private int SaveSpeakerToDB()
            var speaker = new Speaker()
                FirstName = FirstName,
                LastName = LastName,
                Email = Email,
                YearsExperience = YearsExperience,
                HasBeard = HasBeard,
                Employer = Employer

            using (var db = new KCDC2012Entities())

            return speaker.SpeakerID;
 /// <summary>
 /// Deprecated Method for adding a new object to the Speakers EntitySet. Consider using the .Add method of the associated ObjectSet&lt;T&gt; property instead.
 /// </summary>
 public void AddToSpeakers(Speaker speaker)
     base.AddObject("Speakers", speaker);
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new Speaker object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="speakerID">Initial value of the SpeakerID property.</param>
 public static Speaker CreateSpeaker(global::System.Int32 speakerID)
     Speaker speaker = new Speaker();
     speaker.SpeakerID = speakerID;
     return speaker;
예제 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Deprecated Method for adding a new object to the Speakers EntitySet. Consider using the .Add method of the associated ObjectSet&lt;T&gt; property instead.
 /// </summary>
 public void AddToSpeakers(Speaker speaker)
     base.AddObject("Speakers", speaker);
        /// <summary>
        /// Register a speaker
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>speakerID</returns>
        public int? Register(CreditCard cc)
            //lets init some vars
            int? speakerID = null;
            bool good = false;
            bool appr = false;
            //string[] nt = new string[] {"MVC4", "Node.js", "CouchDB", "KendoUI", "Dapper"};
            string[] ot = new string[] { "Cobol", "Punch Cards", "Commodore", "VBScript" };

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(FirstName))
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(LastName))

                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Email))
                        //put list of employers in array
                        string [] emps = new string [] {"Microsoft", "Google", "Fog Creek Software", "37Signals"};

                        //DFCT #838 Jimmy
                        //We're now requiring 3 certifications so I changed the hard coded number. Boy, programming is hard.
                        good = ((Exp > 10||HasBlog||Certifications.Count() > 3||emps.Contains(Employer)));

                        if (!good)
                            //DEFECT #5274 DA 12/10/2012
                            //We weren't filtering out the prodigy domain so I added it.
                            string[] domains=new string [] {"", "", "", ""};
                            //need to get just the domain from the email
                            string emailDomain=Email.Split('.').Last();

                            if (!domains.Contains(emailDomain))
                                good = true;

            //Here's some awful and deceiving indentation. I can't be bothered to properly format my code. Gotta get back to Facebook.
                throw new SpeakerDoesntMeetRequirementsException("User has email from the turn of the century.");

                            if (Browser.Name == WebBrowser.BrowserName.InternetExplorer && Browser.MajorVersion < 9)
                                throw new SpeakerDoesntMeetRequirementsException("You're using an old version of IE so we suspect you don't belong here.");

                        if (good)
                            //DEFECT #5013 CO 1/12/2012
                            //We weren't requiring at least one session
                            if (Sessions.Count() == 0) throw new ArgumentException("Can't register speaker with no sessions to present.");
                            foreach (var session in Sessions)
                                //foreach (var tech in nt)
                                //    if (session.Title.Contains(tech))
                                //    {
                                //        session.Approved = true;
                                //        break;
                                //    }

                                foreach (var tech in ot)
                                    if (session.Title.Contains(tech))
                                        session.Approved = false;

                                foreach (var session2 in Sessions)
                                    if (session2.Approved)
                                        appr = true;

                                if (appr)
                                    //if we got this far, the speaker is approved
                                    //let's go ahead and register him/her now.
                                    //First, let's calculate the registration fee.
                                    //More experienced speakers pay a lower fee.
                                    int registrationFee;

                                    if (Exp <= 1)
                                        registrationFee = 50;
                                    else if (Exp >= 2 && Exp <=3)
                                        registrationFee = 25;
                                    //else if (YearsExperience >= 4 && YearsExperience <=5)
                                    //    registrationFee = 10;
                                    else if (Exp >= 6 && Exp <=9)
                                        registrationFee = 5;
                                        registrationFee = 0;

                                    //if (YearsExperience <= 1)
                                    //    registrationFee = 40;
                                    //else if (YearsExperience >= 4 && YearsExperience <= 5)
                                    //    registrationFee = 10;
                                    //else if (YearsExperience >= 6 && YearsExperience <= 9)
                                    //    registrationFee = 5;
                                    //    registrationFee = 0;

                                    if (registrationFee > 0)

                                    //Now, save the speaker and sessions to the db.
                                    var speaker = new Speaker()
                                        FirstName = FirstName,
                                        LastName = LastName,
                                        Email = Email,

                                        YearsExperience = Exp,
                                        Employer = Employer

                                    catch(Exception e)
                                        //db insert sometimes fails.

                                    using (var db = new KCDC2012Entities())
                                        foreach (var sessionTemp in Sessions)
                                            db.Sessions.AddObject(new DataAccessLayer.Session()
                                                Name = sessionTemp.Name,
                                                Description = sessionTemp.Description,
                                                Approved = sessionTemp.Approved

                                    throw new NoSessionsApprovedException();
                            throw new SpeakerDoesntMeetRequirementsException("This speaker doesn't meet our abitrary and capricious standards.");
                        throw new ArgumentNullException("Email is required.");
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("Last name is required.");
                throw new ArgumentNullException("First Name is required");

            //if we got this far, the speaker is registered.
            return speakerID;
        public int? Save(Speaker speaker)
            using (var db = new KCDC2012Entities())

                foreach (var sessionToSave in Sessions)
                    db.Sessions.AddObject(new DataAccessLayer.Session()
                        Name = sessionToSave.Name,
                        Description = sessionToSave.Description,
                        Approved = sessionToSave.Approved

                return speaker.SpeakerID;
예제 #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Save speaker to DB for now. For demo, just assume success and return 1.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="speaker"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public int SaveSpeaker(Speaker speaker) => 1;
 public int SaveSpeaker(Speaker speaker)
     //TODO: Save speaker to DB for now. For demo, just assume success and return 1.