public static string ParseXML(XDocument d) { LoadSource(); countMistakes = 0; countSuccess = 0; curCount = 1; Mistakes = ""; foreach (XElement add in d.Root.Elements()) { var from = add.Element("from"); var to = add.Element("to"); surnameFrom = from.Attribute("surname")?.Value; nameFrom = from.Attribute("name")?.Value; midnameFrom = from.Attribute("midname")?.Value; companyFrom = from.Attribute("company")?.Value; phoneFrom = from.Attribute("phone")?.Value; mailFrom = from.Attribute("mail")?.Value; indexFrom = from.Attribute("index")?.Value; addressFrom = from.Attribute("address")?.Value; cityFrom = from.Attribute("city")?.Value; informingSMSFrom = Convert.ToBoolean(from.Attribute("informingSMS") == null ? "false" : from.Attribute("informingSMS").Value); informingMailFrom = Convert.ToBoolean(from.Attribute("informingMail") == null ? "false" : from.Attribute("informingMail").Value); surnameTo = to.Attribute("surname")?.Value; nameTo = to.Attribute("name")?.Value; midnameTo = to.Attribute("midname")?.Value; companyTo = to.Attribute("company")?.Value; phoneTo = to.Attribute("phone")?.Value; mailTo = to.Attribute("mail")?.Value; indexTo = to.Attribute("index")?.Value; addressTo = to.Attribute("address")?.Value; cityTo = to.Attribute("city")?.Value; informingSMSTo = Convert.ToBoolean(to.Attribute("informingSMS") == null ? "false" : to.Attribute("informingSMS").Value); informingMailTo = Convert.ToBoolean(to.Attribute("informingMail") == null ? "false" : to.Attribute("informingMail").Value); var temp = from.Attribute("idCentre"); idCentreFrom = temp == null ? null : (int?)Convert.ToInt32(temp.Value); temp = to.Attribute("idCentre"); idCentreTo = temp == null ? null : (int?)Convert.ToInt32(temp.Value); weightDouble = add.Attribute("weight") == null ? (double?)null : Convert.ToDouble(add.Attribute("weight").Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); lengthDouble = add.Attribute("length") == null ? (double?)null : Convert.ToDouble(add.Attribute("length").Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); widthtDouble = add.Attribute("width") == null ? (double?)null : Convert.ToDouble(add.Attribute("width").Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); heightDouble = add.Attribute("height") == null ? (double?)null : Convert.ToDouble(add.Attribute("height").Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); temp = add.Attribute("number"); numberInt = temp == null ? null : (int?)Convert.ToInt32(temp.Value); temp = add.Attribute("value"); valueDouble = temp == null ? null : (int?)Convert.ToDouble(temp.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); description = add.Attribute("description")?.Value; tariff = add.Attribute("tariff")?.Value; if (!CheckFromTo(ref surnameFrom, ref nameFrom, ref midnameFrom, ref companyFrom, ref phoneFrom, ref mailFrom, ref indexFrom, ref addressFrom, ref idCentreFrom, out idCityFrom, cityFrom, informingSMSFrom, informingMailFrom)) { countMistakes++; Mistakes += curCount + ", "; curCount++; continue; } if (!CheckFromTo(ref surnameTo, ref nameTo, ref midnameTo, ref companyTo, ref phoneTo, ref mailTo, ref indexTo, ref addressTo, ref idCentreTo, out idCityTo, cityTo, informingSMSTo, informingMailTo)) { countMistakes++; Mistakes += curCount + ", "; curCount++; continue; } if (!CheckPackage()) { countMistakes++; Mistakes += curCount + ", "; curCount++; continue; } using (ModelDBContainer db = new ModelDBContainer()) { Person From = new Person { Name = nameFrom, MiddleName = midnameFrom, Surname = surnameFrom, Company = companyFrom, Phone = phoneFrom, Mail = mailFrom, Index = indexFrom, CityId = idCityFrom, Address = addressFrom, CentreId = idCentreFrom, InformingSMS = informingSMSFrom, InformingMail = informingMailFrom }; Person To = new Person { Name = nameTo, MiddleName = midnameTo, Surname = surnameTo, Company = companyTo, Phone = phoneTo, Mail = mailTo, Index = indexTo, CityId = idCityTo, Address = addressTo, CentreId = idCentreTo, InformingSMS = informingSMSTo, InformingMail = informingMailTo }; db.Persons.Add(From); db.Persons.Add(To); db.SaveChanges(); Package package = new Package { PersonIdFrom = From.Id, PersonIdTo = To.Id, Weight = weightDouble, Width = widthtDouble, Length = lengthDouble, Height = heightDouble, DeclaredValue = valueDouble, Cost = costDouble, TariffId = idTariff, Description = description, NumberOfPackages = numberInt == null ? 1 : (int)numberInt }; db.Packages.Add(package); db.SaveChanges(); db.Records.Add(new Record { PackageId = package.Id, DateAndTime = DateTime.Now, Status = RegisterStatus }); db.SaveChanges(); } countSuccess++; curCount++; } string message = "Всего записей об отправлениях: " + (curCount - 1) + ". Успешно загружено: " + countSuccess + ". Не загружено по причине ошибки: " + countMistakes + "."; if (Mistakes.Length > 0) { message += " Порядковые номера записей с ошибками: " + Mistakes.Substring(0, Mistakes.Length - 2) + "."; } return(message); }