예제 #1
        public void Should_Handle_Empty_Command()
            // Given that I have a command interpreter ready
            ICommandInterpreter interpreter = new StandardCommandInterpreter();

            // When I send an empty command
            ICommand command = interpreter.ReadCommand(new string[] { });

            // Then I should receive the ExampleUsage command
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(command, typeof(ExampleUsageCommand));
예제 #2
        public void Should_Recognize_Pull_Schema_Command_With_Server_And_Database_Specified()
            // Given that I have a command interpreter ready
            ICommandInterpreter interpreter = new StandardCommandInterpreter();

            // When I send the "pullschema" command with a server and database name
            ICommand command = interpreter.ReadCommand(new string[] { "pullschema", Test.Settings.ServerName, Test.Settings.DatabaseName });

            // Then I should receive an instance of the PullSchema command
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(command, typeof(PullSchemaCommand));
            PullSchemaCommand typedCommand = command as PullSchemaCommand;
            // And it should have the correct settings
            Assert.AreEqual(Settings.ServerName, typedCommand.ServerName);
            Assert.AreEqual(Settings.DatabaseName, typedCommand.DatabaseName);