public FilterContext(DataFilter owner, Resultset source, Object filterPredicate, QueryContext queryContext, Object[] parameters) : base(owner, source, queryContext, parameters) { _source = source; _compiledBody = new FunctionLink(); List<ColumnBinding> bindings = new List<ColumnBinding>(); ExpressionTransformer transformer = new ExpressionTransformer(bindings); foreach (RowType.TypeInfo ti in source.RowType.Fields) foreach (RowType.TypeInfo nested_ti in ti.NestedType.Fields) if (!nested_ti.IsHidden) { ColumnBinding b = new ColumnBinding(); b.typecode = Type.GetTypeCode(nested_ti.DataType); b.rnum = ti.Ordinal; b.TableName = ti.Name; b.Name = nested_ti.Name; b.fieldType = nested_ti; b.natural = nested_ti.IsNatural; b.container = nested_ti.IsContainer; b.caseSensitive = nested_ti.IsCaseSensitive; = new SymbolLink(nested_ti.DataType); bindings.Add(b); if (nested_ti.IsContainer) transformer.NeedTransform = true; } LispExecutive.Enter(_resolver = new DataResolver(new Binder(bindings))); if (transformer.NeedTransform) _filterPredicate = transformer.Process(filterPredicate); else _filterPredicate = filterPredicate; }
public LambdaExpr(object id, Executive.Parameter[] parameters, Type returnType, object body) { Name = new FuncName(id, parameters); _parameters = parameters; _retType = returnType; _body = body; _compiledBody = new FunctionLink(); _compiled = false; Isolate = true; }
public SelectorContext(DataSelector owner, bool distinct, Column[] columns, DataResolver resolver, Resultset source, QueryContext queryContext, object[] parameters, FunctionLink[] compiledBody) : base(owner, source, queryContext, parameters) { _columns = columns; _source = source; _resolver = resolver; _topRows = owner.TopRows; _compiledBody = compiledBody; RowNum = 1; if (distinct) _distinctSet = new HashSet<Row>(new RowEqualityComparer()); LispExecutive.Enter(resolver); }
public override void Bind(Executive.Parameter[] parameters, MemoryPool pool) { m_context = new SymbolLink(typeof(IContextProvider)); pool.Bind(m_context); object data = QueryContext.Resolver.GetCurrentStack(); QueryContext.Resolver.SetValue(ID.Context, m_context); m_compiledBody = new FunctionLink[m_expr.Length]; for (int k = 0; k < m_expr.Length; k++) { m_compiledBody[k] = new FunctionLink(); QueryContext.Engine.Compile(parameters, m_expr[k], m_compiledBody[k]); } if (Annotation != null) { m_compiledAnnotation = new FunctionLink[Annotation.Length]; for (int k = 0; k < Annotation.Length; k++) { m_compiledAnnotation[k] = new FunctionLink(); QueryContext.Engine.Compile(parameters, Annotation[k], m_compiledAnnotation[k]); } } QueryContext.Resolver.RevertToStack(data); }
public override void Bind(Executive.Parameter[] parameters, MemoryPool pool) { m_valueExpr = new FunctionLink(); QueryContext.Engine.Compile(parameters, m_expr, m_valueExpr); m_value.IsStatic = true; SymbolLink[] depends = QueryContext.Engine.GetValueDependences(null, parameters, m_expr, m_valueExpr, false); foreach (SymbolLink s in depends) if (!s.IsStatic) { m_value.IsStatic = false; break; } object data = QueryContext.Resolver.GetCurrentStack(); pool.Bind(m_value); QueryContext.Resolver.SetValue(m_var, m_value); if (ConditionExpr != null) { m_conditionExpr = new FunctionLink(); QueryContext.Engine.Compile(parameters, ConditionExpr, m_conditionExpr); } m_bodyExpr.Bind(parameters, pool); QueryContext.Resolver.RevertToStack(data); }
public object Apply(object id, Parameter[] parameters, object lval, object[] args, FunctionLink dynamicFunc, MemoryPool pool) { object res = Undefined.Value; if (dynamicFunc != null && dynamicFunc.Value != null) { CompiledLambda lambda = dynamicFunc.Value; res = lambda.Invoke(pool, args); return res; } else { CompiledLambda lambda = Compile(parameters, lval); if (dynamicFunc != null) dynamicFunc.Value = lambda; res = lambda.Invoke(pool, args); } return res; }
public IBindableObject[] GetBindableObjects(Parameter[] parameters, object expr, FunctionLink dynamicFunc) { List<IBindableObject> res = new List<IBindableObject>(); if (dynamicFunc.Value == null) Compile(parameters, expr, dynamicFunc); foreach (object cn in dynamicFunc.Value.Consts) { IBindableObject bo = cn as IBindableObject; if (bo != null) res.Add(bo); } return res.ToArray(); }
public SymbolLink[] GetValueDependences(HashSet<Object> hs, Parameter[] parameters, object expr, FunctionLink dynamicFunc, bool reviewLambdaExpr) { if (dynamicFunc.Value == null) Compile(parameters, expr, dynamicFunc); List<SymbolLink> res = new List<SymbolLink>(); GetValueDependences(hs, parameters, dynamicFunc.Value, res, reviewLambdaExpr); return res.ToArray(); }
public Type Compile(Parameter[] parameters, object expr, FunctionLink dynamicFunc) { try { CompiledLambda lambda = Compile(parameters, expr); if (dynamicFunc != null) dynamicFunc.Value = lambda; return lambda.ReturnType; } catch (Exception ex) { HandleRuntimeException(ex); throw; } }
public override void Bind(Executive.Parameter[] parameters, MemoryPool pool) { m_compiledExpr = new FunctionLink(); QueryContext.Engine.Compile(parameters, m_expr, m_compiledExpr); m_bodyExpr.Bind(parameters, pool); }
public override Resultset Get(QueryContext queryContext, object[] parameters) { // Prepare bindings Resultset source = ChildNodes[0].Get(queryContext, parameters); List<ColumnBinding> bindings = new List<ColumnBinding>(); ExpressionTransformer transformer = new ExpressionTransformer(bindings); foreach (RowType.TypeInfo ti in source.RowType.Fields) foreach (RowType.TypeInfo nested_ti in ti.NestedType.Fields) if (!nested_ti.IsHidden && nested_ti.IsNatural) { ColumnBinding b = new ColumnBinding(); b.typecode = Type.GetTypeCode(nested_ti.DataType); b.rnum = ti.Ordinal; b.TableName = ti.Name; b.Name = nested_ti.Name; b.fieldType = nested_ti; b.natural = nested_ti.IsNatural; b.container = nested_ti.IsContainer; b.caseSensitive = nested_ti.IsCaseSensitive; = new SymbolLink(nested_ti.DataType); bindings.Add(b); if (nested_ti.IsContainer) transformer.NeedTransform = true; } foreach (RowType.TypeInfo ti in source.RowType.Fields) foreach (RowType.TypeInfo nested_ti in ti.NestedType.Fields) if (!nested_ti.IsHidden && !nested_ti.IsNatural) { ColumnBinding b = new ColumnBinding(); b.typecode = Type.GetTypeCode(nested_ti.DataType); b.rnum = ti.Ordinal; b.TableName = ti.Name; b.Name = nested_ti.Name; b.fieldType = nested_ti; b.natural = nested_ti.IsNatural; b.container = nested_ti.IsContainer; b.caseSensitive = nested_ti.IsCaseSensitive; = new SymbolLink(nested_ti.DataType); bindings.Add(b); if (nested_ti.IsContainer) transformer.NeedTransform = true; } // Expand columns. // On this step we transform select table.* and select * to select field1,... List<Column> columns = new List<Column>(); if (_targets == null) // Select fields from all selected tables { foreach (ColumnBinding b in bindings) columns.Add(new Column(ATOM.Create(null, new string[] { b.TableName, b.Name }, false))); } else foreach (Column col in _targets) { if (Lisp.IsFunctor(col.Expr, Table)) // Select fields from specified table { bool found = false; String name = (String)Lisp.Second(col.Expr); var tableBindings = from b in bindings where b.TableName == name select b; foreach (ColumnBinding b in tableBindings) { columns.Add(new Column(ATOM.Create(null, new string[] { b.TableName, b.Name }, false))); found = true; } if (!found) throw new ESQLException(Properties.Resources.InvalidIdentifier, name); } else // Select expression specified if (transformer.NeedTransform) { Column c = new Column(); c.Alias = col.Alias; c.Expr = transformer.Process(col.Expr); columns.Add(c); } else columns.Add(col); } // Create demand context FunctionLink[] compiledBody = new FunctionLink[columns.Count]; SelectorResolver resolver = new SelectorResolver(new Binder(bindings)); SelectorContext context = new SelectorContext(this, _distinct, columns.ToArray(), resolver, source, queryContext, parameters, compiledBody); // Create columns type info and generate unique column names by field name and alias RowType.TypeInfo[] fields = new RowType.TypeInfo[columns.Count]; List<String> fieldNames = new List<string>(); int p = 1; for (int k = 0; k < fields.Length; k++) { String name; RowType.TypeInfo fieldType = null; object expr = columns[k].Expr; compiledBody[k] = new FunctionLink(); Type resType = context.LispExecutive.Compile(null, expr, compiledBody[k]); if (Lisp.IsAtom(expr)) { ColumnBinding b = resolver.GetBinding(expr); if (b != null) fieldType = b.fieldType; } else if (Lisp.IsNode(expr) && expr is String) { fieldType = new RowType.TypeInfo(null, typeof(String), TypeConverter.GetValueSize(expr)); } else if (Lisp.IsFunctor(expr, ID.ParamRef)) { object value = parameters[(int)Lisp.Arg1(expr)]; fieldType = new RowType.TypeInfo(null, value.GetType(), TypeConverter.GetValueSize(value)); } else if (Lisp.IsFunctor(expr, ID.ToString)) { if (Lisp.Length(expr) == 3) fieldType = new RowType.TypeInfo(null, typeof(String), (int)Lisp.Arg2(expr)); else fieldType = new RowType.TypeInfo(null, typeof(String), 0); } else if (Lisp.IsFunctor(expr, ID.ToInt16)) fieldType = new RowType.TypeInfo(null, typeof(Int16), 0); else if (Lisp.IsFunctor(expr, ID.ToInt32)) fieldType = new RowType.TypeInfo(null, typeof(Int32), 0); else if (Lisp.IsFunctor(expr, ID.ToInt64)) fieldType = new RowType.TypeInfo(null, typeof(Int64), 0); else if (Lisp.IsFunctor(expr, ID.ToSingle)) fieldType = new RowType.TypeInfo(null, typeof(Single), 0); else if (Lisp.IsFunctor(expr, ID.ToDouble)) fieldType = new RowType.TypeInfo(null, typeof(Double), 0); else if (Lisp.IsFunctor(expr, ID.ToDecimal)) fieldType = new RowType.TypeInfo(null, typeof(Decimal), 0); else if (Lisp.IsFunctor(expr, ID.ToDateTime)) fieldType = new RowType.TypeInfo(null, typeof(DateTime), 0); else fieldType = new RowType.TypeInfo(null, resType, 0); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(columns[k].Alias)) name = columns[k].Alias; else if (fieldType.Name == null) name = String.Format("Expr{0}", p++); else name = fieldType.Name; fields[k] = new RowType.TypeInfo(k, Util.CreateUniqueName(fieldNames, name), fieldType); } ScanDynatableAccessors(ChildNodes[0], resolver); return new Resultset(new RowType(fields), context); }
public static bool ForAny([Implict] Executive engine, Resultset rs, object param, object body) { FunctionLink compiledBody = new FunctionLink(); Executive.Parameter[] parameters = new Executive.Parameter[1]; parameters[0].ID = param; parameters[0].Type = typeof(System.Object); object[] args = new object[1]; while (rs.Begin != null) { Row row = rs.Dequeue(); if (!row.HasNullValues) { if (row.Length == 1) args[0] = row.ItemArray[0]; else args[0] = Lisp.List(row.ItemArray); object res = engine.Apply(null, parameters, body, args, compiledBody, engine.DefaultPool); if (res != null && res != Undefined.Value) { rs.Cancel(); return true; } } } return false; }
public override void Bind(Executive.Parameter[] parameters, MemoryPool pool) { m_valueExpr = new FunctionLink(); QueryContext.Engine.Compile(parameters, m_expr, m_valueExpr); object data = QueryContext.Resolver.GetCurrentStack(); pool.Bind(m_value); QueryContext.Resolver.SetValue(m_var, m_value); if (m_pos != null) { pool.Bind(m_posValue); QueryContext.Resolver.SetValue(m_pos, m_posValue); } if (ConditionExpr != null) { m_conditionExpr = new FunctionLink(); QueryContext.Engine.Compile(parameters, ConditionExpr, m_conditionExpr); } m_bodyExpr.Bind(parameters, pool); QueryContext.Resolver.RevertToStack(data); }
public void Compile() { CheckDisposed(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(CommandText)) throw new XQueryException("CommandText is empty string"); TokenizerBase tok = new Tokenizer(CommandText); Notation notation = new Notation(); YYParser parser = new YYParser(notation); parser.yyparseSafe(tok); if (BaseUri != null) m_context.BaseUri = BaseUri; if (SearchPath != null) m_context.SearchPath = SearchPath; m_context.SchemaProcessing = SchemaProcessing; m_context.Engine.Prepare(); SymbolLink contextLink = new SymbolLink(typeof(IContextProvider)); m_context.Engine.DefaultPool.Bind(contextLink); m_context.Engine.DefaultPool.SetData(contextLink, this); m_context.Resolver.SetValue(ID.Context, contextLink); Translator translator = new Translator(m_context); translator.PreProcess(notation); if (OnPreProcess != null) // Chance to process custom declare option statement OnPreProcess(this, EventArgs.Empty); m_res = translator.Process(notation); if (m_res == null) throw new XQueryException("Can't run XQuery function module"); m_res.Bind(null, m_context.Engine.DefaultPool); // Compile variables and check it for XQST0054 m_vars = new FunctionLink[m_context.variables.Count]; Dictionary<SymbolLink, SymbolLink[]> dependences = new Dictionary<SymbolLink, SymbolLink[]>(); for (int k = 0; k < m_context.variables.Count; k++) { XQueryContext.VariableRecord rec = m_context.variables[k]; m_vars[k] = new FunctionLink(); HashSet<Object> hs = new HashSet<object>(); dependences.Add(, m_context.Engine.GetValueDependences(hs, null, rec.expr, m_vars[k], true)); } int i = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair<SymbolLink, SymbolLink[]> kvp in dependences) { List<SymbolLink> closure = new List<SymbolLink>(); HashSet<SymbolLink> hs = new HashSet<SymbolLink>(); hs.Add(kvp.Key); closure.AddRange(kvp.Value); bool expand; do { expand = false; for (int k = 0; k < closure.Count; k++) { SymbolLink[] values; if (dependences.TryGetValue(closure[k], out values)) { if (hs.Contains(closure[k])) throw new XQueryException(Properties.Resources.XQST0054, m_context.variables[i].id); hs.Add(closure[k]); closure.RemoveAt(k); closure.AddRange(values); expand = true; break; } } } while (expand); i++; } m_compiled = true; }