/// <summary>
        /// Lets you search on the different attributes returned with an item from the metadata api.
        /// Documentation: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/metadata/v3/reference/metadata/columns/list
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="service">Valid Analytics Service</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Columns GetSearchattributes(AnalyticsService service, string attributeName, string attributeValue)
            Columns result = DaimtoAnaltyicsMetaDataHelper.MetaDataList(service);

            result.Items        = result.Items.Where(a => a.Attributes[attributeName] == attributeValue).ToList();
            result.TotalResults = result.Items.Count();

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns only the Metrics from the MetaData api
        /// Documentation: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/metadata/v3/reference/metadata/columns/list
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="service">Valid Analytics Service</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Columns GetMetrics(AnalyticsService service)
            Columns result = DaimtoAnaltyicsMetaDataHelper.MetaDataList(service);

            result.Items        = result.Items.Where(a => a.Attributes["type"] == "METRIC").ToList();
            result.TotalResults = result.Items.Count();

예제 #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            AnalyticsService service;

            // Authenticate Oauth2
            String CLIENT_ID     = "2046123799103-d0vpdthl4ms0soutcrpe036ckqn7rfpn.apps.googleusercontent.com";
            String CLIENT_SECRET = "NDmluNfTgUk6wgmy7cFo64RV";

            service = DaimtoAnalyticsAuthenticationHelper.AuthenticateOauth(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, "test");

            //// Service account Authentication
            //String SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL = "2046123799103-6v9cj8jbub068jgmss54m9gkuk4q2qu8.apps.googleusercontent.com";
            //string SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEYFILE = @"c:\Diamto Test Everything Project-5381f306d5a1.p12";
            //Service = DaimtoAnalyticsAuthenticationHelper.AuthenticateServiceAccount(SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL, SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEYFILE);

            //Get account summary and display them.
            foreach (AccountSummary account in DaimtoAnaltyicsManagmentHelper.AccountSummaryList(service).Items)
                // Account
                Console.WriteLine("Account: " + account.Name + "(" + account.Id + ")");

                foreach (WebPropertySummary wp in account.WebProperties)
                    // Web Properties within that account
                    Console.WriteLine("\tWeb Property: " + wp.Name + "(" + wp.Id + ")");

                    //Don't forget to check its not null. Believe it or not it could be.
                    if (wp.Profiles != null)
                        foreach (ProfileSummary profile in wp.Profiles)
                            // Profiles with in that web property.
                            Console.WriteLine("\t\tProfile: " + profile.Name + "(" + profile.Id + ")");

            //This will also display a list to the user, you will get more information in an Account,
            // Web property, and profile objects then you do from the same summary objects
            //This will require a large number of requests to be sent against the API, be mindful of
            //  your quota (10000 requests per profile(view) per day) if you use this method.
            foreach (Account account in DaimtoAnaltyicsManagmentHelper.AccountList(service))
                // Account
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Account: {0}({1})", account.Name, account.Id));
                foreach (Webproperty wp in DaimtoAnaltyicsManagmentHelper.WebpropertyList(service, account.Id))
                    // Web Properties within that account
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("\tWeb Property: {0}({1})", wp.Name, wp.Id));

                    foreach (Profile profile in DaimtoAnaltyicsManagmentHelper.ProfileList(service, account.Id, wp.Id))
                        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("\t\tProfile: {0}({1})", profile.Name, profile.Id));

            //Getting a list of the Dimensions and metrics.

            string  lastGroup = string.Empty;
            string  lastType  = string.Empty;
            Columns metadata  = DaimtoAnaltyicsMetaDataHelper.MetaDataList(service);

            foreach (Column column in metadata.Items.OrderBy(a => a.Attributes["group"]).OrderBy(a => a.Attributes["type"]).ToList())
                if (column.Attributes["group"] != lastGroup)
                    Console.WriteLine("Group: " + column.Attributes["group"]);
                    lastGroup = column.Attributes["group"];
                    lastType  = string.Empty;
                if (column.Attributes["type"] != lastType)
                    Console.WriteLine("\t" + column.Attributes["type"]);
                    lastType = column.Attributes["type"];

                Console.WriteLine("\t\t" + column.Attributes["uiName"] + " : " + column.Id);

            DaimtoAnaltyicsReportingHelper.OptionalValues options = new DaimtoAnaltyicsReportingHelper.OptionalValues();
            options.Dimensions = "ga:date";
            //Make sure the profile id you send is valid.
            var x = DaimtoAnaltyicsReportingHelper.Get(service, "78110423", "10daysAgo", "today", "ga:sessions", options);

            DaimtoAnaltyicsRealTimeHelper.OptionalValues rtOptions = new DaimtoAnaltyicsRealTimeHelper.OptionalValues();
            options.Dimensions = "rt:userType";
            //Make sure the profile id you send is valid.
            var realTimeData = DaimtoAnaltyicsRealTimeHelper.Get(service, "78110423", "rt:activeUsers", rtOptions);

            foreach (var headers in realTimeData.ColumnHeaders)
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} - {1} - {2}", headers.Name, headers.ColumnType, headers.DataType));

            foreach (List <string> row in realTimeData.Rows)
                foreach (string col in row)
                    Console.Write(col + " ");  // writes the value of the column
