예제 #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Point3D p1 = new Point3D(1, 2, 3);
            Point3D p2 = new Point3D(4, 5, 6);

            Path points = new Path();

            Console.WriteLine("{0:F2}", Distance.CalculateDistance(p1, p2));

            PathStorage.Save(points, "Path.txt");
예제 #2
        static void TestingPointsFromTask1ToTask4()
            Console.WriteLine("------------------- Testing Points From Task 1 To Task 4 -------------------");
            //********** TASK 1 **********
            Console.WriteLine("********** TASK 1 **********");
            //Create a structure Point3D to hold a 3D-coordinate {X, Y, Z} in the Euclidian 3D space.
            Point3D point = new Point3D(2, 5, 6);

            //Implement the ToString() to enable printing a 3D point.
            Console.WriteLine("This is Point3D.ToString(): {0}", point.ToString());

            //********** TASK 2 **********
            Console.WriteLine("********** TASK 2 **********");
            //Add a private static read-only field to hold the start of the coordinate system – the point O{0, 0, 0}.
            //Add a static property to return the point O.
            Console.WriteLine("Start of the coordinate system: {0}", Point3D.ZeroPoint);

            //********** TASK 3 **********
            Console.WriteLine("********** TASK 3 **********");
            //Write a static class with a static method to calculate the distance between two points in the 3D space.
            Console.WriteLine("Distance between 2 points: {0}", Distance.CalculateDistance(point, Point3D.ZeroPoint));

            //********** TASK 4 **********
            Console.WriteLine("********** TASK 4 **********");
            //Create a class Path to hold a sequence of points in the 3D space.
            Path path = new Path();

            path.AddPoint(new Point3D(1, 2, 3));
            path.AddPoint(new Point3D(6, 8, 6));
            path.AddPoint(new Point3D(2, 5, 7));
            path.AddPoint(new Point3D(1, 2, 0));
            //Create a static class PathStorage with static methods to save and load paths from a text file.
            //Saving path to a file
            Console.WriteLine("Saving path to a file");
            PathStorage.SavePath(path, "file");
            //Loading paths from a file
            Path loadedPath = PathStorage.LoadPath("file");

            Console.WriteLine("Loading paths from a file");
            foreach (var item in loadedPath.Points)
예제 #3
        static void Main()
            Point3D firstPoint = new Point3D(6, 5, 4);

            Console.WriteLine("First point: {0}", firstPoint);

            Console.WriteLine("Second Point: {0}", Point3D.O);

            Console.WriteLine("Distance between 2 points: {0:F2}", DistanceBetween2Points.CalculateDistance(firstPoint, Point3D.O));

            PathStorage.SavePath(); // Saving random sequence of some points in text file.

            Console.WriteLine(new string('=', 42) + "\r\nLoaded sequnce of points from a saved file\r\n" + new string('=', 42));
            PathStorage.LoadPath(); // Loading the sequence from the saved file and printing it on the console.

            Console.WriteLine(new string('=', 48) + "\r\nTesting GenericList's Add function and Auto-Grow\r\n" + new string('=', 48));
            GenericList <Point3D> pointsInList = new GenericList <Point3D>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                pointsInList.Add(new Point3D(rnd.Next(0, 100), rnd.Next(0, 100), rnd.Next(0, 100)));
                Console.WriteLine("[Index: {0}] {1}", i, pointsInList[i]);

            Console.WriteLine(new string('=', 37) + "\r\nTesting GenericList's Access function\r\n" + new string('=', 37));
            Point3D accessPoint = pointsInList.AccessElement(5);


            Console.WriteLine(new string('=', 37) + "\r\nTesting GenericList's Remove function\r\n" + new string('=', 37));
            for (int i = 0; i < pointsInList.Count; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("[Index: {0}] {1}", i, pointsInList[i]);

            Console.WriteLine(new string('=', 39) + "\r\nTesting GenericList's InsertAt function\r\n" + new string('=', 39));
            pointsInList.InsertAt(new Point3D(32, 17, 98), 5);
            for (int i = 0; i < pointsInList.Count; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("[Index: {0}] {1}", i, pointsInList[i]);

            Console.WriteLine(new string('=', 49) + "\r\nTesting GenericList's FindIndexOfElement function\r\n" + new string('=', 49));
            var indexOf = pointsInList.FindIndexOfElement(new Point3D(32, 17, 98));

            Console.WriteLine("The index of {0} is: {1}", new Point3D(32, 17, 98), indexOf);

            Console.WriteLine(new string('=', 39) + "\r\nTesting GenericList's ToString function\r\n" + new string('=', 39));

            Console.WriteLine(new string('=', 37) + "\r\nTesting Min<T>() and Max<T>() methods\r\n" + new string('=', 37));
            double distance1 = DistanceBetween2Points.CalculateDistance(pointsInList[0], pointsInList[1]);
            double distance2 = DistanceBetween2Points.CalculateDistance(pointsInList[2], pointsInList[3]);
            double min       = Min <double>(distance1, distance2);
            double max       = Max <double>(distance1, distance2);

            Console.WriteLine("Min distance: {0:F2}", min);
            Console.WriteLine("Max distance: {0:F2}", max);
            Console.WriteLine(new string('=', 20) + "\r\nTesting Mtarix class\r\n" + new string('=', 20));
            Matrix <int> firstMatrix  = new Matrix <int>(3, 3);
            Matrix <int> secondMatrix = new Matrix <int>(3, 3);

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    firstMatrix[i, j]  = (i + 3) + (j + 1) + 2;
                    secondMatrix[i, j] = (i + 1) + (j + 2);
            Console.WriteLine("First Matrix:\r\n{0}", firstMatrix);
            Console.WriteLine("Second Matrix:\r\n{0}", secondMatrix);
            Console.WriteLine(new string('=', 8) + "\r\nAddition\r\n" + new string('=', 8));
            Console.WriteLine("First Matrix + Second Matrix =\n{0}", firstMatrix + secondMatrix);
            Console.WriteLine(new string('=', 12) + "\r\nSubstraction\r\n" + new string('=', 12));
            Console.WriteLine("First Matrix - Second Matrix =\n{0}", firstMatrix - secondMatrix);
            Console.WriteLine(new string('=', 14) + "\r\nMultiplycation\r\n" + new string('=', 14));
            Console.WriteLine("First Matrix * Second Matrix =\n{0}", firstMatrix * secondMatrix);
            Console.WriteLine(new string('=', 13) + "\r\nTrue operator\r\n" + new string('=', 13));
            Matrix <int> anotherMatrix = new Matrix <int>(3, 3);

            Console.WriteLine("This matrix: ");
            if (anotherMatrix)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}\r\ndoesn't containt zero elements", anotherMatrix);
                Console.WriteLine("{0}\r\ncontaints zero elements", anotherMatrix);

            object[] attributes = typeof(DefinigClassesMain).GetCustomAttributes(false);
            Console.WriteLine("Version: {0}", attributes[0]);
예제 #4
        static void Main()
            // Test Path
            Path points = new Path();

            points.AddPoint(new Point3D(1, 2, 3));
            points.AddPoint(new Point3D(5, 2, 3));
            points.AddPoint(new Point3D(6, 3, 3));

            // Test PathStorage

            // Test distance
            Console.WriteLine("Distance: {0}", Distance.CalculateDistance(new Point3D(1, 2, 3), new Point3D(5, 2, 3)));

            // Test Matrix operators
            Matrix <int> matrix1 = new Matrix <int>(3, 2);

            matrix1[0, 0] = 1;
            matrix1[0, 1] = 3;
            matrix1[1, 0] = 1;
            matrix1[1, 1] = 0;
            matrix1[2, 0] = 1;
            matrix1[2, 1] = 2;
            Matrix <int> matrix2 = new Matrix <int>(3, 2);

            matrix2[0, 0] = 0;
            matrix2[0, 1] = 0;
            matrix2[1, 0] = 7;
            matrix2[1, 1] = 5;
            matrix2[2, 0] = 2;
            matrix2[2, 1] = 1;

            // Test +
            Console.WriteLine("The sum is");
            Console.WriteLine(matrix1 + matrix2);

            // Test -
            Console.WriteLine("The subtraction is");
            Console.WriteLine(matrix1 - matrix2);

            // Test *
            Matrix <int> matrix3 = new Matrix <int>(2, 3);

            matrix3[0, 0] = 1;
            matrix3[0, 1] = 2;
            matrix3[0, 2] = 3;
            matrix3[1, 0] = 4;
            matrix3[1, 1] = 5;
            matrix3[1, 2] = 6;
            Matrix <int> matrix4 = new Matrix <int>(3, 2);

            matrix4[0, 0] = 7;
            matrix4[0, 1] = 8;
            matrix4[1, 0] = 9;
            matrix4[1, 1] = 10;
            matrix4[2, 0] = 11;
            matrix4[2, 1] = 12;
            Console.WriteLine("The multiplication is");
            Console.WriteLine(matrix3 * matrix4);

            // Test True
            if (matrix1)
                Console.WriteLine("The matrix has not zero element!");
                Console.WriteLine("The matrix has zero element!");

            if (matrix4)
                Console.WriteLine("The matrix has not zero element!");
                Console.WriteLine("The matrix has zero element!");

            // Test Version attribute
예제 #5
        static void Main()
            //Problem 1 test
            Point3D point = new Point3D(2.5, 3, 4);

            //Problem 2 test
            Console.WriteLine("\nPoint O:");
            //Problem 3 test
            Console.WriteLine("\nDistance between two points:");
            Console.WriteLine(Distance.CalculateDistance(Point3D.getPointO, point));

            //Problem 4 test
            Path.PointsPath.Add(new Point3D(7, 3, 1));
            Path.PointsPath.Add(new Point3D(3, 1, 9));
            Path.PointsPath.Add(new Point3D(5, 5, 9));

            //Problems 5, 6 test
            var numbers = new GenericList <int>(4);

            numbers.Add(5);     //Test Add method

            var people = new GenericList <string>(2);    //Test GenericList with strings


            numbers.RemoveAtGivenPosition(3);   //Test RemoveAtGivenPosition method

            numbers[0] = 555;   //Test indexer
            people[2] = "Mariya";

            numbers.AddAtGivenPosition(999, 0);     //Test AddAtGivenPosition method
            numbers.AddAtGivenPosition(11, 0);
            people.AddAtGivenPosition("Petya", 0);

            Console.WriteLine("Index of 555: " + numbers.IndexOf(555) + ", Index of 3247: " + numbers.IndexOf(3247)); // Test IndexOf method
            Console.WriteLine("Index of Mariya: " + people.IndexOf("Mariya"));

            //Problem 7 test
            Console.WriteLine("Min element of numbers: " + numbers.Min());   //Test Min method
            Console.WriteLine("Max element of numbers: " + numbers.Max());   //Test Max method
            Console.WriteLine("Min element of names:" + people.Min());
            Console.WriteLine("Max element of names:" + people.Max());

            numbers.RemoveAll();    //Test RemoveAll method(Problem 6)

            //Problems 8,9
            var matrix = new Matrix <double>();

            matrix[2, 1] = 2.4;
            matrix[4, 2] = 10.3;
            matrix[1, 0] = 45.4;
            Console.WriteLine(matrix[2, 1] + ", " + matrix[4, 2] + ", " + matrix[1, 0]);

            var numberMatrix = new Matrix <int>();

            matrix[3, 1] = 2;
            matrix[1, 2] = 10;
            matrix[2, 0] = 45;
            Console.WriteLine(matrix[3, 1] + ", " + matrix[1, 2] + ", " + matrix[2, 0] + "\n");

            //Problem 10
            var firstMatrix = new Matrix <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                    firstMatrix[i, j] = i + 1;

            var secondMatrix = new Matrix <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                    secondMatrix[i, j] = i + 2;
            Console.WriteLine(firstMatrix + secondMatrix);
            Console.WriteLine(secondMatrix - firstMatrix);
            Console.WriteLine(firstMatrix * secondMatrix);

            //Problem 11
            VersionAttribute vs = new VersionAttribute();

        static void Main(string[] args)
             * 11. Version attribute
             *  Create a [Version] attribute that can be applied to structures, classes, interfaces, enumerations and methods and holds a version in the format major.minor (e.g. 2.11).
             *  Apply the version attribute to a sample class and display its version at runtime.
            Type type = typeof(TestHomework);

            object[] vers = type.GetCustomAttributes(false);
            foreach (VersionAttribute version in vers)
                Console.WriteLine("The version is [{0}.{1}]",
                                  version.Version, version.SubVersion);

             * 1. Structure
             *  Create a structure Point3D to hold a 3D-coordinate {X, Y, Z} in the Euclidian 3D space.
             *  Implement the ToString() to enable printing a 3D point.
            Console.WriteLine(new String('-', 73));
            Point3D point1 = new Point3D(3, 4, 5);

            Console.WriteLine("Point: " + point1);

             * 2. Static read-only field
             *  Add a private static read-only field to hold the start of the coordinate system – the point O{0, 0, 0}.
             *  Add a static property to return the point O.
            Console.WriteLine(new String('-', 73));
            Console.WriteLine("Center O : " + Point3D.O);

             * 3. Static class
             *  Write a static class with a static method to calculate the distance between two points in the 3D space.
            Console.WriteLine(new String('-', 73));
            Point3D point2 = new Point3D(5, 4, 3);

            Console.WriteLine("Distance between two points {0} and {1} is {2:F3}", point1, point2, DistanceBetweenPoints.Distance(point1, point2));

             * 4. Path
             *  Create a class Path to hold a sequence of points in the 3D space.
             *  Create a static class PathStorage with static methods to save and load paths from a text file.
             *  Use a file format of your choice.
            Console.WriteLine(new String('-', 73));
            List <Point3D> path = PathStorage.Load(@"..\..\fileWithPoints_test.txt");

            Console.WriteLine("Path with poinst loaded from a .txt file :");
            foreach (Point3D p in path)
            PathStorage.Save(@"..\..\TestSavePath.txt", path);
            Console.WriteLine("Those points were saved to ' " + @"..\..\TestSavePath.txt" + " ' ");

             * 5. Generic class
             *  Write a generic class GenericList<T> that keeps a list of elements of some parametric type T.
             *  Keep the elements of the list in an array with fixed capacity which is given as parameter in the class constructor.
             *  Implement methods for adding element, accessing element by index, removing element by index, inserting element at given position, clearing the list, finding element by its value and ToString().
             *  Check all input parameters to avoid accessing elements at invalid positions.
            Console.WriteLine(new String('-', 73));

            Console.WriteLine("Creating Generic list");
            GenericList <int> genericListInt = new GenericList <int>(3);

            Console.WriteLine("Added to list : " + genericListInt);
            Console.WriteLine("Element on index [1] is : " + genericListInt[1]);
            Console.WriteLine("Removed element on index [1], list is : " + genericListInt);
            genericListInt.InsertAt(1, 100);
            Console.Write("Inserted element '{0}' ot position {1}. ", genericListInt[1], 1);
            Console.WriteLine("List is: " + genericListInt);

             * 6. Auto-grow
             *  Implement auto-grow functionality: when the internal array is full, create a new array of double size and move all elements to it.
            Console.WriteLine(new String('-', 73));
            Console.WriteLine("Before adding elements list is {0} and has capacity: {1}",
                              genericListInt, genericListInt.Capacity);
            Console.WriteLine("After adding a few elements the list is {0} \nand it's capacity is : {1}",
                              genericListInt, genericListInt.Capacity);

             * 7. Min and Max
             *  Create generic methods Min<T>() and Max<T>() for finding the minimal and maximal element in the GenericList<T>.
             *  You may need to add a generic constraints for the type T.
            Console.WriteLine(new String('-', 73));
            Console.WriteLine("Minimal element is: {0} ", genericListInt.Min());
            Console.WriteLine("Maximal element is: {0} ", genericListInt.Max());
            Console.WriteLine("List before clear: \n" + genericListInt);
            Console.WriteLine("List after clear: \n" + genericListInt + "  it's empty :( ");

             * 8. Matrix
             *  Define a class Matrix<T> to hold a matrix of numbers (e.g. integers, floats, decimals).
             * 9. Matrix indexer
             *  Implement an indexer this[row, col] to access the inner matrix cells.
             * 10. Matrix operations
             *  Implement the operators + and - (addition and subtraction of matrices of the same size) and * for matrix multiplication.
             *  Throw an exception when the operation cannot be performed.
             *  Implement the true operator (check for non-zero elements).

            Console.WriteLine(new String('-', 73));
            Matrix <int> matr1 = new Matrix <int>(3, 2);

            matr1[0, 0] = 1;
            matr1[0, 1] = 1;
            matr1[1, 0] = 1;
            matr1[1, 1] = 1;
            matr1[2, 0] = 1;
            matr1[2, 1] = 1;
            Console.WriteLine("Matrix1 is : \n" + matr1);
            Matrix <int> matr2 = new Matrix <int>(3, 2);

            matr2[0, 0] = 2;
            matr2[0, 1] = 2;
            matr2[1, 0] = 2;
            matr2[1, 1] = 2;
            matr2[2, 0] = 2;
            matr2[2, 1] = 2;
            Console.WriteLine("Matrix2 is : \n" + matr2);
            Console.WriteLine("Matrix1 + Matrix2 : \n" + (matr1 + matr2));
            Console.WriteLine("Matrix1 - Matrix2 : \n" + (matr1 - matr2));

            Matrix <int> multMatr = new Matrix <int>(2, 5);

            multMatr[0, 0] = 0;
            multMatr[0, 1] = 0;
            multMatr[0, 2] = 0;
            multMatr[0, 3] = 0;
            multMatr[0, 4] = 0;
            multMatr[1, 0] = 0;
            multMatr[1, 1] = 0;
            multMatr[1, 2] = 0;
            multMatr[1, 3] = 0;
            multMatr[1, 4] = 0;
            Console.WriteLine("Matrix 3 : \n" + multMatr);
            Console.WriteLine("Matrix1 * Matrix3 : ");
            Console.WriteLine(matr1 * multMatr);
            if (matr1 * multMatr)
                Console.WriteLine("The matrix: \n" + (matr1 * multMatr));
                Console.WriteLine("DOES NOT CONTAIN ZERO");
                Console.WriteLine("The matrix: \n" + (matr1 * multMatr));
                Console.WriteLine("CONTAINS ZERO");