protected override void ProcessAnnouncement(GazetteEntry entry) { Int32 warningOffsetDays = 345; Boolean processed = false; if ( entry.publication.Year > 1 ) { if ( entry.effective.Year > 1 ) { processed = true; TimeSpan timeBetweenPublicationAndEffective = entry.publication.Subtract(entry.effective); _daysBetweenPublicationAndEffective.IncrementForCount(timeBetweenPublicationAndEffective.Days, 0); if ( Math.Abs(timeBetweenPublicationAndEffective.Days) > warningOffsetDays ) { _strangeAnnouncements.Add(entry); } } if ( entry.sign.Year > 1 ) { processed = true; TimeSpan timeBetweenSignAndPublication = entry.publication.Subtract(entry.sign); _daysBetweenSignAndPublication.IncrementForCount(timeBetweenSignAndPublication.Days, 0); if ( (timeBetweenSignAndPublication.Days < 0) | (timeBetweenSignAndPublication.Days > warningOffsetDays) ) { if ( !StrangeAnnouncements.Contains(entry) ) { _strangeAnnouncements.Add(entry); } } } if ( processed ) { NumberOfAnnouncements++; } } }
/// <summary> /// Adds the given gazette as a reference. /// </summary> /// <param name="gazette">Gazette entry to add.</param> public void AddGazetteReference(GazetteEntry gazette) { if (gazette == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("gazette"); } if (gazette.effectiveSpecified) { effective = gazette.effective; effectiveSpecified = true; } if (gazette.effectiveafterSpecified) { effective = gazette.publication + new TimeSpan(gazette.effectiveafter, 0, 0, 0); effectiveSpecified = true; } if (!effectiveSpecified) { // wild guess - using publication date as effective date effective = gazette.publication; effectiveSpecified = true; } status = ChangeStatus.Gazette; Items.Add(new GazetteRelated(gazette) { relation = GazetteRelation.Unknown }); }
/// <summary> /// Adds the given gazette as a reference. /// </summary> /// <param name="gazette">Gazette entry to add.</param> public void AddGazetteReference(GazetteEntry gazette) { if ( gazette == null ) { throw new ArgumentNullException("gazette"); } if ( gazette.effectiveSpecified ) { effective = gazette.effective; effectiveSpecified = true; } if ( gazette.effectiveafterSpecified ) { effective = gazette.publication + new TimeSpan(gazette.effectiveafter, 0, 0, 0); effectiveSpecified = true; } if ( !effectiveSpecified ) { // wild guess - using publication date as effective date effective = gazette.publication; effectiveSpecified = true; } status = ChangeStatus.Gazette; Items.Add(new GazetteRelated(gazette) { relation = GazetteRelation.Unknown }); }
protected override void ProcessAnnouncement(GazetteEntry entry) { Int32 count = 0; UInt32 provinceGeocode = 0; foreach (var content in entry.Items) { var contentBase = content as GazetteOperationBase; if (ContentFitting(contentBase)) { count++; ProcessContent(content as GazetteCreate); provinceGeocode = contentBase.geocode; while (provinceGeocode / 100 != 0) { provinceGeocode = provinceGeocode / 100; } } } if (count > 0) { NumberOfAnnouncements++; _creationsPerAnnouncement.IncrementForCount(count, provinceGeocode); if (entry.effective.Year > 1) { DateTime dummy = new DateTime(2004, entry.effective.Month, entry.effective.Day); Int32 index = dummy.DayOfYear; if (!_effectiveDayOfYear.ContainsKey(index)) { _effectiveDayOfYear[index] = 0; } _effectiveDayOfYear[index]++; } } }
/// <summary> /// Checks whether the <see cref="GazetteEntry.publication">publication date</see> of <paramref name="entry"/> fits into the time range given by <see cref="StartYear"/> and <see cref="EndYear"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="entry">Announcement to check.</param> /// <returns><c>true</c> if announcement publication date is in the time range, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="entry"/> is <c>null</c>.</exception> protected virtual Boolean AnnouncementDateFitting(GazetteEntry entry) { if (entry == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("entry"); } Boolean retval = ((entry.publication.Year <= EndYear) && (entry.publication.Year >= StartYear)); return(retval); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new instance of <see cref="GazetteRelated"/> linking an Gazette entry. /// </summary> /// <param name="entry">Gazette entry to which the link should be made.</param> public GazetteRelated(GazetteEntry entry) { if (entry == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("entry"); } this.relationField = GazetteRelation.Mention; = entry.publication; this.dateSpecified = true; this.issue = entry.issue; = entry.FirstPage; this.volume = entry.volume; }
private GazetteEntry ParseSingeItem(String value) { value = value.Replace("\t", ""); GazetteEntry retval = null; Int32 position = value.IndexOf(EntryURL); if (position >= 0) { retval = new GazetteEntry(); position = position + EntryURL.Length; Int32 position2 = value.IndexOf(EntryURLend); retval.uri = value.Substring(position, position2 - position); value = value.Substring(position2, value.Length - position2); position = value.IndexOf(EntryTitle) + EntryTitle.Length; position2 = value.IndexOf(EntryTitleEnd); retval.title = value.Substring(position, position2 - position).Trim(); value = value.Substring(position2, value.Length - position2); position = value.IndexOf(EntryVolumeorPage) + EntryVolumeorPage.Length; position2 = value.IndexOf(ColumnEnd, position); string volume = value.Substring(position, position2 - position); retval.volume = Convert.ToByte(ThaiNumeralHelper.ReplaceThaiNumerals(volume)); value = value.Substring(position2, value.Length - position2); position = value.IndexOf(EntryIssue) + EntryIssue.Length; position2 = value.IndexOf(ColumnEnd, position); retval.issue = ThaiNumeralHelper.ReplaceThaiNumerals(value.Substring(position, position2 - position).Trim()); value = value.Substring(position2, value.Length - position2); position = value.IndexOf(EntryDate) + EntryDate.Length; position2 = value.IndexOf(ColumnEnd, position); string Date = value.Substring(position, position2 - position); retval.publication = ThaiDateHelper.ParseThaiDate(Date); value = value.Substring(position2, value.Length - position2); position = value.IndexOf(EntryVolumeorPage) + EntryVolumeorPage.Length; position2 = value.IndexOf(ColumnEnd, position); string page = value.Substring(position, position2 - position); = ThaiNumeralHelper.ReplaceThaiNumerals(page); if (retval.title.Contains('[') && retval.title.EndsWith("]")) { var beginSubTitle = retval.title.LastIndexOf('['); retval.subtitle = retval.title.Substring(beginSubTitle + 1, retval.title.Length - beginSubTitle - 2).Trim(); retval.title = retval.title.Substring(0, beginSubTitle - 1).Trim(); } } return(retval); }
protected override void ProcessAnnouncement(GazetteEntry entry) { Int32 warningOffsetDays = 345; Boolean processed = false; if (entry.publication.Year > 1) { if (entry.effective.Year > 1) { processed = true; TimeSpan timeBetweenPublicationAndEffective = entry.publication.Subtract(entry.effective); _daysBetweenPublicationAndEffective.IncrementForCount(timeBetweenPublicationAndEffective.Days, 0); if (Math.Abs(timeBetweenPublicationAndEffective.Days) > warningOffsetDays) { _strangeAnnouncements.Add(entry); } } if (entry.sign.Year > 1) { processed = true; TimeSpan timeBetweenSignAndPublication = entry.publication.Subtract(entry.sign); _daysBetweenSignAndPublication.IncrementForCount(timeBetweenSignAndPublication.Days, 0); if ((timeBetweenSignAndPublication.Days < 0) | (timeBetweenSignAndPublication.Days > warningOffsetDays)) { if (!StrangeAnnouncements.Contains(entry)) { _strangeAnnouncements.Add(entry); } } } if (processed) { NumberOfAnnouncements++; } } }
/// <summary> /// Calculates the actual detail statistics of the given <paramref name="entry"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="entry">Announcement to be checked.</param> protected abstract void ProcessAnnouncement(GazetteEntry entry);
private GazetteEntry ParseSingeItem(String value) { value = value.Replace("\t", ""); GazetteEntry retval = null; Int32 position = value.IndexOf(EntryURL); if ( position >= 0 ) { retval = new GazetteEntry(); position = position + EntryURL.Length; Int32 position2 = value.IndexOf(EntryURLend); retval.uri = value.Substring(position, position2 - position); value = value.Substring(position2, value.Length - position2); position = value.IndexOf(EntryTitle) + EntryTitle.Length; position2 = value.IndexOf(EntryTitleEnd); retval.title = value.Substring(position, position2 - position).Trim(); value = value.Substring(position2, value.Length - position2); position = value.IndexOf(EntryVolumeorPage) + EntryVolumeorPage.Length; position2 = value.IndexOf(ColumnEnd, position); string volume = value.Substring(position, position2 - position); retval.volume = Convert.ToByte(ThaiNumeralHelper.ReplaceThaiNumerals(volume)); value = value.Substring(position2, value.Length - position2); position = value.IndexOf(EntryIssue) + EntryIssue.Length; position2 = value.IndexOf(ColumnEnd, position); retval.issue = ThaiNumeralHelper.ReplaceThaiNumerals(value.Substring(position, position2 - position).Trim()); value = value.Substring(position2, value.Length - position2); position = value.IndexOf(EntryDate) + EntryDate.Length; position2 = value.IndexOf(ColumnEnd, position); string Date = value.Substring(position, position2 - position); retval.publication = ThaiDateHelper.ParseThaiDate(Date); value = value.Substring(position2, value.Length - position2); position = value.IndexOf(EntryVolumeorPage) + EntryVolumeorPage.Length; position2 = value.IndexOf(ColumnEnd, position); string page = value.Substring(position, position2 - position); = ThaiNumeralHelper.ReplaceThaiNumerals(page); if ( retval.title.Contains('[') && retval.title.EndsWith("]") ) { var beginSubTitle = retval.title.LastIndexOf('['); retval.subtitle = retval.title.Substring(beginSubTitle + 1, retval.title.Length - beginSubTitle - 2).Trim(); retval.title = retval.title.Substring(0, beginSubTitle - 1).Trim(); } } return retval; }
protected virtual Boolean AnnouncementDateFitting(GazetteEntry entry) { Boolean retval = ((entry.publication.Year <= EndYear) && (entry.publication.Year >= StartYear)); return(retval); }