예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrives the chemists for given regions.
        /// searchWord parameter is empty, returns all chemist.
        /// searchWord parameter length > 0, returns relevant chemists.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="searchWord"></param>
        /// <param name="showAccChemist"></param>
        /// <param name="accRegions"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public JsonResult GetChemists(string searchWord, string showAccChemist, string accRegions)
            // Execute the Query and returns the DataSet.
            DataSet dsChemist   = new DataSet();
            string  companyCode = _objcurrentInfo.GetCompanyCode();
            string  userCode    = _objcurrentInfo.GetCompanyCode();
            string  regionCode  = _objcurrentInfo.GetRegionCode();
            string  regions     = GetAccRegions(accRegions, showAccChemist, CHEMIST_ENTITY, regionCode);
            List <DCRChemistVisitModel> lstChemist = new List <DCRChemistVisitModel>();

            // Call the DAL and Retrieves the DataSet.
            dsChemist = _objSPData.GetSelectedChemists(companyCode, regions, regionCode);

            // Convert the DataTable to list.
            if (dsChemist != null && dsChemist.Tables != null && dsChemist.Tables.Count > 0)
                DataTable dtChemist = dsChemist.Tables[0];
                lstChemist = (from Chemists in dtChemist.AsEnumerable()
                              select new DCRChemistVisitModel
                    label = Chemists["Customer_Name"].ToString(),
                    value = Chemists["Customer_Code"].ToString(),
                    Is_Acc_Chemist = Chemists["Is_Acc_Chemist"].ToString()
                }).ToList <DCRChemistVisitModel>();
            // returns the list.
            _totalListCount += lstChemist.Count;
            return(Json(lstChemist, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));