showClass() 개인적인 메소드

showClass() will take the given Class instance and display all the members.
private showClass ( Type cls ) : void
cls System.Type
리턴 void
예제 #1
파일: corcls.cs 프로젝트: ArildF/masters
    /// <summary>
    ///  Main does all the real work.  call the arg processor, show the help, and
    ///  run throug the class list on the command line.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="args"></param>
    public static void Main (String[] args) 
      corcls lister = new corcls();

      // processArgs() will set the switches and return an array of the non-
      // switch arguments -- the classnames to be displayed.
      String[] classList = lister.processArgs( args );

      // show help if the user asked, or if there were no classname args
      if (showHelp || (classList.Length == 0 && lister.moduleName == null)) 
        Console.WriteLine( "corcls:  Shared Source CLI Runtime class display utility" );

        Console.WriteLine( "\nusage: corcls [options] <classname> [classname...]" );
        Console.WriteLine( "" );
        Console.WriteLine( "   options" );
        Console.WriteLine( "   -a <level>  abbreviation level [ short | medium | long ]" );
        Console.WriteLine( "   -w          generate HTML content" );
        Console.WriteLine( "   -f          force full package qualifiers" );
        Console.WriteLine( "   -m <module> load and search the named CLI assembly" );
        Console.WriteLine( "   -noinherit  don't display inherited methods and fields" );
        Console.WriteLine( "   -o          only show class names within modules (use with -m)" );
        Console.WriteLine( "   -q          be quiet, suppress errors" );
        Console.WriteLine( "   -v          visible (public & protected) classes/methods/fields only" );
        Console.WriteLine( "   -p          public classes, methods, or fields only" );
        Console.WriteLine( "   -h          Show this usage help" );

      Assembly module = null;
      if (lister.moduleName != null)
        module = Assembly.LoadFrom( lister.moduleName );

      // there are no named classes, dump all in the module
      if (classList.Length == 0) 
        lister.showModule( module );
        // for each classname in the list
        for (int i = 0; i < classList.Length; i++) 
          if (classList[ i ].Equals( "*" ))
            lister.showModule( module );
            // find the Class
            Type cls = FindClass( classList[ i ], module );

            // if null then there's a problem
            if (cls == null) 
              if (!BaseGenerator.beQuiet)
                Console.WriteLine( "class " + classList[ i ] + " not found." );
              // or, we've got one, so show it.
              lister.showClass( cls );
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        ///  Main does all the real work.  call the arg processor, show the help, and
        ///  run throug the class list on the command line.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        public static void Main(String[] args)
            corcls lister = new corcls();

            // processArgs() will set the switches and return an array of the non-
            // switch arguments -- the classnames to be displayed.
            String[] classList = lister.processArgs(args);

            // show help if the user asked, or if there were no classname args
            if (showHelp || (classList.Length == 0 && lister.moduleName == null))
                Console.WriteLine("corcls:  Shared Source CLI Runtime class display utility");

                Console.WriteLine("\nusage: corcls [options] <classname> [classname...]");
                Console.WriteLine("   options");
                Console.WriteLine("   -a <level>  abbreviation level [ short | medium | long ]");
                Console.WriteLine("   -w          generate HTML content");
                Console.WriteLine("   -f          force full package qualifiers");
                Console.WriteLine("   -m <module> load and search the named CLI assembly");
                Console.WriteLine("   -noinherit  don't display inherited methods and fields");
                Console.WriteLine("   -o          only show class names within modules (use with -m)");
                Console.WriteLine("   -q          be quiet, suppress errors");
                Console.WriteLine("   -v          visible (public & protected) classes/methods/fields only");
                Console.WriteLine("   -p          public classes, methods, or fields only");
                Console.WriteLine("   -h          Show this usage help");

            Assembly module = null;

            if (lister.moduleName != null)
                module = Assembly.LoadFrom(lister.moduleName);

            // there are no named classes, dump all in the module
            if (classList.Length == 0)
                // for each classname in the list
                for (int i = 0; i < classList.Length; i++)
                    if (classList[i].Equals("*"))
                        // find the Class
                        Type cls = FindClass(classList[i], module);

                        // if null then there's a problem
                        if (cls == null)
                            if (!BaseGenerator.beQuiet)
                                Console.WriteLine("class " + classList[i] + " not found.");
                            // or, we've got one, so show it.