private void DJCommand(RegisteredCommandArgs argument) { if (this.con == null) { this.con = new DJCon(this); con.Show(); } }
private void OnChannelNormalMessage(ChannelNormalMessageArgs argument) { if (djstatus == false) { return; } //Do nothing if off-air else if (djstatus == true) //Process on-air requests. { if (argument.Message.StartsWith("!request") || argument.Message.StartsWith("!Request")) // Only parse if !request command is detected in a channel. { if (this.con == null) { this.con = new DJCon(this); con.Show(); } object d = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); object t = DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString(); rTS = d + " @ " + t; rNick = argument.User.Nick; rIDHTS = argument.User.Ident + "@" + argument.User.Host; rRequest = argument.Message.Remove(0, 9); rChannel = argument.Channel.Name; // ⚠ EXPERIMENTAL CODE ⚠ // for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { UserRequest nr = addreq(i); //Ref. newly created control. con.RequestConsole.Controls.Add(nr); // Add newly created control to flowlayoutpanel con.SLog.AppendText("Song: " + rRequest + " Requested by: " + rNick + " (" + rIDHTS + ") in: " + rChannel + " at: " + rTS + Environment.NewLine); //Add to secret log for exporting. con.Refresh(); // Vain attempt to get 2nd and additional controls to display con.RequestConsole.Refresh(); // same as above nr.Refresh(); //same as above Application.DoEvents(); //same as above } if (Properties.Settings.Default.hcr == true) { Client.ActiveIWindow.OutputText("*** [DJ REQUESTS] " + rNick + " (" + rIDHTS + ") made this request: " + rRequest + " in: " + rChannel); argument.EatData = EatData.EatAll; } if (Properties.Settings.Default.hcr == false) { argument.EatData = EatData.EatNone; return; } } } }
private void OnAir(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.con == null) { this.con = new DJCon(this); con.appExit.Text = "Go off-air first"; con.appExit.Enabled = false; //Block console termination Client.ActiveIWindow.OutputText("*** [DJ REQUESTS] You have gone on-air. The requests console cannot be closed during this time. To close it, you must go off-air."); djstatus = true; //Set the DJ as on-air con.Show(); } else { Client.ActiveIWindow.OutputText("*** [DJ REQUESTS] You are already on-air!"); } }