protected void BuildBody() { keys["KODEPBJ"] = Request["key1"]; Data.PBJController controller = new Data.PBJController(); string text = controller.FetchFullText(keys, field); text = Control.HTMLEncodeSpecialChars(text); text = text.Replace("\n", "<BR>").Replace("\r", "<BR>"); output.Append(text); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { CheckSecurity(); bool suggestAllContent = true; bool searchAll = false; if (Request["start"] == null || (string)Request["start"] == "0") { suggestAllContent = false; } string field = (string)Request["searchField"]; string value = (string)Request["searchFor"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { Builder bldr = Factory.CreateBuilder(); Smarty.Table tableInfo = bldr.Tables[strTableName]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(field)) { searchAll = true; } List <string> fields = new List <string>(); List <string> items = null; try { Data.PBJController controller = new Data.PBJController(); items = searchAll ? controller.FetchForSearchSuggestAll(fields, value, suggestAllContent, OwnerColumn, OwnerID) : controller.FetchForSearchSuggest(field, value, suggestAllContent, OwnerColumn, OwnerID); } catch { items = new List <string>(); items.Add(string.Empty); } foreach (string item in items) { //if (suggestAllContent) //{ string str = item.Substring(0, item.Length > 50 ? 50 : item.Length); int pos = my_stripos(str, value, 0); if (pos < 0) { output.Append(str); } else { output.Append(str.Substring(0, pos) + "<b>" + str.Substring(pos, value.Length) + "</b>" + str.Substring(pos + value.Length)); } output.Append("\n"); //} //else //{ // output.Append("<b>" + item.Substring(0,value.Length) + "</b>" + value.Substring(value.Length, (item.Length > 50 ? 50 : item.Length) - value.Length) + "\n"); //} } } this.Response.Write(output.ToString()); this.Response.End(); }
private void GetData() { bool bNoRecordsFirstPage = false; if (bNoRecordsFirstPage) { collection = new Data.SKPDCollection(); numrows = 0; } else { if (Search == 0) { GetSearchRows(); } else if (Search == 2) { GetAdvancedSearchRows(); } else { GetAllRows(); } } Data.PBJController PBJ_detailController = new Data.PBJController(); //foreach @TABLE.arrKeyFields as @tk ArrayList PBJ_masterids = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < collection.Count; ++i) { try{ PBJ_masterids.Add(collection[i].KODESKPD.ToString()); } catch { } } PBJ_detailCollection = PBJ_detailController.FetchForDetails("KODESKPD", PBJ_masterids.ToArray(), OwnerColumn, OwnerID); // save SQL for use in "Export" and "Printer-friendly" pages // select and display records if (allow_search) { // Pagination: if (numrows == 0) { rowsfound = false; message = "No records found"; IDictionary message_block = array(); message_block["begin"] = "<span name=\"notfound_message\">"; message_block["end"] = "</span>"; smarty.Add("message_block", message_block); smarty.Add("message", message); } else { rowsfound = true; int maxRecords = numrows; smarty.Add("records_found", numrows); int maxpages = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)maxRecords / PageSize); if (mypage > maxpages) { mypage = maxpages; } if (mypage < 1) { mypage = 1; } smarty.Add("page", mypage); smarty.Add("maxpages", maxpages); // write pagination if (maxpages > 1) { smarty.Add("pagination_block", true); string pagination = string.Format("<script language=\"JavaScript\">WritePagination({0},{1});function GotoPage(nPageNumber)", mypage, maxpages); pagination += "{window.location='SKPD_list.aspx?goto=' + nPageNumber;}</script>"; smarty.Add("pagination", pagination); } } // hide colunm headers if needed int recordsonpage = numrows - (mypage - 1) * PageSize; if (recordsonpage > PageSize) { recordsonpage = PageSize; } colsonpage = 1; if (colsonpage > recordsonpage) { colsonpage = recordsonpage; } if (colsonpage < 1) { colsonpage = 1; } } }