예제 #1
        private void buildResult(Dictionary <string, List <string> > TableValues, string completeQuery, Parser qParser,
                                 System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView grid_view, QueryState qs)
            char[] delim = { '|' };
            //get left table
            // Console.Out.WriteLine(completeQuery.Replace
            string query = "Select * " + completeQuery.Substring(completeQuery.IndexOf("FROM"));

            Console.Out.WriteLine(query + "      !!!!!");
            string arg = "/C " + path + "sqlite3 " + path + database + " \"" + query + "\" > " + path + "out.txt";

            run_query(query, grid_view, qs, qParser);
            List <string>   table1 = getResult();
            List <string[]> temp   = new List <string[]>();

            foreach (string str in table1)
                string[] elements = str.Split(delim);
            string attName = "";

            for (int col = 0; col < temp[0].Length; col++)
                List <string> add = new List <string>();
                for (int row = 0; row < temp.Count; row++)
                    if (row == 0)
                        attName = temp[row][col];
                TableValues.Add(attName, add);
예제 #2
        private void reversePortion(List <String> possibleQ, System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView grid_view, Dictionary <int,
                                                                                                                      HashSet <int> > sCells, Parser qParser, System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox rtb, QueryState qs, System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView SQLgrid)
            setSelectedCells(grid_view, sCells);
            if (sCells.Count < 1)
                //MessageBox.Show("Nothing is selected.");
                string check = checkCells(grid_view, sCells);
                if (check == "Valid Selection")
                    primaryKeyOptions(qParser, sCells, grid_view, possibleQ, qs);

                    if (!joinOP)
                        BETWEEN_entry(qParser, sCells, grid_view, possibleQ, qs);
                        string str = fillSQLOption(possibleQ, SQLgrid);
                        rtb.Text = str;
                        run_query(str, grid_view, qs, qParser);
                        fill_dataGrid(getResult(), grid_view, qs, qParser);
                        previousQuery = str;
                else if (check == "Invalid Selection")
                    MessageBox.Show("Invalid selection: Please try again.");
                else if (check == "Invalid Insert")
                    MessageBox.Show("Invalid Insert. Last row can only be chosen by itself.");
                else if (check == "Valid Insert")
                    insertEntry(qParser, sCells, grid_view, rtb, qs);
예제 #3
        private void BETWEEN_entry(Parser qParser, Dictionary <int, HashSet <int> > sCells,
                                   System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView grid_view, List <String> possibleQ, QueryState qs)
            //get all results
            Dictionary <string, List <string> > TableValues = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();

            buildResult(TableValues, pkQUERY, qParser, grid_view, qs);
            string arg = "/C " + path + "sqlite3 " + path + database + " \"" + pkQUERY + "\" > " + path + "out.txt";

            List <string> answer   = getResult();
            int           total    = answer.Count;
            string        startSQL = pkQUERY.Substring(0, pkQUERY.IndexOf("WHERE") + 5) + " ";
            string middle = pkQUERY.Substring(pkQUERY.IndexOf("FROM"), pkQUERY.IndexOf("WHERE") - pkQUERY.IndexOf("FROM")).Replace(";", "");

            foreach (string att in TableValues.Keys)
                if (advancedQuery)
                    checkTotal(startSQL + att + " = (SELECT MAX(" + att + ") " + middle + ");", total, answer, possibleQ);
                    checkTotal(startSQL + att + " = (SELECT MIN(" + att + ") " + middle + ");", total, answer, possibleQ);
                    checkTotal(startSQL + att + " >= (SELECT AVG(" + att + ") " + middle + ");", total, answer, possibleQ);
                    checkTotal(startSQL + att + " <= (SELECT AVG(" + att + ") " + middle + ");", total, answer, possibleQ);
                //Console.Out.WriteLine(startSQL + att + " <= (SELECT AVG(" + att + ") " + middle + ");");
                List <string> allOfOneKind = new List <string>();
                foreach (string val in TableValues[att])
                    string finalSQL = startSQL + att + " = " + "'" + val + "';";
                    checkTotal(finalSQL, total, answer, possibleQ);
                    if (!allOfOneKind.Contains(val))
                    checkTotal(startSQL + att + " >= '" + val + "';", total, answer, possibleQ);
                    checkTotal(startSQL + att + " <= '" + val + "';", total, answer, possibleQ);
                    if (advancedQuery)
                        foreach (string val1 in TableValues[att])
                            if (val != val1)
                                checkTotal(startSQL + att + " BETWEEN '" + val + "' and '" + val1 + "';", total, answer, possibleQ);
                                checkTotal(startSQL + att + " <= '" + val + "' or " + att + " >= '" + val1 + "';", total, answer, possibleQ);
                                //Console.Out.WriteLine(startSQL + att + " >= '" + val + "' or " + att + " <= '" + val1 + "';");
                bool   notfirst = false;
                string end      = "";
                foreach (string str in allOfOneKind)
                    if (notfirst)
                        end += " or ";
                    notfirst = true;
                    end     += att + " = '" + str + "'";
                string trySQL = startSQL + end + ";";
                checkTotal(trySQL, total, answer, possibleQ);
예제 #4
        private bool insertEntry(Parser qParser, Dictionary <int, HashSet <int> > sCells,
                                 System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView grid_view, System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox rtb, QueryState qs)
            //determine table
            string currentTable = "";
            int    pkColumn     = -1;
            string newSQL       = "";

            if (qParser.tables.Count == 1)
                currentTable = qParser.tables[0];
                MessageBox.Show("Can't insert becuase multiple tables are being accessed.");
            //build attr list
            if (DBtables[currentTable].attributes.Count == sCells.ElementAt(0).Value.Count)
                //bool valid = true;
                newSQL = "INSERT INTO " + currentTable + " (";
                bool   notfirst     = false;
                string updateMiddle = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < grid_view.ColumnCount; i++)
                    if (notfirst)
                        newSQL       += ",";
                        updateMiddle += ",";
                    newSQL       += grid_view.Columns[i].Name;
                    updateMiddle += grid_view.Columns[i].Name + " = " + "\'" + grid_view[i, grid_view.RowCount - 1].Value.ToString() + "\'";
                    if (DBtables[currentTable].attributes.ContainsKey(grid_view.Columns[i].Name.ToLower()))
                        if (DBtables[currentTable].attributes[grid_view.Columns[i].Name.ToLower()][3] == "1")
                            pkColumn = i;
                    notfirst = true;
                    string type = DBtables[currentTable].attributes[grid_view.Columns[i].Name.ToLower()][1];
                    int    number;
                    float  real;
                    if (type == "int" || type == "real")
                        string checkOK = grid_view[i, grid_view.RowCount - 1].Value.ToString();
                        if (!Int32.TryParse(checkOK, out number) && !Single.TryParse(checkOK, out real))
                            MessageBox.Show("Invalid type is trying to be inserted. Insert a value with type " + type + ".");
                newSQL  += ")\nVALUES (";
                notfirst = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < grid_view.ColumnCount; i++)
                    if (notfirst)
                        newSQL += ",";
                    if (grid_view[i, grid_view.RowCount - 1].Value != null)
                        newSQL  += "\'" + grid_view[i, grid_view.RowCount - 1].Value.ToString() + "\'";
                        notfirst = true;
                        MessageBox.Show("Can't insert becuase of null value.");
                newSQL += ");";
                if (pkColumn >= 0)
                    string check = "SELECT * FROM " + currentTable + " WHERE " +
                                   grid_view.Columns[pkColumn].Name + " = " + "\'" + grid_view[pkColumn, grid_view.RowCount - 1].Value.ToString() + "\';";
                    string arg = "/C " + path + "sqlite3 " + path + database + " \"" + check + "\" > " + path + "out.txt";
                    char[]        delim  = { '|' };
                    List <string> verify = getResult();
                    bool          delete = true;
                    if (verify.Count > 0)
                        foreach (string str in verify)
                            string[] elements = str.Split(delim);

                            for (int col = 0; col < elements.Length; col++)
                                if (elements[col] != grid_view[col, grid_view.RowCount - 1].Value.ToString())
                                    delete = false;
                        if (delete)
                            string deletSQL = "DELETE FROM " + currentTable + " WHERE " + grid_view.Columns[pkColumn].Name + " = " +
                                              "\'" + grid_view[pkColumn, grid_view.RowCount - 1].Value.ToString() + "\';";
                            newSQL = deletSQL;
                            string UpdateQuery = "UPDATE " + currentTable + " SET " + updateMiddle + " WHERE " + grid_view.Columns[pkColumn].Name + " = " +
                                                 "\'" + grid_view[pkColumn, grid_view.RowCount - 1].Value.ToString() + "\';";
                            newSQL = UpdateQuery;
                if (newSQL.Length > 0)
                    rtb.Text = newSQL;
                    run_query(newSQL, grid_view, qs, qParser);
                    string redisplaySQL = "SELECT * FROM " + currentTable + ";";
                    run_query(redisplaySQL, grid_view, qs, qParser);
                    fill_dataGrid(getResult(), grid_view, qs, qParser);
                    previousQuery = newSQL;
                MessageBox.Show("Can't insert becuase not all attributes are present.");
예제 #5
        private void primaryKeyOptions(Parser qParser, Dictionary <int, HashSet <int> > sCells,
                                       System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView grid_view, List <String> possibleQ, QueryState qs)
            string newSQL = sqlStart(qParser, sCells, grid_view);
            bool   needOR = false, notfirst = false;

            string where = "";
            foreach (int row in sCells.Keys)
                if (needOR)
                    where += " or ";
                where   += "(";
                notfirst = false;
                needOR   = true;
                for (int col = 0; col < grid_view.ColumnCount; col++)
                    if (notfirst)
                        where += " and ";
                    where   += grid_view.Columns[col].Name + " = " + "'" + grid_view[col, row].Value.ToString() + "'";
                    notfirst = true;
                where += ")";
            newSQL += where + ";";
            pkQUERY = newSQL;
예제 #6
        private void fill_dataGrid(List <String> result, System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView grid_view, QueryState qs, Parser qParser)
            if (qParser.colorMapping.ContainsKey("*"))
                qs.star = true;

            if (result.Count > 0)
                char[] delim = { '|' };
                grid_view.AllowUserToAddRows = true;
                totalsize = result.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
                    string[] elements = result.ElementAt(i).Split(delim);

                    for (int j = 0; j < elements.Length; j++)
                        if (i == 0)
                            //setup grid
                            grid_view.ColumnCount = elements.Length;
                            grid_view.RowCount    = result.Count;
                            grid_view.Visible = true;
                            grid_view.ColumnHeadersVisible = true;
                            DataGridViewCellStyle columnHeaderStyle = new DataGridViewCellStyle();
                            columnHeaderStyle.BackColor             = Color.Beige;
                            columnHeaderStyle.Font                  = new Font("Verdana", 10, FontStyle.Bold);
                            grid_view.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle = columnHeaderStyle;
                            string str = elements[j];
                            grid_view.Columns[j].Name = str;

                            if (DB_table.allPK.ContainsKey(str.ToLower()))
                                qs.pkMap.Add(str, j);
                            if (qs.attMap.ContainsKey(str))
                                qs.attMap.Add(str, j);
                            //Console.Out.WriteLine(elements[j] + "    element value = ");
                            //Console.Out.WriteLine("col = " +j + "   row = " + (i-1).ToString());
                            string colName = grid_view.Columns[j].Name.ToLower();
                            string type    = "";
                            foreach (DB_table look in DBtables.Values)
                                if (look.attributes.ContainsKey(colName))
                                    type = look.attributes[colName][1];
                            int   number;
                            float real;
                            if (type == "int" || type == "real")
                                if (Int32.TryParse(elements[j], out number))
                                    grid_view[j, i - 1].Value = number;
                                else if (Single.TryParse(elements[j], out real))
                                    grid_view[j, i - 1].Value = real;
                                grid_view[j, i - 1].Value = elements[j];
                            //Console.Out.WriteLine(grid_view[j, i - 1 ].Value.ToString());
                grid_view.ColumnCount = 0;
                MessageBox.Show("No result was returned.");
예제 #7
 public void run_query(string SQLquery, System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView grid_view, QueryState qs, Parser qParser)
     if (SQLquery.Length > 0)
         //create file to send to sqlite
         string[] write_to_in = { ".header on", SQLquery };
         System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(@path + "in.txt", write_to_in);
         //send command and run
         string arg = "/C " + path + "sqlite3 " + path + database + " < " + path + "in.txt > " + path + "out.txt";
         Console.Out.WriteLine("\'" + SQLquery + "\' is not a valid sql command");