protected virtual void ApplyTrackData(TrackingEntity trackingEntity, TrackRecord trackRecord) { trackingEntity.AbsolutePosition = new Vector3(trackRecord.currentPos.x - gridOffset.x, trackRecord.currentPos.y - gridOffset.y, trackRecord.currentPos.z - gridOffset.z); trackingEntity.NextExpectedAbsolutePosition = new Vector3(trackRecord.expectPos.x - gridOffset.x, trackRecord.expectPos.y - gridOffset.y, trackRecord.expectPos.z - gridOffset.z); trackingEntity.RelativePosition = new Vector3(trackRecord.relPos.x, trackRecord.relPos.y, trackRecord.relPos.z); trackingEntity.Orientation = new Vector3(trackRecord.orientation.x, trackRecord.orientation.y, trackRecord.orientation.z); trackingEntity.Speed = trackRecord.speed; trackingEntity.Echoes.Clear(); trackRecord.echoes.AddRange(trackingEntity.Echoes); }
private void SaveTrackToDict(TrackRecord track, bool createIfNotYetExisting) { if (_trackDict.ContainsKey(track.trackID)) { _trackDict[track.trackID] = track; } else { _trackDict.Add(track.trackID, track); } }
private void Update() { // Development only: Use this, if you changed the TracklinkSettings class and want to generate a new json file based on the new class layout. //if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.S)) //{ // SaveSettings<TuioSettings>(_tuioSettings, _jsonConfigFileName); //} // End of Development only. //Lister for Tuio Data if enabled if (_eventProcessor != null) { _eventProcessor.Process(); } // Iterate through all tracks, that got updated: foreach (int trackId in _updatedTrackIds) { TrackRecord track = GetTrackById(trackId); // Send events to subsribers: foreach (ITrackingReceiver receiver in _trackingReceiverList) { // track is unknown yet AND is not about to die if (track.state == TrackState.TRACK_ADDED) { receiver.OnTrackNew(track); } // standard track update else if (track.state == TrackState.TRACK_UPDATE) { receiver.OnTrackUpdate(track); } // track is known and this is his funeral else if (track.state == TrackState.TRACK_REMOVED) { receiver.OnTrackLost(track); } } // After sending, if it is a removed track message, remove it from the dict: if (track.state == TrackState.TRACK_REMOVED) { if (_trackDict.ContainsKey(track.trackID)) { _trackDict.Remove(track.trackID); } } } // Clear the Updated tracks list afterwards: _updatedTrackIds.Clear(); }
protected void RemoveAllTrackRecords() { foreach (KeyValuePair <int, TrackRecord> entry in _trackDict) { TrackRecord track = entry.Value; foreach (ITrackingReceiver receiver in _trackingReceiverList) { track.state = TrackState.TRACK_REMOVED; receiver.OnTrackLost(track); } } }
public virtual void TrackAdded(TrackRecord trackRecord) { Vector2 position = _trackingReceiveHandler.TrackingSettings.GetScreenPositionFromRelativePosition(trackRecord.relPos.x, trackRecord.relPos.y); GameObject trackInstance = GameObject.Instantiate(TrackingEntityPrefab, new Vector3(position.x, -1.7f, position.y), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; trackInstance.transform.SetParent(trackSpawnParent); = string.Format("PharusTrack_{0}", trackRecord.trackID); TrackingEntity trackingEntity = trackInstance.GetComponent <TrackingEntity>(); trackingEntity.TrackID = trackRecord.trackID; ApplyTrackData(trackingEntity, trackRecord); _trackingEntityDict.Add(trackingEntity.TrackID, trackingEntity); }
private void OnUpdateEchoInformation(TUIO.TuioObject tuioObject, TrackState state) { TrackRecord track = GetTrackById(tuioObject.SymbolID); // Symbol ID is the ID of the track, to which the echo belongs. if (state == TrackState.TRACK_ADDED) { track.echoes.Add(new Vector2(tuioObject.Position.X, tuioObject.Position.Y)); } else if (state == TrackState.TRACK_REMOVED) { // Actually I can find the one specific, by saving and comparing Session IDs or by comparing the positions, but this is not necessary in this case. // Pharus sends Tuio Remove messages for all echos. Then it sends add messages for all echos. If one is removed, all are being removed. track.echoes.Clear(); } SaveTrackToDict(track, createIfNotYetExisting: false); }
public virtual void TrackUpdated(TrackRecord trackRecord) { TrackingEntity trackingEntity = null; if (_trackingEntityDict.TryGetValue(trackRecord.trackID, out trackingEntity)) { ApplyTrackData(trackingEntity, trackRecord); trackingEntity.SetPosition(_trackingReceiveHandler.TrackingSettings.GetScreenPositionFromRelativePosition(trackRecord.relPos.x, trackRecord.relPos.y)); } else { if (addUnknownTrackOnUpdate) { TrackAdded(trackRecord); } } }
private TrackRecord GetTrackById(int trackId) { bool unknownTrack = !_trackDict.ContainsKey(trackId); TrackRecord track; if (unknownTrack) { track = new TrackRecord(); track.trackID = trackId; track.echoes = new List <Vector2>(); _trackDict.Add(track.trackID, track); } else { track = _trackDict[trackId]; } return(track); }
private void OnReceivedTrackInformation(TUIO.TuioCursor tuioCursor, TrackState state) { TrackRecord track = GetTrackById(tuioCursor.CursorID); track.state = state; Vector2 absPos = TrackingSettings.GetScreenPositionFromRelativePosition(tuioCursor.Position.X, tuioCursor.Position.Y); track.currentPos.x = absPos.x; track.currentPos.y = absPos.y; track.expectPos.x = tuioCursor.Position.X + (tuioCursor.XSpeed * Time.deltaTime); track.expectPos.y = tuioCursor.Position.Y + (tuioCursor.YSpeed * Time.deltaTime); Vector2 orientation = (new Vector2(tuioCursor.XSpeed, tuioCursor.YSpeed)).normalized; track.orientation.x = orientation.x; track.orientation.y = orientation.y; track.speed = tuioCursor.XSpeed + tuioCursor.YSpeed; track.relPos.x = tuioCursor.Position.X; track.relPos.y = tuioCursor.Position.Y; SaveTrackToDict(track, createIfNotYetExisting: true); _updatedTrackIds.Add(track.trackID); }
private void OnReceivedMessage(byte[] messageBytes, System.Net.IPAddress senderIP) { int messageBytesLength = messageBytes.Length; if (messageBytes != null && messageBytesLength > 0) { int i = 0; while (i < messageBytesLength) { if (Convert.ToChar(messageBytes[i++]) != 'T') { Console.WriteLine("TransmissionClient: Unexpected header byte, skipping packet."); i = messageBytesLength; continue; } // get the tracks's id int tid; tid = BytePackHelper.UnpackInt(messageBytes, ref i); // is this track known? if so, update, else add: bool unknownTrack = !_trackDict.ContainsKey(tid); TrackRecord track; if (unknownTrack) { track = new TrackRecord(); track.echoes = new List <Vector3>(); track.trackID = tid; _trackDict.Add(track.trackID, track); } else { track = _trackDict[tid]; } track.state = (TrackState)BytePackHelper.UnpackInt(messageBytes, ref i); track.currentPos.x = BytePackHelper.UnpackFloat(messageBytes, ref i); track.currentPos.z = BytePackHelper.UnpackFloat(messageBytes, ref i); track.currentPos.y = -1.7f; track.expectPos.x = BytePackHelper.UnpackFloat(messageBytes, ref i); track.expectPos.y = BytePackHelper.UnpackFloat(messageBytes, ref i); track.orientation.x = BytePackHelper.UnpackFloat(messageBytes, ref i); track.orientation.y = BytePackHelper.UnpackFloat(messageBytes, ref i); track.speed = BytePackHelper.UnpackFloat(messageBytes, ref i); track.relPos.x = BytePackHelper.UnpackFloat(messageBytes, ref i); track.relPos.y = BytePackHelper.UnpackFloat(messageBytes, ref i); track.echoes.Clear(); while (Convert.ToChar(messageBytes[i]) == 'E') // peek if echo(es) available { ++i; // yep, then skip 'E' Vector2 echo = new Vector2(); echo.x = BytePackHelper.UnpackFloat(messageBytes, ref i); echo.y = BytePackHelper.UnpackFloat(messageBytes, ref i); track.echoes.Add(echo); ++i; // 'e' } if (Convert.ToChar(messageBytes[i++]) != 't') { Console.WriteLine("TransmissionClient: Unexpected tailing byte, skipping packet."); i = messageBytesLength; continue; } //notify callbacks foreach (ITrackingReceiver receiver in _trackingReceiverList) { // track is unknown yet AND is not about to die if (unknownTrack && track.state != TrackState.TRACK_REMOVED) { receiver.OnTrackNew(track); } // standard track update else if (!unknownTrack && track.state != TrackState.TRACK_REMOVED) { receiver.OnTrackUpdate(track); } // track is known and this is his funeral else if (!unknownTrack && track.state == TrackState.TRACK_REMOVED) { receiver.OnTrackLost(track); } } // remove track from dictionary if (track.state == TrackState.TRACK_REMOVED) { _trackDict.Remove(track.trackID); } } } }
public void OnTrackLost(TrackRecord track) { TrackRemoved(track.trackID); }
public void OnTrackUpdate(TrackRecord track) { TrackUpdated(track); }
public void OnTrackNew(TrackRecord track) { TrackAdded(track); }