public string get_DSMayThongTin(string timkiem, string khoaphong) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); string strKQ = ""; try { if (khoaphong != "-1") { sql = " select c.ten , e.Ten , count(*) "; sql += "from may a,dmkhoaphong c,dmloaimay e "; sql += " where a.MaKP=c.ID and a.MaLoai=e.ID "; sql += "and (a.mamay like '%" + timkiem + "%' or a.ten like '%" + timkiem + "%') and a.makp='" + khoaphong + "'"; sql += " group by c.ten,e.ten "; } else { sql = " select c.ten , e.Ten , count(*) "; sql += "from may a,dmkhoaphong c,dmloaimay e "; sql += " where a.MaKP=c.ID and a.MaLoai=e.ID "; sql += "and (a.mamay like '%" + timkiem + "%' or a.ten like '%" + timkiem + "%') "; sql += " group by c.ten,e.ten "; } CConnection data = new CConnection(); ds = data.getData(sql); foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { strKQ += dr[1].ToString() + ": " + dr[2].ToString() + ";"; } } catch { } return(strKQ); }
public DataSet get_KiemKe(string s_tungay, string s_denngay, string loaimay, string khoaphong) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); try { sql = " select id,a.mamay mamay,a.ten tenmay,b.ten tennuoc,c.ten tenkhoaphong,a.Vitri vitri, "; sql += " e.Ten loaimay ,f.Ten loaichitiet,a.DonGia dongia,g.ten tinhtrang,a.ngaybdsd ngaybdsd"; sql += " from may a"; sql += " join dmquocgia b on a.NuocSX=b.ID "; sql += " join dmkhoaphong c on a.MaKP=c.ID "; sql += " join dmloaimay e on a.MaLoai=e.ID "; sql += " join dmloaichitiet f on a.LoaiChiTiet=f.ID "; sql += " join dmtinhtrang g on "; sql += " where 1 "; if (loaimay.Length > 0) { sql += " and a.maloai in (" + loaimay + ") "; } if (khoaphong.Length > 0) { sql += " and a.makp in (" + khoaphong + ") "; } CConnection data = new CConnection(); ds = data.getData(sql); } catch { } return(ds); }
public DataSet get_DanhMucCT(string table) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); try { sql = "select id,ten,Enable,LoaiMay from " + table; CConnection data = new CConnection(4); ds = data.getData(sql); } catch { } return(ds); }
public DataSet get_DanhMucCT(string table, string loaimay) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); try { sql = "select id,ten,Enable,LoaiMay from " + table + " where loaimay='" + loaimay + "' and Enable='1' order by ten"; CConnection data = new CConnection(4); ds = data.getData(sql); } catch { } return(ds); }
public DataSet get_DanhMuc(string table, string Enable) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); try { sql = "select id,ten,Enable from " + table + " where Enable='" + Enable + "' order by ten"; CConnection data = new CConnection(4); ds = data.getData(sql); } catch { } return(ds); }
public DataSet get_BCBaoTri(string mamay) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); try { sql = "select,DATE_FORMAT(a.Ngay, '%d-%m-%Y') ngay,a.noidung from baotri a where a.mamay='" + mamay + "'"; CConnection data = new CConnection(); ds = data.getData(sql); } catch { } return(ds); }
public DataSet get_BaoTri(string table, string id) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); try { sql = "select,a.ngay,a.mamay,b.ten,a.noidung from " + table + " a,may b where and a.mamay='" + id + "'"; CConnection data = new CConnection(); ds = data.getData(sql); } catch { } return(ds); }
public DataSet get_cauhinhmau(string id) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); try { sql = "select a.matb,b.ten,a.noidung from cauhinhmauct a,dmthietbi b where and'" + id + "'"; CConnection data = new CConnection(); ds = data.getData(sql); } catch { } return(ds); }
public DataSet get_May(string barcode) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); try { sql = " select id,mamay,ten,nuocsx,makp,maloai,loaichitiet,dongia,vitri,tinhtrang,ngaybdsd "; sql += "from may "; sql += " where mamay='" + barcode + "'"; CConnection data = new CConnection(); ds = data.getData(sql); } catch { } return(ds); }
public string getID(string tablename) { string strID = "1"; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); try { string sql = "select Max(ID+1) from " + tablename; CConnection data = new CConnection(4); ds = data.getData(sql); int value = int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString()); strID = value.ToString(); } catch { } return(strID); }
public DataSet get_MayFromID(string ID) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); try { sql = " select,a.mamay,a.ten tenmay,b.ten nuocsx,c.ten khoaphong,a.Vitri,e.Ten loaimay,f.Ten loaichitiet,a.DonGia,g.ten tinhtrang,a.ngaybdsd ngaybdsd "; sql += "from may a,dmquocgia b,dmkhoaphong c,dmloaimay e,dmloaichitiet f,dmtinhtrang g "; sql += " where'" + ID + "' and a.NuocSX=b.ID and a.MaKP=c.ID and a.MaLoai=e.ID and and a.LoaiChiTiet=f.ID"; CConnection data = new CConnection(); ds = data.getData(sql); } catch { } return(ds); }
public DataSet get_DanhSachDuyetXoaCLS(DateTime tungay, DateTime denngay) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); try { sql = " select 0,a.stt,a.MaBN,b.ten ,a.Mavp,a.Ten tenvp,a.soluong,DATE_FORMAT(a.ngaythuchien, '%d-%m-%Y ') ngaythuchien,'-',a.makp,,a.stt,a.tennguoixoa ,a.ngaychidinh"; sql += " from v_chidinh a,btdbn b"; sql += " where "; sql += " and date(a.ngaythuchien)>='" + f_formatDate(tungay) + "' and date(a.ngaythuchien)<='" + f_formatDate(denngay) + "'"; CConnection data = new CConnection(3); ds = data.getData(sql); } catch { } return(ds); }
public DataSet get_DSMay(string timkiem, string khoaphong) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); try { sql = " select,a.mamay,a.ten,b.ten,c.ten,a.Vitri,e.Ten,f.Ten,a.DonGia,g.ten,a.ngaybdsd "; sql += "from may a,dmquocgia b,dmkhoaphong c,dmloaimay e,dmloaichitiet f,dmtinhtrang g "; sql += " where a.NuocSX=b.ID and a.MaKP=c.ID and a.MaLoai=e.ID and and a.LoaiChiTiet=f.ID "; sql += "and (a.mamay like '%" + timkiem + "%' or a.ten like '%" + timkiem + "%') and a.makp='" + khoaphong + "' order by mamay"; CConnection data = new CConnection(); ds = data.getData(sql); } catch { } return(ds); }
public DataSet get_DanhSachXoaChiDinhFromUser(DateTime ngay) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); try { sql = " select 0,stt,MaBN,'-',Mavp,Ten tenvp,soluong,ngaythuchien,'-',makp,id "; sql += "from v_chidinh "; sql += " where date(ngaythuchien)='" + f_formatDate(ngay) + "'"; CConnection data = new CConnection(3); ds = data.getData(sql); } catch { } return(ds); }
public DataSet get_DanhSachFrom_Ngay_Dot(string timkiem, DateTime Ngay, string Dot) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); try { sql = " select id,a.done,DATE_FORMAT(a.ThoiGianYC, '%d-%m-%Y %H:%i') thoigianyc,a.MaBN,a.HoTen,b.Ten KhoaPhong,a.NoiDung NoiDung,a.NguoiYeuCau,c.Ten NguoiNhanYC,d.Ten LoaiYeuCau,e.Ten tinhtrang,a.ThoiGianKT "; sql += "from tiepnhanyc a,dmkhoaphong b,dmuser c, dmloaiyeucau d,dmtinhtrang e"; sql += " where a.KhoaPhong=b.ID and a.NguoiNhanYC=c.ID and a.LoaiYeuCau=d.ID and a.TinhTrang=e.ID"; sql += " and (a.mabn like '%" + timkiem + "%' or a.hoten like '%" + timkiem + "%') and "; sql += " date(thoigianyc)='" + f_formatDate(Ngay) + "' and a.loaiyeucau='" + Dot + "'"; CConnection data = new CConnection(4); ds = data.getData(sql); } catch { } return(ds); }
public DataSet get_DanhSach(string timkiem) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); try { sql = " select,a.ThoiGianYC,a.MaBN,a.HoTen,b.Ten,a.NoiDung,a.NguoiYeuCau,c.Ten NguoiNhanYC,d.Ten LoaiYeuCau,e.Ten tinhtrang,a.ThoiGianKT "; sql += "from tiepnhanyc a,dmkhoaphong b,dmuser c, dmloaiyeucau d,dmtinhtrang e"; sql += " where a.KhoaPhong=b.ID and a.NguoiNhanYC=c.ID and a.LoaiYeuCau=d.ID and a.TinhTrang=e.ID"; sql += " and (a.mabn like '%" + timkiem + "%' or a.hoten like '%" + timkiem + "%')"; CConnection data = new CConnection(4); ds = data.getData(sql); } catch { } return(ds); }
public DataSet get_DanhSach(string timkiem, DateTime TuNgay, DateTime DenNgay, string done) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); try { sql = " select id,a.Done,DATE_FORMAT(a.ThoiGianYC, '%d-%m-%Y %H:%i') thoigianyc,a.MaBN,a.HoTen,b.Ten KhoaPhong,a.NoiDung NoiDung,a.NguoiYeuCau SoThe,c.Ten NguoiNhanYC,d.Ten LoaiYeuCau,e.Ten tinhtrang,a.ThoiGianKT ,0 sotien,HSD Denngay,traituyen "; sql += "from tiepnhanyc a,dmkhoaphong b,dmuser c, dmloaiyeucau d,dmtinhtrang e"; sql += " where a.KhoaPhong=b.ID and a.NguoiNhanYC=c.ID and a.LoaiYeuCau=d.ID and a.TinhTrang=e.ID"; sql += " and (a.mabn like '%" + timkiem + "%' or a.hoten like '%" + timkiem + "%') and "; sql += " date(thoigianyc)>='" + f_formatDate(TuNgay) + "' and date(thoigianyc)<='" + f_formatDate(DenNgay) + "' and (a.done is null or a.done=0)"; CConnection data = new CConnection(4); ds = data.getData(sql); } catch { } return(ds); }
public DataSet get_TiepNhanYCFromID(string ID) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); try { sql = " select ID,MaBN,Hoten,LoaiYeuCau,NoiDung,NguoiYeuCau,KhoaPhong, NguoiNhanYC,ThoiGianYC, ThoiGianKT,NgayUD,HinhThuc,TinhTrang,HSD,TraiTuyen "; sql += "from tiepnhanyc"; sql += " where id='" + ID + "'"; CConnection data = new CConnection(4); ds = data.getData(sql); } catch { } return(ds); }
public DataSet get_DanhSachXoaChiDinhFromUser(string User, DateTime ngay) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); try { sql = " select 0,a.stt,a.MaBN,b.ten ,a.Mavp,a.Ten tenvp,a.soluong,a.ngaythuchien,'-',a.makp,,a.stt "; sql += "from v_chidinh a,btdbn b"; sql += " where a.userid='" + User + "' and date(a.ngaythuchien)='" + f_formatDate(ngay) + "' "; sql += " and "; CConnection data = new CConnection(3); ds = data.getData(sql); } catch { } return(ds); }
public DataSet get_DanhSachXoaChiDinhFromMaBN(string MaBN, DateTime ngay) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); try { sql = " select 0,a.stt,a.MaBN,b.ten ,a.Mavp,a.Ten tenvp,a.soluong,a.ngaythuchien,'-',a.makp,,a.stt "; sql += "from v_chidinh a,btdbn b"; sql += " where a.MaBN='" + MaBN + "' and month(a.ngaythuchien)='" + ngay.Month + "' and year(a.ngaythuchien)='" + ngay.Year + "'"; sql += " and "; CConnection data = new CConnection(3); ds = data.getData(sql); } catch { } return(ds); }
public DataSet get_NoiDungXoaChiDinhFromIDYC(string IDYC) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); try { sql = " select 0,a.stt,a.MaBN,b.ten ,a.Mavp,a.Ten tenvp,a.soluong,DATE_FORMAT(a.ngaythuchien, '%d-%m-%Y ') ngaythuchien,'-',a.makp,,a.stt,a.tennguoixoa ,a.ngaychidinh"; sql += " from v_chidinh a,btdbn b"; sql += " where a.STT='" + IDYC + "' "; sql += " and "; CConnection data = new CConnection(3); ds = data.getData(sql); } catch { } return(ds); }
public DataSet get_BCBaoTri(string s_tungay, string s_denngay) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); try { string sql = "select DATE_FORMAT(bt.Ngay, '%d-%m-%Y') ngaybaotri,kp.Ten TenKP,m.MaMay MAMAY,m.Ten TENMAY,M.Vitri Vitri ,bt.Noidung from baotri bt "; sql += " join may m on bt.MaMay=m.ID "; sql += " join dmkhoaphong kp on m.MaKP=kp.ID "; sql += " where bt.Ngay BETWEEN '{tungay}' and '{denngay}' "; sql = sql.Replace("{tungay}", s_tungay); sql = sql.Replace("{denngay}", s_denngay); CConnection data = new CConnection(); ds = data.getData(sql); } catch { } return(ds); }
public string get_RightDangNhap(string ID) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); string result = "-1"; try { sql = " select _Right "; sql += " from dlogin"; sql += " where ID='" + ID + "'"; CConnection data = new CConnection(3); ds = data.getData(sql); result = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["_Right"].ToString(); } catch { } return(result); }