상속: Layer
        public void Show()
            if (this.resourcesLoaded)
                try {
                    if (this.configuration.ContainsKey("shim"))
                        ShimLayer shimLayer = this.gameObject.AddComponent <ShimLayer>();
                        shimLayer.Build(this, this.configuration["shim"] as JSONObject, this.depth);

                    JSONObject layout = this.configuration["layout"] as JSONObject;
                    object     orientation;
                    if (!layout.TryGetValue("landscape", out orientation) && !layout.TryGetValue("portrait", out orientation))
                        throw new KeyNotFoundException("Layout missing orientation key.");

                    BackgroundLayer backgroundLayer = this.gameObject.AddComponent <BackgroundLayer>();
                    backgroundLayer.Build(this, orientation as JSONObject, this.spriteMap.Background, this.depth - 1);

                    ButtonsLayer buttonLayer = this.gameObject.AddComponent <ButtonsLayer>();
                    buttonLayer.Build(this, orientation as JSONObject, this.spriteMap.Buttons, backgroundLayer, this.depth - 2);

                    this.showing = true;
                } catch (KeyNotFoundException exception) {
                    Logger.LogWarning("Failed to show image message, invalid format: " + exception.Message);
                } catch (Exception exception) {
                    Logger.LogWarning("Failed to show image message: " + exception.Message);
        public void Show()
            if (IsReady())
                    if (spriteMap.Texture == null)
                         * This is a workaround for when we're showing for an
                         * event trigger, as the instance didn't go through the
                         * FetchResources() call to load the texture we need to
                         * do it now.
                        spriteMap.LoadResource(e => { });

                    Canvas messageCanvas = gameObject.AddComponent <Canvas>();
                    messageCanvas.renderMode   = RenderMode.ScreenSpaceOverlay;
                    messageCanvas.sortingOrder = 32767;
                    gameObject.AddComponent <GraphicRaycaster>();

                    if (this.configuration.ContainsKey("shim"))
                        ShimLayer shimLayer = gameObject.AddComponent <ShimLayer>();
                        shimLayer.Build(ddna, gameObject, this, this.configuration["shim"] as JSONObject, this.depth);

                    JSONObject layout = configuration["layout"] as JSONObject;
                    object     orientation;
                    if (!layout.TryGetValue("landscape", out orientation) &&
                        !layout.TryGetValue("portrait", out orientation))
                        throw new KeyNotFoundException("Layout missing orientation key.");

                    BackgroundLayer backgroundLayer = gameObject.AddComponent <BackgroundLayer>();
                    backgroundLayer.Build(ddna, gameObject, this, orientation as JSONObject, spriteMap.Background,
                                          depth - 1);

                    ButtonsLayer buttonLayer = gameObject.AddComponent <ButtonsLayer>();
                    buttonLayer.Build(ddna, gameObject, this, orientation as JSONObject, spriteMap.Buttons,
                                      backgroundLayer, depth - 2);

                    showing = true;
                catch (KeyNotFoundException exception) {
                    Logger.LogWarning("Failed to show image message, invalid format: " + exception.Message);
                catch (Exception exception) {
                    Logger.LogWarning("Failed to show image message: " + exception.Message);
예제 #3
        public void Show()
            if (IsReady)
                try {
                    if (BeforeShow != null)
                        BeforeShow(this, new EventArgs());

                    object shimDictObj;
                    if (Configuration.TryGetValue("shim", out shimDictObj))
                        var       shimDict = shimDictObj as Dictionary <string, object>;
                        ShimLayer shim     = _gameObject.AddComponent <ShimLayer>();
                        shim.Init(this, shimDict, _depth);

                    object layoutDictObj;
                    if (Configuration.TryGetValue("layout", out layoutDictObj))
                        var    layoutDict = layoutDictObj as Dictionary <string, object>;
                        object orientationDictObj;
                        if ((layoutDict).TryGetValue("landscape", out orientationDictObj) ||
                            (layoutDict).TryGetValue("portrait", out orientationDictObj))
                            var orientationDict = orientationDictObj as Dictionary <string, object>;

                            BackgroundLayer background = _gameObject.AddComponent <BackgroundLayer>();
                            background.Init(this, orientationDict, _spritemap.GetBackground(), _depth - 1);

                            ButtonsLayer buttons = _gameObject.AddComponent <ButtonsLayer>();
                            buttons.Init(this, orientationDict, _spritemap.GetButtons(), background, _depth - 2);

                            IsShowing = true;
                            Logger.LogError("No layout orientation found.");
                        Logger.LogError("No layout found.");
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    Logger.LogError("Showing popup failed: " + ex.Message);