public bool areDifferentcolors(Card1 c1, Card1 c2) //are the Cards diffrent colors { if ((c1.getType() == "Spade" || c1.getType() == "Club") && (c2.getType() == "Heart" || c2.getType() == "Diamond")) { return(true); } else if ((c2.getType() == "Spade" || c2.getType() == "Club") && (c1.getType() == "Heart" || c1.getType() == "Diamond")) { return(true); } return(false); }
public void removeFromSlots(PictureBox selectedC) { Console.WriteLine($"You moved {(Card1)glowingC.Tag} from the slots to under {(Card1)selectedC.Tag}"); for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++) { if (lines[j].Contains(selectedC)) { lines[j].Add(glowingC); } } PictureBox tempPB = new PictureBox(); if (((Card1)glowingC.Tag).getNum() != 1) { Card1 prevC = new Card1(((Card1)glowingC.Tag).getNum() - 1, ((Card1)glowingC.Tag).getType()); foreach (Control PB in this.Controls) { if (PB.Tag != null && ((PB.Tag).GetType() == typeof(Card1)) && ((Card1)PB.Tag).getType() == prevC.getType() && ((Card1)PB.Tag).getNum() == prevC.getNum()) { tempPB = (PictureBox)PB; break; } } if (((Card1)glowingC.Tag).getType() == "Spade") { slotSCount--; slotSpb = tempPB; } else if (((Card1)glowingC.Tag).getType() == "Heart") { slotHCount--; slotHpb = tempPB; } else if (((Card1)glowingC.Tag).getType() == "Diamond") { slotDCount--; slotDpb = tempPB; } else if (((Card1)glowingC.Tag).getType() == "Club") { slotCCount--; slotCpb = tempPB; } } else { if (((Card1)selectedC.Tag).getType() == "Spade") { slotSCount--; slotSpb = null; } else if (((Card1)selectedC.Tag).getType() == "Heart") { slotHCount--; slotHpb = null; } else if (((Card1)selectedC.Tag).getType() == "Diamond") { slotDCount--; slotDpb = null; } else if (((Card1)selectedC.Tag).getType() == "Club") { slotCCount--; slotCpb = null; } } glowingC.Location = new Point(selectedC.Location.X, selectedC.Location.Y + 20); glowingC.BringToFront(); glowingC = null; }