예제 #1
 public static IEnumerable GetAllUser()
     var db = new HardwareMaintenanceEntities();
     using (db)
         UserModel p = new UserModel();
         IList<DbUser> users = p.userService.GetAll();
         return users;
예제 #2
 public static DbUser GetUser(int id)
     var db = new HardwareMaintenanceEntities();
     using (db)
         UserModel p = new UserModel();
         DbUser user = p.userService.GetObjectById(id);
         return user;
예제 #3
 public static ItemType GetItemType(int id)
     var db = new HardwareMaintenanceEntities();
     using (db)
         ItemTypeModel p = new ItemTypeModel();
         ItemType ItemType = p.itemTypeService.GetObjectById(id);
         return ItemType;
예제 #4
 public static IEnumerable GetAllMaintenance()
     var db = new HardwareMaintenanceEntities();
     using (db)
         MaintenanceModel p = new MaintenanceModel();
         IList<Maintenance> maintenance = p.maintenanceService.GetAll();
         return maintenance;
예제 #5
 public static IEnumerable GetAllItemType()
     var db = new HardwareMaintenanceEntities();
     using (db)
         ItemTypeModel p = new ItemTypeModel();
         IList<ItemType> ItemTypes = p.itemTypeService.GetAll();
         return ItemTypes;
예제 #6
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var db = new HardwareMaintenanceEntities();

            using (db)
                ICustomerService customerService = new CustomerService(new CustomerRepository(), new CustomerValidator());
                IItemService itemService = new ItemService(new ItemRepository(), new ItemValidator());
                IItemTypeService itemTypeService = new ItemTypeService(new ItemTypeRepository(), new ItemTypeValidator());
                IUserService userService = new UserService(new UserRepository(), new UserValidator());
                IMaintenanceService maintenanceService = new MaintenanceService(new MaintenanceRepository(), new MaintenanceValidator());

                // Warning: this function will delete all data in the DB. Use with caution!!!

                Customer customer = customerService.CreateObject("Hendy", "Jl. Panjang", "Andrew Papa Hendy", "081111111111", "*****@*****.**");
                DbUser user = userService.CreateObject("SSD DataEntry", "Inputin Barang Hendy yang rusak ke System donk");
                ItemType itemTypeLaptop = itemTypeService.CreateObject("Laptop", "Laptop milik perusahaan");
                ItemType itemTypePC = itemTypeService.CreateObject("PC", "PC milik perusahaan");
                Item item = new Item()
                    CustomerId = customer.Id,
                    ItemTypeId = itemTypeLaptop.Id,
                    Description = "Laptop Lenovo D1900 2013",
                    ManufacturedAt = new DateTime(2013, 3,3),
                    WarrantyExpiryDate = new DateTime(2015, 3,3)
                itemService.CreateObject(item, customerService, itemTypeService);
                Maintenance maintenanceHendy = new Maintenance()
                    ItemId = item.Id,
                    CustomerId = customer.Id,
                    DbUserId = user.Id,
                    RequestDate = DateTime.Now,
                    Complaint = "Keyboard huruf a dan spacebar sudah tidak bekerja dengan baik",
                    Case = Constant.MaintenanceCase.Emergency
                maintenanceHendy = maintenanceService.CreateObject(maintenanceHendy, itemService, itemTypeService, userService, customerService);

                maintenanceHendy = maintenanceService.DiagnoseAndSolutionObject(maintenanceHendy, "Waktunya untuk ganti ulang keyboard", Constant.DiagnosisCase.Replacement_Required, DateTime.Now, "Digantikan keyboard baru untuk Hendy", Constant.SolutionCase.Pending);

                maintenanceHendy = maintenanceService.ConfirmObject(maintenanceHendy);

                maintenanceHendy = maintenanceService.UnconfirmObject(maintenanceHendy);

                maintenanceHendy = maintenanceService.CancelDiagnoseAndSolutionObject(maintenanceHendy);

                maintenanceHendy = maintenanceService.SoftDeleteObject(maintenanceHendy);
                Console.WriteLine("Press any key to stop...");
예제 #7
 public static IEnumerable GetAllCustomer()
     var db = new HardwareMaintenanceEntities();
     using (db)
         CustomerModel p = new CustomerModel();
         IList<Customer> Customers = p.customerService.GetAll();
         return Customers;
예제 #8
 public static Customer GetCustomer(int id)
     var db = new HardwareMaintenanceEntities();
     using (db)
         CustomerModel p = new CustomerModel();
         Customer Customer = p.customerService.GetObjectById(id);
         return Customer;
예제 #9
 public static Item GetItem(int id)
     var db = new HardwareMaintenanceEntities();
     using (db)
         ItemModel p = new ItemModel();
         Item Item = p.itemService.GetObjectById(id);
         return Item;