocation, plugin.Source.AssemblyName, plugin.SourceMethod, data)); string exeValue = (remoteHandler.RunPlugin(plugin.Source.AssemblyLocation, plugin.Source.AssemblyName, plugin.SourceMethod, dataBuilder.ToString(), plugin.OutputDescription, formatOutput)); // TODO : Now create a new dataList and merge the result into the current dataList ;) string dlShape = ClientCompiler.ShapeDev2DefinitionsToDataList(plugin.ServiceActionOutputs, enDev2ArgumentType.Output, false, out errors); allErrors.MergeErrors(errors); tmpID = ClientCompiler.ConvertTo(DataListFormat.CreateFormat(GlobalConstants._XML), exeValue, dlShape, out errors); ClientCompiler.SetParentID(tmpID, req.DataListID); // set parent for merge op in finally... allErrors.MergeErrors(errors); //Unload the temporary application domain //AppDomain.Unload(tmpDomain); -- throws exception when attempting to access after first unload?! -- A strange world C# / Winblows dev is } catch(Exception ex) { allErrors.AddError(ex.Message); } finally { // handle any errors that might have occured IBinaryDataListEntry be = Dev2BinaryDataListFactory.CreateEntry(enSystemTag.Error.ToString(), string.Empty); string error; be.TryPutScalar( Dev2BinaryDataListFactory.CreateBinaryItem(allErrors.MakeDataListReady(), enSystemTag.Error.ToString()), out error); errors.AddError(error); SvrCompiler.Upsert(null, req.DataListID, DataListUtil.BuildSystemTagForDataList(enSystemTag.Error, true), be, out errors); // now merge and delete tmp if(tmpID != GlobalConstants.NullDataListID) { // Travis.Frisinger - 29.01.2013 - Bug 8352 // We merge here since we never have the shape generated here in the request DL ;) Guid mergeID = ClientCompiler.Merge(req.DataListID, tmpID, enDataListMergeTypes.Union, enTranslationDepth.Data_With_Blank_OverWrite, false, out errors); if(mergeID == GlobalConstants.NullDataListID) { allErrors.AddError("Failed to merge data from Plugin Invoke"); allErrors.MergeErrors(errors); } //ClientCompiler.Shape(tmpID, enDev2ArgumentType.Output, plugin.ServiceActionOutputs, out errors); ClientCompiler.DeleteDataListByID(tmpID); result = req.DataListID; } } return result; }
private void AddErrorsToDataList(ErrorResultTO errors, Guid dataListID) { // Upsert any errors that might have occured into the datalist IBinaryDataListEntry be = Dev2BinaryDataListFactory.CreateEntry(enSystemTag.Error.ToString(), string.Empty); string error; be.TryPutScalar(Dev2BinaryDataListFactory.CreateBinaryItem(errors.MakeDataListReady(), enSystemTag.Error.ToString()), out error); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(error)) { //At this point there was an error while trying to handle errors so we throw an exception throw new Exception(string.Format("The error '{0}' occured while creating the error entry for the following errors: {1}", error, errors.MakeDisplayReady())); } var upsertErrors = new ErrorResultTO(); SvrCompiler.Upsert(null, dataListID, DataListUtil.BuildSystemTagForDataList(enSystemTag.Error, true), be, out upsertErrors); if (upsertErrors.HasErrors()) { //At this point there was an error while trying to handle errors so we throw an exception throw new Exception(string.Format("The error '{0}' occured while upserting the following errors to the datalist: {1}", errors.MakeDisplayReady(), errors.MakeDisplayReady())); } }
/// <summary> /// Invoke a management method which is a statically coded method in the service implementation for service engine administrators /// </summary> /// <param name="serviceAction">Action of type InvokeManagementDynamicService</param> /// <param name="xmlRequest">The XML request.</param> /// <returns> /// UnlimitedObject /// </returns> public Guid ManagementDynamicService(ServiceAction serviceAction, IDSFDataObject xmlRequest) { var errors = new ErrorResultTO(); var allErrors = new ErrorResultTO(); Guid result = GlobalConstants.NullDataListID; try { object[] parameterValues = null; //Instantiate a Endpoint object that contains all static management methods object o = this; //Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(Unlimited.Framework.DynamicServices.DynamicServicesEndpoint), new object[] {string.Empty}); //Get the management method MethodInfo m = o.GetType().GetMethod(serviceAction.SourceMethod); //Infer the parameters of the management method ParameterInfo[] parameters = m.GetParameters(); //If there are parameters then retrieve them from the service action input values if(parameters.Count() > 0) { IEnumerable<object> parameterData = from c in serviceAction.ServiceActionInputs select c.Value; parameterValues = parameterData.ToArray(); } //Invoke the management method and store the return value string val = m.Invoke(o, parameterValues).ToString(); result = ClientCompiler.UpsertSystemTag(xmlRequest.DataListID, enSystemTag.ManagmentServicePayload, val, out errors); //_clientCompiler.Upsert(xmlRequest.DataListID, DataListUtil.BuildSystemTagForDataList(enSystemTag.ManagmentServicePayload, true), val, out errors); allErrors.MergeErrors(errors); //returnval = new UnlimitedObject(GetXElement(val)); } catch(Exception ex) { allErrors.AddError(ex.Message); } finally { // handle any errors that might have occured if(allErrors.HasErrors()) { IBinaryDataListEntry be = Dev2BinaryDataListFactory.CreateEntry(enSystemTag.Error.ToString(), string.Empty); string error; be.TryPutScalar( Dev2BinaryDataListFactory.CreateBinaryItem(allErrors.MakeDataListReady(), enSystemTag.Error.ToString()), out error); if(error != string.Empty) { errors.AddError(error); } } // No cleanup to happen ;) } return result; }