getDistance() 공개 메소드

public getDistance ( ) : string
리턴 string
        /// <summary>
        ///     Updates the step according to this translation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="step"></param>
        public void UpdateStep(Step step)
            Step previousStep = step.PreviousStep;

            foreach (ReqRef reqRef in Requirements)
                if (!IsRequirementPresent(step, reqRef))
                    step.appendRequirements((ReqRef) reqRef.Duplicate());

            int subStepCounter = 1;
            foreach (SubStep subStep in SubSteps)
                bool addSubStep = true;

                if (subStep.ReferencesMessages())
                    addSubStep = step.Messages.Count > 0;

                if (addSubStep)
                    SubStep newSubStep = (SubStep) acceptor.getFactory().createSubStep();
                    newSubStep.Comment = subStep.Comment;
                    newSubStep.Name = subStep.Name;

                    if (previousStep != null && previousStep.Distance != step.Distance && subStepCounter == 1)
                        Action newAct = (Action) acceptor.getFactory().createAction();
                        string distance = step.getDistance();
                        if (!distance.Contains("."))
                            distance = distance + ".0";
                        newAct.ExpressionText = "OdometryInterface.UpdateDistance ( " + distance + " )";

                    foreach (Action action in subStep.Actions)
                        Action newAct = (Action) action.Duplicate();

                    foreach (Expectation expectation in subStep.Expectations)
                        Expectation newExp = (Expectation) expectation.Duplicate();
        /// <summary>
        ///     Updates an expression according to translation rules
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="step">the step in which the expression occurs</param>
        /// <param name="expression"></param>
        /// <returns>the updated string</returns>
        private string ReviewExpression(Step step, string expression)
            string retVal = expression;

            if (expression.IndexOf('%') >= 0)
                SubSequence subSequence = step.TestCase.SubSequence;

                retVal = retVal.Replace("%D_LRBG", format_decimal_as_str(subSequence.getD_LRBG()));
                retVal = retVal.Replace("%Level", format_level(subSequence.getLevel()));
                retVal = retVal.Replace("%Mode", format_mode(subSequence.getMode()));
                retVal = retVal.Replace("%NID_LRBG", format_decimal_as_str(subSequence.getNID_LRBG()));
                retVal = retVal.Replace("%Q_DIRLRBG", format_decimal_as_str(subSequence.getQ_DIRLRBG()));
                retVal = retVal.Replace("%Q_DIRTRAIN", format_decimal_as_str(subSequence.getQ_DIRTRAIN()));
                retVal = retVal.Replace("%Q_DLRBG", format_decimal_as_str(subSequence.getQ_DLRBG()));
                retVal = retVal.Replace("%RBC_ID", format_decimal_as_str(subSequence.getRBC_ID()));
                retVal = retVal.Replace("%RBCPhone", format_str(subSequence.getRBCPhone()));

                retVal = retVal.Replace("%Step_Distance", step.getDistance() + "");
                retVal = retVal.Replace("%Step_LevelIN", format_level(step.getLevelIN()));
                retVal = retVal.Replace("%Step_LevelOUT", format_level(step.getLevelOUT()));
                retVal = retVal.Replace("%Step_ModeIN", format_mode(step.getModeOUT()));
                retVal = retVal.Replace("%Step_ModeOUT", format_mode(step.getModeOUT()));

                int max_step_messages = 8;
                for (int i = 0; i < max_step_messages; i++)
                    if (retVal.IndexOf("%Step_Messages_" + i) >= 0)
                        if (step.StepMessages.Count > i)
                            DBMessage message = step.StepMessages[i] as DBMessage;
                            if (message != null)
                                retVal = retVal.Replace("%Step_Messages_" + i, format_message(message));

                if (retVal.IndexOf("%") > 0)
                    step.AddError("Cannot completely translate this step");

            return retVal;