internal PropertyInfo(DebugType declaringType, MethodInfo getMethod, MethodInfo setMethod): base(declaringType) { if (getMethod == null && setMethod == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("Both getter and setter can not be null."); this.getMethod = getMethod; this.setMethod = setMethod; }
public ParameterIdentifierExpression(MethodInfo method, int index) { if (method == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("method"); this.method = method; this.index = index; = method.GetParameterName(index); }
public LocalVariableIdentifierExpression(MethodInfo method, ISymUnmanagedVariable symVar) { if (method == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("method"); if (symVar == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("symVar"); this.method = method; this.symVar = symVar; = symVar.Name; }
internal TargetMethod(MethodInfo methodInfo){ this.methodInfo = methodInfo; }