public static List<DeepBlue.Models.Entity.UnderlyingFund> ConvertBlueToDeepBlue() { Errors = new List<KeyValuePair<C7_10tblGPPaymentInstructions, Exception>>(); TotalConversionRecords = 0; RecordsConvertedSuccessfully = 0; List<DeepBlue.Models.Entity.UnderlyingFund> dbFunds = new List<DeepBlue.Models.Entity.UnderlyingFund>(); using (BlueEntities context = new BlueEntities()) { List<C7_10tblGPPaymentInstructions> uFunds = context.C7_10tblGPPaymentInstructions.Where(x=>x.FundType == "Direct").ToList(); foreach (C7_10tblGPPaymentInstructions uf in uFunds) { try { TotalConversionRecords++; DeepBlue.Models.Entity.UnderlyingFund deepBlueFund = GetUnderlyingFundFromBlue(uf); dbFunds.Add(deepBlueFund); RecordsConvertedSuccessfully++; } catch (Exception ex) { Errors.Add(new KeyValuePair<C7_10tblGPPaymentInstructions, Exception>(uf, ex)); } } } return dbFunds; }
private static UnderlyingFundCashDistribution GetCashDistributionFromBlue(C1_10tblDistToAmberbrookCash blueCashDist, decimal amount, BlueEntities context, CookieCollection cookies, out string resp) { resp = string.Empty; UnderlyingFundCashDistribution deepBlueCD = new UnderlyingFundCashDistribution(); C6_10AmberbrookFundInfo ambFundInfo = context.C6_10AmberbrookFundInfo.Where(x => x.AmberbrookFundNo == blueCashDist.AmberbrookFundNo).FirstOrDefault(); if (ambFundInfo != null) { Fund fund = FundImport.GetFund(ambFundInfo.AmberbrookFundName, cookies); if (fund != null) { deepBlueCD.FundID = fund.FundID; } else { resp = "Unable to find AMB Fund: " + ambFundInfo.AmberbrookFundName; return null; } } else { resp = "Unable to find AMB Fund#: " + blueCashDist.AmberbrookFundNo; return null; } List<DeepBlue.Models.Deal.UnderlyingFundListModel> underlyingFunds = GetUnderlyingFunds(cookies); DeepBlue.Models.Deal.UnderlyingFundListModel uf = underlyingFunds.Where(x => x.FundName == blueCashDist.Fund).FirstOrDefault(); if (uf != null) { deepBlueCD.UnderlyingFundID = uf.UnderlyingFundId; } else { resp = "Unable to find Underlying fund: " + blueCashDist.Fund; Util.WriteMissingUnderlyingFund(blueCashDist.Fund); Util.Log(resp); return null; } deepBlueCD.Amount = amount; // On the UI, this field is labelled Due Date if (blueCashDist.NoticeDate.HasValue) deepBlueCD.NoticeDate = blueCashDist.NoticeDate.Value.Date; // PRDCD is stored in the 1-30tblpostrecorddatetransactions table(Transaction type = cash distribution). so we assuming all the calls here are non-prdcc deepBlueCD.IsPostRecordDateTransaction = false; // We dont need to provider the value for Received date, as it is assigned on the server side (to DateTime.Now) // deepBlueCD.ReceivedDate = DateTime.Now; if (blueCashDist.ReceivedDate.HasValue) { deepBlueCD.ReceivedDate = blueCashDist.ReceivedDate.Value.Date; } else { deepBlueCD.ReceivedDate = (DateTime.Now).Date; } // This should be handled in the reconciliation #region reconconciliation if (blueCashDist.Received.HasValue) { deepBlueCD.IsReconciled = blueCashDist.Received.Value; } deepBlueCD.PaidON = blueCashDist.ReceivedDate; // Paid Date is not required // TODO: Find out which of Paid Date/Paid On is used for reconciliation // deepBlueCD.PaidDate; // deepBlueCD.ReconciliationMethod; #endregion // WARNING: What should the Cash distribution type should be (Cash Distribution/Deemed Distribution/Netted Distribution) // Cash Distribution deepBlueCD.CashDistributionTypeID = 1; return deepBlueCD; }
private static C6_10AmberbrookFundInfo GetBlueFund(string fundNumber, BlueEntities context) { if (BlueFunds.ContainsKey(fundNumber)) { return (C6_10AmberbrookFundInfo)BlueFunds[fundNumber]; } else { C6_10AmberbrookFundInfo fund = context.C6_10AmberbrookFundInfo.Where(x => x.AmberbrookFundNo.Equals(fundNumber)).FirstOrDefault(); if (fund != null) { BlueFunds.Add(fundNumber, fund); } return fund; } }
public static List<string> GetUnderlyingFundTypesFromBlue() { using (BlueEntities context = new BlueEntities()) { return context.C8_50tblFundType.Select(x => x.FundType).ToList(); } }
public static List<string> GetSellerTypesFromBlue() { using (BlueEntities context = new BlueEntities()) { return context.C8_60tblSellerType.Select(x => x.SellerType).Distinct().ToList(); } }
public static List<string> GetDealClosingCostTypesFromBlue() { using (BlueEntities context = new BlueEntities()) { return context.C6_40tblDealExpenses.Select(x => x.Description).Distinct().ToList(); } }
private static string ImportDealExpenses(CookieCollection cookies, BlueEntities context, C6_15tblAmberbrookDealInfo blueDeal, DealDetailModel deepBlueDealDetail) { int dealId = deepBlueDealDetail.DealId; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); string message = string.Empty; if (deepBlueDealDetail.DealExpenses == null || deepBlueDealDetail.DealExpenses.Count == 0) { List<C6_40tblDealExpenses> blueDealExpenses = context.C6_40tblDealExpenses.Where(x => x.AmberbrookFundNo == blueDeal.AmberbrookFundNo).Where(x => x.AmberbrookDealNo == blueDeal.DealNo).ToList(); if (blueDealExpenses.Count > 0) { foreach (C6_40tblDealExpenses blueDealExpense in blueDealExpenses) { string resp = string.Empty; int? dealExpenseId = ImportDealExpense(cookies, blueDealExpense, dealId, out resp); if (!dealExpenseId.HasValue) { string error = "Failed to import deal expense for amb fund#:" + blueDealExpense.AmberbrookFundNo + " ,deal#:" + blueDealExpense.AmberbrookDealNo + ", error:" + resp; // Util.WriteError(error); sb.Append(error); } else { message = "New DealExpenseID:" + dealExpenseId; Util.WriteNewEntry(message); messageLog.AppendLine(message); } } } else { Util.Log("No deal expenses found to import.."); } } else { message = "Deal:" + dealId + " already has deal expenses. Skipping Importing Deal Expenses"; Util.WriteWarning(message); messageLog.AppendLine(message); } return sb.ToString(); }
private static string GetFundName(string fundNo) { if (!_fundNoToFundName.ContainsKey(fundNo)) { using (BlueEntities context = new BlueEntities()) { C6_10AmberbrookFundInfo fund = context.C6_10AmberbrookFundInfo.Where(x => x.AmberbrookFundNo.Equals(fundNo)).FirstOrDefault(); if (fund != null) { _fundNoToFundName.Add(fundNo, fund.AmberbrookFundName); } else { return null; } } } return (string)_fundNoToFundName[fundNo]; }
private static CapitalDistributionLineItem GetCapitalDistributionLineItemFromBlue(C6_30tblLPDistributions blueCapitalDistLineItem, int fundID, BlueEntities context, CookieCollection cookies, out string resp) { resp = string.Empty; CapitalDistributionLineItem deepBlueCDLineItem = new CapitalDistributionLineItem(); if (blueCapitalDistLineItem.DistributionAmount.HasValue) { deepBlueCDLineItem.DistributionAmount = (decimal)blueCapitalDistLineItem.DistributionAmount.Value; } // Investor ID int? investorId = GetInvestorID(blueCapitalDistLineItem.LimitedPartner, fundID, context, cookies); if (investorId.HasValue) { deepBlueCDLineItem.InvestorID = investorId.Value; } else { resp = string.Format("Unable to find investor: {0} in FundID: {1} (AmberbrookFund#: {2})" , blueCapitalDistLineItem.LimitedPartner, fundID, blueCapitalDistLineItem.AmberbrookFundNo); Util.WriteError(resp); } deepBlueCDLineItem.PaidON = blueCapitalDistLineItem.TransactionDate; deepBlueCDLineItem.IsReconciled = true; // WARNING: The following fields are present in DeepBlue but are not present in Blue //deepBlueCDLineItem.CapitalReturn //deepBlueCDLineItem.LPProfits; //deepBlueCDLineItem.PreferredCatchUp; //deepBlueCDLineItem.PreferredReturn; //deepBlueCDLineItem.Profits; //deepBlueCDLineItem.ReconciliationMethod; //deepBlueCDLineItem.ReturnFundExpenses; //deepBlueCDLineItem.ReturnManagementFees; // Preferred Return and Return Management Fees are available on the Capital Distribution level. // Distribute it pro-rate? // Get the commitment for investor in this fund return deepBlueCDLineItem; }
private static CapitalDistribution GetCapitalDistributionFromBlue(C2_10tblDistFromAmberbrookCash blueCapitalDist, BlueEntities context, CookieCollection cookies, out string resp) { resp = string.Empty; CapitalDistribution deepBlueCD = new CapitalDistribution(); deepBlueCD.CapitalDistributionDate = blueCapitalDist.NoticeDate.Date; deepBlueCD.CapitalDistributionDueDate = blueCapitalDist.EffectiveDate.Date; deepBlueCD.DistributionAmount = (decimal)blueCapitalDist.TotalCashDistribution; deepBlueCD.IsManual = true; if (blueCapitalDist.TotalCarry.HasValue) { deepBlueCD.PreferredReturn = (decimal)blueCapitalDist.TotalCarry.Value; } if (blueCapitalDist.TotalRepayment.HasValue) { deepBlueCD.ReturnManagementFees = (decimal)blueCapitalDist.TotalRepayment.Value; } // Distribution#.. The server automatically assign this.. so we dont need to provider this // WARNING: The following fields are present in DeepBlue but are absent from blue //deepBlueCD.CapitalDistributionProfit; //deepBlueCD.CapitalReturn; //deepBlueCD.LPProfits; //deepBlueCD.PreferredCatchUp; //deepBlueCD.Profits; //deepBlueCD.ReturnFundExpenses; // The following fields is present in blue but absent from DeepBlue //blueCapitalDist.TotalUnusedCapital; int? fundId = GetFundID(blueCapitalDist.AmberbrookFundNo, context, cookies); if (fundId.HasValue) { deepBlueCD.FundID = fundId.Value; } else { resp = "cannot find fund with AmberbrookFundNo: " + blueCapitalDist.AmberbrookFundNo; } return deepBlueCD; }
private static List<CapitalDistribution> ConvertFromBlueToDeepBlue(CookieCollection cookies) { Util.Log("Fetching Capital Distribution from Blue............"); List<CapitalDistribution> capitalDistributions = new List<CapitalDistribution>(); TotalConversionRecords = 0; RecordsConvertedSuccessfully = 0; using (BlueEntities context = new BlueEntities()) { List<C2_10tblDistFromAmberbrookCash> blueCapitalDistributions = context.C2_10tblDistFromAmberbrookCash.ToList(); foreach (C2_10tblDistFromAmberbrookCash blueCapitalDistribution in blueCapitalDistributions) { try { bool success = true; string errorMsg = string.Empty; TotalConversionRecords++; Util.Log("<======================Importing record#" + TotalConversionRecords + "======================>"); CapitalDistribution capDist = GetCapitalDistributionFromBlue(blueCapitalDistribution, context, cookies, out errorMsg); string msg = string.Format("#{0} Getting capital distribution C2_10tblDistFromAmberbrookCash => CapitalCall. C2_10tblDistFromAmberbrookCash.TransactionID: {1}, AmbFund#: {2} => DeepBlueFundID: {3}, NoticeDate: {4}, Total amount collected:{5}", TotalConversionRecords, blueCapitalDistribution.TransactionID, blueCapitalDistribution.AmberbrookFundNo, capDist.FundID, blueCapitalDistribution.NoticeDate, blueCapitalDistribution.TotalCashDistribution); Util.Log(msg); messageLog.Append(msg); messageLog.Append(Environment.NewLine); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMsg)) { List<C6_30tblLPDistributions> blueCapitalDistLineItems = context.C6_30tblLPDistributions.Where(x => x.DistributionID == blueCapitalDistribution.TransactionID).ToList(); foreach (C6_30tblLPDistributions blueCapitalDistLineItem in blueCapitalDistLineItems) { string resp = string.Empty; CapitalDistributionLineItem lineItem = GetCapitalDistributionLineItemFromBlue(blueCapitalDistLineItem, capDist.FundID, context, cookies, out resp); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resp)) { success = false; errorMsg += resp; } else { messageLog.Append(string.Format("Line Item(C2_10tblDistFromAmberbrookCash => CapitalDistributionLineItem) level: BlueCallID:{0}, BlueMember:{1} => DeepBlueInvestorId:{2}, BlueCalledCapital:{3} => DeepBlueCapitalAmountCalled:{4}", blueCapitalDistLineItem.DistributionID, blueCapitalDistLineItem.LimitedPartner, lineItem.InvestorID, blueCapitalDistLineItem.DistributionAmount ?? 0, lineItem.DistributionAmount)); messageLog.Append(Environment.NewLine); } capDist.CapitalDistributionLineItems.Add(lineItem); } } else { success = false; } if (success) { RecordsConvertedSuccessfully++; capitalDistributions.Add(capDist); } else { Util.WriteError(errorMsg); Errors.Add(new KeyValuePair<C2_10tblDistFromAmberbrookCash, Exception>(blueCapitalDistribution, new Exception(errorMsg))); } } catch (Exception ex) { Errors.Add(new KeyValuePair<C2_10tblDistFromAmberbrookCash, Exception>(blueCapitalDistribution, ex)); Util.WriteError("ConvertBlueToDeepBlue() " + ex); } } } Util.Log(string.Format("End fetching records from blue. Total Records: {0}, Records Converted successfully: {1}", TotalImportRecords, RecordsImportedSuccessfully)); return capitalDistributions; }
private static DateTime? GetPurchaseDate(string amberBrookFundName, int dealNo) { using (BlueEntities blueContext = new BlueEntities()) { string amberBrookFundNo = string.Empty; amberBrookFundNo = (from fund in blueContext.C6_10AmberbrookFundInfo where fund.AmberbrookFundName == amberBrookFundName select fund.AmberbrookFundNo).FirstOrDefault(); return (from purchaseDetail in blueContext.C8_406qryDealPurchaseDate where purchaseDetail.AmberbrookFundNo == amberBrookFundNo && purchaseDetail.DealNo == dealNo select purchaseDetail.PurchaseDate).FirstOrDefault(); } }
public static List<string> GetIndustriesFromBlue() { using (BlueEntities context = new BlueEntities()) { return context.C8_50tblIndustryFocus.Select(x => x.IndustryFocus).ToList(); } }
public static int? ImportUnderlyingFund(CookieCollection cookies, string blueUFName) { using (BlueEntities context = new BlueEntities()) { C7_10tblGPPaymentInstructions uFund = context.C7_10tblGPPaymentInstructions.Where(x => x.FundType != "Direct").Where(x => x.Fund.Equals(blueUFName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).SingleOrDefault(); Address address = null; DeepBlue.Models.Entity.UnderlyingFund deepBlueFund = GetUnderlyingFundFromBlue(uFund, out address); int RecordsImportedSuccessfully = 0; List<KeyValuePair<DeepBlue.Models.Entity.UnderlyingFund, Exception>> ImportErrors = new List<KeyValuePair<UnderlyingFund, Exception>>(); if (uFund != null) { int? issuerId = CreateIssuer(cookies); return CreateUnderlyingFund(cookies, deepBlueFund, address, issuerId, ref RecordsImportedSuccessfully, ref ImportErrors); } } return null; }
private static string GetDealName(int dealNo, string fundNo) { string ident = string.Format("{0}:{1}", dealNo, fundNo); if (!_dealNoToDealName.ContainsKey(ident)) { using (BlueEntities context = new BlueEntities()) { C6_15tblAmberbrookDealInfo deal = context.C6_15tblAmberbrookDealInfo.Where(x => x.AmberbrookFundNo.Equals(fundNo)).Where(x => x.DealNo.Equals(dealNo)).FirstOrDefault(); if (deal != null) { _dealNoToDealName.Add(ident, deal.DealName); } else { return null; } } } return (string)_dealNoToDealName[ident]; }
private static int? GetInvestorID(string limitedPartner, int fundID, BlueEntities context, CookieCollection cookies) { if (Investors.ContainsKey(limitedPartner)) { return Convert.ToInt32(Investors[limitedPartner]); } int? investor = null; List<Investor> investors = InvestorImport.GetInvestors(cookies, fundID, limitedPartner); investors = investors.Where(x => x.InvestorName.Equals(limitedPartner, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).ToList(); if (investors.Count == 0) { Util.WriteError(string.Format("No investor found with name: {0} and fund: {1}", limitedPartner, fundID)); } else if (investors.Count > 1) { Util.WriteError(string.Format("More than one investor found with name: {0} and fund: {1}", limitedPartner, fundID)); } else if (investors.Count == 1) { investor = investors[0].InvestorID; Investors.Add(limitedPartner, investor.Value); } return investor; }
private static int? GetFundID(string fundNumber, BlueEntities context, CookieCollection cookies) { int? fundId = null; C6_10AmberbrookFundInfo blueFund = GetBlueFund(fundNumber, context); if (blueFund != null) { DeepBlue.Models.Entity.Fund deepBlueFund = GetDeepBlueFund(blueFund.AmberbrookFundName, cookies); if (deepBlueFund != null) { fundId = deepBlueFund.FundID; } else { } } else { } return fundId; }
public static void ConvertInvestorViaWeb() { List<CreateModel> models = new List<CreateModel>(); using (BlueEntities context = new BlueEntities()) { List<C7_20tblLPPaymentInstructions> investors = context.C7_20tblLPPaymentInstructions.ToList(); foreach (C7_20tblLPPaymentInstructions investor in investors) { CreateModel model = GetCreateModelFromBlue(investor); #region Investor Account // Currently in blue, each investor has only one account model.AccountLength = 1; // This is used as a prefix for each InvestorAccount passed in the form //The following Key is used to determine if a particular Account has been deleted or not // index_BankIndex // index is 1 based InvestorAccount account = new InvestorAccount(); // Server looks for index_ABANumber account.Routing = Convert.ToInt32(investor.ABANumber); // Server looks for index_AccountNumber account.Account = investor.AccountNumber; account.AccountOf = investor.Accountof; account.Attention = investor.Attn; account.BankName = investor.Bank; account.Reference = investor.Reference; // WARNING: The following values are present in our database, but not present in Blue, so setting those to NULL // FFC // FFCNO // IBAN // ByOrderOf // Swift #endregion #region Contact Info //The following Key is used to determine if a particular Contact has been deleted or not // index_ContactIndex model.ContactLength = 0; foreach (C7_25LPContactinfo contactInfo in investor.C7_25LPContactinfo) { model.ContactLength++; Contact contact = new Contact(); contact.ContactCompany = contactInfo.ContactCompany; contact.ContactName = contactInfo.ContactName; // WARNING: Deepblue has consolidated CallNotices/Distribution notices into one field. if (contactInfo.DistributionNotices != null) { contact.ReceivesDistributionNotices = contactInfo.DistributionNotices.Value; } if (contactInfo.Financials != null) { contact.ReceivesFinancials = contactInfo.Financials.Value; } if (contactInfo.InvestorLetters != null) { contact.ReceivesInvestorLetters = contactInfo.InvestorLetters.Value; } // WARNING: We dont have the following values in our database // contactInfo.Dear; // This seems to be the first name from Contact Name Address contactAddress = new Address(); contactAddress.Address1 = contactInfo.ContactAddress; //contactInfo.Comments; contactAddress.Address2 = contactInfo.ContactAddress2; // Contact Info(Access) doesnt have the values for these properties, so using default values contactAddress.Country = Globals.DefaultCountryID; try { string[] parts = new string[3]; if (ParseAddress(contactInfo.ContactAddress2, out parts)) { contactAddress.City = parts[0]; contactAddress.PostalCode = parts[2]; contactAddress.State = Globals.States.Where(x => x.Abbr == parts[1].ToUpper().Trim()).First().StateID; } } catch { contactAddress.City = Globals.DefaultCity; contactAddress.State = Globals.DefaultStateID; contactAddress.PostalCode = Globals.DefaultZip; } AddCommunication(contact, Models.Admin.Enums.CommunicationType.Email, contactInfo.ContactEmail); AddCommunication(contact, Models.Admin.Enums.CommunicationType.HomePhone, contactInfo.ContactPhone); AddCommunication(contact, Models.Admin.Enums.CommunicationType.Fax, contactInfo.ContactFax); } #endregion } } }
private static string ImportAssetInDeal(CookieCollection cookies, BlueEntities context, C6_15tblAmberbrookDealInfo blueDeal, C6_10AmberbrookFundInfo blueDealAmbFund, DeepBlue.Models.Deal.DealListModel deepBlueDeal, int fundID) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); List<C5_10tblDealOrigination> blueAssetsInDeal = context.C5_10tblDealOrigination.Where(x => x.AmberbrookFundNo == blueDeal.AmberbrookFundNo).Where(x => x.DealNo == blueDeal.DealNo).ToList(); DealDetailModel deepBlueDealDetail = GetDeal(cookies, deepBlueDeal.DealId); foreach (C5_10tblDealOrigination blueAssetInDeal in blueAssetsInDeal) { // This can either be a direct or a UF C7_10tblGPPaymentInstructions blueAsset = context.C7_10tblGPPaymentInstructions.Where(x => x.Fund.Equals(blueAssetInDeal.Fund, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault(); if (blueAsset != null) { // Find the deal with the same DealNumber and DealName, and that belongs to the same Amberbrook fund if (blueAsset.FundType.Equals("Direct", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { List<KeyValuePair<C5_11tblDealOriginationDirects, string>> failedDirects = ImportUnderlyingDirect(cookies, context, blueAssetInDeal, deepBlueDeal.DealId, deepBlueDealDetail, fundID); if (failedDirects.Count > 0) { Util.WriteError("The following " + failedDirects.Count + " securities could not be imported:"); } foreach (KeyValuePair<C5_11tblDealOriginationDirects, string> failedDirect in failedDirects) { string errorMsg = "Cannot import direct:" + failedDirect.Key.Direct + " into the deal:" + deepBlueDeal.DealId + ", reason:" + failedDirect.Value; Util.WriteError(errorMsg); sb.Append(" " + errorMsg + " "); } } else { string resp = string.Empty; int? underlyingFundId = ImportUnderlyingFund(cookies, blueAssetInDeal, deepBlueDeal.DealId, fundID, deepBlueDealDetail, out resp); if (!underlyingFundId.HasValue) { string error = "Failed to import underlying fund:" + blueAssetInDeal.Fund + " into deal:" + deepBlueDeal.DealId + ", error:" + resp; Util.WriteError(error); sb.Append(error); } else { Util.Log("New DealUnderlyingFundID:" + underlyingFundId); } } } else { string msg = "Unable to find record in C7_10tblGPPaymentInstructions with Fund:" + blueAssetInDeal.Fund; Util.WriteError(msg); sb.Append(msg); } } return sb.ToString(); }
public static List<DeepBlue.Models.Entity.Investor> ConvertBlueToDeepBlue() { Errors = new List<KeyValuePair<C7_20tblLPPaymentInstructions, Exception>>(); TotalConversionRecords = 0; RecordsConvertedSuccessfully = 0; List<DeepBlue.Models.Entity.Investor> dbInvestors = new List<DeepBlue.Models.Entity.Investor>(); using (BlueEntities context = new BlueEntities()) { List<C7_20tblLPPaymentInstructions> investors = context.C7_20tblLPPaymentInstructions.ToList(); foreach (C7_20tblLPPaymentInstructions investor in investors) { try { TotalConversionRecords++; DeepBlue.Models.Entity.Investor deepBlueInvestor = GetInvestorFromBlue(investor); #region Investor Account // Blue has only 1 account for 1 investor InvestorAccount account = new InvestorAccount(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(investor.ABANumber)) { account.Routing = Convert.ToInt32(investor.ABANumber.Trim().Replace(" ", string.Empty).Replace("-", string.Empty)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(investor.AccountNumber)) { account.Account = investor.AccountNumber; } else { account.Account = Globals.DefaultStringValue; } account.AccountOf = investor.Accountof; account.Attention = investor.Attn; account.BankName = investor.Bank; account.Reference = investor.Reference; account.CreatedBy = Globals.CurrentUser.UserID; account.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; account.EntityID = Globals.DefaultEntityID; account.IsPrimary = false; account.LastUpdatedBy = Globals.CurrentUser.UserID; account.LastUpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; // WARNING: The following values are present in our database, but not present in Blue, so setting those to NULL // FFC // FFCNO // IBAN // ByOrderOf // Swift #endregion deepBlueInvestor.InvestorAccounts.Add(account); #region Contact Info foreach (C7_25LPContactinfo contactInfo in investor.C7_25LPContactinfo) { InvestorContact investorContact = new InvestorContact(); investorContact.CreatedBy = Globals.CurrentUser.UserID; investorContact.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; investorContact.EntityID = Globals.DefaultEntityID; investorContact.LastUpdatedBy = Globals.CurrentUser.UserID; investorContact.LastUpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; Contact contact = new Contact(); contact.ContactCompany = contactInfo.ContactCompany; contact.ContactName = contactInfo.ContactName; // WARNING: Deepblue has consolidated CallNotices/Distribution notices into one field. if (contactInfo.DistributionNotices != null) { contact.ReceivesDistributionNotices = contactInfo.DistributionNotices.Value; } if (contactInfo.Financials != null) { contact.ReceivesFinancials = contactInfo.Financials.Value; } if (contactInfo.InvestorLetters != null) { contact.ReceivesInvestorLetters = contactInfo.InvestorLetters.Value; } contact.CreatedBy = Globals.CurrentUser.UserID; contact.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; contact.FirstName = contactInfo.ContactName; contact.LastName = "n/a"; contact.LastUpdatedBy = Globals.CurrentUser.UserID; contact.LastUpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; contact.EntityID = Globals.DefaultEntityID; investorContact.Contact = contact; // WARNING: We dont have the following values in our database // contactInfo.Dear; // This seems to be the first name from Contact Name Address contactAddress = new Address(); if (contactInfo.ContactAddress != null) { if (contactInfo.ContactAddress.Length > 40) { contactAddress.Address1 = contactInfo.ContactAddress.Substring(0, 40); } else { contactAddress.Address1 = contactInfo.ContactAddress; } } else { contactAddress.Address1 = Globals.DefaultStringValue; } //contactInfo.Comments; contactAddress.Address2 = contactInfo.ContactAddress2; // Contact Info(Access) doesnt have the values for these properties, so using default values contactAddress.Country = Globals.DefaultCountryID; contactAddress.City = Globals.DefaultCity; contactAddress.State = Globals.DefaultStateID; contactAddress.PostalCode = Globals.DefaultZip; try { string[] parts = new string[3]; if (ParseAddress(contactInfo.ContactAddress2, out parts)) { contactAddress.City = parts[0]; contactAddress.PostalCode = parts[2]; int postalCode = 0; bool validZip = true; if (Int32.TryParse(contactAddress.PostalCode, out postalCode)) { if (contactAddress.PostalCode.Length > 5) { validZip = false; } } else { validZip = false; } if (!validZip) { contactAddress.PostalCode = Globals.DefaultZip; } contactAddress.State = Globals.States.Where(x => x.Abbr == parts[1].ToUpper().Trim()).First().StateID; } else { contactAddress.City = "dataerror: " + contactInfo.ContactAddress2; } } catch { } AddCommunication(contact, Models.Admin.Enums.CommunicationType.Email, contactInfo.ContactEmail); AddCommunication(contact, Models.Admin.Enums.CommunicationType.HomePhone, contactInfo.ContactPhone); AddCommunication(contact, Models.Admin.Enums.CommunicationType.Fax, contactInfo.ContactFax); contactAddress.AddressTypeID = (int)DeepBlue.Models.Admin.Enums.AddressType.Work; contactAddress.CreatedBy = Globals.CurrentUser.UserID; contactAddress.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; contactAddress.EntityID = Globals.DefaultEntityID; contactAddress.LastUpdatedBy = Globals.CurrentUser.UserID; contactAddress.LastUpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; ContactAddress cntAddr = new ContactAddress(); cntAddr.CreatedBy = Globals.CurrentUser.UserID; cntAddr.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; cntAddr.EntityID = Globals.DefaultEntityID; cntAddr.LastUpdatedBy = Globals.CurrentUser.UserID; cntAddr.LastUpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; cntAddr.Address = contactAddress; investorContact.Contact.ContactAddresses.Add(cntAddr); deepBlueInvestor.InvestorContacts.Add(investorContact); } #endregion dbInvestors.Add(deepBlueInvestor); RecordsConvertedSuccessfully++; } catch (Exception ex) { Errors.Add(new KeyValuePair<C7_20tblLPPaymentInstructions, Exception>(investor, ex)); } } } return dbInvestors; }
private static List<KeyValuePair<C5_11tblDealOriginationDirects, string>> ImportUnderlyingDirect(CookieCollection cookies, BlueEntities context, C5_10tblDealOrigination blueAssetInDeal, int targetDealId, DealDetailModel deepBlueDealDetail, int fundID) { List<KeyValuePair<C5_11tblDealOriginationDirects, string>> failedDirects = new List<KeyValuePair<C5_11tblDealOriginationDirects, string>>(); // This is a direct //string issuerName = blueAsset.Fund; List<C5_11tblDealOriginationDirects> blueSecurities = context.C5_11tblDealOriginationDirects.Where(x => x.Direct.Equals(blueAssetInDeal.Fund, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).Where(x => x.DealNo == blueAssetInDeal.DealNo).ToList(); if (blueSecurities.Count > 0) { foreach (C5_11tblDealOriginationDirects blueSecurity in blueSecurities) { // Equity from blue C4_20tblStockTable blueStock = context.C4_20tblStockTable.Where(x => x.StockSymbol.Equals(blueSecurity.StockSymbol, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault(); // Find the direct corresponding to the security List<AutoCompleteListExtend> equitiesAndFIs = GetDeepBlueEquitiesAndFIs(cookies); string searchLabel = string.Format("{0}>>Equity>>{1}", blueStock.Company, blueStock.StockSymbol); AutoCompleteListExtend equity = equitiesAndFIs.Where(x => x.otherid == (int)DeepBlue.Models.Deal.Enums.SecurityType.Equity).Where(x => x.value.Equals(blueStock.Company, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).Where(x => x.label.Equals(searchLabel, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault(); if (equity == null) { string errorMsg = "Unable to find an equity with issuer:" + blueStock.Company + ", and label:" + searchLabel; Util.WriteError(errorMsg); failedDirects.Add(new KeyValuePair<C5_11tblDealOriginationDirects, string>(blueSecurity, errorMsg)); } else { // Create a DealUnderlyingDirect record string resp = string.Empty; // Make sure the direct/FI is already not part of the deal DealUnderlyingDirectModel direct = deepBlueDealDetail.DealUnderlyingDirects.Where(x => x.SecurityId == equity.otherid2).Where(x => x.SecurityTypeId == (int)DeepBlue.Models.Deal.Enums.SecurityType.Equity).FirstOrDefault(); if (direct == null) { int? dealUnderlyingDirectId = CreateDealUnderlyingDirect(cookies, blueSecurity, blueAssetInDeal, targetDealId, equity.otherid2,, fundID, out resp); if (!dealUnderlyingDirectId.HasValue || dealUnderlyingDirectId.Value <= 0) { string errorMsg = string.Format("Unable to import underlying direct {0}, response from server:{1}", blueSecurity.Direct, resp); Util.WriteError(errorMsg); failedDirects.Add(new KeyValuePair<C5_11tblDealOriginationDirects, string>(blueSecurity, errorMsg)); } else { string newEntry = "New DealUnderlyingDirectID:" + dealUnderlyingDirectId; Util.WriteNewEntry(newEntry); messageLog.AppendLine(newEntry); } } else { Util.Log(direct.SecurityId + " is already part of this deal."); } } } } else { string warningMsg = string.Format("C5_10tblDealOrigination.Fund(which is direct): {0} doesnt have any securities (no records in C5_11tblDealOriginationDirects. C5_11tblDealOriginationDirects.Where(x => x.Direct.Equals(blueAssetInDeal.Fund)).Where(x => x.DealNo == blueAssetInDeal.DealNo) yielded NO results) ", blueAssetInDeal.Fund); Util.WriteWarning(warningMsg); messageLog.AppendLine(warningMsg); } return failedDirects; }
public static void ImportPostRecordDateCashDistribution(CookieCollection cookies) { List<C1_30tblPostRecordDateTransactions> postRecordDateTransactions = new List<C1_30tblPostRecordDateTransactions>(); using (BlueEntities context = new BlueEntities()) { postRecordDateTransactions = context.C1_30tblPostRecordDateTransactions.Where(x => x.TransactionType.Contains("cash")).ToList(); } List<KeyValuePair<C1_30tblPostRecordDateTransactions, Exception>> prcdErrors = new List<KeyValuePair<C1_30tblPostRecordDateTransactions, Exception>>(); if (postRecordDateTransactions.Count > 0) { string resp = string.Empty; prcdErrors = CreatePostRecordCashDistribution(cookies, postRecordDateTransactions, out resp); } LogErrors(prcdErrors); }
public static List<string> GetPurchaseTypeFromBlue() { using (BlueEntities context = new BlueEntities()) { return context.C6_15tblAmberbrookDealInfo.Select(x => x.PurchaseType).Distinct().ToList(); } }
private static List<UnderlyingFundCashDistribution> ConvertFromBlueToDeepBlue(CookieCollection cookies) { Util.Log("Fetching Underlying Fund Cash Distribution from Blue............"); List<UnderlyingFundCashDistribution> cashDists = new List<UnderlyingFundCashDistribution>(); using (BlueEntities context = new BlueEntities()) { // C1_20tblCallsToAmberbrook has deals also in the same table. We will group by (FundNo, Fund, NoticeDate) to get unique Capital Call (which should correspond to UnderlyingFundCapitalCall). var ufCashDists = from blueCC in context.C1_10tblDistToAmberbrookCash group blueCC by new { blueCC.AmberbrookFundNo, blueCC.Fund, blueCC.NoticeDate, blueCC.Proceeds } into g select g; TotalImportRecords = 0; RecordsImportedSuccessfully = 0; messageLog.Append(""); foreach (var ufCD in ufCashDists) { TotalImportRecords++; List<C1_10tblDistToAmberbrookCash> blueCashDistsByDeal = context.C1_10tblDistToAmberbrookCash .Where(x => x.NoticeDate == ufCD.Key.NoticeDate) .Where(x => x.Fund == ufCD.Key.Fund) .Where(x => x.AmberbrookFundNo == ufCD.Key.AmberbrookFundNo) .Where(x => x.Proceeds == ufCD.Key.Proceeds) .ToList(); string msg = string.Format("#{0} Getting cash dist .AmbFund#: {1}, Fund: {2}, NoticeDate: {3}, Total deals in this distribution:{4} ", TotalImportRecords, ufCD.Key.AmberbrookFundNo, ufCD.Key.Fund, ufCD.Key.NoticeDate, blueCashDistsByDeal.Count); Util.Log(msg); messageLog.Append(msg); messageLog.Append(Environment.NewLine); C1_10tblDistToAmberbrookCash firstBlueCashDist = blueCashDistsByDeal.First(); string cdResp = string.Empty; UnderlyingFundCashDistribution cd = GetCashDistributionFromBlue(firstBlueCashDist, (decimal)blueCashDistsByDeal.Sum(x => x.Proceeds), context, cookies, out cdResp); bool error = false; if (cd != null) { messageLog.Append(string.Format("UnderlyingFundCashDistribution level(C1_10tblDistToAmberbrookCash => UnderlyingFundCashDistribution): BlueTransactionID:{0}, BlueAMBFund#:{1} => DeepBlueFundId:{2}, BlueUF:{3} => DeepBlueUF:{4}", firstBlueCashDist.TransactionID, firstBlueCashDist.AmberbrookFundNo, cd.FundID, firstBlueCashDist.Fund, cd.UnderlyingFundID)); messageLog.Append(Environment.NewLine); // UnderlyingFundCashDistributionLineItem foreach (C1_10tblDistToAmberbrookCash blueCashDist in blueCashDistsByDeal) { try { string resp = string.Empty; CashDistribution lineItem = GetCashDistributionLineItemFromBlue(blueCashDist, cd.UnderlyingFundID, cd.FundID, cookies, out resp); if (lineItem != null) { messageLog.Append(string.Format("Line Item(C1_10tblDistToAmberbrookCash => Cash Distribution) level: BlueTransactionID:{0}, BlueDeal#:{1} => DeepBlueDealId:{2}, BlueProceeds:{3} => DeepBlueAmount:{4}, BlueReceivedDate:{5} => DeepBlueDistributionDate:{6}", blueCashDist.TransactionID, blueCashDist.AmberbrookDealNo, lineItem.DealID, blueCashDist.Proceeds, lineItem.Amount, blueCashDist.Received, lineItem.DistributionDate)); messageLog.Append(Environment.NewLine); cd.CashDistributions.Add(lineItem); } else { error = true; Errors.Add(new KeyValuePair<C1_10tblDistToAmberbrookCash, Exception>(blueCashDist, new Exception(resp))); Util.WriteError(resp); } } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; Errors.Add(new KeyValuePair<C1_10tblDistToAmberbrookCash, Exception>(blueCashDist, ex)); Util.WriteError("ConvertBlueToDeepBlue() " + ex); } } } else { error = true; string errMsg = string.Format("ConvertBlueToDeepBlue() Failed to convert. AmberbrookFundNo: {0}, Fund: {1}, NoticeDate: {2}, Error:{3}", ufCD.Key.AmberbrookFundNo, ufCD.Key.Fund, ufCD.Key.NoticeDate, cdResp); Errors.Add(new KeyValuePair<C1_10tblDistToAmberbrookCash, Exception>(firstBlueCashDist, new Exception(errMsg))); Util.WriteError("ConvertBlueToDeepBlue() " + errMsg); } if (!error) { cashDists.Add(cd); RecordsImportedSuccessfully++; } } } Util.Log(string.Format("End fetching records from blue. Total Records: {0}, Records Converted successfully: {1}", TotalImportRecords, RecordsImportedSuccessfully)); return cashDists; }
public static void ImportDeals(CookieCollection cookies) { ContactsList = GetDealContactsFromDeepBlue(cookies); Util.Log("Fetching Directs from Blue............"); using (BlueEntities context = new BlueEntities()) { List<C6_15tblAmberbrookDealInfo> blueDeals = context.C6_15tblAmberbrookDealInfo.ToList(); foreach (C6_15tblAmberbrookDealInfo blueDeal in blueDeals) { try { bool success = true; string errorMsg = string.Empty; TotalImportRecords++; Util.Log("<======================Importing record#" + TotalImportRecords + "======================>"); string amberBrookFundNumber = blueDeal.AmberbrookFundNo; C6_10AmberbrookFundInfo amberBrookFund = context.C6_10AmberbrookFundInfo.Where(x => x.AmberbrookFundNo.Equals(amberBrookFundNumber)).FirstOrDefault(); if (amberBrookFund != null) { // try to find the amber brook fund from DeepBlue List<DeepBlue.Models.Entity.Fund> ufs = FundImport.GetFunds(cookies); DeepBlue.Models.Entity.Fund fund = ufs.Where(x => x.FundName.Equals(amberBrookFund.AmberbrookFundName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault(); //List<DeepBlue.Models.Deal.UnderlyingFundListModel> ufs = UnderlyingFundImport.GetUnderlyingFunds(cookies); //UnderlyingFundListModel ufListModel = ufs.Where(x => x.FundName.Equals(amberBrookFundName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault(); if (fund != null) { // Find a deal.. Add to the deal if it already exists, create new deal otherwise // Get all the deals from DeepBlue. We need to do this every time, as if you add a new deal, you want it to be fetched back List<DeepBlue.Models.Deal.DealListModel> deals = DealImport.GetDeals(cookies, null); // Get the DeepBlue deal with the same Amberbrook Fund and DealName as from blue // The following line is replaced: //DeepBlue.Models.Deal.DealListModel deal = deals.Where(x => x.DealName.Equals(blueDeal.DealName)).Where(x=>x.FundName.Equals(amberBrookFund.AmberbrookFundName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault(); DeepBlue.Models.Deal.DealListModel deal = null; // BY: // Get the deals for AMB Fund List<Deal> dls = GetDealsInFund(cookies, fund.FundID); if (dls.Count > 0) { Deal targetDeal = dls.Where(x => x.DealName.Equals(blueDeal.DealName)).SingleOrDefault(); if (targetDeal != null) { deal = new DealListModel() { DealId = targetDeal.DealID, DealName = targetDeal.DealName }; } } int? dealId = null; if (deal == null) { // Create a new deal int? purchaseType = null; PurchaseType pType = Globals.PurchaseTypes.Where(x => x.Name.Equals(blueDeal.PurchaseType, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault(); if (pType != null) { purchaseType = pType.PurchaseTypeID; } else { string errMsg = "cannot find purchaseType: " + blueDeal.PurchaseType; Util.WriteError(errMsg); messageLog.AppendLine(errMsg); } string resp = string.Empty; dealId = CreateNewDeal(cookies, blueDeal, fund.FundID, purchaseType, out resp); if (dealId.HasValue && dealId.Value > 0) { deal = new DealListModel() { DealId = dealId.Value, DealName = blueDeal.DealName }; string msg = "New Deal:" + dealId; Util.WriteNewEntry(msg); messageLog.AppendLine(msg); } else { string errMsg = "cannot create deal. Resp: " + resp; Util.WriteError(errMsg); messageLog.AppendLine(errMsg); ImportErrors.Add(new KeyValuePair<C6_15tblAmberbrookDealInfo, Exception>(blueDeal, new Exception())); continue; } } else { dealId = deal.DealId; Util.WriteWarning("Deal aready exists. DealID:" + dealId); } if (deal != null) { bool importAssets = true; bool importExpenses = true; bool importSellerInfo = true; bool importContact = true; string error = string.Empty; string err = string.Empty; string resp = string.Empty; string seperatorFormat = "---------------------------{0}--------------------------"; if (importAssets) { // Now we have got the deal, lets import all the Directs and Underlying Funds Util.Log(string.Format(seperatorFormat, "importing assets in deal")); error = ImportAssetInDeal(cookies, context, blueDeal, amberBrookFund, deal, fund.FundID); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { success = false; } } else { Util.WriteWarning(string.Format(seperatorFormat, "Skipping importing assets in deal")); } DealDetailModel deepBlueDealDetail = GetDeal(cookies, deal.DealId); if (importExpenses) { Util.Log(string.Format(seperatorFormat, "importing expenses in deal")); err = ImportDealExpenses(cookies, context, blueDeal, deepBlueDealDetail); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(err)) { Util.WriteError(err); } error += err; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { success = false; } } else { Util.WriteWarning(string.Format(seperatorFormat, "skipping importing expenses in deal")); } if (importSellerInfo) { Util.Log(string.Format(seperatorFormat, "importing seller in deal")); int? dealSellerId = ImportDealSellerInfo(cookies, blueDeal, deepBlueDealDetail, out resp); // if (!dealSellerId.HasValue) { // TODO if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resp)) {// means there is error. Currently /Deal/CreateSelerInfo doesnt return the new ID. ASK Prasanna to correct this err = "Failed to import deal seller for amb fund#:" + blueDeal.AmberbrookFundNo + " ,deal#:" + blueDeal.DealNo + ", error:" + resp; Util.WriteError(err); error += err; success = false; } else { Util.WriteNewEntry("New DealSellerID:" + dealSellerId); } } else { Util.WriteWarning(string.Format(seperatorFormat, "skipping importing seller in deal")); } if (importContact) { resp = string.Empty; Util.Log(string.Format(seperatorFormat, "importing contact in deal")); int? dealContactId = ImportDealContact(cookies, blueDeal, deepBlueDealDetail, out resp); if (!dealContactId.HasValue) { err = "Failed to import deal contact for amb fund#:" + blueDeal.AmberbrookFundNo + " ,deal#:" + blueDeal.DealNo + ", error:" + resp; Util.WriteError(err); error += err; success = false; } else { Util.Log("Imported Contact for the deal...."); } } else { Util.WriteWarning(string.Format(seperatorFormat, "skipping importing contact in deal")); } if (!success) { ImportErrors.Add(new KeyValuePair<C6_15tblAmberbrookDealInfo, Exception>(blueDeal, new Exception(error))); } } else { success = false; errorMsg = string.Format("Could not create/find DeepBlue deal with DealName:{0} and FundName:{1}", blueDeal.DealName, amberBrookFund.AmberbrookFundName); Util.WriteError(errorMsg); } } else { // Log this.. Make sure the underlying fund is already created in DeepBlue success = false; errorMsg = "Could not find AMB Fund from DeepBlue:" + amberBrookFund.AmberbrookFundName; Util.WriteError(errorMsg); messageLog.AppendLine(errorMsg); } } else { // Log it success = false; errorMsg = "Could not find AMB Fund from Blue with Fund#:" + amberBrookFundNumber; Util.WriteError(errorMsg); messageLog.AppendLine(errorMsg); } if (success) { RecordsImportedSuccessfully++; } else { ImportErrors.Add(new KeyValuePair<C6_15tblAmberbrookDealInfo, Exception>(blueDeal, new Exception(errorMsg))); } } catch (Exception ex) { ImportErrors.Add(new KeyValuePair<C6_15tblAmberbrookDealInfo, Exception>(blueDeal, ex)); Util.WriteError("ConvertBlueToDeepBlue() " + ex); } } } Util.Log(string.Format("End fetching records from blue. Total Records: {0}, Records Converted successfully: {1}", TotalImportRecords, RecordsImportedSuccessfully)); LogErrors(ImportErrors); LogMessages(); }
public static List<string> GetReportingTypesFromBlue() { using (BlueEntities context = new BlueEntities()) { return context.C8_50tblReportingType.Select(x => x.ReportingType).ToList(); } }