private void button_login_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { H264_DVR_DEVICEINFO OutDev = new H264_DVR_DEVICEINFO(); short nError = 0; StringBuilder strIP = new StringBuilder(this.textBox_ip.Text.ToString().Trim()); ushort usPort = Convert.ToUInt16(this.textBox_port.Text.ToString().Trim()); StringBuilder strUserName = new StringBuilder(this.textBox_username.Text.ToString()); StringBuilder strPassword = new StringBuilder(this.textBox_password.Text.ToString()); lLoginID = XMSDK.H264_DVR_Login(strIP, usPort, strUserName, strPassword, out OutDev, out nError, SocketStyle.TCPSOCKET); if (lLoginID <= 0) { MessageBox.Show(@"login wrong"); } else { MessageBox.Show(@"login ok"); } }
private void UpdateConfig(int nLoginID, int nChannel, uint nConfig) { if (nLoginID > 0) { IntPtr bufPtr; uint nBufSize = 0; uint nOutSize = 0; switch (nConfig) { case (uint)SDK_CONFIG_TYPE.E_SDK_CONFIG_SYSNORMAL: { nBufSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SDK_CONFIG_NORMAL)); bufPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SDK_CONFIG_NORMAL))); int nRet = XMSDK.H264_DVR_GetDevConfig(nLoginID, nConfig, nChannel, bufPtr, nBufSize, out nOutSize, 1000); if (nRet < 0) { MessageBox.Show("Get config error!"); return; } SDK_CONFIG_NORMAL cfgNormal = new SDK_CONFIG_NORMAL(); cfgNormal = (SDK_CONFIG_NORMAL)Marshal.PtrToStructure(bufPtr, typeof(SDK_CONFIG_NORMAL)); nBufSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(H264_DVR_DEVICEINFO)); bufPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(H264_DVR_DEVICEINFO))); nRet = XMSDK.H264_DVR_GetDevConfig(nLoginID, (uint)SDK_CONFIG_TYPE.E_SDK_CONFIG_SYSINFO, nChannel, bufPtr, nBufSize, out nOutSize, 1000); H264_DVR_DEVICEINFO cfgSysInfo = new H264_DVR_DEVICEINFO(); cfgSysInfo = (H264_DVR_DEVICEINFO)Marshal.PtrToStructure(bufPtr, typeof(H264_DVR_DEVICEINFO)); textBoxSerial.Text = cfgSysInfo.sSerialNumber.ToString(); textBoxDeviceNo.Text = cfgNormal.iLocalNo.ToString(); textBoxDeviceName.Text = cfgNormal.sMachineName.ToString(); textBoxVideoOut.Text = cfgNormal.iVideoStartOutPut.ToString(); textBoxAlarmIn.Text = cfgSysInfo.byAlarmInPortNum.ToString(); textBoxAlarmOut.Text = cfgSysInfo.byAlarmOutPortNum.ToString(); comboBoxDiskFullTo.SelectedIndex = cfgNormal.iOverWrite; comboBoxVideoStandard.SelectedIndex = cfgNormal.iVideoFormat; comboBoxDateFormat.SelectedIndex = cfgNormal.iDateFormat; comboBoxDateSeparator.SelectedIndex = cfgNormal.iDateSeparator; textBoxStandbyTime.Text = cfgNormal.iWorkDay.ToString(); comboBoxTimeFormat.SelectedIndex = cfgNormal.iTimeFormat; textBoxRecordChannel.Text = (cfgSysInfo.byChanNum + cfgSysInfo.iDigChannel).ToString(); textBoxAudioIn.Text = cfgSysInfo.iAudioInChannel.ToString(); textBoxTalkIn.Text = cfgSysInfo.iTalkInChannel.ToString(); textBoxTalkOut.Text = cfgSysInfo.iTalkOutChannel.ToString(); textBoxVideoOut.Text = cfgSysInfo.iTalkOutChannel.ToString(); textBoxExChannel.Text = cfgSysInfo.iExtraChannel.ToString(); textBoxDigitalChannel.Text = cfgSysInfo.iDigChannel.ToString(); textBox1SystemVersion.Text = cfgSysInfo.sSoftWareVersion; StringBuilder strTime; strTime = new StringBuilder(); strTime.AppendFormat("{0:d}-{1:d}-{2:d} {3:d}:{4:d}:{5:d}", cfgSysInfo.tmBuildTime.year, cfgSysInfo.tmBuildTime.month,, cfgSysInfo.tmBuildTime.hour, cfgSysInfo.tmBuildTime.minute, cfgSysInfo.tmBuildTime.second); textBoxReleaseDate.Text = strTime.ToString(); break; } case (uint)SDK_CONFIG_TYPE.E_SDK_CONFIG_NET_WIFI: { nBufSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SDK_NetWifiConfig)); bufPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SDK_NetWifiConfig))); int nRet = XMSDK.H264_DVR_GetDevConfig(nLoginID, nConfig, nChannel, bufPtr, nBufSize, out nOutSize, 1000); if (nRet < 0) { MessageBox.Show("Get config error!"); return; } curcfgWifi = (SDK_NetWifiConfig)Marshal.PtrToStructure(bufPtr, typeof(SDK_NetWifiConfig)); checkEnableWifi.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(curcfgWifi.bEnable); bool bWifiEnable = checkEnableWifi.Checked; comboBoxWifiEntryType.Enabled = bWifiEnable; if (!checkBoxDHCP.Checked) { textBoxWifiIP.Enabled = bWifiEnable; textBoxWifiSubmask.Enabled = bWifiEnable; textBoxWifiGateway.Enabled = bWifiEnable; } StringBuilder strIP, strSubMask, strGateway; strIP = new StringBuilder(); strIP.AppendFormat("{0:d}.{1:d}.{2:d}.{3:d}", (int)curcfgWifi.HostIP.c[0], (int)curcfgWifi.HostIP.c[1], (int)curcfgWifi.HostIP.c[2], (int)curcfgWifi.HostIP.c[3]); strSubMask = new StringBuilder(); strSubMask.AppendFormat("{0:d}.{1:d}.{2:d}.{3:d}", (int)curcfgWifi.Submask.c[0], (int)curcfgWifi.Submask.c[1], (int)curcfgWifi.Submask.c[2], (int)curcfgWifi.Submask.c[3]); strGateway = new StringBuilder(); strGateway.AppendFormat("{0:d}.{1:d}.{2:d}.{3:d}", (int)curcfgWifi.Gateway.c[0], (int)curcfgWifi.Gateway.c[1], (int)curcfgWifi.Gateway.c[2], (int)curcfgWifi.Gateway.c[3]); textBoxWifiIP.Text = strIP.ToString(); textBoxWifiSubmask.Text = strSubMask.ToString(); textBoxWifiGateway.Text = strGateway.ToString(); textBoxWifiPassword.Text = curcfgWifi.sKeys; textBoxSSID.Text = curcfgWifi.sSSID; comboBoxWifiEntryType.Items.Clear(); comboBoxWifiEntryType.Items.Add(curcfgWifi.sEncrypType); comboBoxWifiEntryType.SelectedIndex = 0; comboBoxWifiKeyType.SelectedIndex = 1; if (curcfgWifi.sEncrypType == "WEP") { comboBoxWifiKeyType.SelectedIndex = curcfgWifi.nKeyType; comboBoxWifiKeyType.Show(); labelKeyType.Show(); } else { comboBoxWifiKeyType.Hide(); labelKeyType.Hide(); } checkBoxDHCP.Checked = false; textBoxWifiIP.Enabled = true; textBoxWifiSubmask.Enabled = true; textBoxWifiGateway.Enabled = true; break; } case (uint)SDK_CONFIG_TYPE.E_SDK_CONFIG_NET_DHCP: { nBufSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SDK_NetDHCPConfigAll)); bufPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)nBufSize); int nRet = XMSDK.H264_DVR_GetDevConfig(nLoginID, (uint)SDK_CONFIG_TYPE.E_SDK_CONFIG_NET_DHCP, -1, bufPtr, nBufSize, out nOutSize, 1000); if (nRet > 0) { SDK_NetDHCPConfigAll dhcpAll = new SDK_NetDHCPConfigAll(); dhcpAll = (SDK_NetDHCPConfigAll)Marshal.PtrToStructure(bufPtr, typeof(SDK_NetDHCPConfigAll)); curDHCPcfgAll = dhcpAll; if (Convert.ToBoolean(dhcpAll.vNetDHCPConfig[2].bEnable)) { checkBoxDHCP.Checked = true; textBoxWifiIP.Enabled = false; textBoxWifiSubmask.Enabled = false; textBoxWifiGateway.Enabled = false; } } break; } case (uint)SDK_CONFIG_TYPE.E_SDK_CONFIG_NET_WIFI_AP_LIST: { nBufSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SDK_NetWifiDeviceAll)); bufPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)nBufSize); int nRet = XMSDK.H264_DVR_GetDevConfig(nLoginID, (uint)SDK_CONFIG_TYPE.E_SDK_CONFIG_NET_WIFI_AP_LIST, -1, bufPtr, nBufSize, out nOutSize, 5000); if (nRet >= 0) { listViewWifi.Items.Clear(); SDK_NetWifiDeviceAll wifiDeviAll = new SDK_NetWifiDeviceAll(); wifiDeviAll = (SDK_NetWifiDeviceAll)Marshal.PtrToStructure(bufPtr, typeof(SDK_NetWifiDeviceAll)); for (int i = 0; i < wifiDeviAll.nDevNumber; i++) { string strRSSI; switch (wifiDeviAll.vNetWifiDeviceAll[i].nRSSI) { case (int)SDK_RSSI_SINGNAL.SDK_RSSI_NO_SIGNAL: strRSSI = "ConfigNet.NoSignal"; break; case (int)SDK_RSSI_SINGNAL.SDK_RSSI_VERY_LOW: strRSSI = "VeryLow"; break; case (int)SDK_RSSI_SINGNAL.SDK_RSSI_LOW: strRSSI = "Low"; break; case (int)SDK_RSSI_SINGNAL.SDK_RSSI_GOOD: strRSSI = "Good"; break; case (int)SDK_RSSI_SINGNAL.SDK_RSSI_VERY_GOOD: strRSSI = "VeryGood"; break; case (int)SDK_RSSI_SINGNAL.SDK_RSSI_EXCELLENT: strRSSI = "Excellent"; break; default: strRSSI = "NoSignal"; break; } SDK_NetWifiDevice wifi = new SDK_NetWifiDevice(); wifi = wifiDeviAll.vNetWifiDeviceAll[i]; ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(new string[] { wifi.sSSID, wifi.sAuth, strRSSI }); item.Tag = wifi; listViewWifi.Items.Add(item); } } break; } case (uint)SDK_CONFIG_TYPE.E_SDK_CONFIG_ABILITY_SYSFUNC: { nBufSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SDK_SystemFunction)); bufPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SDK_SystemFunction))); int nRet = XMSDK.H264_DVR_GetDevConfig(nLoginID, (uint)SDK_CONFIG_TYPE.E_SDK_CONFIG_ABILITY_SYSFUNC, -1, bufPtr, nBufSize, out nOutSize, 2000); if (nRet > 0) { SDK_SystemFunction sysFunction = new SDK_SystemFunction(); sysFunction = (SDK_SystemFunction)Marshal.PtrToStructure(bufPtr, typeof(SDK_SystemFunction)); if (!Convert.ToBoolean(sysFunction.vNetServerFunction[(int)SDK_NetServerTypes.SDK_NET_SERVER_TYPES_WIFI])) { tabPageWifi.Hide(); } else { tabPageWifi.Show(); } } break; } } } }
public static extern Int32 H264_DVR_Login(StringBuilder sDVRIP, ushort wDVRPort, StringBuilder sUserName, StringBuilder sPassword, out H264_DVR_DEVICEINFO lpDeviceInfo, out short error, SocketStyle socketstyle);
public static extern Int32 H264_DVR_Login(string sDVRIP, ushort wDVRPort, string sUserName, string sPassword, out H264_DVR_DEVICEINFO lpDeviceInfo, out int error, SocketStyle socketstyle);
public DEV_INFO ReadXML() { XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings(); settings.IgnoreWhitespace = true; XmlReader xml = XmlReader.Create(".\\UserInfo.xml", settings); DEV_INFO devInfo = new DEV_INFO(); while (xml.ReadToFollowing("ip")) { //read the information from XML string strIP = "", strUserName = "", strPsw = "", strDevName = ""; uint nPort = 0; int byChanNum = 0, lID = 0; uint bSerialID = 0, nSerPort = 0; string szSerIP = "", szSerialInfo = ""; xml = xml.ReadSubtree(); while (xml.Read()) { if (xml.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { if (xml.Name == "ip") { continue; } string name = xml.Name; xml.Read(); string value = xml.Value; switch (name) { case "ip2": strIP = value; break; case "DEVICENAME": strDevName = value; break; case "username": strUserName = value; break; case "port": nPort = Convert.ToUInt32(value); break; case "pwd": strPsw = value; break; case "byChanNum": byChanNum = Convert.ToInt32(value); break; case "lID": lID = Convert.ToInt32(value); break; case "bSerialID": bSerialID = Convert.ToUInt32(value); break; case "szSerIP": szSerIP = value; break; case "nSerPort": nSerPort = Convert.ToUInt32(value); break; case "szSerialInfo": szSerialInfo = value; break; } } } H264_DVR_DEVICEINFO dvrdevInfo = new H264_DVR_DEVICEINFO(); int nError; int nLoginID = XMSDK.H264_DVR_Login(strIP.Trim(), ushort.Parse(nPort.ToString().Trim()), strUserName, strPsw, out dvrdevInfo, out nError, SocketStyle.TCPSOCKET); TreeNode nodeDev = new TreeNode(); nodeDev.Text = strDevName; devInfo.szDevName = strDevName; devInfo.lLoginID = nLoginID; devInfo.nPort = Convert.ToInt32(nPort); devInfo.szIpaddress = strIP.Trim(); devInfo.szUserName = strUserName; devInfo.szPsw = strPsw; devInfo.NetDeviceInfo = dvrdevInfo; nodeDev.Tag = devInfo; nodeDev.Name = "Device"; for (int i = 0; i < devInfo.NetDeviceInfo.byChanNum + devInfo.NetDeviceInfo.iDigChannel; i++) { TreeNode nodeChannel = new TreeNode(string.Format("CAM{0}", i)); nodeChannel.Name = "Channel"; CHANNEL_INFO ChannelInfo = new CHANNEL_INFO(); ChannelInfo.nChannelNo = i; ChannelInfo.nWndIndex = -1; nodeChannel.Tag = ChannelInfo; nodeDev.Nodes.Add(nodeChannel); } DevTree.Nodes.Add(nodeDev); DVR2Mjpeg.dictDevInfo.Add(devInfo.lLoginID, devInfo); } return(devInfo); }
/*public int Connect(ref DEV_INFO pDev, int nChannel, int nWndIndex) * { * Debug.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss - ") + TAG + ".Connect(" + pDev.szDevName + "," + nChannel.ToString() + "," + nWndIndex.ToString() + ")", "DVR INFO"); * * int nRet = 0; * * //if device did not login,login first * if (pDev.lLoginID <= 0) * { * H264_DVR_DEVICEINFO OutDev; * int nError = 0; * int lLogin = XMSDK.H264_DVR_Login(pDev.szIpaddress, (ushort)pDev.nPort, pDev.szUserName, pDev.szPsw, out OutDev, out nError, SocketStyle.TCPSOCKET); * if (lLogin <= 0) * { * int nErr = XMSDK.H264_DVR_GetLastError(); * if (nErr == (int)SDK_RET_CODE.H264_DVR_PASSWORD_NOT_VALID) * { * MessageBox.Show(("Error.PwdErr")); * } * else * { * MessageBox.Show(("Error.NotFound")); * } * * return nRet; * } * * pDev.lLoginID = lLogin; * XMSDK.H264_DVR_SetupAlarmChan(lLogin); * } * * //isConnected = true; * * int nWnd = m_nCurIndex; * if (nWndIndex >= 0) * { * nWnd = nWndIndex; * } * * if (nWnd >= m_nTotalWnd) * { * return nRet; * } * * return m_videoform[nWnd].ConnectRealPlay(ref pDev, nChannel); * }*/ /*public void SetColor(uint nBright, uint nContrast, uint nSaturation, uint nHue) * { * IntPtr lPlayHandle = m_videoform[m_nCurIndex].Handle; * unsafe * { * if (lPlayHandle.ToPointer() == null) * { * return; * } * } * * m_videoform[m_nCurIndex].SetColor((int)nBright, (int)nContrast, (int)nSaturation, (int)nHue); * SetDevChnColor(nBright, nContrast, nSaturation, nHue); * }*/ /*public void PtzControl(uint dwBtn, bool dwStop) * { * long lPlayHandle = m_videoform[m_nCurIndex].GetHandle(); * if (lPlayHandle <= 0) * { * return; * } * }*/ /*public void KeyBoardMsg(uint dwValue, uint dwState) * { * IntPtr lPlayHandle = m_videoform[m_nCurIndex].Handle; * unsafe * { * if (lPlayHandle.ToPointer() == null) * { * return; * } * } * * SDK_NetKeyBoardData vKeyBoardData; * vKeyBoardData.iValue = (int)dwValue; * vKeyBoardData.iState = (int)dwState; * m_nCurIndex = m_nCurIndex < 0 ? 0 : m_nCurIndex; * if (!XMSDK.H264_DVR_ClickKey(m_videoform[m_nCurIndex].m_lLogin, ref vKeyBoardData)) * MessageBox.Show("AccountMSG.Failed"); * }*/ /*public void NetAlarmMsg(uint dwValue, uint dwState) * { * if (m_devInfo.lLoginID > 0) * { * SDK_NetAlarmInfo vAlarmInfo; * vAlarmInfo.iEvent = 0; * vAlarmInfo.iState = (int)(dwState << (int)dwValue); * m_nCurIndex = m_nCurIndex < 0 ? 0 : m_nCurIndex; * if (!XMSDK.H264_DVR_SendNetAlarmMsg(m_devInfo.lLoginID, ref vAlarmInfo)) * MessageBox.Show("AccountMSG.Failed"); * } * }*/ /*public void SetDevInfo(ref DEV_INFO pDev) * { * m_devInfo = pDev; * }*/ public void ReConnect(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e) { Debug.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss - ") + TAG + ".ReConnect(source,e)", "DVR INFO"); Dictionary <int, DEV_INFO> dictDiscontDevCopy = new Dictionary <int, DEV_INFO>(dictDiscontDev); foreach (DEV_INFO devinfo in dictDiscontDevCopy.Values) { H264_DVR_DEVICEINFO OutDev = new H264_DVR_DEVICEINFO(); int nError = 0; int lLogin = XMSDK.H264_DVR_Login(devinfo.szIpaddress, (ushort)devinfo.nPort, devinfo.szUserName, devinfo.szPsw, out OutDev, out nError, SocketStyle.TCPSOCKET); if (lLogin <= 0) { int nErr = XMSDK.H264_DVR_GetLastError(); if (nErr == (int)SDK_RET_CODE.H264_DVR_PASSWORD_NOT_VALID) { MessageBox.Show(("Password Error")); } else if (nErr == (int)SDK_RET_CODE.H264_DVR_LOGIN_USER_NOEXIST) { MessageBox.Show(("User Not Exist")); } return; } dictDiscontDev.Remove(devinfo.lLoginID); DVR2Mjpeg clientForm = new DVR2Mjpeg(true); foreach (Form form in Application.OpenForms) { if (form.Name == "DVR2Mjpeg") { clientForm = (DVR2Mjpeg)form; break; } } DEV_INFO devAdd = new DEV_INFO(); devAdd = devinfo; devAdd.lLoginID = lLogin; foreach (TreeNode node in clientForm.devForm.DevTree.Nodes) { if (node.Name == "Device") { DEV_INFO dev = (DEV_INFO)node.Tag; if (dev.lLoginID == devinfo.lLoginID) { if (this.InvokeRequired) { this.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker)(() => { node.Text = devAdd.szDevName; node.Tag = devAdd; node.Name = "Device"; })); } else { node.Text = devAdd.szDevName; node.Tag = devAdd; node.Name = "Device"; } foreach (TreeNode channelnode in node.Nodes) { CHANNEL_INFO chInfo = (CHANNEL_INFO)channelnode.Tag; if (chInfo.nWndIndex > -1) { if (InvokeRequired) { BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker)(() => { int iRealHandle = clientForm.m_videoform[chInfo.nWndIndex].ConnectRealPlay(ref devAdd, chInfo.nChannelNo); if (iRealHandle > 0) { isConnected = true; chanelOpened++; } })); } else { int iRealHandle = clientForm.m_videoform[chInfo.nWndIndex].ConnectRealPlay(ref devAdd, chInfo.nChannelNo); if (iRealHandle > 0) { isConnected = true; chanelOpened++; } } Thread.Sleep(100); } } break; } } } dictDevInfo.Add(lLogin, devAdd); XMSDK.H264_DVR_SetupAlarmChan(lLogin); } if (0 == dictDiscontDev.Count) { timerDisconnect.Enabled = false; timerDisconnect.Stop(); } }
private void buttonOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (textBoxDevName.Text.Trim() != "" && textBoxIP.Text.Trim() != "" && textBoxport.Text.Trim() != "" && textBoxUsername.Text.Trim() != "") { H264_DVR_DEVICEINFO dvrdevInfo = new H264_DVR_DEVICEINFO(); int nError; int nLoginID = XMSDK.H264_DVR_Login(textBoxIP.Text.Trim(), ushort.Parse(textBoxport.Text.Trim()), textBoxUsername.Text, textBoxPassword.Text, out dvrdevInfo, out nError, SocketStyle.TCPSOCKET); DEV_INFO devInfo = new DEV_INFO(); if (nLoginID > 0) { DVR2Mjpeg clientForm = new DVR2Mjpeg(); foreach (Form form in Application.OpenForms) { if (form.Name == "DVR2Mjpeg") { clientForm = (DVR2Mjpeg)form; break; } } TreeNode nodeDev = new TreeNode(); nodeDev.Text = textBoxDevName.Text; devInfo.szDevName = textBoxDevName.Text; devInfo.lLoginID = nLoginID; devInfo.nPort = Int32.Parse(textBoxport.Text.Trim()); devInfo.szIpaddress = textBoxIP.Text.Trim(); devInfo.szUserName = textBoxUsername.Text; devInfo.szPsw = textBoxPassword.Text; devInfo.NetDeviceInfo = dvrdevInfo; nodeDev.Tag = devInfo; nodeDev.Name = "Device"; for (int i = 0; i < devInfo.NetDeviceInfo.byChanNum + devInfo.NetDeviceInfo.iDigChannel; i++) { TreeNode nodeChannel = new TreeNode(string.Format("CAM{0}", i)); nodeChannel.Name = "Channel"; CHANNEL_INFO ChannelInfo = new CHANNEL_INFO(); ChannelInfo.nChannelNo = i; ChannelInfo.nWndIndex = -1; nodeChannel.Tag = ChannelInfo; nodeDev.Nodes.Add(nodeChannel); } clientForm.devForm.DevTree.Nodes.Add(nodeDev); DVR2Mjpeg.dictDevInfo.Add(devInfo.lLoginID, devInfo); this.Close(); } else { string strErr; switch (nError) { case -11301: strErr = string.Format("Passwd is Error"); break; case -11300: strErr = string.Format("The user has no permissions"); break; case -11302: strErr = string.Format("The user does not exist"); break; case -11303: strErr = string.Format("The user is locked"); break; case -11304: strErr = string.Format("The user is in the blacklist"); break; case -11305: strErr = string.Format("The user has landed"); break; case -11307: strErr = string.Format("There is no equipment"); break; default: { strErr = string.Format("Login Error:{0}", nError); } break; } MessageBox.Show(strErr); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Please input all data!"); } }