static void Main(string[] args) { ShapeFactory shapeFactory = new ShapeFactory(); IShape shape1 = shapeFactory.GetShape("circle"); shape1.DrawShape(); IShape shape2 = shapeFactory.GetShape("square"); shape2.DrawShape(); IShape shape3 = shapeFactory.GetShape("diamond"); shape3.DrawShape(); }
/// <summary> /// Responsible for creating different types of objects without exposing the complicated creation logic. /// </summary> /// <param name="args"></param> static void Main(string[] args) { ShapeFactory shapeFactory = new ShapeFactory(); //get an object of Circle and call its draw method. Shape shape1 = shapeFactory.GetShape(Shapes.Circle); //call draw method of Circle shape1.Draw(); //get an object of Rectangle and call its draw method. Shape shape2 = shapeFactory.GetShape(Shapes.Rectangle); //call draw method of Rectangle shape2.Draw(); //get an object of Square and call its draw method. Shape shape3 = shapeFactory.GetShape(Shapes.Square); //call draw method of square shape3.Draw(); }
public Program(AbstractBuilder builder, ShapeFactory shapeFactory) { this.Builder = builder; this.ShapeFactory = shapeFactory; }
public abstract Shape Construct(ShapeFactory shapeFactory);
static void Main(string[] args) { #region Creational Patterns //Singleton Singleton singleton = Singleton.GetInstance(); singleton.someUsefulCode(); Separate(); //Builder Item ciastko = new ItemBuilder(0).SetName("Ciastko").SetType("Food").build(); Console.WriteLine($"{}. {}, {ciastko.type}"); Separate(); //Prototype Person person = new Person(1, 15, "John"); Person shallowCopy = (Person)person.ShallowCopy(); Person deepCopy = (Person)person.DeepCopy(); Console.WriteLine(person); Console.WriteLine(shallowCopy); Console.WriteLine(deepCopy); = "Max"; person.age = 20; = new IdInfo(99); Console.WriteLine(person); Console.WriteLine(shallowCopy); Console.WriteLine(deepCopy); Separate(); //AbstractFactory Car miniCar = CarFactory.CarBuilder(CarType.MINI); Car lumiCar = CarFactory.CarBuilder(CarType.LUXURY); Separate(); //FactoryPattern ShapeFactory shapeFactory = new ShapeFactory(); Shape circle = shapeFactory.GetShape("circle"); circle.print(); Separate(); //ObjectPool SomeObject so1 = Pool.GetObject(); SomeObject so2 = Pool.GetObject(); Pool.ReleaseObject(so1); SomeObject so3 = Pool.GetObject(); Console.WriteLine($"so1: {so1}"); Console.WriteLine($"so2: {so2}"); Console.WriteLine($"so3: {so3}"); Separate(); #endregion #region Structural Patterns //Adapter OldClass oldClass = new OldClass(); IWrite write = new Adapter(oldClass); write.PrintMessage(); Separate(); //Bridge Thing triangle = new Ball(new Blue()); triangle.print(); Separate(); //Composite Component leaf1 = new Leaf("leaf1"); Component leaf2 = new Leaf("leaf2"); Component leaf3 = new Leaf("leaf3"); Component branch1 = new Composite("branch1"); branch1.Add(leaf1); branch1.Add(leaf2); Component root = new Composite("root"); root.Add(branch1); root.Add(leaf3); root.Display(1); Separate(); //Decorator Weapon weapon = new BaseWeapon(); weapon.shot(); Weapon modifiedWeapon = new Stock(weapon); modifiedWeapon.shot(); Separate(); //Facade Student student = new Student(); student.StartLearning(); student.EndLearning(); Separate(); //Flyweight Particle p1 = ParticleFactory.getSmallParticle("red"); //new key Particle p2 = ParticleFactory.getSmallParticle("red"); //no new one Particle p3 = ParticleFactory.getSmallParticle("blue"); //new key Separate(); //Proxy IBank proxyBank = new ProxyBank(); proxyBank.Pay(); Separate(); #endregion #region Behavioral Patterns //ChainOfResponsibility Chain chain = new Chain(); chain.Process(5); Separate(); //Command var modifyPrice = new ModifyPrice(); var product = new Product("Brick", 200); Console.WriteLine(product); modifyPrice.SetCommandAndInvoke(new ProductCommand(product, PriceAction.Increase, 50)); Console.WriteLine(product); Separate(); //Iterator CarRepository carRepository = new CarRepository(new string[] { "Renault", "BMW", "VW" }); for (IIterator i = carRepository.GetIterator(); i.hasNext();) { Console.WriteLine($"Car: {}"); } Separate(); //Mediator Mediator mediator = new RealMediator(); APerson jhon = new RealPerson(mediator, "Jhon"); APerson max = new RealPerson(mediator, "Max"); APerson emma = new RealPerson(mediator, "Emma"); mediator.AddPerson(jhon); mediator.AddPerson(max); mediator.AddPerson(emma); jhon.Send("I'm a jhon and this is my message! "); emma.Send("henlo"); Separate(); //Memento Localization localization = new Localization("NY", 123, 111); LocalizationSnapshot snapshot = localization.CreateSnapshot(); Console.WriteLine(localization); localization.City = "Berlin"; localization.X = 999; Console.WriteLine(localization); snapshot.Restore(); Console.WriteLine(localization); Separate(); //Observer Customer james = new Customer("James"); Customer william = new Customer("William"); Customer evelyn = new Customer("Evelyn"); Shop grocery = new Shop("YourFood"); Shop DIYshop = new Shop("Tooler"); grocery.AddSubscriber(james); grocery.AddSubscriber(william); grocery.AddSubscriber(evelyn); DIYshop.AddSubscriber(james); DIYshop.AddSubscriber(william); grocery.AddMerchandise(new Merchandise("pizza", 19)); DIYshop.AddMerchandise(new Merchandise("hammer", 399)); Separate(); //State AudioPlayer ap = new AudioPlayer(); ap.ClickPlay(); ap.ClickLock(); ap.ClickPlay(); ap.ClickPlay(); ap.ClickPlay(); ap.ClickLock(); ap.NextSong(); ap.PreviousSong(); Separate(); //Strategy Calculator calculator = new Calculator(new AddingStrategy()); calculator.Calculate(5, 2); calculator.ChangeStrategy(new SubtractingStrategy()); calculator.Calculate(5, 2); Separate(); //TemplateMethod Algorithm a1 = new AlgorithmWithStep2(); a1.Execute(); Algorithm a2 = new AlgorithmWithStep2and3(); a2.Execute(); Separate(); //Visitor ElementA ea = new ElementA("ElementA"); ElementA eb = new ElementA("ElementB"); Visitor1 v1 = new Visitor1(); Visitor2 v2 = new Visitor2(); ea.Accept(v1); ea.Accept(v2); eb.Accept(v1); eb.Accept(v2); #endregion }