public void Shutdown() { // Release all sentances however many there may be. foreach (DSentence sentance in sentences) { ReleaseSentences(sentance); } sentences = null; // Release the font shader object. FontShader?.Shuddown(); FontShader = null; // Release the font object. Font?.Shutdown(); Font = null; }
// Methods public bool Initialize(SharpDX.Direct3D11.Device device, DeviceContext deviceContext, IntPtr windowHandle, int screanWidth, int screenHeight, Matrix baseViewMatrix) { // Store the screen width and height. ScreenWidth = screanWidth; ScreenHeight = screenHeight; // Store the base view matrix. BaseViewMatrix = baseViewMatrix; // Create the font object. Font = new DFont(); // Initialize the font object. if (!Font.Initialize(device, "fontdata.txt", "font.bmp")) { return(false); } // Create the font shader object. FontShader = new DFontShader(); // Initialize the font shader object. if (!FontShader.Initialize(device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Initialize the first sentence. if (!InitializeSentence(out sentences[0], 16, device)) { return(false); } // Now update the sentence vertex buffer with the new string information. if (!UpdateSentece(ref sentences[0], "Hello", 100, 100, 1, 1, 1, deviceContext)) { return(false); } // Initialize the second sentence. if (!InitializeSentence(out sentences[1], 16, device)) { return(false); } // Now update the sentence vertex buffer with the new string information. if (!UpdateSentece(ref sentences[1], "Goodbye", 100, 200, 1, 1, 0, deviceContext)) { return(false); } // Initialize the tHIRD sentence. if (!InitializeSentence(out sentences[2], 32, device)) { return(false); } // Now update the sentence vertex buffer with the new string information. if (!UpdateSentece(ref sentences[2], "This is yet Another Test", 50, 300, 0, 1, 1, deviceContext)) { return(false); } return(true); }