//MO - Changed : new ctor that accepts the new arguments public ForEachBootstrapTOOld(enForEachType forEachType, string from, string to, string csvNumbers, string numberOfExecutes, string recordsetName, Guid dlID, IDataListCompiler compiler, out ErrorResultTO errors) { errors = new ErrorResultTO(); ForEachType = forEachType; IDev2IteratorCollection colItr = Dev2ValueObjectFactory.CreateIteratorCollection(); IndexIterator localIndexIterator; IndexList indexList; switch(forEachType) { case enForEachType.InRecordset: IBinaryDataListEntry recordset = compiler.Evaluate(dlID, enActionType.User, recordsetName, false, out errors); if(recordset == null || !recordset.IsRecordset) { errors.AddError("When selecting a recordset only valid recordsets can be used"); break; } var isEmpty = recordset.IsEmpty(); if(isEmpty) { indexList = new IndexList(new HashSet<int> { 1 }, 0); localIndexIterator = new IndexIterator(new HashSet<int> { 1 }, 0); } else { indexList = new IndexList(new HashSet<int>(), 0) { MinValue = 1, MaxValue = recordset.FetchLastRecordsetIndex() }; localIndexIterator = new IndexIterator(new HashSet<int>(), 0); } localIndexIterator.IndexList = indexList; IndexIterator = localIndexIterator; break; case enForEachType.InRange: if(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(from)) { errors.AddError("The from field can not be left empty."); break; } if(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(to)) { errors.AddError("The to field can not be left empty."); break; } if(from.Contains("(*)")) { errors.AddError("The Star notation is not accepted in the From field."); break; } var fromItr = CreateDataListEvaluateIterator(from, dlID, compiler, colItr, errors); colItr.AddIterator(fromItr); int intFrom; if(!int.TryParse(colItr.FetchNextRow(fromItr).TheValue, out intFrom) || intFrom < 1) { errors.AddError("From range must be a whole number from 1 onwards."); break; } if(to.Contains("(*)")) { errors.AddError("The Star notation is not accepted in the To field."); break; } var toItr = CreateDataListEvaluateIterator(to, dlID, compiler, colItr, errors); colItr.AddIterator(toItr); int intTo; if(!int.TryParse(colItr.FetchNextRow(toItr).TheValue, out intTo) || intTo < 1) { errors.AddError("To range must be a whole number from 1 onwards."); break; } if(intFrom > intTo) { indexList = new IndexList(new HashSet<int>(), 0) { MinValue = intFrom, MaxValue = intTo }; ReverseIndexIterator revIdxItr = new ReverseIndexIterator(new HashSet<int>(), 0) { IndexList = indexList }; IndexIterator = revIdxItr; } else { indexList = new IndexList(new HashSet<int>(), 0) { MinValue = intFrom, MaxValue = intTo }; localIndexIterator = new IndexIterator(new HashSet<int>(), 0) { IndexList = indexList }; IndexIterator = localIndexIterator; } break; case enForEachType.InCSV: var csvIndexedsItr = CreateDataListEvaluateIterator(csvNumbers, dlID, compiler, colItr, errors); colItr.AddIterator(csvIndexedsItr); ErrorResultTO allErrors; List<int> listOfIndexes = SplitOutCsvIndexes(colItr.FetchNextRow(csvIndexedsItr).TheValue, out allErrors); if(allErrors.HasErrors()) { errors.MergeErrors(allErrors); break; } ListIndexIterator listLocalIndexIterator = new ListIndexIterator(listOfIndexes); ListOfIndex listOfIndex = new ListOfIndex(listOfIndexes); listLocalIndexIterator.IndexList = listOfIndex; IndexIterator = listLocalIndexIterator; break; default: if(numberOfExecutes != null && numberOfExecutes.Contains("(*)")) { errors.AddError("The Star notation is not accepted in the Numbers field."); break; } int intExNum; var numOfExItr = CreateDataListEvaluateIterator(numberOfExecutes, dlID, compiler, colItr, errors); colItr.AddIterator(numOfExItr); if(!int.TryParse(colItr.FetchNextRow(numOfExItr).TheValue, out intExNum)) { errors.AddError("Number of executes must be a whole number from 1 onwards."); } IndexIterator = new IndexIterator(new HashSet<int>(), intExNum); break; } }
//MO - Changed : new ctor that accepts the new arguments public ForEachBootstrapTO(enForEachType forEachType, string from, string to, string csvNumbers, string numberOfExecutes, string recordsetName, IExecutionEnvironment compiler, out ErrorResultTO errors, int update) { errors = new ErrorResultTO(); ForEachType = forEachType; IIndexIterator localIndexIterator; switch(forEachType) { case enForEachType.InRecordset: var records = compiler.EvalRecordSetIndexes(recordsetName, update); if (!compiler.HasRecordSet(recordsetName) ) { errors.AddError("When selecting a recordset only valid recordsets can be used"); break; } localIndexIterator = new IndexListIndexIterator(records); IndexIterator = localIndexIterator; break; case enForEachType.InRange: if(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(@from)) { errors.AddError("The from field can not be left empty."); break; } if(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(to)) { errors.AddError("The to field can not be left empty."); break; } if(@from.Contains("(*)")) { errors.AddError("The Star notation is not accepted in the From field."); break; } var evalledFrom = ExecutionEnvironment.WarewolfEvalResultToString( compiler.Eval(@from, update)); int intFrom; if (!int.TryParse(evalledFrom, out intFrom) || intFrom < 1) { errors.AddError("From range must be a whole number from 1 onwards."); break; } if(to.Contains("(*)")) { errors.AddError("The Star notation is not accepted in the To field."); break; } var evalledTo= ExecutionEnvironment.WarewolfEvalResultToString( compiler.Eval(@to, update)); int intTo; if (!int.TryParse(evalledTo, out intTo) || intTo < 1) { errors.AddError("To range must be a whole number from 1 onwards."); break; } IndexList indexList; if(intFrom > intTo) { indexList = new IndexList(new HashSet<int>(), 0) { MinValue = intFrom, MaxValue = intTo }; ReverseIndexIterator revIdxItr = new ReverseIndexIterator(new HashSet<int>(), 0) { IndexList = indexList }; IndexIterator = revIdxItr; } else { indexList = new IndexList(new HashSet<int>(), 0) { MinValue = intFrom, MaxValue = intTo }; localIndexIterator = new IndexIterator(new HashSet<int>(), 0) { IndexList = indexList }; IndexIterator = localIndexIterator; } break; case enForEachType.InCSV: var csvIndexedsItr = ExecutionEnvironment.WarewolfEvalResultToString( compiler.Eval(csvNumbers, update)); ErrorResultTO allErrors; List<int> listOfIndexes = SplitOutCsvIndexes(csvIndexedsItr, out allErrors); if(allErrors.HasErrors()) { errors.MergeErrors(allErrors); break; } ListIndexIterator listLocalIndexIterator = new ListIndexIterator(listOfIndexes); ListOfIndex listOfIndex = new ListOfIndex(listOfIndexes); listLocalIndexIterator.IndexList = listOfIndex; IndexIterator = listLocalIndexIterator; break; default: if(numberOfExecutes != null && numberOfExecutes.Contains("(*)")) { errors.AddError("The Star notation is not accepted in the Numbers field."); break; } int intExNum; var numOfExItr = ExecutionEnvironment.WarewolfEvalResultToString( compiler.Eval(numberOfExecutes, update)); if (!int.TryParse(numOfExItr, out intExNum)) { errors.AddError("Number of executes must be a whole number from 1 onwards."); } IndexIterator = new IndexIterator(new HashSet<int>(), intExNum); break; } }