GetAllMovies() 공개 메소드

Return the all Movies
public GetAllMovies ( ) : MovieEntity>.IDictionary
리턴 MovieEntity>.IDictionary
예제 #1
        private static void UpdateCache(MovieEntity movie)
            // Remove movie from Cache
            var movieKey = CacheConstants.MovieInfoJson + movie.UniqueName;
            var isPreviouslyCached = CacheManager.Exists(movieKey);

            var tableMgr = new TableManager();

            // Cache if previously cached or movie is upcoming/current
            Task.Run(() =>
                if (isPreviouslyCached || movie.State == "upcoming" || movie.State == "now playing")

            // Update more Cache
            Task.Run(() =>
                // Update cache for AllMovies
                // Note: We are not updating CacheConstants.AllMovieEntitiesSortedByName here
                // because typically the name of the movie does not changes as often

                // Update current movies
                Task.Run(() =>
                    var movies = tableMgr.GetCurrentMovies();

                // Update upcoming movies
                Task.Run(() =>
                    var movies = tableMgr.GetUpcomingMovies();
        // get : api/GetCastByType?t={type=[all, actor, director, music director etc]}&l={limit/count eg 5,10,100 so on default 100}
        protected override string ProcessRequest()
            JavaScriptSerializer json = new JavaScriptSerializer();

                var tblMgr = new TableManager();
                var qpParam = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(this.Request.RequestUri.Query);

                string type = "all";
                int limit = 100;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(qpParam["t"]))
                    type = qpParam["t"].ToString().ToLower();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(qpParam["l"]))
                    limit = Convert.ToInt32(qpParam["l"].ToString());

                if (tempCast == null || tempCast.Count == 0)
                    var movies = tblMgr.GetAllMovies();

                    foreach (var movie in movies)
                        List<Cast> castList = json.Deserialize(movie.Value.Cast, typeof(List<Cast>)) as List<Cast>;

                        if (castList != null)
                            foreach (var cast in castList)
                                if (!tempCast.Exists(c => ==

                if (type == "all")
                    var actor = (from u in tempCast
                                 where u.role.ToLower() == "actor" || u.role.ToLower() == "actress"
                                 select u).Distinct().Take(limit);

                    var directors = (from u in tempCast
                                     where u.role.ToLower() == "director"
                                     select u).Distinct().Take(limit);

                    var musicDirectors = (from u in tempCast
                                          where u.role.ToLower() == "music director"
                                          select u).Distinct().Take(limit);

                    return json.Serialize(new { Status = "Ok", Actor = actor, Director = directors, MusicDirector = musicDirectors });
                else if (type == "actor")
                    var actor = (from u in tempCast
                                 where u.role.ToLower() == "actor" || u.role.ToLower() == "actress"
                                 select u).Distinct().Take(limit);

                    return json.Serialize(new { Status = "Ok", Actor = actor });
                else if (type == "director")
                    var directors = (from u in tempCast
                                     where u.role.ToLower() == "director"
                                     select u).Distinct().Take(limit);

                    return json.Serialize(new { Status = "Ok", Director = directors });
                else if (type == "musicdirector")
                    var musicDirectors = (from u in tempCast
                                          where u.role.ToLower() == "music director"
                                          select u).Distinct().Take(limit);

                    return json.Serialize(new { Status = "Ok", MusicDirector = musicDirectors });
            catch (Exception ex)
                return json.Serialize(new { Status = "Error", UserMessage = "Unable to get movie cast", ActualError = ex.Message });

            return json.Serialize(new { Status = "Error", UserMessage = "Query string is empty." });
예제 #3
        private void BuildMovieIndex()
            TableManager tblMgr = new TableManager();
            JavaScriptSerializer json = new JavaScriptSerializer();

            IDictionary<string, MovieEntity> movies = tblMgr.GetAllMovies();

            string posterUrl = string.Empty;

            foreach (MovieEntity movie in movies.Values)
                List<String> posters = json.Deserialize(movie.Posters, typeof(List<String>)) as List<String>;
                List<APIRole.UDT.Cast> casts = json.Deserialize(movie.Cast, typeof(List<APIRole.UDT.Cast>)) as List<APIRole.UDT.Cast>;

                List<string> actors = new List<string>();
                List<string> critics = new List<string>();

                MovieSearchData movieSearchIndex = new MovieSearchData();
                IDictionary<string, ReviewEntity> reviews = tblMgr.GetReviewsByMovieId(movie.MovieId);

                if (posters != null && posters.Count > 0)
                    posterUrl = posters[posters.Count - 1];

                if (reviews != null)
                    foreach (ReviewEntity review in reviews.Values)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(review.ReviewerName))

                if (casts != null)
                    foreach (var actor in casts)
                        // actor, director, music, producer
                        string role = actor.role.ToLower();
                        string characterName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(actor.charactername) ? string.Empty : actor.charactername;

                        // Check if artist is already present in the list for some other role.
                        // If yes, skip it. Also if the actor name is missing then skip the artist
                        if (actors.Contains( || string.IsNullOrEmpty( || == "null")

                        // If we want to showcase main artists and not all, keep the following switch... case.
                        switch (role)
                            case "actor":
                            case "producer":
                                // some times producer are listed as line producer etc.
                                // We are not interested in those artists as of now?! Hence skipping it
                                if (characterName == role)
                            case "music":
                            case "director":
                                // Main music director and movie director does not have associated character name.
                                // Where as other side directors have associated character name as associate director, assitant director.
                                // Skipping such cases.
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(characterName))


                movieSearchIndex.Id = movie.RowKey;
                movieSearchIndex.Title = movie.Name;
                movieSearchIndex.Type = movie.Genre;

                // Selected poster url
                movieSearchIndex.TitleImageURL = posterUrl;

                movieSearchIndex.UniqueName = movie.UniqueName;
                movieSearchIndex.Description = json.Serialize(actors);
                movieSearchIndex.Critics = json.Serialize(critics);
                movieSearchIndex.Link = movie.UniqueName;