예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Polls the <see cref="Alarm"/> component for alarms that have been triggered
        /// since the provided <paramref name="Start"/> date/time.  If <paramref name="Start"/>
        /// is null, all triggered alarms will be returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Start">The earliest date/time to poll trigerred alarms for.</param>
        /// <returns>A list of <see cref="AlarmOccurrence"/> objects, each containing a triggered alarm.</returns>
        public List <AlarmOccurrence> Poll(Date_Time Start, Date_Time End)
            // Ensure the recurring component that owns this
            // alarm has evaluated the time frame in question
            // before polling alarms
            RecurringComponent rc = Parent as RecurringComponent;

            if (rc != null)
                    Start ?? rc.Start,
                    End ?? DateTime.Now);

            List <AlarmOccurrence> Results = new List <AlarmOccurrence>();

            foreach (AlarmOccurrence ao in Occurrences)
                if ((Start == null || ao.DateTime >= Start) && ao.DateTime <= DateTime.Now)
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates <see cref="Alarm"/>s for the given recurring component, <paramref name="rc"/>.
        /// This evaluation is based on the evaluation period for the <see cref="RecurringComponent"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rc">The </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        virtual public List <AlarmOccurrence> Evaluate(RecurringComponent rc)
            Occurrences = new List <AlarmOccurrence>();

            // If the trigger is relative, it can recur right along with
            // the recurring items, otherwise, it happens once and
            // only once (at a precise time).
            if (Trigger.IsRelative)
                foreach (Date_Time dt in rc.DateTimes)
                    Occurrences.Add(new AlarmOccurrence(this, dt + Trigger.Duration, rc));
                Occurrences.Add(new AlarmOccurrence(this, Trigger.DateTime.Copy(), rc));

            // If a REPEAT and DURATION value were specified,
            // then handle those repetitions here.

예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// "Flattens" component recurrences that occur in the given date into a series of equivalent objects.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dt">The date on which the event recurs</param>
        /// <returns>A list of <see cref="Event"/>s if they could be flattened, null otherwise.</returns>
        virtual public IEnumerable <RecurringComponent> FlattenRecurrencesOn(Date_Time dt)
            // Create a dummy iCalendar to hold our flattened component
            iCalendar iCal = new iCalendar();

            if (Start.TZID != null)
                // Place the time zone into our dummy iCalendar
                DDay.iCal.Components.TimeZone tz = iCalendar.GetTimeZone(Start.TZID);
                if (tz != null)

            // Iterate through each period to find all occurrences on this date
            foreach (Period p in Periods)
                // Check to see if this occurrence is on the same date
                if (p.StartTime.Date.Equals(dt.Date))
                    // Copy the component into the dummy iCalendar
                    RecurringComponent rc = (RecurringComponent)Copy(iCal);

                    rc.Start  = p.StartTime.Copy();
                    rc.RRule  = new Recur[0];
                    rc.RDate  = new RDate[0];
                    rc.ExRule = new Recur[0];
                    rc.ExDate = new RDate[0];

                    yield return(rc);
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a list of alarm occurrences for the given recurring component, <paramref name="rc"/>
        /// that occur between <paramref name="FromDate"/> and <paramref name="ToDate"/>.
        /// </summary>
        virtual public List <AlarmOccurrence> GetOccurrences(RecurringComponent rc, iCalDateTime FromDate, iCalDateTime ToDate)

            // If the trigger is relative, it can recur right along with
            // the recurring items, otherwise, it happens once and
            // only once (at a precise time).
            if (Trigger.IsRelative)
                // Ensure that "FromDate" has already been set
                if (FromDate == null)
                    FromDate = rc.Start.Copy();

                Duration d = null;
                foreach (Occurrence o in rc.GetOccurrences(FromDate, ToDate))
                    iCalDateTime dt = o.Period.StartTime;
                    if (Trigger.Related == Trigger.TriggerRelation.End)
                        if (o.Period.EndTime != null)
                            dt = o.Period.EndTime;
                            if (d == null)
                                d = o.Period.Duration;
                        // Use the "last-found" duration as a reference point
                        else if (d != null)
                            dt = o.Period.StartTime + d;
                            throw new ArgumentException("Alarm trigger is relative to the END of the occurrence; however, the occurence has no discernible end.");

                    Occurrences.Add(new AlarmOccurrence(this, dt + Trigger.Duration, rc));
                Occurrences.Add(new AlarmOccurrence(this, Trigger.DateTime.Copy(), rc));

            // If a REPEAT and DURATION value were specified,
            // then handle those repetitions here.

예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Polls the <see cref="Alarm"/> component for alarms that have been triggered
        /// since the provided <paramref name="Start"/> date/time.  If <paramref name="Start"/>
        /// is null, all triggered alarms will be returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Start">The earliest date/time to poll trigerred alarms for.</param>
        /// <returns>A list of <see cref="AlarmOccurrence"/> objects, each containing a triggered alarm.</returns>
        public List <AlarmOccurrence> Poll(iCalDateTime Start, iCalDateTime End)
            List <AlarmOccurrence> Results = new List <AlarmOccurrence>();

            // Evaluate the alarms to determine the recurrences
            RecurringComponent rc = Parent as RecurringComponent;

            if (rc != null)
                Results.AddRange(GetOccurrences(rc, Start, End));
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// "Flattens" a single component recurrence into a copy of the
        /// component.  This essentially "extracts" a recurrence into
        /// a fully-fledged non-recurring object (a single instance).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">The iCalObject that will contain this recurring component</param>
        /// <param name="p">The period (recurrence instance) to be flattened</param>
        /// <returns>A recurring component which represents a single flattened recurrence instance</returns>
        virtual protected RecurringComponent FlattenInstance(iCalObject obj, Period p)
            // Copy the component into the dummy iCalendar
            RecurringComponent rc = (RecurringComponent)Copy(obj);

            rc.m_IsOriginal = false;
            rc.m_Original   = this;
            rc.Start        = p.StartTime.Copy();
            rc.RRule        = new Recur[0];
            rc.RDate        = new RDate[0];
            rc.ExRule       = new Recur[0];
            rc.ExDate       = new RDate[0];

예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates <see cref="Alarm"/>s for the given recurring component, <paramref name="rc"/>.
        /// This evaluation is based on the evaluation period for the <see cref="RecurringComponent"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rc">The </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        virtual public List <AlarmOccurrence> Evaluate(RecurringComponent rc)
            Occurrences = new List <AlarmOccurrence>();

            // If the trigger is relative, it can recur right along with
            // the recurring items, otherwise, it happens once and
            // only once (at a precise time).
            if (Trigger.IsRelative)
                Duration d = null;
                foreach (Period p in rc.Periods)
                    Date_Time dt = p.StartTime;
                    if (Trigger.Related == Trigger.TriggerRelation.END)
                        if (p.EndTime != null)
                            dt = p.EndTime;
                            if (d == null)
                                d = p.Duration;
                        // Use the "last-found" duration as a reference point
                        else if (d != null)
                            dt = p.StartTime + d;
                            throw new ArgumentException("Alarm trigger is relative to the END of the occurrence; however, the occurence has discernible end.");

                    Occurrences.Add(new AlarmOccurrence(this, dt + Trigger.Duration, rc));
                Occurrences.Add(new AlarmOccurrence(this, Trigger.DateTime.Copy(), rc));

            // If a REPEAT and DURATION value were specified,
            // then handle those repetitions here.

예제 #8
 public override bool Equals(object obj)
     if (obj is RecurringComponent &&
         obj != this)
         RecurringComponent r = (RecurringComponent)obj;
         if (UID != null)
             return(UID == r.UID);
예제 #9
 public AlarmOccurrence(Alarm a, Date_Time dt, RecurringComponent rc)
     this.Alarm     = a;
     this.Period    = new Period(dt);
     this.Component = rc;
예제 #10
 public AlarmOccurrence(AlarmOccurrence ao)
     this.Alarm     = ao.Alarm;
     this.DateTime  = ao.DateTime.Copy();
     this.Component = ao.Component;
예제 #11
 static public Alarm Create(RecurringComponent rc)
     Alarm alarm = rc.iCalendar.Create<Alarm>();
     return alarm;
예제 #12
 public Occurrence(Occurrence ao)
     this.Period    = ao.Period.Copy();
     this.Component = ao.Component;
예제 #13
        static public Alarm Create(RecurringComponent rc)
            Alarm alarm = (Alarm)rc.iCalendar.Create(rc, "VALARM");

예제 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates <see cref="Alarm"/>s for the given recurring component, <paramref name="rc"/>.
        /// This evaluation is based on the evaluation period for the <see cref="RecurringComponent"/>.        
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rc">The </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        virtual public List<AlarmOccurrence> Evaluate(RecurringComponent rc)

            // If the trigger is relative, it can recur right along with
            // the recurring items, otherwise, it happens once and
            // only once (at a precise time).            
            if (Trigger.IsRelative)
                Duration d = null;
                foreach (Period p in rc.Periods)
                    Date_Time dt = p.StartTime;
                    if (Trigger.Related == Trigger.TriggerRelation.END)
                        if (p.EndTime != null)
                            dt = p.EndTime;
                            if (d == null)
                                d = p.Duration;
                        // Use the "last-found" duration as a reference point
                        else if (d != null)
                            dt = p.StartTime + d;
                        else throw new ArgumentException("Alarm trigger is relative to the END of the occurrence; however, the occurence has no discernible end.");                                                

                    Occurrences.Add(new AlarmOccurrence(this, dt + Trigger.Duration, rc));
            else Occurrences.Add(new AlarmOccurrence(this, Trigger.DateTime.Copy(), rc));

            // If a REPEAT and DURATION value were specified,
            // then handle those repetitions here.

            return Occurrences;
예제 #15
 public AlarmOccurrence(Alarm a, Date_Time dt, RecurringComponent rc)
     this.Alarm = a;
     this.DateTime = dt;
     this.Component = rc;
예제 #16
 public AlarmOccurrence(AlarmOccurrence ao)
     this.Alarm = ao.Alarm;
     this.DateTime = ao.DateTime.Copy();
     this.Component = ao.Component;
예제 #17
 public Occurrence(RecurringComponent component, Period period)
     Component = component;
     Period    = period;
예제 #18
 public AlarmOccurrence(Alarm a, Date_Time dt, RecurringComponent rc)
     this.Alarm     = a;
     this.DateTime  = dt;
     this.Component = rc;
예제 #19
 static public Alarm Create(RecurringComponent rc)
     Alarm alarm = (Alarm)rc.iCalendar.Create(rc, "VALARM");
     return alarm;
예제 #20
        static public Alarm Create(RecurringComponent rc)
            Alarm alarm = rc.iCalendar.Create <Alarm>();

예제 #21
 public AlarmOccurrence(Alarm a, Date_Time dt, RecurringComponent rc)
     this.Alarm = a;
     this.Period = new Period(dt);
     this.Component = rc;