private Node <T> Merge(BinomialHeap <T> otherHeap)
            Contract.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(otherHeap != null);

            //for traversing first heap
            Node <T> current1;
            //for traversing second heap
            Node <T> current2;

            //Make root the smaller root
            if (root.Value.CompareTo(otherHeap.root.Value) <= 0)
                current1 = otherHeap.root;
                current2 = root.RightSibling;
                current2 = root;
                root     = otherHeap.root;
                current1 = otherHeap.root.RightSibling;
            //pointer for currently building merged heap
            Node <T> current = root;

            while (current1 != null && current2 != null)
                //merge phase like merge sort, insert smaller element first
                if (current1.Value.CompareTo(current2.Value) < 0)
                    current.RightSibling = current1;
                    current1             = current1.RightSibling;
                    current = current.RightSibling;
                    current.RightSibling = current2;
                    current2             = current2.RightSibling;
                    current = current.RightSibling;
            Node <T> tail;

            //check which heap is not fully visited
            if (current1 == null)
                tail = current2;
                tail = current1;
            //insert remaining elements of other heap
            while (tail != null)
                current.RightSibling = tail;
                current = current.RightSibling;
                tail    = tail.RightSibling;
예제 #2
        public BinomialHeap <T> Unify(BinomialHeap <T> heap)
            Contract.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(heap != null);

            Node <T> root = Merge(heap);

            if (root == null)
            //restore the property no two sub tree has same order
            Node <T> prev    = null;
            var      current = root;
            var      next    = current.RightSibling;

            while (next != null)
                //orders are not same, don't need merging
                var needMerge = current.Degree == next.Degree;
                if (next.RightSibling != null && next.RightSibling.Degree == next.Degree)
                    //orders are not same, don't need merging
                    needMerge = false;
                if (needMerge)
                    if (current.Value.CompareTo(next.Value) <= 0)
                        //current node is smaller than next node
                        //link the next to next node and skip next node
                        //make next node child of current node
                        current.RightSibling = next.RightSibling;
                        Link(current, next);
                    else if (prev != null)
                        //current node is greater than next node
                        //link to next node skipping current node and
                        //make it child of next node
                        prev.RightSibling = next;
                        Link(next, current);
                        //previous is null means this is root node
                        //make current node child of next node
                        //and next node is the new root
                        root = next;
                        Link(next, current);
                    prev    = current;
                    current = next;
                next = current.RightSibling;
            return(new BinomialHeap <T>(root));
        public void Insert(T element)
            //first make 0 order binomial heap
            //then merge it with current heap
            BinomialHeap <T> heap = CreateBinomialHeap(element);

            heap.root.Degree = 1;
        public static T ExtractMin(BinomialHeap <T> heap)
            Contract.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(heap != null, "heap");
            T min = heap.GetMin();
            //List of children to root node, because it's getting removed
            List <Node <T> > rootList = new List <Node <T> >();
            Node <T>         current  = heap.root.RightSibling;

            while (current != null)
                //Assign parent field of children to null
                current.Parent = null;
            BinomialHeap <T> newHeap = CreateBinomialHeap();

            newHeap.root = rootList[0];
            heap         = heap.Unify(newHeap);