private void CalendarNode_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CalendarNode nodeClicked = (CalendarNode)sender; if (nodeClicked.numDates == 4) { return; } DateTime dueDate =; Tuple <Label, int> tag = GetSelectedTagInfo(); Label l = tag.Item1; l.Location = new Point(10, 20 * ++nodeClicked.numDates); DueDateTextBox t = new DueDateTextBox(l, l.Width, nodeClicked, nodeClicked.numDates); t.BackColor = c6; t.ForeColor = Color.White; if (tag.Item2 != -1) { t.Text = "HW #1"; t.Location = new Point(l.Width + 10, 20 * nodeClicked.numDates); t.Size = new Size(110, 18); t.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; t.LostFocus += DueDateBox_Leave; nodeClicked.Controls.Add(t.InitDotLabel(5, 20 * nodeClicked.numDates + 5, l.ForeColor)); } else { t.Text = "HW #1"; t.Location = new Point(13, 20 * nodeClicked.numDates); t.Size = new Size(110, 18); t.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; t.LostFocus += DueDateBox_Leave; nodeClicked.Controls.Add(t.InitDotLabel(5, 20 * nodeClicked.numDates + 5, Color.Black)); } nodeClicked.Controls.Add(l); nodeClicked.Controls.Add(t); using (SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand("INSERT INTO " + sched_table + " (name, tag_id, date) VALUES (@name, @tag_id, @date)", SQLCon)) { cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@name", "HW #1"); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@tag_id", tag.Item2); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@date", dueDate); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } t.rowid = Convert.ToInt32(SQLCon.LastInsertRowId); }
private void LoadWeek(DateTime firstDay, int rowIndex) { //this week has already been loaded if (days.ContainsKey(firstDay)) { for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { days[firstDay.AddDays(i)].SetLocation(i * width + x_offset, rowIndex * height + y_offset); calendar.Controls.Add(days[firstDay.AddDays(i)]); } } else { //this week has not been loaded yet for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { CalendarNode cNode = new CalendarNode(i * width + x_offset, rowIndex * height + y_offset); cNode.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle; Label l = new Label(); l.Text = firstDay.AddDays(i).ToString("MMM") + " " + firstDay.AddDays(i).Day.ToString(); l.Visible = true; l.Size = new Size(90, 18); l.Location = new Point(10, 0); l.BackColor = Color.Transparent; //l.ForeColor = c2; l.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(249, 38, 89); l.Font = new Font(l.Font, FontStyle.Bold); = firstDay.AddDays(i); cNode.BackColor = c6; if ( == new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day)) { Label ll = new Label(); //ll.BackColor = c2; ll.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(166, 226, 46); ll.AutoSize = false; ll.Size = new Size(160, 6); ll.Location = new Point(0, 114); cNode.Controls.Add(ll); } RemoveLabel r = new RemoveLabel(); r.Location = new Point(32, 95); r.Visible = false; r.DragDrop += (o, e) => { e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy; r.SendToBack(); r.Font = new Font(r.Font, FontStyle.Regular); r.Text = r.Text.Substring(3); r.Width -= 5; int rowid = (int)e.Data.GetData(typeof(int)); CalendarNode parent = (CalendarNode)r.Parent; DueDateTextBox d = null; foreach (Control c in parent.Controls) { if (c is DueDateTextBox) { if (((DueDateTextBox)c).rowid == rowid) { d = (DueDateTextBox)c; } } } if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete \"" + d.Text + "\"?", "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { using (SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand("DELETE FROM " + sched_table + " WHERE rowid = @rowid", SQLCon)) { cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@rowid", rowid); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } parent.Controls.Remove(d.dotLabel); if (d.tagLabel != null) { parent.Controls.Remove(d.tagLabel); } parent.Controls.Remove(d); if (d.rowIndex < parent.numDates) { foreach (Control c in parent.Controls) { if (c is DueDateTextBox) { DueDateTextBox d1 = (DueDateTextBox)c; if (d1.rowIndex > d.rowIndex) { d1.Location = new Point(d1.Location.X, d1.Location.Y - 20); d1.dotLabel.Location = new Point(d1.dotLabel.Location.X, d1.dotLabel.Location.Y - 20); if (d1.tagLabel != null) { d1.tagLabel.Location = new Point(d1.tagLabel.Location.X, d1.tagLabel.Location.Y - 20); d1.rowIndex--; } } } } } parent.numDates--; } r.Visible = false; }; r.DragEnter += (o, e) => { e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy; r.SendToBack(); r.Font = new Font(r.Font, FontStyle.Bold); r.Text = " " + r.Text; r.Width += 5; }; r.DragLeave += (o, e) => { r.Font = new Font(r.Font, FontStyle.Regular); r.Text = r.Text.Substring(3); r.Width -= 5; }; r.AllowDrop = true; cNode.removeLabel = r; cNode.Controls.Add(r); cNode.Controls.Add(l); cNode.Click += CalendarNode_Click; calendar.Controls.Add(cNode); days[] = cNode; } //if (firstDay == DateTime.Now.StartOfWeek(DayOfWeek.Sunday)) //{ // Label l = new Label(); // l.BackColor = Color.Green; // l.AutoSize = false; // l.Size = new Size(5, 120); // l.Location = new Point(0, 0); // days[firstDay].Controls.Add(l); // //MessageBox.Show("?" + firstDay.ToString()); //} using (SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand("SELECT *, rowid FROM " + sched_table + " WHERE date >= @fd AND date <= @ld", SQLCon)) { cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@fd", firstDay); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ld", firstDay.AddDays(6)); using (SQLiteDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { DateTime date = (DateTime)reader[2]; Label l = new Label(); l.Location = new Point(10, 20 * ++days[date].numDates); int tagid = (int)reader[1]; string dueDateName = (string)reader[0]; int rowid = Convert.ToInt32((Int64)reader[3]); if (tagid != -1) { l.Text = tags[(int)reader[1]].tagNameBox.Text; l.ForeColor = tags[(int)reader[1]].color; l.Size = TextRenderer.MeasureText(l.Text, l.Font); l.BackColor = Color.Transparent; DueDateTextBox t = new DueDateTextBox(l, l.Width, days[date], days[date].numDates); //??? t.Text = dueDateName; t.Location = new Point(l.Width + 10, 20 * days[date].numDates); t.Size = new Size(100, 18); t.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; t.LostFocus += DueDateBox_Leave; t.rowid = rowid; t.BackColor = c6; t.ForeColor = Color.White; days[date].Controls.Add(t.InitDotLabel(5, 20 * days[date].numDates + 5, l.ForeColor)); days[date].Controls.Add(l); days[date].Controls.Add(t); } else { DueDateTextBox t = new DueDateTextBox(l, -1, days[date], days[date].numDates); t.Text = dueDateName; t.Location = new Point(13, 20 * days[date].numDates); t.Size = new Size(100, 18); t.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; t.LostFocus += DueDateBox_Leave; t.rowid = rowid; t.BackColor = c6; days[date].Controls.Add(t.InitDotLabel(5, 20 * days[date].numDates + 5, Color.Black)); days[date].Controls.Add(t); } } } } } }