} // end of marshal method new public void unmarshal(DataInputStream dis) { base.unmarshal(dis); try { _environmentalSimulationApplicationID.unmarshal(dis); _fieldNumber = dis.readUshort(); _pduNumber = dis.readUshort(); _pduTotal = dis.readUshort(); _coordinateSystem = dis.readUshort(); _numberOfGridAxes = dis.readByte(); _constantGrid = dis.readByte(); _environmentType.unmarshal(dis); _orientation.unmarshal(dis); _sampleTime = dis.readLong(); _totalValues = dis.readUint(); _vectorDimension = dis.readByte(); _padding1 = dis.readUshort(); _padding2 = dis.readByte(); for (int idx = 0; idx < _numberOfGridAxes; idx++) { GridAxisRecord anX = new GridAxisRecord(); anX.unmarshal(dis); _gridDataList.Add(anX); } ; } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of unmarshal method
} // end of marshal method new public void unmarshal(DataInputStream dis) { base.unmarshal(dis); try { _emittingEntityID.unmarshal(dis); _eventID.unmarshal(dis); _stateUpdateIndicator = dis.readByte(); _numberOfSystems = dis.readByte(); _paddingForEmissionsPdu = dis.readUshort(); for (int idx = 0; idx < _numberOfSystems; idx++) { ElectronicEmissionSystemData anX = new ElectronicEmissionSystemData(); anX.unmarshal(dis); _systems.Add(anX); } ; } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of unmarshal method
} // end of marshal method new public void unmarshal(DataInputStream dis) { base.unmarshal(dis); try { _munitionID.unmarshal(dis); _eventID.unmarshal(dis); _velocity.unmarshal(dis); _locationInWorldCoordinates.unmarshal(dis); _burstDescriptor.unmarshal(dis); _locationInEntityCoordinates.unmarshal(dis); _detonationResult = dis.readByte(); _numberOfArticulationParameters = dis.readByte(); _pad = dis.readShort(); for (int idx = 0; idx < _numberOfArticulationParameters; idx++) { ArticulationParameter anX = new ArticulationParameter(); anX.unmarshal(dis); _articulationParameters.Add(anX); } ; } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of unmarshal method
} // end of marshal method new public void unmarshal(DataInputStream dis) { base.unmarshal(dis); try { _designatingEntityID.unmarshal(dis); _codeName = dis.readUshort(); _designatedEntityID.unmarshal(dis); _designatorCode = dis.readUshort(); _designatorPower = dis.readFloat(); _designatorWavelength = dis.readFloat(); _designatorSpotWrtDesignated.unmarshal(dis); _designatorSpotLocation.unmarshal(dis); _deadReckoningAlgorithm = dis.readByte(); _padding1 = dis.readUshort(); _padding2 = dis.readByte(); _entityLinearAcceleration.unmarshal(dis); } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of unmarshal method
} // end of marshal method new public void unmarshal(DataInputStream dis) { base.unmarshal(dis); try { _objectID.unmarshal(dis); _referencedObjectID.unmarshal(dis); _updateNumber = dis.readUshort(); _forceID = dis.readByte(); _numberOfSegments = dis.readByte(); _requesterID.unmarshal(dis); _receivingID.unmarshal(dis); _objectType.unmarshal(dis); for (int idx = 0; idx < _numberOfSegments; idx++) { LinearSegmentParameter anX = new LinearSegmentParameter(); anX.unmarshal(dis); _linearSegmentParameters.Add(anX); } ; } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of unmarshal method
} // end of marshal method new public void unmarshal(DataInputStream dis) { base.unmarshal(dis); try { _objectID.unmarshal(dis); _referencedObjectID.unmarshal(dis); _updateNumber = dis.readUshort(); _forceID = dis.readByte(); _modifications = dis.readByte(); _objectType.unmarshal(dis); _objectLocation.unmarshal(dis); _objectOrientation.unmarshal(dis); _objectAppearance = dis.readDouble(); _requesterID.unmarshal(dis); _receivingID.unmarshal(dis); _pad2 = dis.readUint(); } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of unmarshal method
} // end of marshal method new public void unmarshal(DataInputStream dis) { base.unmarshal(dis); try { _objectID.unmarshal(dis); _referencedObjectID.unmarshal(dis); _updateNumber = dis.readUshort(); _forceID = dis.readByte(); _modifications = dis.readByte(); _objectType.unmarshal(dis); _objectAppearance.unmarshal(dis); _numberOfPoints = dis.readUshort(); _requesterID.unmarshal(dis); _receivingID.unmarshal(dis); for (int idx = 0; idx < _numberOfPoints; idx++) { Vector3Double anX = new Vector3Double(); anX.unmarshal(dis); _objectLocation.Add(anX); } ; } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of unmarshal method
} // end of marshal method new public void unmarshal(DataInputStream dis) { base.unmarshal(dis); try { _orginatingEntityID.unmarshal(dis); _infraredSignatureRepresentationIndex = dis.readUshort(); _acousticSignatureRepresentationIndex = dis.readUshort(); _radarCrossSectionSignatureRepresentationIndex = dis.readUshort(); _numberOfPropulsionSystems = dis.readUshort(); _numberOfVectoringNozzleSystems = dis.readUshort(); for (int idx = 0; idx < _numberOfPropulsionSystems; idx++) { PropulsionSystemData anX = new PropulsionSystemData(); anX.unmarshal(dis); _propulsionSystemData.Add(anX); } ; for (int idx = 0; idx < _numberOfVectoringNozzleSystems; idx++) { VectoringNozzleSystemData anX = new VectoringNozzleSystemData(); anX.unmarshal(dis); _vectoringSystemData.Add(anX); } ; } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of unmarshal method
} // end of marshal method new public void unmarshal(DataInputStream dis) { base.unmarshal(dis); try { _receivingEntityID.unmarshal(dis); _supplyingEntityID.unmarshal(dis); _numberOfSupplyTypes = dis.readByte(); _padding1 = dis.readShort(); _padding2 = dis.readByte(); for (int idx = 0; idx < _numberOfSupplyTypes; idx++) { SupplyQuantity anX = new SupplyQuantity(); anX.unmarshal(dis); _supplies.Add(anX); } ; } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of unmarshal method
} // end of marshal method new public void unmarshal(DataInputStream dis) { base.unmarshal(dis); try { _environementalProcessID.unmarshal(dis); _environmentType.unmarshal(dis); _modelType = dis.readByte(); _environmentStatus = dis.readByte(); _numberOfEnvironmentRecords = dis.readByte(); _sequenceNumber = dis.readUshort(); for (int idx = 0; idx < _numberOfEnvironmentRecords; idx++) { Environment anX = new Environment(); anX.unmarshal(dis); _environmentRecords.Add(anX); } ; } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of unmarshal method
} // end of marshal method new public void unmarshal(DataInputStream dis) { base.unmarshal(dis); try { _groupEntityID.unmarshal(dis); _groupedEntityCategory = dis.readByte(); _numberOfGroupedEntities = dis.readByte(); _pad2 = dis.readUint(); _latitude = dis.readDouble(); _longitude = dis.readDouble(); for (int idx = 0; idx < _numberOfGroupedEntities; idx++) { VariableDatum anX = new VariableDatum(); anX.unmarshal(dis); _groupedEntityDescriptions.Add(anX); } ; } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of unmarshal method
} // end of marshal method new public void unmarshal(DataInputStream dis) { base.unmarshal(dis); try { _controlType = dis.readByte(); _communicationsChannelType = dis.readByte(); _sourceEntityID.unmarshal(dis); _sourceCommunicationsDeviceID = dis.readByte(); _sourceLineID = dis.readByte(); _transmitPriority = dis.readByte(); _transmitLineState = dis.readByte(); _command = dis.readByte(); _masterEntityID.unmarshal(dis); _masterCommunicationsDeviceID = dis.readUshort(); _intercomParametersLength = dis.readUint(); for (int idx = 0; idx < _intercomParametersLength; idx++) { IntercomCommunicationsParameters anX = new IntercomCommunicationsParameters(); anX.unmarshal(dis); _intercomParameters.Add(anX); } ; } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of unmarshal method
} // end of marshal method new public void unmarshal(DataInputStream dis) { base.unmarshal(dis); try { _issuingEntityID.unmarshal(dis); _collidingEntityID.unmarshal(dis); _collisionEventID.unmarshal(dis); _pad = dis.readShort(); _contactVelocity.unmarshal(dis); _mass = dis.readFloat(); _location.unmarshal(dis); _collisionResultXX = dis.readFloat(); _collisionResultXY = dis.readFloat(); _collisionResultXZ = dis.readFloat(); _collisionResultYY = dis.readFloat(); _collisionResultYZ = dis.readFloat(); _collisionResultZZ = dis.readFloat(); _unitSurfaceNormal.unmarshal(dis); _coefficientOfRestitution = dis.readFloat(); } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of unmarshal method
} // end of marshal method new public void unmarshal(DataInputStream dis) { base.unmarshal(dis); try { _orginatingEntityID.unmarshal(dis); _recevingEntityID.unmarshal(dis); _requestID = dis.readUint(); _requiredReliabilityService = dis.readByte(); _tranferType = dis.readByte(); _transferEntityID.unmarshal(dis); _numberOfRecordSets = dis.readByte(); for (int idx = 0; idx < _numberOfRecordSets; idx++) { RecordSet anX = new RecordSet(); anX.unmarshal(dis); _recordSets.Add(anX); } ; } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of unmarshal method
} // end of marshal method new public void unmarshal(DataInputStream dis) { base.unmarshal(dis); try { _entityID.unmarshal(dis); _forceId = dis.readByte(); _numberOfArticulationParameters = dis.readByte(); _entityType.unmarshal(dis); _alternativeEntityType.unmarshal(dis); _entityLinearVelocity.unmarshal(dis); _entityLocation.unmarshal(dis); _entityOrientation.unmarshal(dis); _entityAppearance = dis.readUint(); _deadReckoningParameters.unmarshal(dis); _marking.unmarshal(dis); _capabilities = dis.readUint(); for (int idx = 0; idx < _numberOfArticulationParameters; idx++) { ArticulationParameter anX = new ArticulationParameter(); anX.unmarshal(dis); _articulationParameters.Add(anX); } ; } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of unmarshal method
} // end of marshal method public void unmarshal(DataInputStream dis) { try { _trackJam.unmarshal(dis); _emitterID = dis.readByte(); _beamID = dis.readByte(); } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of unmarshal method
} // end of marshal method new public void unmarshal(DataInputStream dis) { base.unmarshal(dis); try { _entityId.unmarshal(dis); _radioId = dis.readUshort(); } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of unmarshal method
} // end of marshal method new public void unmarshal(DataInputStream dis) { base.unmarshal(dis); try { _firingEntityID.unmarshal(dis); _targetEntityID.unmarshal(dis); } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of unmarshal method
} // end of marshal method new public void unmarshal(DataInputStream dis) { base.unmarshal(dis); try { _receivingEntityID.unmarshal(dis); _repairingEntityID.unmarshal(dis); _repair = dis.readUshort(); _padding2 = dis.readShort(); } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of unmarshal method
} // end of marshal method new public void unmarshal(DataInputStream dis) { base.unmarshal(dis); try { _emittingEntityID.unmarshal(dis); _eventID.unmarshal(dis); _stateChangeIndicator = dis.readByte(); _pad = dis.readByte(); _passiveParameterIndex = dis.readUshort(); _propulsionPlantConfiguration = dis.readByte(); _numberOfShafts = dis.readByte(); _numberOfAPAs = dis.readByte(); _numberOfUAEmitterSystems = dis.readByte(); for (int idx = 0; idx < _numberOfShafts; idx++) { ShaftRPMs anX = new ShaftRPMs(); anX.unmarshal(dis); _shaftRPMs.Add(anX); } ; for (int idx = 0; idx < _numberOfAPAs; idx++) { ApaData anX = new ApaData(); anX.unmarshal(dis); _apaData.Add(anX); } ; for (int idx = 0; idx < _numberOfUAEmitterSystems; idx++) { AcousticEmitterSystemData anX = new AcousticEmitterSystemData(); anX.unmarshal(dis); _emitterSystems.Add(anX); } ; } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of unmarshal method
} // end of marshal method new public void unmarshal(DataInputStream dis) { base.unmarshal(dis); try { _receiverState = dis.readUshort(); _padding1 = dis.readUshort(); _receivedPoser = dis.readFloat(); _transmitterEntityId.unmarshal(dis); _transmitterRadioId = dis.readUshort(); } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of unmarshal method
} // end of marshal method new public void unmarshal(DataInputStream dis) { base.unmarshal(dis); try { _orginatingEntityID.unmarshal(dis); _receivingEntityID.unmarshal(dis); _relationship.unmarshal(dis); _partLocation.unmarshal(dis); _namedLocationID.unmarshal(dis); _partEntityType.unmarshal(dis); } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of unmarshal method
} // end of marshal method new public void unmarshal(DataInputStream dis) { base.unmarshal(dis); try { _emittingEntityId.unmarshal(dis); _eventID.unmarshal(dis); _location.unmarshal(dis); _systemID.unmarshal(dis); _pad2 = dis.readUshort(); _fundamentalParameters.unmarshal(dis); } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of unmarshal method
} // end of marshal method new public void unmarshal(DataInputStream dis) { base.unmarshal(dis); try { _munitionID.unmarshal(dis); _eventID.unmarshal(dis); _fireMissionIndex = dis.readUint(); _locationInWorldCoordinates.unmarshal(dis); _burstDescriptor.unmarshal(dis); _velocity.unmarshal(dis); _range = dis.readFloat(); } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of unmarshal method
} // end of marshal method new public void unmarshal(DataInputStream dis) { base.unmarshal(dis); try { _entityID.unmarshal(dis); _communicationsDeviceID = dis.readUshort(); _encodingScheme = dis.readUshort(); _tdlType = dis.readUshort(); _sampleRate = dis.readUint(); _dataLength = dis.readUshort(); _samples = dis.readUshort(); _data = dis.readByteArray(_dataLength); } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of unmarshal method
} // end of marshal method new public void unmarshal(DataInputStream dis) { base.unmarshal(dis); try { _issuingEntityID.unmarshal(dis); _collidingEntityID.unmarshal(dis); _eventID.unmarshal(dis); _collisionType = dis.readByte(); _pad = dis.readByte(); _velocity.unmarshal(dis); _mass = dis.readFloat(); _location.unmarshal(dis); } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of unmarshal method
} // end of marshal method new public void unmarshal(DataInputStream dis) { base.unmarshal(dis); try { _minefieldID.unmarshal(dis); _requestingEntityID.unmarshal(dis); _minefieldSequenceNumbeer = dis.readUshort(); _requestID = dis.readByte(); _pduSequenceNumber = dis.readByte(); _numberOfPdus = dis.readByte(); _numberOfMinesInThisPdu = dis.readByte(); _numberOfSensorTypes = dis.readByte(); _pad2 = dis.readByte(); _dataFilter = dis.readUint(); _mineType.unmarshal(dis); for (int idx = 0; idx < _numberOfSensorTypes; idx++) { TwoByteChunk anX = new TwoByteChunk(); anX.unmarshal(dis); _sensorTypes.Add(anX); } ; _pad3 = dis.readByte(); for (int idx = 0; idx < _numberOfMinesInThisPdu; idx++) { Vector3Float anX = new Vector3Float(); anX.unmarshal(dis); _mineLocation.Add(anX); } ; } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of unmarshal method
} // end of marshal method new public void unmarshal(DataInputStream dis) { base.unmarshal(dis); try { _minefieldID.unmarshal(dis); _minefieldSequence = dis.readUshort(); _forceID = dis.readByte(); _numberOfPerimeterPoints = dis.readByte(); _minefieldType.unmarshal(dis); _numberOfMineTypes = dis.readUshort(); _minefieldLocation.unmarshal(dis); _minefieldOrientation.unmarshal(dis); _appearance = dis.readUshort(); _protocolMode = dis.readUshort(); for (int idx = 0; idx < _numberOfPerimeterPoints; idx++) { Point anX = new Point(); anX.unmarshal(dis); _perimeterPoints.Add(anX); } ; for (int idx = 0; idx < _numberOfMineTypes; idx++) { EntityType anX = new EntityType(); anX.unmarshal(dis); _mineType.Add(anX); } ; } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of unmarshal method
} // end of marshal method new public void unmarshal(DataInputStream dis) { base.unmarshal(dis); try { _minefieldID.unmarshal(dis); _requestingEntityID.unmarshal(dis); _requestID = dis.readByte(); _numberOfPerimeterPoints = dis.readByte(); _pad2 = dis.readByte(); _numberOfSensorTypes = dis.readByte(); _dataFilter = dis.readUint(); _requestedMineType.unmarshal(dis); for (int idx = 0; idx < _numberOfPerimeterPoints; idx++) { Point anX = new Point(); anX.unmarshal(dis); _requestedPerimeterPoints.Add(anX); } ; for (int idx = 0; idx < _numberOfSensorTypes; idx++) { TwoByteChunk anX = new TwoByteChunk(); anX.unmarshal(dis); _sensorTypes.Add(anX); } ; } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of unmarshal method
} // end of marshal method new public void unmarshal(DataInputStream dis) { base.unmarshal(dis); try { _minefieldID.unmarshal(dis); _requestingEntityID.unmarshal(dis); _requestID = dis.readByte(); _numberOfMissingPdus = dis.readByte(); for (int idx = 0; idx < _numberOfMissingPdus; idx++) { EightByteChunk anX = new EightByteChunk(); anX.unmarshal(dis); _missingPduSequenceNumbers.Add(anX); } ; } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of unmarshal method
public new void unmarshal(DataInputStream dis) { base.unmarshal(dis); try { _aggregateID.unmarshal(dis); _forceID = dis.readByte(); _aggregateState = dis.readByte(); _aggregateType.unmarshal(dis); _formation = dis.readUint(); _aggregateMarking.unmarshal(dis); _dimensions.unmarshal(dis); _orientation.unmarshal(dis); _centerOfMass.unmarshal(dis); _velocity.unmarshal(dis); _numberOfDisAggregates = dis.readUshort(); _numberOfDisEntities = dis.readUshort(); _numberOfSilentAggregateTypes = dis.readUshort(); _numberOfSilentEntityTypes = dis.readUshort(); for(int idx = 0; idx < _numberOfDisAggregates; idx++) { AggregateID anX = new AggregateID(); anX.unmarshal(dis); _aggregateIDList.Add(anX); }; for(int idx = 0; idx < _numberOfDisEntities; idx++) { EntityID anX = new EntityID(); anX.unmarshal(dis); _entityIDList.Add(anX); }; _pad2 = dis.readByte(); for(int idx = 0; idx < _numberOfSilentAggregateTypes; idx++) { EntityType anX = new EntityType(); anX.unmarshal(dis); _silentAggregateSystemList.Add(anX); }; for(int idx = 0; idx < _numberOfSilentEntityTypes; idx++) { EntityType anX = new EntityType(); anX.unmarshal(dis); _silentEntitySystemList.Add(anX); }; _numberOfVariableDatumRecords = dis.readUint(); for(int idx = 0; idx < _numberOfVariableDatumRecords; idx++) { VariableDatum anX = new VariableDatum(); anX.unmarshal(dis); _variableDatumList.Add(anX); }; } // end try catch(Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } }