protected override void ProcessContent(GazetteCreate content) { base.ProcessContent(content); if (content.type == EntityType.KingAmphoe) { _numberOfKingAmphoeCreations++; } }
protected void ProcessContentForName(GazetteCreate create) { UInt32 tambonGeocode = create.geocode / 100; String name =; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { String parentName = String.Empty; foreach (var subEntry in create.Items) { var areaChange = subEntry as GazetteAreaChange; if (areaChange != null) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty( { parentName =; } // this really happened once, so cannot use this check for sanity of input data // Debug.Assert(tambonGeocode == (areaChange.geocode / 100), String.Format("Parent muban for {0} has a different geocode {1}", create.geocode, areaChange.geocode)); } } parentName = parentName.StripBanOrChumchon(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(parentName)) { if (name.StartsWith(parentName)) { String suffix = name.Remove(0, parentName.Length).Trim(); if (_newNameSuffix.ContainsKey(suffix)) { _newNameSuffix[suffix]++; } else { _newNameSuffix.Add(suffix, 1); } } if (name.EndsWith(parentName)) { String prefix = name.Replace(parentName, "").Trim(); if (_newNamePrefix.ContainsKey(prefix)) { _newNamePrefix[prefix]++; } else { _newNamePrefix.Add(prefix, 1); } } } else { _creationsWithoutParentName++; } } }
protected override void ProcessContent(GazetteCreate content) { base.ProcessContent(content); UInt32 mubanNumber = content.geocode % 100; if ( mubanNumber != content.geocode ) { _highestMubanNumber.IncrementForCount(Convert.ToInt32(mubanNumber), content.geocode); } ProcessContentForName(content); }
protected Boolean ContentFitting(GazetteOperationBase content) { Boolean result = false; GazetteCreate create = content as GazetteCreate; if (create != null) { result = EntityFitting(create.type); } return(result); }
protected override void ProcessContent(GazetteCreate content) { base.ProcessContent(content); UInt32 mubanNumber = content.geocode % 100; if (mubanNumber != content.geocode) { _highestMubanNumber.IncrementForCount(Convert.ToInt32(mubanNumber), content.geocode); } ProcessContentForName(content); }
protected virtual void ProcessContent(GazetteCreate content) { _numberOfCreations++; UInt32 changwatGeocode = content.geocode; while (changwatGeocode > 100) { changwatGeocode = changwatGeocode / 100; } _numberOfCreationsPerChangwat[changwatGeocode]++; }
protected override void ProcessContent(GazetteCreate content) { base.ProcessContent(content); var create = content as GazetteCreate; UInt32 parentGeocode = create.geocode / 100; if (!_creationsPerParent.ContainsKey(parentGeocode)) { _creationsPerParent.Add(parentGeocode, 0); } _creationsPerParent[parentGeocode]++; Int32 maxSubEntityIndex = 0; List <UInt32> parentEntities = new List <UInt32>(); foreach (GazetteOperationBase subEntry in create.Items) { var createSubEntry = subEntry as GazetteCreate; if (createSubEntry != null) { maxSubEntityIndex++; } var reassignSubEntry = subEntry as GazetteReassign; if (reassignSubEntry != null) { maxSubEntityIndex++; UInt32 parentEntityCode = reassignSubEntry.oldgeocode / 100; if (!parentEntities.Contains(parentEntityCode)) { parentEntities.Add(parentEntityCode); } } } _numberOfSubEntities.IncrementForCount(maxSubEntityIndex, create.geocode); if (parentEntities.Any()) { _numberOfParentEntities.IncrementForCount(parentEntities.Count, create.geocode); } }
protected override void ProcessContent(GazetteCreate content) { base.ProcessContent(content); List <UInt32> targetMubanNumbers = new List <UInt32>(); foreach (var subEntry in content.Items) { var reassign = subEntry as GazetteReassign; if (reassign != null) { UInt32 targetMubanCode = reassign.geocode % 100; if (targetMubanCode == 0) { } else if (targetMubanNumbers.Contains(targetMubanCode)) { ; // This should no happen, probably mistake in XML } else { targetMubanNumbers.Add(targetMubanCode); } UInt32 oldMubanCode = reassign.oldgeocode % 100; if ((targetMubanCode != 0) & (oldMubanCode != 0)) { if (targetMubanCode == oldMubanCode) { _mubanNumberEqual++; } else { _mubanNumberChanged++; } } } } }
protected override void ProcessContent(GazetteCreate content) { base.ProcessContent(content); List<UInt32> targetMubanNumbers = new List<UInt32>(); foreach ( var subEntry in content.Items ) { var reassign = subEntry as GazetteReassign; if ( reassign != null ) { UInt32 targetMubanCode = reassign.geocode % 100; if ( targetMubanCode == 0 ) { } else if ( targetMubanNumbers.Contains(targetMubanCode) ) { ; // This should no happen, probably mistake in XML } else { targetMubanNumbers.Add(targetMubanCode); } UInt32 oldMubanCode = reassign.oldgeocode % 100; if ( (targetMubanCode != 0) & (oldMubanCode != 0) ) { if ( targetMubanCode == oldMubanCode ) { _mubanNumberEqual++; } else { _mubanNumberChanged++; } } } } }
protected void ProcessContentForName(GazetteCreate create) { UInt32 tambonGeocode = create.geocode / 100; String name =; if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty(name) ) { String parentName = String.Empty; foreach ( var subEntry in create.Items ) { var areaChange = subEntry as GazetteAreaChange; if ( areaChange != null ) { if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( ) { parentName =; } // this really happened once, so cannot use this check for sanity of input data // Debug.Assert(tambonGeocode == (areaChange.geocode / 100), String.Format("Parent muban for {0} has a different geocode {1}", create.geocode, areaChange.geocode)); } } parentName = parentName.StripBanOrChumchon(); if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty(parentName) ) { if ( name.StartsWith(parentName) ) { String suffix = name.Remove(0, parentName.Length).Trim(); if ( _newNameSuffix.ContainsKey(suffix) ) { _newNameSuffix[suffix]++; } else { _newNameSuffix.Add(suffix, 1); } } if ( name.EndsWith(parentName) ) { String prefix = name.Replace(parentName, "").Trim(); if ( _newNamePrefix.ContainsKey(prefix) ) { _newNamePrefix[prefix]++; } else { _newNamePrefix.Add(prefix, 1); } } } else { _creationsWithoutParentName++; } } }
protected override void ProcessContent(GazetteCreate content) { base.ProcessContent(content); if ( content.type == EntityType.KingAmphoe ) { _numberOfKingAmphoeCreations++; } }
protected override void ProcessContent(GazetteCreate content) { base.ProcessContent(content); var create = content as GazetteCreate; UInt32 parentGeocode = create.geocode / 100; if ( !_creationsPerParent.ContainsKey(parentGeocode) ) { _creationsPerParent.Add(parentGeocode, 0); } _creationsPerParent[parentGeocode]++; Int32 maxSubEntityIndex = 0; List<UInt32> parentEntities = new List<UInt32>(); foreach ( GazetteOperationBase subEntry in create.Items ) { var createSubEntry = subEntry as GazetteCreate; if ( createSubEntry != null ) { maxSubEntityIndex++; } var reassignSubEntry = subEntry as GazetteReassign; if ( reassignSubEntry != null ) { maxSubEntityIndex++; UInt32 parentEntityCode = reassignSubEntry.oldgeocode / 100; if ( !parentEntities.Contains(parentEntityCode) ) { parentEntities.Add(parentEntityCode); } } } _numberOfSubEntities.IncrementForCount(maxSubEntityIndex, create.geocode); if ( parentEntities.Any() ) { _numberOfParentEntities.IncrementForCount(parentEntities.Count, create.geocode); } }