public static void Run(Profile currentProfile, User currentUser) { while (true) { Profile potentialMatch = ProfileRepository.GetPotentialMatchProfile(currentUser); GUI.DisplayDatingProfile(potentialMatch); string menuChoice = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (menuChoice == "1") { MatchRepository.RegisterLike(currentUser, potentialMatch); bool isMatch = MatchRepository.CheckIfMatch(currentProfile, potentialMatch); if (isMatch == true) { MatchesPage.Run(currentProfile, currentUser, potentialMatch); } } if (menuChoice == "2") { Run(currentProfile, currentUser); } if (menuChoice == "3") { UserMenuPage.Run(currentProfile, currentUser); } } }
public static void Run(Profile currentProfile, User currentUser) { while (true) { GUI.DisplayEditProfile(currentProfile); string menuChoice = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (menuChoice == "1") { ProfileRepository.ChangeProfileStatus(currentProfile, currentUser); break; } if (menuChoice == "2") { UserMenuPage.Run(currentProfile, currentUser); } } }
public static void Run() { GUI.DisplayLoginPage(); User currentUser = UserRepository.GetUserCredentials(); if (UserRepository.UserLoginSuccess(currentUser) == true) { Profile currentProfile = ProfileRepository.GetUserProfile(currentUser); UserMenuPage.Run(currentProfile, currentUser); } else if (UserRepository.UserLoginSuccess(currentUser) == false) { Run(); } else { Console.SetCursorPosition(2, 15); Console.WriteLine("Something went wrong.."); Console.SetCursorPosition(2, 16); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to return to the front page.."); Console.ReadKey(); } }