private void upd_dr_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (nameTextBox.Text == "" || usernameTextBox.Text == "" || passwordTextBox.Text == "" || ((!maleRadioButton.Checked) && (!femaleRadioButton.Checked))) { MessageBox.Show("Please, insert at least the doctor name, username, password, gender, age, department and salary."); } else { int r = controllerObj.A_UpdateDoctor(Convert.ToInt32(drsComboBox.SelectedValue), nameTextBox.Text.ToString(), usernameTextBox.Text.ToString(), passwordTextBox.Text.ToString(), maleRadioButton.Checked ? "M" : "F", (int)ageNumericUpDown.Value, mobileNumTextBox.Text.ToString(), addressTextBox.Text.ToString(), (int)depComboBox.SelectedValue, "" + (int)shiftStartNumericUpDown.Value + " " + (string)AMPMcomboBox1.SelectedValue, "" + (int)shiftEndNumericUpDown.Value + " " + (string)AMPMcomboBox2.SelectedValue, (int)salaryNumericUpDown.Value); if (r > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Doctor updated successfully."); DataTable dt1 = controllerObj.SelectDoctorIDsNames(); drsComboBox.DataSource = dt1; drsComboBox.DisplayMember = "Name"; drsComboBox.ValueMember = "DID"; } else { MessageBox.Show("Error in updating doctor."); } } }
private void upd_info_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (nameTextBox.Text == "" || usernameTextBox.Text == "" || passwordTextBox.Text == "" || ((!maleRadioButton.Checked) && (!femaleRadioButton.Checked))) { MessageBox.Show("Please, insert at least the name, username, password, gender and age."); } else { int r = controllerObj.A_UpdateDoctor((int)_did, nameTextBox.Text.ToString(), usernameTextBox.Text.ToString(), passwordTextBox.Text.ToString(), maleRadioButton.Checked ? "M" : "F", (int)ageNumericUpDown.Value, mobileNumTextBox.Text.ToString(), addressTextBox.Text.ToString(), -1, "" + (int)shiftStartNumericUpDown.Value + " " + (string)AMPMcomboBox1.SelectedValue, "" + (int)shiftEndNumericUpDown.Value + " " + (string)AMPMcomboBox2.SelectedValue, -1); if (r > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Information updated successfully."); } else { MessageBox.Show("Error in updating information."); } } }