static void Main(string[] args)
            timerArray        paths = timerArray.Master();
            medicationControl meds  = medicationControl.Master();
            counter           timer = counter.Master();

            meds.addMedication("saline", "30 mg", .12);
            meds.addMedication("Pulmozym", "10 mg", 10);
            meds.addMedication("Vest", "Minisota Protoical", 30);
            paths.addPath("Path one");
            paths.getPath("Path one").addMedication(meds.getMed("saline").getTreatmentLength(), meds.getMed("saline"));
            paths.getPath("Path one").addMedication(meds.getMed("Pulmozym").getTreatmentLength(), meds.getMed("Pulmozym"));
            timer.addTimer(paths.getPath("Path one").getNextMed());
            bool exit = false;

                Console.WriteLine("press 2 to exit");
                ConsoleKeyInfo KI = Console.ReadKey();
                if (KI.KeyChar == '2')
                    exit = true;
            } while (exit != true);
예제 #2
 public MedicationNode()
     treatmentTime = 0;
     nextMed       = null;
     prevMed       = null;
     medication    = null;
     meds          = new medicationControl();
예제 #3
        public static medicationControl Master()
            if (master == null)
                master = new medicationControl();

예제 #4
        public MedicationNode(double treatmentTimeX, medication medicationX)
            if (treatmentTimeX >= 0)
                treatmentTime = treatmentTimeX;

            medication = medicationX;
            meds       = new medicationControl();
예제 #5
        public MedicationNode(double treatmentTimeX, MedicationNode nextMedX, MedicationNode prevMedX, medication medicationX)
            if (treatmentTimeX >= 0)
                treatmentTime = treatmentTimeX;

            if (nextMedX != null)
                nextMed = nextMedX;

            if (prevMedX != null)
                prevMed = prevMedX;
            if (medicationX != null)
                medication = medicationX;
            meds = new medicationControl();
예제 #6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            timerArray        paths = timerArray.Master();
            medicationControl meds  = medicationControl.Master();
            counter           timer = counter.Master();
            bool exit   = false;
            char option = '1';

             * This code is not bullet proff
             * If you imput bad data it will error out
             * This is also not the end all be all of the program there is functionality that I was not able to add.
             * read comments scattered around the main method and in the methods for more info
                Console.WriteLine("Please select an option from the list bellow");
                Console.WriteLine("1: Add a Path");
                Console.WriteLine("2: Add a Medication");
                Console.WriteLine("3: Add a Medication to and existing path");
                Console.WriteLine("4: Start a Timer");
                Console.WriteLine("5: Exit");
                option = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar;
                switch (option)
                case '1':
                    Console.WriteLine("what would you like the name of this path to be?");
                    String pathName = Console.ReadLine();

                case '2':
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter the name of the medication you wish to add");
                    String medName = Console.ReadLine();
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter the doasage of the medication, including the unit");
                    String medDoes = Console.ReadLine();
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter how long the medication takes to administer in minutes");
                    int medTreatent = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());                                    //this will error the code out FYI
                    meds.addMedication(medName, medDoes, medTreatent);

                case '3':
                    Console.WriteLine("What is the name of the path you wish the add the medication to?");
                    String pathName = Console.ReadLine();
                    Console.WriteLine("What is the name of the medication you wish to add");
                    String medName = Console.ReadLine();
                    paths.getPath(pathName).addMedication(meds.getMed(medName).getTreatmentLength(), meds.getMed(medName));


                case '4':
                    Console.WriteLine("What is the name of the path you would liek to start the first timer from");
                    String pathName = Console.ReadLine();
                    timer.addTimer(paths.getPath(pathName).getNextMedRemove());                                    //this will also break the code


                case '5':
                    Console.WriteLine("Are you sure you would like to exit. Nothing will be save");
                    char exitChoice = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar;
                    if (exitChoice == 'y' || exitChoice == 'Y')
                        Console.WriteLine("Exiting program");
                        exit = true;

                        Console.WriteLine("Resuming program");

                    Console.WriteLine("That is not a valid imput");
            } while (exit == false);

            meds.addMedication("saline", "30 mg", .12);
            meds.addMedication("Pulmozym", "10 mg", .2);
            meds.addMedication("Vest", "Minisota Protoical", 30);
            paths.addPath("Path one");
            paths.getPath("Path one").addMedication(meds.getMed("saline").getTreatmentLength(), meds.getMed("saline"));
            paths.getPath("Path one").addMedication(meds.getMed("Pulmozym").getTreatmentLength(), meds.getMed("Pulmozym"));
            timer.addTimer(paths.getPath("Path one").getNextMedRemove());
            timer.addTimer(paths.getPath("Path one").getNextMedRemove());