private int AddAccountsFromSource(string src) { // No accounts if (!src.Contains("PLAY!")) { return 0; } Parser m1 = new Parser(src); int serverid; if (!int.TryParse(m1.Parse("serverid=", "\""), out serverid)) { return 0; } int ret = 0; foreach ( string t in m1.MultiParse("<font color=\"#FFFF00\" face=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"1\">", "PLAY!")) { Parser p = new Parser(t); string name = p.Parse("<b>", "</b>"); int id; if (!int.TryParse(p.Parse("suid=", "&"), out id)) { continue; } Add(name, id, Server.IdToName(serverid)); ret++; Last.Socket.Cookie = HttpSocket.DefaultInstance.Cookie + " ow_userid=" + id + "; ow_serverid=" + serverid; } return ret; }
internal void Initialize() { if (mInitialized) { return; } CoreUI.Instance.LogPanel.Log("Loading '" + mName + "'"); mLoadSrc = mRoom.Mover.Socket.Get(mURL); if (mQuit) { return; } // Parse level and rage Parser mm = new Parser(mLoadSrc); if (!long.TryParse(mm.Parse("(Level ", ")"), out mLevel) || !long.TryParse(mm.Parse("Attack!</a> (<b>", " rage"), out mRage)) { mQuit = true; return; } mInitialized = true; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <returns>0 on success, 1 on hash error, 2 on key, 3 on DC broken. 4 to stop all attacking</returns> internal int Load() { // create url string url = string.Format("ajax_changeroomb.php?room={0}&lastroom={1}", Id, Mover.Location.Id); if (IsDoor) { url += "&door=1"; } string src = Mover.Socket.Get(url); src = src.Replace("\\s", "s"); // Hack for new Outwar regex src = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Unescape(src); Parser p = new Parser(src); // TODO look how error messages changed if (src.Contains("Error #301")) { // hash error return 1; } if (src.Contains("you must be carrying") || src.Contains("cast on you to enter this room.")) { // need a key return 2; } if (src.Contains("Rampid Gaming Login")) { // logged out return 4; } if (Id == 0) { // loading world.php; figure out where we are string tmp = Parser.Parse(src, "\"curRoom\":\"", "\""); int tmpid; if (!int.TryParse(tmp, out tmpid)) { return 3; } Id = tmpid; } Name = p.Parse("\"name\":\"", "\""); EnumRooms(src); if (Globals.AttackMode || Globals.Spidering) { EnumMobs(src); } else if (CoreUI.Instance.Settings.AutoTrain || CoreUI.Instance.Settings.AutoQuest || CoreUI.Instance.Settings.AlertQuests) { EnumMobs(src); if (CoreUI.Instance.Settings.AutoTrain) Trained = Train(); if (CoreUI.Instance.Settings.AutoQuest || CoreUI.Instance.Settings.AlertQuests) Quest(); } return 0; }
internal void EnumMobs(string src) { // TODO this should really just throw an exception if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(src)) { Load(); } Mobs = new List<Mob>(); //foreach (string s in Parser.MultiParse(src, "<table ", "</table>")) foreach(string s in src.Split(new string[] { "<table "}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) { Parser p = new Parser(s); string url = "mob.php?" + p.Parse("mob.php?", "\""); string name; string attackurl = string.Empty; bool trainer = false; bool quest = false; bool spawn = false; if (s.Contains("Spawned by")) { name = string.Format("*{0}*", p.Parse("\">*", " [")); if (name.Contains("<")) { // TODO this is a bandaid fix re: a bug with the parser. It will pick up html from killed spawn mobs continue; } spawn = true; // log spawn sighting, but don't attack it if we shouldn't if (Globals.AttackOn) { CoreUI.Instance.SpawnsPanel.Log(string.Format("{0} sighted {1} in room {2}", Mover.Account.Name, name, Id)); CoreUI.Instance.SpawnsPanel.Sighted(Id); if (!CoreUI.Instance.Settings.AttackSpawns) continue; } } else { //name = Parser.Parse(Parser.CutLeading(s, url + "\">"), "\">", " ["); name = Parser.Parse(s, "><b>", "</b>"); // "'<b>Spawned By:</b>" occurs, use ><b> for starting } if (s.Contains("somethingelse.php")) { attackurl = "somethingelse.php" + p.Parse("somethingelse.php", "\""); } else { continue; } if (s.Contains("talk_icon.jpg")) { quest = true; } if (s.Contains("dc_trainer.gif")) { trainer = true; } /* if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(attackurl) && !quest && !trainer) { continue; }*/ Mob mb = new Mob(name, url, attackurl, quest, trainer, spawn, this); Mobs.Add(mb); } }
internal void GetStats(string source) { Parser mm = new Parser(source); int.TryParse(mm.Parse("<b>LEVEL:</b><span id=\"level\">", "</span>").Trim(), out mLevel); int.TryParse(mm.Parse(">RAGE</span>:</b><span id=\"rage\">", "</span>").Trim(), out mRage); long.TryParse(mm.Parse("EXP:</b><span id=\"exp\">", "</span>").Trim().Replace(",", ""), out mExp); long.TryParse(mm.Parse("Gold:</b></td><td>", "</td>").Trim(), out mGold); NeedsLevel = source.Contains("LEVEL!"); }
private void Run() { SetStatus("Loading open message..."); string src = HttpSocket.DefaultInstance.Get("") .Replace("\n", "\r\n"); txtMain.Text = src; Parser p = new Parser(src); CoreUI.Instance.ChatPanel.Channel = p.Parse("<chan>", "</chan>"); CoreUI.Instance.ChatPanel.Server = p.Parse("<svr>", "</svr>"); int tmp; if (int.TryParse(p.Parse("<port>", "</port>"), out tmp)) CoreUI.Instance.ChatPanel.Port = tmp; else { CoreUI.Instance.ChatPanel.Port = 6667; } CoreUI.Instance.Changes = p.Parse("Change History:", "End Changes").Replace("\r", "").Trim(); if (src.Contains("<msg>")) { MessageBox.Show(p.Parse("<msg>", "</msg>"), "Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); this.Focus(); txtMain.SelectionLength = 0; } if (Version.Full != p.Parse("<ver>", "</ver>")) { string url = p.Parse("<url>", "</url>"); if (url == "ERROR") { SetStatus("Could not access server."); txtMain.Text = " Could not access startup server. If you already had map data saved on your computer, the program should work but you will not receive software or map updates automatically."; MessageBox.Show( "Could not read startup instructions from server. If map data has already been saved to your computer, the program should work.\n\nIf this error persists (and you can get to, please close or adjust any firewall/router/antivirus/antispyware that is blocking this program's connection to the internet.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); SetStatus("Attempting to build map data..."); ThreadEngine.DefaultInstance.DoParameterized(Pathfinder.BuildMap, false); SetStatus("Could not contact server"); //Globals.Terminate = true; //Application.Exit(); return; } SetStatus("Downloading new version..."); try { string local = url.Substring(url.LastIndexOf("/") + 1); if (File.Exists(local)) { SetStatus("You've already downloaded the new version, use it instead: " + local); } else { new WebClient().DownloadFile(new Uri(url), local); } Process.Start(local); Globals.Terminate = true; Application.Exit(); return; } catch { MessageBox.Show("Automatic updating failed.\n\n" + "You will be directed to a manual download. Place the file in " + Application.StartupPath, "Updating Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); Process.Start(url); Globals.Terminate = true; Application.Exit(); return; } } string mapupdate = p.Parse("<map>", "</map>"); if (mapupdate != "ERROR") { try { DateTime last = DateTime.ParseExact(mapupdate, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm", null); if (last > CoreUI.Instance.Settings.LastMapUpdate) { // new maps SetStatus("Building latest DC maps from host site..."); ThreadEngine.DefaultInstance.DoParameterized(Pathfinder.BuildMap, true); SetStatus("Ready with latest maps..."); } else { ThreadEngine.DefaultInstance.DoParameterized(Pathfinder.BuildMap, false); SetStatus("Ready..."); } } catch (FormatException) { ThreadEngine.DefaultInstance.DoParameterized(Pathfinder.BuildMap, false); SetStatus("Could not read new map status, update maps manually"); } } else { ThreadEngine.DefaultInstance.DoParameterized(Pathfinder.BuildMap, false); SetStatus("Could not read new map status, update maps manually"); } }