public static ActionLibrary load(String path) { /*ActionLibrary al = new ActionLibrary(); Stream stream = File.Open(path, FileMode.Open); BinaryFormatter bformatter = new BinaryFormatter(); al = (ActionLibrary)bformatter.Deserialize(stream); stream.Close(); return al;*/ Dictionary<string, string> actions = new Dictionary<string, string>(); actions["raise the roof"] = "raisetheroof"; actions["walk forward"] = "walkforward"; actions["walk left"] = "walkleft"; actions["walk back"] = "walkbackward"; actions["walk right"] = "walkright"; actions["wave right"] = "waveright"; actions["wave left"] = "waveleft"; string filename = "Z:/dev/kinect-nao/recordings/"; ActionLibrary lib = new ActionLibrary(); foreach (string actionName in actions.Keys) { List<HumanSkeleton> seq = new List<HumanSkeleton>(); using (StreamReader s = new StreamReader(filename + actions[actionName] + "/" + actionName + "1.rec")) { while (!s.EndOfStream) { seq.Add(new HumanSkeleton(s.ReadLine())); } } ActionSequence<NaoSkeleton> naoSeq = new ActionSequence<NaoSkeleton>(); foreach (HumanSkeleton h in seq) { AngleConverter ac = new AngleConverter(h); naoSeq.append(ac.getNaoSkeleton()); } if (actionName.StartsWith("walk")) { NaoSkeleton start = naoSeq.get(0); NaoSkeleton end = naoSeq.get(naoSeq.size() - 1); NaoSkeleton diff = new NaoSkeleton(new NaoPosition(end.Position.X - start.Position.X, end.Position.Y - start.Position.Y, end.Position.Z - start.Position.Z)); naoSeq = new ActionSequence<NaoSkeleton>(); naoSeq.append(diff); } lib.appendToCache(naoSeq); lib.setCachedName(actionName); lib.saveCache(); } return lib; }
static void Main(string[] args) { Dictionary<string, string> actions = new Dictionary<string, string>(); actions["raise the roof"] = "raisetheroof"; actions["walk forward"] = "walkforward"; actions["walk left"] = "walkleft"; actions["wave right"] = "waveright"; actions["wave left"] = "waveleft"; string filename = "Z:/dev/kinect-nao/recordings/"; ActionLibrary lib = new ActionLibrary(); foreach (string actionName in actions.Keys) { List<HumanSkeleton> seq = new List<HumanSkeleton>(); using (StreamReader s = new StreamReader(filename + actions[actionName] + "/" + actionName + "1.rec")) { while (!s.EndOfStream) { seq.Add(new HumanSkeleton(s.ReadLine())); } } //List<float[]> naoSeq = new List<float[]>(); ActionSequence<NaoSkeleton> naoSeq = new ActionSequence<NaoSkeleton>(); foreach (HumanSkeleton h in seq) { AngleConverter ac = new AngleConverter(h); naoSeq.append(ac.getNaoSkeleton()); //naoSeq.Add(ac.getAngles()); } lib.appendToCache(naoSeq); lib.setCachedName(actionName); lib.saveCache(); //bool isJointAction = true; // false if is a walking action //ExecuteOnNao(naoSeq, isJointAction); }; }
private void init() { this.lib = ActionLibrary.load(ACTION_LIB_PATH); har = new HumanActionRecognizer(MODEL_LIB_PATH); har.Recognition += new HumanActionRecognizer.RecognitionEventHandler(har_Recognition); har.RecordingStart += new HumanActionRecognizer.RecordingEventHandler(har_RecordingStart); har.RecordingReady += new HumanActionRecognizer.RecordingEventHandler(har_RecordingReady); har.RecordingStop += new HumanActionRecognizer.RecordingEventHandler(har_RecordingStop); }