/// <summary> /// This method is not used. /// </summary> private bool IsExpired() { int x = 0; bool Status = false; dbobj.ExecuteScalar("select count(*) from SysTable", ref x); if (x <= 0) { dbobj.Insert_or_Update("insert into SysTable(SysDate1,SysDate2,allow) values(getdate(),dateadd(dd,30,getdate()),'f')", ref x); } else { dbobj.Insert_or_Update("if((select SysDate2 from SysTable)<(select getdate())) update SysTable set allow='n'", ref x); } System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader rdr = null; dbobj.SelectQuery("select allow from SysTable", ref rdr); if (rdr.Read()) { if (rdr["allow"].Equals("n")) { Status = true; } } return(Status); }
/// <summary> /// This method is used to update the Role with the help of ProRolesUpdate procedure. /// </summary> protected void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { EmployeeClass obj = new EmployeeClass(); obj.Role_Name = txtRoleName.Text.ToString(); obj.Description = txtDesc.Text.ToString(); try { if (dropRoleID.Visible) { obj.Role_ID = dropRoleID.SelectedItem.Value; obj.UpdateRoles(); CreateLogFiles.ErrorLog("Form:Roles.aspx,Method:btnUpdateClick Role name " + obj.Role_Name + " Updated " + uid); MessageBox.Show("Role Updated"); } else { #region Check Role Already Created or Not int count = 0; DBOperations.DBUtil dbobj = new DBOperations.DBUtil(); dbobj.ExecuteScalar("select count(*) from Roles where Role_Name='" + txtRoleName.Text.Trim() + "'", ref count); if (count > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Role already Exists"); return; } #endregion obj.Role_ID = lblRoleID.Text.ToString(); obj.InsertRoles(); CreateLogFiles.ErrorLog("Form:Roles.aspx,Method:btnUpdate_Click Role Name " + obj.Role_Name + " Created " + uid); MessageBox.Show("Role Created"); } Clear(); GetNextRoleID(); lblRoleID.Visible = true; dropRoleID.Visible = false; btnEdit.Visible = true; btnUpdate.Text = "Save"; dropRoleID.SelectedIndex = 0; } catch (Exception ex) { CreateLogFiles.ErrorLog("Form:Roles.aspx,Method:btnUpdate_Click EXCEPTION: " + ex.Message + " userid " + uid); } }
/// <summary> /// This method is used to delete the particular Role ID from roles table which role id select from /// dropdownlist on edit time. /// </summary> protected void btnDelete_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { try { if (dropRoleID.SelectedIndex == 0) { RMG.MessageBox.Show("Please select the Role ID"); return; } int output = 0; DBOperations.DBUtil obj = new DBOperations.DBUtil(); obj.ExecuteScalar("select count(*) from User_master where Role_ID='" + dropRoleID.SelectedItem.Value + "'", ref output); if (output > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Selected Role cannot be Deleted"); return; } else { obj.Insert_or_Update("delete from roles where Role_Id='" + dropRoleID.SelectedItem.Value + "'", ref output); dropRoleID.Items.Remove(dropRoleID.SelectedItem.Value); MessageBox.Show("Role Deleted"); CreateLogFiles.ErrorLog("Form:Roles.aspx,Method: btnDelete_Click" + uid); Clear(); lblRoleID.Visible = true; dropRoleID.Visible = false; btnEdit.Visible = true; btnUpdate.Text = "Save"; GetNextRoleID(); dropRoleID.SelectedIndex = 0; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Please select Role ID"); CreateLogFiles.ErrorLog("Form:Roles.aspx,Method:btnDelete_Click" + ex.Message + " EXCEPTION " + uid); } }
/// <summary> /// This method is used to save or update the user details in user master table with the help of /// ProUserMasterUpdate and ProUserMasterEntry stored procedure. /// </summary> protected void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { EmployeeClass obj = new EmployeeClass(); int x = 0; try { #region check the username is exist or not? dbobj.ExecuteScalar("select count(*) from user_master where loginname='" + txtLoginName.Text.Trim() + "'", ref x); if (x > 0) { if (dropUserID.Visible) { SqlDataReader SqlDtr = null; string UserId = ""; dbobj.SelectQuery("Select UserID from user_master where loginname='" + txtLoginName.Text.Trim() + "'", ref SqlDtr); if (SqlDtr.Read()) { UserId = SqlDtr.GetValue(0).ToString().Trim(); } SqlDtr.Close(); if (!dropUserID.SelectedItem.Text.Trim().Equals(UserId)) { RMG.MessageBox.Show("User " + txtLoginName.Text + " already exists"); return; } } else { RMG.MessageBox.Show("User " + txtLoginName.Text + " already exists"); return; } } #endregion string Name = ""; Name = txtFName.Text; Name += " " + txtMName.Text; Name += " " + txtLName.Text; Name = Name.Trim(); obj.Login_Name = txtLoginName.Text.ToString(); obj.Password = Encrypt(txtPassword.Text.ToString(), "!@#$%^"); //obj.User_Name=txtFName.Text.ToString()+" "+txtMName.Text.ToString()+" "+txtLName.Text.ToString(); obj.User_Name = Name; obj.Role_Name = DropRole.SelectedItem.Value; if (dropUserID.Visible) { obj.User_ID = dropUserID.SelectedItem.Value; //call the procedure ProUserMasterUpdate to update the required user details in user master table. obj.UpdateUserMaster(); CreateLogFiles.ErrorLog("Form:User_Profile.aspx,Method:brnUpdate_Click. User ID" + obj.User_ID + " Updated. User: "******"User Profile Updated"); } else { obj.User_ID = lblUserID.Text.ToString(); //call the procedure ProUserMasterEntry to insert the user details in user master table. obj.InsertUserMaster(); CreateLogFiles.ErrorLog("Form:User_Profile.aspx,Method:brnUpdate_Click. New User With ID " + obj.User_ID + " Created. User: "******"User Profile Created"); } Clear(); GetNextUserID(); lblUserID.Visible = true; btnEdit.Visible = true; dropUserID.Visible = false; } catch (Exception ex) { CreateLogFiles.ErrorLog("Form:User_Profile.aspx,Method:Page_load EXCEPTION: " + ex.Message + " " + uid); } }
/// <summary> /// This method is used to save the record. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { try { SqlDataReader SqlDtr = null; string SubGrp = ""; string Group = ""; if (!checkAcc_Period()) { MessageBox.Show("Please enter the Accounts Period from Organization Details "); fetchGroup(); return; } dbobj.SelectQuery("select * from ledger_master where ledger_name='" + TxtLedger.Text + "'", ref SqlDtr); if (SqlDtr.HasRows) { MessageBox.Show("Ledger Name '" + TxtLedger.Text + "' is Allready Exist"); return; } SqlDtr.Close(); if (DropSub.SelectedItem.Text.Equals("Cash in hand")) { dbobj.SelectQuery("select count(*) from ledger_master where sub_grp_id=118", ref SqlDtr); if (SqlDtr.Read()) { if (int.Parse(SqlDtr.GetValue(0).ToString()) > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Cash Account Allready Exist"); return; } } SqlDtr.Close(); } // Check & Fetch The sub Group if (DropSub.SelectedIndex == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Please select Sub Group"); fetchGroup(); return; } else { if (DropSub.SelectedItem.Text == "Other") { if (TxtSub.Text.Trim() == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please specify Other Sub Group"); TxtSub.Enabled = true; fetchGroup(); return; } else { SubGrp = TxtSub.Text.Trim(); } } else { SubGrp = DropSub.SelectedItem.Text.Trim(); } } // Check & Fetch The Group if (txtTempGrp.Value == "Select") { MessageBox.Show("Please select Group"); fetchGroup(); return; } else { if (txtTempGrp.Value == "Other") { if (TxtGroup.Text.Trim() == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please specify Other Group"); TxtGroup.Enabled = true; fetchGroup(); DropGroup.SelectedIndex = DropGroup.Items.IndexOf(DropGroup.Items.FindByText(txtTempGrp.Value)); return; } else { Group = TxtGroup.Text.Trim(); } } else { Group = txtTempGrp.Value; } } string ledgname = ""; string nature = ""; double Op_bal = 0; string bal_type = ""; ledgname = TxtLedger.Text.Trim(); string op_bal = "0"; if (TxtOpeningBal.Text.Trim() != "") { op_bal = TxtOpeningBal.Text.Trim(); } Op_bal = System.Convert.ToDouble(op_bal); bal_type = DropBalType.SelectedItem.Text.Trim(); if (RadioAsset.Checked) { nature = "Assets"; } else if (RadioLiab.Checked) { nature = "Liabilities"; } else if (RadioExp.Checked) { nature = "Expenses"; } else { nature = "Income"; } int subgrpid = 0; // Get the sub_grp_id for selected Sub_Group Name and Nature Of Payment dbobj.SelectQuery("select sub_grp_Id from Ledger_Master_Sub_grp where sub_grp_name = '" + SubGrp + "' and Nature_Of_group ='" + nature + "' and grp_id = (select top 1 grp_id from mgroup where grp_name = '" + Group + "')", ref SqlDtr); if (SqlDtr.Read()) { subgrpid = System.Convert.ToInt32(SqlDtr["sub_grp_id"].ToString()); } SqlDtr.Close(); int count = 0; // check the Ledger Name is already present for the selected sub group dbobj.ExecuteScalar("Select count(Ledger_ID) from Ledger_Master where Ledger_Name = '" + ledgname + "' and Sub_grp_ID = " + subgrpid, ref count); if (count > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Ledger Name is already exist for selected Sub Group "); fetchGroup(); DropGroup.SelectedIndex = DropGroup.Items.IndexOf(DropGroup.Items.FindByText(Group)); return; } else { object op = null; dbobj.ExecProc(OprType.Insert, "ProInsertLedger", ref op, "@Ledger_Name", ledgname, "@SubGrp_Name", SubGrp, "@Group_Name", Group, "@Grp_Nature", nature, "@Op_Bal", Op_bal, "@Bal_Type", bal_type); } MessageBox.Show("Ledger Saved"); CreateLogFiles.ErrorLog("Form:Ledger Creation,Method:btnSave_Click New Ledger of name " + ledgname + " Saved. User: "******"Form:Ledger Creation,Method:btnSave_Click Exception: " + ex.Message + " User: " + uid); } }