static void Main(string[] args) { Button but1 = new Button(); but1.partNumber = "348A14"; but1.description = "Blue button"; but1.numOfButtons = 300; but1.priceOfButton=0.50; inventoryList.Add(but1); System.Console.WriteLine("******Button 1******\n"+inventoryList[0].partNumber + "\n"+inventoryList[0].description + "\n"+ inventoryList[0].numOfButtons + "\n"+ inventoryList[0].priceOfButton); Button but2 = new Button(); but2.partNumber = "5555"; but2.description = "Yellow button"; but2.numOfButtons = 500; but2.priceOfButton = 0.60; inventoryList.Add(but2); System.Console.WriteLine("******Button 2******\n"+inventoryList[0].partNumber + "\n" + inventoryList[0].description + "\n" + inventoryList[0].numOfButtons + "\n" + inventoryList[0].priceOfButton); System.Console.WriteLine("Type START to begin"); string start = System.Console.ReadLine(); while (start == "START") { foreach (Button element in inventoryList) { System.Console.WriteLine("Button " + element.partNumber); } System.Console.WriteLine("Type CREATE to make a new button, ORDER to place an order, UPDATE to change the price or q to quit"); string resp = System.Console.ReadLine(); if (resp == "CREATE") { newButton(); } else if (resp == "ORDER") { placeOrder(); } else if (resp == "UPDATE") { updatePrice(); } else { start = "END"; } } }
static void newButton() { List<Button> inventoryList = new List<Button>(); System.Console.WriteLine("What is the button's part number?"); string part = System.Console.ReadLine(); System.Console.WriteLine("What is the button's color?"); string color = System.Console.ReadLine(); System.Console.WriteLine("How many buttons in stock?"); int stock = Convert.ToInt32(System.Console.ReadLine()); System.Console.WriteLine("Price per button:"); double price = Convert.ToDouble(System.Console.ReadLine()); Button newButton = new Button(); newButton.partNumber = part; newButton.description = color; newButton.numOfButtons = stock; newButton.priceOfButton=price; inventoryList.Add(newButton); }