public List<KeyOperationResult> ExportDuplicatedCbr(Cbr cbr, string outputPath, string @operator) { var fileExt = Path.GetExtension(outputPath); if (!fileExt.EndsWith(XML, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) throw new Exception("KeyProxy_CBRExportFormatNotSupported"); try { string doc = SaveDuplicatedCbrToFile(cbr, outputPath); InsertExportLog(new KeyExportLog() { ExportTo = string.Empty, ExportType = Constants.ExportType.DuplicateCBR.ToString(), FileName = Path.GetFileName(outputPath), FileContent = doc, KeyCount = cbr.CbrKeys.Count( k => k.ReasonCode == Constants.CBRAckReasonCode.DuplicateProductKeyId), IsEncrypted = false, CreateBy = @operator }); return cbr.CbrKeys.Select(k => new KeyOperationResult() { Failed = false, Key = k.KeyInfo ?? new KeyInfo() { KeyId = k.KeyId } }).ToList(); } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException ex) { ExceptionHandler.HandleException(ex); throw new DisException("Exception_FilePathNotFound"); } }
//offline CBR.ack public static DC.Cbr FromServiceContract(this ComputerBuildReportAck ack) { var cbr = new DC.Cbr() { MsReportUniqueId = ack.MSReportUniqueID, CbrUniqueId = ack.CustomerReportUniqueID, SoldToCustomerId = ack.SoldToCustomerID, ReceivedFromCustomerId = ack.ReceivedFromCustomerID, MsReceivedDateUtc = ack.MSReceivedDateUTC, CbrAckFileTotal = ack.CBRAckFileTotal, CbrAckFileNumber = ack.CBRAckFileNumber, CbrKeys = new List<DC.CbrKey>(), }; ack.SuccessfulValidations.ToList().ForEach(r => cbr.CbrKeys.Add(new DC.CbrKey() { CustomerReportUniqueId = cbr.CbrUniqueId, KeyId = r.ProductKeyID, HardwareHash = r.HardwareHash, ReasonCode = DC.Constants.CBRAckReasonCode.ActivationEnabled, })); ack.FailedValidations.ToList().ForEach(r => cbr.CbrKeys.Add(new DC.CbrKey() { CustomerReportUniqueId = cbr.CbrUniqueId, KeyId = r.ProductKeyID, HardwareHash = r.HardwareHash, ReasonCode = r.ReasonCode, ReasonCodeDescription = r.ReasonCodeDescription, })); return cbr; }
public ExportDuplicateCBRNotificationView(Cbr duplicateCBR, IKeyProxy keyProxy) { InitializeComponent(); VM = new ExportDuplicateCBRNotificationViewModel(duplicateCBR, keyProxy); VM.View = this; this.DataContext = VM; }
public void DeleteCbrsDuplicated(Cbr cbr) { using (var context = GetContext()) { var delCbr = context.CbrsDuplicated.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CbrUniqueId == cbr.CbrUniqueId); context.CbrsDuplicated.Remove(delCbr); context.SaveChanges(); } }
public void InsertCbrAndCbrKeys(Cbr cbr, KeyStoreContext context = null) { UsingContext(ref context, () => { context.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false; cbr.CreatedDateUtc = cbr.ModifiedDateUtc = DateTime.UtcNow; context.Cbrs.Add(cbr); foreach (var key in cbr.CbrKeys) { context.CbrKeys.Add(key); } context.SaveChanges(); }); }
public void UpdateCbrAfterAckRetrieved(Cbr cbr, bool isDuplicated = false, KeyStoreContext context = null) { Cbr dbCbr = cbrRepository.GetCbr(cbr.CbrUniqueId); if (dbCbr == null) throw new DisException("Failed to get data from database to match the contents of this file!"); if (dbCbr.CbrStatus == CbrStatus.Completed && !isDuplicated) throw new DisException("CBRs ack has got and completed!"); if (isDuplicated) { var duplicatedLog = cbrRepository.GetDuplicatedCbr(cbr.CbrUniqueId); if (duplicatedLog == null) throw new DisException("This duplicated cbr is not logged in the system !"); } dbCbr.MsReportUniqueId = cbr.MsReportUniqueId; dbCbr.MsReceivedDateUtc = cbr.MsReceivedDateUtc; dbCbr.CbrAckFileTotal = cbr.CbrAckFileTotal; dbCbr.CbrAckFileNumber = cbr.CbrAckFileNumber; dbCbr.ModifiedDateUtc = DateTime.UtcNow; dbCbr.CbrStatus = CbrStatus.Completed; if (dbCbr.CbrKeys != null && dbCbr.CbrKeys.Count > 0) { Func<CbrKey, CbrKey, CbrKey> updateCbrKey = (k1, k2) => { k1.ReasonCode = k2.ReasonCode; k1.ReasonCodeDescription = k2.ReasonCodeDescription; return k1; }; var update = (from db in dbCbr.CbrKeys join key in cbr.CbrKeys on db.KeyId equals key.KeyId select updateCbrKey(db, key)).ToList(); } cbrRepository.UpdateCbrAck(dbCbr, isDuplicated, context); }
public Cbr GenerateCbr(List<KeyInfo> keys, bool isExport = false, KeyStoreContext context = null) { if (keys.Count == 0 || keys.Count > Constants.BatchLimit) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Keys are invalid to generate CBR."); string soldTo = keys.First().SoldToCustomerId; if (keys.Any(k => k.SoldToCustomerId != soldTo)) throw new ApplicationException("Keys are not sold to the same customer."); string shipTo = keys.First().ShipToCustomerId; if (keys.Any(k => k.ShipToCustomerId != shipTo)) throw new ApplicationException("Keys are not shipped to the same customer."); Guid customerReportId = Guid.NewGuid(); Cbr cbr = new Cbr() { CbrUniqueId = customerReportId, CbrStatus = (isExport ? CbrStatus.Reported : CbrStatus.Generated), SoldToCustomerId = soldTo, ReceivedFromCustomerId = shipTo, CbrKeys = keys.Select(k => new CbrKey() { CustomerReportUniqueId = customerReportId, KeyId = k.KeyId, HardwareHash = k.HardwareHash, OemOptionalInfo = k.OemOptionalInfo.ToString(), }).ToList() }; cbrRepository.InsertCbrAndCbrKeys(cbr, context = null); return cbr; }
public void UpdateCbrsDuplicated(Cbr cbr) { using (var context = GetContext()) { context.CbrsDuplicated.Where(c => c.CbrUniqueId == cbr.CbrUniqueId).ToList() .ForEach(c => c.IsExported = true); context.SaveChanges(); } }
private void UpdateCbr(KeyStoreContext context, Cbr cbr) { context.Cbrs.Attach(cbr); context.Entry(cbr).State = EntityState.Modified; }
public void UpdateCbrAfterReported(Cbr cbr) { if (!cbr.MsReportUniqueId.HasValue || cbr.MsReportUniqueId == Guid.Empty) throw new ArgumentException("CBR is invalid."); cbr.CbrStatus = CbrStatus.Reported; cbrRepository.UpdateCbr(cbr); }
public void UpdateKeysAfterReportBinding(Cbr cbr) { List<KeyInfo> keys = GetKeysInDb(cbr.CbrKeys.Select(k => k.KeyId)); if (keys != null && keys.Count > 0) { foreach (KeyInfo key in keys) { try { key.UlsReportingBoundKeyToMs(); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionHandler.HandleException(ex); } } keyRepository.UpdateKeys(keys, false, null); } }
public List<KeyOperationResult> UpdateKeysAfterRetrieveCbrAck(Cbr cbr, bool isDuplicated = false, KeyStoreContext context = null) { var keys = cbr.CbrKeys; List<KeyInfo> keysInDb = GetKeysInDb(keys.Select(k => k.KeyId).ToArray()); if (keysInDb == null || keysInDb.Count == 0) throw new ApplicationException("Update keys after retrieve cbr ack are not found."); List<KeyOperationResult> results = keys.Select(key => GenerateKeyOperationResult( new KeyInfo() { KeyId = key.KeyId, KeyState = (key.ReasonCode == Constants.CBRAckReasonCode.ActivationEnabled ? KeyState.ActivationEnabled : KeyState.ActivationDenied) }, keysInDb, (k1, k2) => ValidateKeyAfterRetrieveAck(k1, k2))).ToList(); List<KeyInfo> validKeys = results.Where(r => !r.Failed).Select(r => r.KeyInDb ?? r.Key).ToList(); foreach (KeyInfo key in validKeys) { try { key.UlsReceivingCbrAck(keys.Single(k => k.KeyId == key.KeyId).ReasonCode == Constants.CBRAckReasonCode.ActivationEnabled, isDuplicated); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionHandler.HandleException(ex); KeyOperationResult result = results.Single(r => r.Key.KeyId == key.KeyId); result.Failed = true; result.FailedType = KeyErrorType.StateInvalid; } } List<KeyInfo> keysToUpdate = results.Where(r => !r.Failed).Select(r => r.KeyInDb ?? r.Key).ToList(); if (keysToUpdate.Count > 0) { keyRepository.UpdateKeys(keysToUpdate, false, null, false, null, context); //Insert key sync notification data InsertOrUpdateKeySyncNotifiction(keysToUpdate, context); } results.ForEach(k => k.Key.ProductKey = (k.KeyInDb == null ? null : k.KeyInDb.ProductKey)); return results; }
public static DC.Cbr FromServiceContract(this ComputerBuildReportRequest request) { var cbr = new DC.Cbr() { CbrUniqueId = request.CustomerReportUniqueID, SoldToCustomerId = request.SoldToCustomerID, ReceivedFromCustomerId = request.ReceivedFromCustomerID, CbrKeys = request.Bindings.Select(b=>b.FromServiceContract()).ToList(), }; return cbr; }
public void UpdateCbr(Cbr cbr) { using (var context = GetContext()) { cbr.ModifiedDateUtc = DateTime.UtcNow; UpdateCbr(context, cbr); context.SaveChanges(); } }
private string SaveCbrToFile(Cbr cbr, string outputPath) { Serializer.WriteToXml(cbr.ToBindingReport(), outputPath); string fileName = Path.GetFileName(outputPath); XmlDocument xDoc = new XmlDocument(); xDoc.Load(outputPath); return xDoc.DocumentElement.OuterXml; }
public void UpdateCbrWhenAckFailed(Cbr cbr) { cbr.CbrStatus = CbrStatus.Failed; cbrRepository.UpdateCbr(cbr); }
public void UpdateCbrsAfterImported(Cbr cbr) { if (cbr == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("Key IDs cannot be empty."); cbrRepository.DeleteCbrsDuplicated(cbr); }
public void UpdateCbrsAfterExported(Cbr cbr) { if (cbr == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("CBR cannot be empty."); cbrRepository.UpdateCbrsDuplicated(cbr); }
public void UpdateCbrAck(Cbr cbr, bool IsDuplicateImport = false, KeyStoreContext context = null) { UsingContext(ref context, () => { context.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false; UpdateCbr(context, cbr); foreach (CbrKey key in cbr.CbrKeys) { context.CbrKeys.Attach(key); context.Entry(key).State = EntityState.Modified; } if (cbr.CbrKeys.Any(k => k.ReasonCode == Constants.CBRAckReasonCode.DuplicateProductKeyId) && !IsDuplicateImport) { context.CbrsDuplicated.Add(new CbrDuplicated() { CbrUniqueId = cbr.CbrUniqueId, IsExported = false }); } if (IsDuplicateImport) { var delCbr = context.CbrsDuplicated.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CbrUniqueId == cbr.CbrUniqueId); context.CbrsDuplicated.Remove(delCbr); } context.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = true; }); }
//export duplicated CBR public new List<KeyOperationResult> ExportDuplicatedCbr(Cbr cbr, string outputPath, string @operator) { var result = base.ExportDuplicatedCbr(cbr, outputPath, @operator); this.cbrManager.UpdateCbrsAfterExported(cbr); return result; }
private string SaveDuplicatedCbrToFile(Cbr cbr, string outputPath) { //XNamespace ms = ""; //XElement doc = new XElement(ms + "ComputerBuildReportAckResponse", // new XElement(ms + "ComputerBuildReportAcks", // from cbr in cbrs // select new XElement(ms + "ComputerBuildReportAck", // new XElement(ms + "MSReportUniqueID", cbr.CbrUniqueId), // new XElement(ms + "CustomerReportUniqueID", cbr.CbrUniqueId), // new XElement(ms + "MSReceivedDateUTC", cbr.MsReceivedDateUtc), // new XElement(ms + "SoldToCustomerID", cbr.SoldToCustomerId), // new XElement(ms + "ReceivedFromCustomerID", cbr.ReceivedFromCustomerId), // new XElement(ms + "CBRAckFileTotal", cbr.CbrAckFileTotal), // new XElement(ms + "CBRAckFileNumber", cbr.CbrAckFileNumber), // new XElement(ms + "FailedValidations", // from failedKey in cbr.CbrKeys.Where(k => k.ReasonCode == Constants.CBRAckReasonCode.DuplicateProductKeyId) // select new XElement(ms + "FailedValidationResult", // new XElement(ms + "ProductKeyID", failedKey.KeyId), // new XElement(ms + "HardwareHash", failedKey.HardwareHash), // new XElement(ms + "ReasonCode", failedKey.ReasonCode), // new XElement(ms + "ReasonCodeDescription", failedKey.ReasonCodeDescription)))))); //doc.Save(outputPath); Serializer.WriteToXml(cbr.ToBindingReport(), outputPath); string fileName = Path.GetFileName(outputPath); XmlDocument xDoc = new XmlDocument(); xDoc.Load(outputPath); return xDoc.DocumentElement.OuterXml; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="duplicateCBRs"></param> /// <param name="keyProxy"></param> public ExportDuplicateCBRNotificationViewModel(Cbr duplicateCBRs, IKeyProxy keyProxy) { this.keyProxy = keyProxy; this.allCBR = duplicateCBRs; this.CBRCollection = new ObservableCollection<CbrKey>(allCBR.CbrKeys); }