예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the layout of the grid.
        /// </summary>
        public override bool UpdateLayout(bool notifyParent = true)

            bool defaultDisableLayoutUpdate = DisableLayoutUpdate;

            DisableLayoutUpdate = true;

            var children = new List <UIView>();

            Content.ForEach <UIView>(x => children.Add(x), false);


            // arrange children into grid
            for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; ++i)
                var child     = children[i];
                var cellIndex = Cell.GetValue(child);
                if (cellIndex == null)
                    if (!(child is GridSplitter))
                        Debug.LogWarning(String.Format("#Delight# {0}: Unable to arrange view \"{1}\" in the grid as it doesn't specify its cell index. Specify cell index as an attached property on the view, e.g. <{1} Grid.CellIndex=\"0,1\" ...>, to put the view in the first row and second column.", Name, child.Name));

                // calculate width, height and offset of view based on cell index
                var columnDefinition = GetColumnDefinition(child);
                var rowDefinition    = GetRowDefinition(child);

                ElementMargin cellOffset = new ElementMargin();
                cellOffset.Left = columnDefinition.ActualOffset;
                cellOffset.Top  = rowDefinition.ActualOffset;

                // update child layout
                if (!cellOffset.Equals(child.OffsetFromParent) ||
                    !columnDefinition.ActualWidth.Equals(child.Width) ||
                    !rowDefinition.ActualHeight.Equals(child.Height) ||
                    child.Alignment != ElementAlignment.TopLeft)
                    bool defaultDisableChildLayoutUpdate = child.DisableLayoutUpdate;
                    child.DisableLayoutUpdate = true;

                    child.OffsetFromParent = cellOffset;
                    child.Width            = columnDefinition.ActualWidth;
                    child.Height           = rowDefinition.ActualHeight;
                    child.Alignment        = ElementAlignment.TopLeft;

                    child.DisableLayoutUpdate = defaultDisableChildLayoutUpdate;

            DisableLayoutUpdate = defaultDisableLayoutUpdate;

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the layout of the group.
        /// </summary>
        public override bool UpdateLayout(bool notifyParent = true)
            bool defaultDisableLayoutUpdate = DisableLayoutUpdate;

            DisableLayoutUpdate = true;

            bool          hasNewSize       = false;
            float         maxWidth         = 0f;
            float         maxHeight        = 0f;
            float         totalWidth       = 0f;
            float         totalHeight      = 0f;
            bool          percentageWidth  = false;
            bool          percentageHeight = false;
            bool          isHorizontal     = Orientation == ElementOrientation.Horizontal;
            List <UIView> children         = new List <UIView>();

            this.ForEach <UIView>(x =>
            }, false);

            // get size of content and set content offsets and alignment
            var spacing    = Spacing ?? ElementSize.Default;
            int childCount = children.Count;
            int childIndex = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < childCount; ++i)
                var childView = children[i];
                if (!childView.IsActive)
                    // don't group inactive views

                var childWidth  = childView.OverrideWidth ?? (childView.Width ?? ElementSize.Default);
                var childHeight = childView.OverrideHeight ?? (childView.Height ?? ElementSize.Default);

                if (childWidth.Unit == ElementSizeUnit.Percents)
                    if (isHorizontal)
                        Debug.LogWarning(String.Format("#Delight# Unable to group view \"{0}\" horizontally as it doesn't specify its width in pixels.", childView.Name));
                        percentageWidth = true;

                if (childHeight.Unit == ElementSizeUnit.Percents)
                    if (!isHorizontal)
                        Debug.LogWarning(String.Format("#Delight# Unable to group view \"{0}\" vertically as it doesn't specify its height in pixels or elements.", childView.Name));
                        percentageHeight = true;

                bool defaultDisableChildLayoutUpdate = childView.DisableLayoutUpdate;
                childView.DisableLayoutUpdate = true;

                // set offsets and alignment
                var offset = new ElementMargin(
                    new ElementSize(isHorizontal ? totalWidth + spacing.Pixels * childIndex : 0f, ElementSizeUnit.Pixels),
                    new ElementSize(!isHorizontal ? totalHeight + spacing.Pixels * childIndex : 0f, ElementSizeUnit.Pixels));

                // set desired alignment if it is valid for the orientation otherwise use defaults
                var alignment        = ElementAlignment.Center;
                var defaultAlignment = isHorizontal ? ElementAlignment.Left : ElementAlignment.Top;
                var desiredAlignment = !ContentAlignmentProperty.IsUndefined(this) ? ContentAlignment : childView.Alignment;
                if (isHorizontal && (desiredAlignment == ElementAlignment.Top || desiredAlignment == ElementAlignment.Bottom ||
                                     desiredAlignment == ElementAlignment.TopLeft || desiredAlignment == ElementAlignment.BottomLeft))
                    alignment = defaultAlignment | desiredAlignment;
                else if (!isHorizontal && (desiredAlignment == ElementAlignment.Left || desiredAlignment == ElementAlignment.Right ||
                                           desiredAlignment == ElementAlignment.TopLeft || desiredAlignment == ElementAlignment.TopRight))
                    alignment = defaultAlignment | desiredAlignment;
                    alignment = defaultAlignment;

                // get size of content
                if (!percentageWidth)
                    totalWidth += childWidth;
                    maxWidth    = childWidth.Pixels > maxWidth ? childWidth.Pixels : maxWidth;

                if (!percentageHeight)
                    totalHeight += childHeight;
                    maxHeight    = childHeight.Pixels > maxHeight ? childHeight.Pixels : maxHeight;

                // update child layout
                if (!offset.Equals(childView.OffsetFromParent) || alignment != childView.Alignment)
                    childView.OffsetFromParent = offset;
                    childView.Alignment        = alignment;

                childView.DisableLayoutUpdate = defaultDisableChildLayoutUpdate;

            // set width and height
            float totalSpacing = childCount > 1 ? (childIndex - 1) * spacing.Pixels : 0f;

            // adjust width to content
            if (WidthProperty.IsUndefined(this))
                if (!percentageWidth)
                    // add margins
                    var margin = Margin ?? ElementMargin.Default;
                    totalWidth += isHorizontal ? totalSpacing : 0f;
                    totalWidth += margin.Left.Pixels + margin.Right.Pixels;
                    maxWidth   += margin.Left.Pixels + margin.Right.Pixels;

                    // adjust width to content
                    var newWidth = new ElementSize(isHorizontal ? totalWidth : maxWidth, ElementSizeUnit.Pixels);
                    if (!newWidth.Equals(Width))
                        OverrideWidth = newWidth;
                        hasNewSize    = true;
                    var newWidth = new ElementSize(1, ElementSizeUnit.Percents);
                    if (!newWidth.Equals(Width))
                        OverrideWidth = newWidth;
                        hasNewSize    = true;
            else if (OverrideWidth != null && !OverrideWidth.Equals(Width))
                // clear override
                OverrideWidth = null;
                hasNewSize    = true;

            // adjust height to content
            if (HeightProperty.IsUndefined(this))
                if (!percentageHeight)
                    // add margins
                    var margin = Margin ?? ElementMargin.Default;
                    totalHeight += !isHorizontal ? totalSpacing : 0f;
                    totalHeight += margin.Top.Pixels + margin.Bottom.Pixels;
                    maxHeight   += margin.Top.Pixels + margin.Bottom.Pixels;

                    // adjust height to content
                    var newHeight = new ElementSize(!isHorizontal ? totalHeight : maxHeight, ElementSizeUnit.Pixels);
                    if (!newHeight.Equals(Height))
                        OverrideHeight = newHeight;
                        hasNewSize     = true;
                    var newHeight = new ElementSize(1, ElementSizeUnit.Percents);
                    if (!newHeight.Equals(Height))
                        OverrideHeight = newHeight;
                        hasNewSize     = true;
            else if (OverrideHeight != null && !OverrideHeight.Equals(Height))
                // clear override
                OverrideHeight = null;
                hasNewSize     = true;

            DisableLayoutUpdate = defaultDisableLayoutUpdate;

            return(base.UpdateLayout(notifyParent) || hasNewSize);