예제 #1
            internal void ComputeEffects(DefenseShields shield, Vector3D impactPos, int prevLod, float shieldPercent, bool activeVisible)
                Shield = shield;
                if (Shield?.ShellActive != null)
                _matrix = Shield.ShieldShapeMatrix;

                if (Session.Instance.Settings.ClientConfig.ShowHitRings && impactPos != Vector3D.NegativeInfinity && impactPos != Vector3D.PositiveInfinity)
                    CreateImpactRing(shield, impactPos, _lod);

                _flash = shieldPercent <= 10;
                if (_flash && _mainLoop < 30)
                    shieldPercent += 10;

                var newActiveColor = UtilsStatic.GetShieldColorFromFloat(shieldPercent);

                _activeColor = newActiveColor;

                ImpactPosState = impactPos;
                _active        = activeVisible && _activeColor != Session.Instance.Color90;

                if (prevLod != _lod)
                    var ib = _backing.IndexBuffer[_lod];
                    Array.Resize(ref _preCalcNormLclPos, ib.Length / 3);
                    Array.Resize(ref _triColorBuffer, ib.Length / 3);


                 * if (refreshAnim && _refresh && ImpactsFinished && prevLod == _lod) RefreshColorAssignments(prevLod);
                 * if (ImpactsFinished && prevLod == _lod) return;
                 * ImpactColorAssignments(prevLod);

                //// vec3 localSpherePositionOfImpact;
                //    foreach (vec3 triangleCom in triangles) {
                //    var surfDistance = Math.acos(dot(triangleCom, localSpherePositionOfImpact));
                // }
                // surfDistance will be the distance, along the surface, between the impact point and the triangle
                // Equinox - It won't distort properly for anything that isn't a sphere
                // localSpherePositionOfImpact = a direction
                // triangleCom is another direction
                // Dot product is the cosine of the angle between them
                // Acos gives you that angle in radians
                // Multiplying by the sphere radius(1 for the unit sphere in question) gives the arc length.
예제 #2
            internal void ComputeEffects(MatrixD matrix, Vector3D impactPos, MyEntity shellPassive, MyEntity shellActive, int prevLod, float shieldPercent, bool activeVisible, bool refreshAnim)
                if (ShellActive == null)

                _flash = shieldPercent <= 10;
                if (_flash && _mainLoop < 30)
                    shieldPercent += 10;

                var newActiveColor = UtilsStatic.GetShieldColorFromFloat(shieldPercent);

                _activeColor = newActiveColor;

                _matrix        = matrix;
                ImpactPosState = impactPos;
                _active        = activeVisible && _activeColor != Session.Instance.Color90;

                if (prevLod != _lod)
                    var ib = _backing.IndexBuffer[_lod];
                    Array.Resize(ref _preCalcNormLclPos, ib.Length / 3);
                    Array.Resize(ref _triColorBuffer, ib.Length / 3);


                if (refreshAnim && _refresh && ImpactsFinished && prevLod == _lod)
                if (ImpactsFinished && prevLod == _lod)

                //// vec3 localSpherePositionOfImpact;
                //    foreach (vec3 triangleCom in triangles) {
                //    var surfDistance = Math.acos(dot(triangleCom, localSpherePositionOfImpact));
                // }
                // surfDistance will be the distance, along the surface, between the impact point and the triangle
                // Equinox - It won't distort properly for anything that isn't a sphere
                // localSpherePositionOfImpact = a direction
                // triangleCom is another direction
                // Dot product is the cosine of the angle between them
                // Acos gives you that angle in radians
                // Multiplying by the sphere radius(1 for the unit sphere in question) gives the arc length.
예제 #3
        public void Execute()
            if (Entity == null || !Entity.InScene || Entity.MarkedForClose)
            var computedDamage = UtilsStatic.ComputeAmmoDamage(Entity);

            var damage = computedDamage * Shield.DsState.State.ModulateKinetic;

            if (computedDamage < 0)
                damage = computedDamage;

            var rayDir    = Vector3D.Normalize(Entity.Physics.LinearVelocity);
            var ray       = new RayD(Entity.PositionComp.WorldVolume.Center, rayDir);
            var intersect = CustomCollision.IntersectEllipsoid(ref Shield.DetectMatrixOutsideInv, Shield.DetectionMatrix, ref ray);
            var hitDist   = intersect ?? 0;
            var hitPos    = ray.Position + (ray.Direction * -hitDist);

            if (Session.Instance.MpActive)
                Shield.AddShieldHit(Entity.EntityId, damage, Session.Instance.MPExplosion, null, true, hitPos);
                Entity.InScene = false;
                Shield.EnergyHit           = DefenseShields.HitType.Energy;
                Shield.WorldImpactPosition = hitPos;
                Shield.ImpactSize          = damage;
                Entity.InScene = false;
            Shield.WebDamage     = true;
            Shield.Absorb       += damage;
            Shield.EnergyDamage += damage;

예제 #4
        public AmmoInfo2(bool explosive, float damage, float radius, float speed, float mass, float backKickForce)
            Explosive     = explosive;
            Damage        = damage;
            Radius        = radius;
            Speed         = (float)Math.Truncate(speed);
            Mass          = mass;
            BackKickForce = (float)Math.Truncate(backKickForce);

            var backCompat = UtilsStatic.GetDmgMulti(backKickForce);

            if (Math.Abs(backCompat) >= 0.001) //back compat, != 0 might get weird
                KineticWeapon = !Explosive;
                BypassWeapon  = false;
                DmgMulti      = backCompat;
                if (Mass < 0 && Radius <= 0) //ye olde heal check
                    HealingWeapon = true;
            else if (BackKickForce < 0) //emulates the weirdest old behavior
                KineticWeapon = !Explosive;
                BypassWeapon  = false;
                DmgMulti      = 0;
                ShieldDamage  = float.NegativeInfinity; //bls gob no
                if (Mass < 0 && Radius <= 0)
                    ShieldDamage = -ShieldDamage;
            else //new API
                var slice = Math.Abs(backKickForce - Math.Truncate(backKickForce)) * 10;
                var opNum = (int)Math.Truncate(slice);                                     ////gets first decimal digit
                DmgMulti = (float)Math.Truncate((slice - Math.Truncate(slice)) * 10);      ////gets second decimal digit
                var uuid = (int)Math.Round(Math.Abs(speed - Math.Truncate(speed)) * 1000); ////gets UUID

                if (uuid != 537 || backKickForce >= 131072 || speed >= 16384)
                {   ////confirms UUID or if backkick/speed are out of range of float precision
                    KineticWeapon = !Explosive;
                    HealingWeapon = false;
                    BypassWeapon  = false;
                    DmgMulti      = 1;
                else if (opNum == 8) ////8 is bypass, ignores all other flags
                    KineticWeapon = !Explosive;
                    HealingWeapon = false;
                    BypassWeapon  = true;
                    DmgMulti      = 1;
                else //eval flags
                    if (Convert.ToBoolean(opNum & 1))  ////bitcheck first bit; 0 is fractional, 1 is whole num
                        if (Math.Abs(DmgMulti) <= 0.001d) ////fractional and mult 0 = no damage
                            DmgMulti = 10;
                        DmgMulti /= 10;
                    KineticWeapon = Convert.ToBoolean(opNum & 2); //second bit; 0 is energy, 1 is kinetic
                    HealingWeapon = Convert.ToBoolean(opNum & 4); //third bit; 0 is damaging, 1 is healing

            if (Explosive)
                ShieldDamage = (Damage * (Radius * 0.5f)) * 7.5f * DmgMulti;
                ShieldDamage = Mass * Speed * DmgMulti;
            //  shieldDamage = Mass * Math.Pow(Speed,2) * DmgMulti / 2; //kinetic equation
            if (HealingWeapon)
                ShieldDamage = -ShieldDamage;