예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Obtains a list of vertexes that represent the polyline approximating the curve segments as necessary.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bulgePrecision">Curve segments precision (a value of zero means that no approximation will be made).</param>
        /// <param name="weldThreshold">Tolerance to consider if two new generated vertexes are equal.</param>
        /// <param name="bulgeThreshold">Minimun distance from which approximate curved segments of the polyline.</param>
        /// <returns>The return vertexes are expresed in object coordinate system.</returns>
        public List<Vector2f> PoligonalVertexes(int bulgePrecision, float weldThreshold, float bulgeThreshold)
            List<Vector2f> ocsVertexes = new List<Vector2f>();

            int index = 0;

            foreach (PolylineVertex vertex in this.Vertexes)
                float bulge = vertex.Bulge;
                Vector2f p1;
                Vector2f p2;

                if (index == this.Vertexes.Count - 1)
                    p1 = new Vector2f(vertex.Location.X, vertex.Location.Y);
                    p2 = new Vector2f(this.vertexes[0].Location.X, this.vertexes[0].Location.Y);
                    p1 = new Vector2f(vertex.Location.X, vertex.Location.Y);
                    p2 = new Vector2f(this.vertexes[index + 1].Location.X, this.vertexes[index + 1].Location.Y);

                if (!p1.Equals(p2, weldThreshold))
                    if (bulge == 0 || bulgePrecision == 0)
                        float c = Vector2f.Distance(p1, p2);
                        if (c >= bulgeThreshold)
                            float s = (c / 2) * Math.Abs(bulge);
                            float r = ((c / 2) * (c / 2) + s * s) / (2 * s);
                            float theta = (float)(4 * Math.Atan(Math.Abs(bulge)));
                            float gamma = (float)((Math.PI - theta) / 2);
                            float phi;

                            if (bulge > 0)
                                phi = Vector2f.AngleBetween(Vector2f.UnitX, p2 - p1) + gamma;
                                phi = Vector2f.AngleBetween(Vector2f.UnitX, p2 - p1) - gamma;

                            Vector2f center = new Vector2f((float)(p1.X + r * Math.Cos(phi)), (float)(p1.Y + r * Math.Sin(phi)));
                            Vector2f a1 = p1 - center;
                            float angle = 4 * ((float)(Math.Atan(bulge))) / (bulgePrecision + 1);

                            for (int i = 1; i <= bulgePrecision; i++)
                                Vector2f curvePoint = new Vector2f();
                                Vector2f prevCurvePoint = new Vector2f(this.vertexes[this.vertexes.Count - 1].Location.X, this.vertexes[this.vertexes.Count - 1].Location.Y);
                                curvePoint.X = center.X + (float)(Math.Cos(i * angle) * a1.X - Math.Sin(i * angle) * a1.Y);
                                curvePoint.Y = center.Y + (float)(Math.Sin(i * angle) * a1.X + Math.Cos(i * angle) * a1.Y);

                                if (!curvePoint.Equals(prevCurvePoint, weldThreshold) &&
                                    !curvePoint.Equals(p2, weldThreshold))

            return ocsVertexes;
예제 #2
파일: Arco.cs 프로젝트: echicerman/cncmatic
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the arc in a list of vertexes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="precision">Number of vertexes generated.</param>
        /// <param name="weldThreshold">Tolerance to consider if two new generated vertexes are equal.</param>
        /// <returns>A list vertexes that represents the arc expresed in object coordinate system.</returns>
        public List<Vector2f> PoligonalVertexes(int precision, float weldThreshold)
            if (precision < 2)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("precision", precision, "The arc precision must be greater or equal to two");

            List<Vector2f> ocsVertexes = new List<Vector2f>();
            float start = (float)(this.anguloInicio * MathHelper.DegToRad);
            float end = (float)(this.anguloFin * MathHelper.DegToRad);

            if (2 * this.radio >= weldThreshold)
                float angulo = (end - start) / precision;
                Vector2f prevPoint;
                Vector2f firstPoint;

                float sine = (float)(this.radio * Math.Sin(start));
                float cosine = (float)(this.radio * Math.Cos(start));
                firstPoint = new Vector2f(cosine + this.centro.X, sine + this.centro.Y);
                prevPoint = firstPoint;

                for (int i = 1; i <= precision; i++)
                    sine = (float)(this.radio * Math.Sin(start + angulo * i));
                    cosine = (float)(this.radio * Math.Cos(start + angulo * i));
                    Vector2f point = new Vector2f(cosine + this.centro.X, sine + this.centro.Y);

                    if (!point.Equals(prevPoint, weldThreshold) && !point.Equals(firstPoint, weldThreshold))
                        prevPoint = point;

            return ocsVertexes;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Convierte el circulo en una lista de vertices.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="precision">Numero de vertices generados.</param>
        /// <param name="tolerancia">Tolerancia a considerar para comparar si dos nuevos vertices son iguales.</param>
        /// <returns>Una lista de verices que representa el circulo expresado en coordenadas.</returns>
        public List<Vector2f> PoligonalVertices(int precision, float tolerancia)
            if (precision < 3)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("precision", precision, "La precision del circulo debe ser mayor o igual a tres");

            List<Vector2f> ocsVertices = new List<Vector2f>();

            if (2 * this.radio >= tolerancia)
                float angulo = (float)(MathHelper.TwoPI / precision);
                Vector2f antPunto;
                Vector2f primerPunto;

                float seno = (float)(this.radio * Math.Sin(MathHelper.HalfPI * 0.5));
                float coseno = (float)(this.radio * Math.Cos(MathHelper.HalfPI * 0.5));
                primerPunto = new Vector2f(coseno + this.centro.X, seno + this.centro.Y);
                antPunto = primerPunto;

                for (int i = 1; i < precision; i++)
                    seno = (float)(this.radio * Math.Sin(MathHelper.HalfPI + angulo * i));
                    coseno = (float)(this.radio * Math.Cos(MathHelper.HalfPI + angulo * i));
                    Vector2f punto = new Vector2f(coseno + this.centro.X, seno + this.centro.Y);

                    if (!punto.Equals(antPunto, tolerancia) &&
                        !punto.Equals(primerPunto, tolerancia))
                        antPunto = punto;

            return ocsVertices;