public void DataLakeUploader_ResumePartialUploadDownload()
            //attempt to load the file fully, but only allow creating 1 target stream
            var backingFrontEnd = new InMemoryFrontEnd();
            var frontEnd        = new MockableFrontEnd(backingFrontEnd);

            int createStreamCount = 0;

            frontEnd.CreateStreamImplementation = (path, overwrite, data, byteCount) =>
                if (createStreamCount > 1)
                    //we only allow 1 file to be created
                    throw new IntentionalException();
                backingFrontEnd.CreateStream(path, overwrite, data, byteCount);

            var up       = CreateParameters(isResume: false);
            var uploader = new DataLakeStoreTransferClient(up, frontEnd);


            Assert.Throws <AggregateException>(() => uploader.Execute());
            Assert.Equal(1, frontEnd.ListDirectory(up.TargetStreamPath, false).Keys.Count);
            Assert.Equal(1, backingFrontEnd.StreamCount);

            //resume the upload but point it to the real back-end, which doesn't throw exceptions
            up       = CreateParameters(isResume: true);
            uploader = new DataLakeStoreTransferClient(up, backingFrontEnd);


            VerifyFileUploadedSuccessfully(up, backingFrontEnd);

            // now download the same way.
            var frontEnd2 = new MockableFrontEnd(backingFrontEnd); // need to have data from the successful upload available.

            createStreamCount = 0;
            frontEnd2.ReadStreamImplementation = (path, data, byteCount, isDownload) =>
                if (createStreamCount > 1)
                    //we only allow 1 file to be created
                    throw new IntentionalException();
                return(backingFrontEnd.ReadStream(path, data, byteCount, isDownload));

            up       = CreateParameters(isResume: false, isDownload: true, targetStreamPath: _downloadFilePath, isOverwrite: true, filePath: up.TargetStreamPath);
            uploader = new DataLakeStoreTransferClient(up, frontEnd2);

            Assert.Throws <AggregateException>(() => uploader.Execute());
            Assert.False(frontEnd2.StreamExists(up.TargetStreamPath), "Target stream should not have been created");

            // now use the good front end
            up       = CreateParameters(isResume: true, isDownload: true, targetStreamPath: _downloadFilePath, isOverwrite: true, filePath: up.InputFilePath);
            uploader = new DataLakeStoreTransferClient(up, backingFrontEnd);

            //resume the download but point it to the real back-end, which doesn't throw exceptions

            VerifyFileUploadedSuccessfully(up, backingFrontEnd);
        public void DataLakeUploader_ResumeUploadDownloadWithAllMissingFiles()
            //this scenario is achieved by refusing to execute the concat command on the front end for the initial upload (which will interrupt it)
            //and then resuming the upload against a fresh front-end (which obviously has no files there)

            var backingFrontEnd1 = new InMemoryFrontEnd();
            var frontEnd1        = new MockableFrontEnd(backingFrontEnd1);

            frontEnd1.ConcatenateImplementation = (target, inputs, isDownload) => { throw new IntentionalException(); }; //fail the concatenation

            //attempt full upload
            var up = CreateParameters(isResume: false);

            var uploader = new DataLakeStoreTransferClient(up, frontEnd1);


            Assert.Throws <IntentionalException>(() => uploader.Execute());
            Assert.False(frontEnd1.StreamExists(up.TargetStreamPath), "Target stream should not have been created");
            Assert.True(0 < backingFrontEnd1.StreamCount, "No temporary streams seem to have been created");

            //attempt to resume the upload
            var frontEnd2 = new InMemoryFrontEnd();

            up       = CreateParameters(isResume: true);
            uploader = new DataLakeStoreTransferClient(up, frontEnd2);

            //at this point the metadata exists locally but there are no target files in frontEnd2

            VerifyFileUploadedSuccessfully(up, frontEnd2);

            // now download the same way.
            var frontEnd3 = new MockableFrontEnd(frontEnd2);                                                             // need to have data from the successful upload available.

            frontEnd3.ConcatenateImplementation = (target, inputs, isDownload) => { throw new IntentionalException(); }; //fail the concatenation
            up       = CreateParameters(isResume: false, isDownload: true, targetStreamPath: _downloadFilePath, isOverwrite: true, filePath: up.TargetStreamPath);
            uploader = new DataLakeStoreTransferClient(up, frontEnd3);

            Assert.Throws <IntentionalException>(() => uploader.Execute());
            Assert.False(frontEnd1.StreamExists(up.TargetStreamPath, true), "Target stream should not have been created");

            // now use the good front end
            up       = CreateParameters(isResume: true, isDownload: true, targetStreamPath: _downloadFilePath, isOverwrite: true, filePath: up.InputFilePath);
            uploader = new DataLakeStoreTransferClient(up, frontEnd2);
            //at this point the metadata exists locally but there are no target files in frontEnd2

            VerifyFileUploadedSuccessfully(up, frontEnd2);