/// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance for the BPMN <see cref="XDocument"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="doc">The BPMN document to parse.</param>
        public BpmnDocument(XDocument doc)
            Elements         = new Dictionary <string, BpmnElement>();
            Diagrams         = new List <BpmnDiagram>();
            TopLevelDiagrams = new List <BpmnDiagram>();
            ElementToDiagram = new Dictionary <BpmnElement, BpmnDiagram>();
            Messages         = new List <string>();

            // parse the XML file
            var callingElements = new List <BpmnElement>();

            RecursiveElements(doc.Root, null, callingElements);

            // collect all elements that are linked to from a plane
            foreach (var diagram in Diagrams)
                try {
                    var planeElement = diagram.Plane.Element;
                    ElementToDiagram[planeElement] = diagram;
                } catch (ArgumentException) {
                    Messages.Add("Tried to add a diagram with the already existing id: " + diagram.Id);

            // collect all diagrams where the plane corresponds to a Top Level BpmnElement (Process/Choreography/Collaboration)
            foreach (var diagram in Diagrams)
                BpmnDiagram parent      = null;
                var         element     = diagram.Plane.Element;
                var         elementName = element.Name;
                if (elementName == BpmnDiConstants.ProcessElement || elementName == BpmnDiConstants.ChoreographyElement || elementName == BpmnDiConstants.CollaborationElement)
                    foreach (var callingElement in callingElements)
                        if (callingElement.CalledElement == element.Id)
                            parent = callingElement.GetNearestAncestor(ElementToDiagram);
                            if (parent != null)
                                parent.AddChild(diagram, callingElement);
                    foreach (var child in diagram.Plane.Element.Children)
                        CollectChildDiagrams(child, diagram);
        /// <summary>
        /// Collect all <see cref="BpmnDiagram"/> where the plane corresponds to a <see cref="BpmnElement"/> in <paramref name="diagram"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bpmnElement">The element to check.</param>
        /// <param name="diagram">The diagram to collect the child diagrams for.</param>
        private void CollectChildDiagrams(BpmnElement bpmnElement, BpmnDiagram diagram)
            var currentDiagram = diagram;

            if (ElementToDiagram.ContainsKey(bpmnElement))
                var childDiagram = ElementToDiagram[bpmnElement];
                diagram.AddChild(childDiagram, bpmnElement);
                currentDiagram = childDiagram;
            foreach (var child in bpmnElement.Children)
                CollectChildDiagrams(child, currentDiagram);
            if (bpmnElement.Process != null && Elements.ContainsKey(bpmnElement.Process))
                BpmnElement process = Elements[bpmnElement.Process];
                CollectChildDiagrams(process, currentDiagram);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a <see cref="BpmnDiagram"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xNode">The XML node to start with</param>
        /// <returns>The parsed <see cref="BpmnDiagram"/></returns>
        private BpmnDiagram BuildDiagram(XElement xNode)
            var diagram = new BpmnDiagram(xNode);

            var bpmnPlane = BuildPlane(BpmnNM.GetElement(xNode, BpmnNM.BpmnDi, BpmnDiConstants.BpmnPlaneElement));

            if (bpmnPlane != null)

            foreach (var xChild in BpmnNM.GetElements(xNode, BpmnNM.BpmnDi, BpmnDiConstants.BpmnLabelStyleElement))
                var style = new BpmnLabelStyle(xChild);

            // Setting a default LabelStyle for all labels that do not have their own style.
            diagram.DefaultStyle = BpmnLabelStyle.NewDefaultInstance();

예제 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a child diagramm to this diagram
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="diagram">The child diagram</param>
 /// <param name="localRoot">The local root element</param>
 public void AddChild(BpmnDiagram diagram, BpmnElement localRoot)
     Children.Add(diagram, localRoot);