public DataSet GetPrprtcertInfo(string HouseID, string Area) { string sql = string.Format(@"select * from GetPrprtcertInfo where houseid='{0}'", HouseID); DataSet ds = OleDBHelper.GetDataSet(sql); return(ds); }
public NewDataSet GetNewDataSet(string name, string cardNo) { string sql = string.Format("Select * from FC_Da_FWZM Where Name='{0}' and CardNo='{1}'", name, cardNo); DataSet ds = OleDBHelper.GetDataSet(sql); if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { IList <Table> tables = new List <Table>(); for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { Table t = new Table(); t.ProveResultID = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ProveResultID"].ToString(); t.BusiID = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["BusiID"].ToString(); t.CardNo = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["CardNo"].ToString(); t.Name = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Name"].ToString(); t.HouseSite = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["HouseSite"].ToString(); t.Source = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Source"].ToString(); t.SourceDes = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["SourceDes"].ToString(); t.Area = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Area"].ToString(); t.RightNo = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["RightNo"].ToString(); tables.Add(t); } NewDataSet set1 = new NewDataSet(); set1.Tables = tables.ToArray(); return(set1); } else { return(null); } }
public DataSet GetBuildRightInfo(string BuNo, string Area) { string sql = string.Format("select \"HouseID\",\"HCSID\",\"HYCID\",\"BuildingID\",\"RoomNo\",\"权证号\",\"登记坐落\",\"登记用途\" from BuildingRightInfo where BuNo ='{0}'", BuNo); DataSet ds = OleDBHelper.GetDataSet(sql); return(ds); }
internal DataTable getREInfoFromBDC(string strHouseSite, string strCertCode) { string sql = @"select h.tstybm as HID,tsgl.bdcdyh,h.zl,h.jzmj,ghyt.ytmc as ghyt,fwjg.itemname as fwjg from dj_dy dy left join dj_tsgl tsgl on tsgl.slbh = dy.slbh left join fc_h_qsdc h on h.tstybm = tsgl.tstybm left join fc_z_qsdc z on z.tstybm = h.lsztybm left join dic_item @xzbdcggk fwjg on fwjg.itemval = z.fwjg and fwjg.diccode = '1505181711115COR1KAPMB' left join DIC_FWYTLX @Xzbdcggk ghyt on ghyt.ytbm = h.ghyt where 1=1 "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strHouseSite)) { sql += string.Format(" and h.zl like '%{0}%'", strHouseSite); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strCertCode)) { sql += string.Format("and dy.bdczmh = '{0}'", strCertCode); } if (IsHasSQLInject(sql)) { return(null); } return(OleDBHelper.GetDataTable(sql)); }
public DataTable GetDYOpList(string strKeyWord, string sDate, string eDate, string strTXCertCode) { string sql = @"select dy.slbh 抵押业务宗号,dy.djyy 他项权利种类,h.qm 区名,z.fwzl 坐落,h.zl 坐落细则,dy.bdbzzqse 权利价值,dy.qlqssj 抵押起始日期,dy.qljssj 抵押结束日期,dy.bdczmh 他项权证号, 他项权证附记,DECODE(dy.lifecycle,1,'已注销','现势') 注销状态 from dj_dy dy left join dj_tsgl tsgl on dy.slbh = tsgl.slbh left join fc_h_qsdc h on h.tstybm = tsgl.tstybm left join fc_z_qsdc z on z.tstybm = h.lsztybm where dy.qlqssj between to_date('{1}', 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss') and to_date('{2}','yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss') and dy.slbh in (select qlrgl.slbh from dj_qlrgl qlrgl left join dj_qlr qlr on qlr.qlrid = qlrgl.qlrid where qlr.qlrmc like '%{0}%' and qlrgl.qlrlx='抵押权人') and tsgl.bdclx='房屋' {3} group by dy.slbh,dy.djyy,h.qm,z.xmmc,z.fwzl,h.zl,dy.bdbzzqse,dy.qlqssj,dy.qljssj,dy.bdczmh,,dy.lifecycle"; string where1 = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strTXCertCode)) { where1 = string.Format("and dy.bdczmh='{0}'", strTXCertCode); } sql = string.Format(sql, strKeyWord, sDate, eDate, where1); try { if (IsHasSQLInject(sql)) { return(null); } return(OleDBHelper.GetDataTable(sql)); } catch (Exception ex) { string str = ex.Message; return(null); } }
public DataSet GetHouseState(string HouseID) { string sql = string.Format("select * from GetHouseState where \"HouseID\" ='{0}'", HouseID); DataSet ds = OleDBHelper.GetDataSet(sql); return(ds); }
internal DataTable GetDYFormBDC(string slbh) { // string sql = @"select qlrgl.qlrmc 权利人,'房屋所有权' 权利种类,dj_dy.bdczmh 他项权证号,fc_h_qsdc.zh 幢号,fc_h_qsdc.dyh||'-'||fc_h_qsdc.fjh 房号,fc_h_qsdc.jzmj 建筑面积, //dj_dy.qlqssj 设定日期,dj_dy.bdbzzqse 权利价值,dj_dy.pgje 评估值,dj_dy.dyqx 约定期限, dj_dy.djyy 他项种类,dj_xgdjzx.djrq 注销日 //from dj_dy left join dj_tsgl on dj_dy.slbh=dj_tsgl.slbh left join fc_h_qsdc on fc_h_qsdc.tstybm=dj_tsgl.tstybm //left join dj_xgdjzx on dj_xgdjzx.slbh=dj_xgdjgl.zslbh //left join dj_xgdjgl on dj_xgdjgl.zslbh=dj_dy.slbh //left join dj_djb djb on djb.slbh=dj_xgdjgl.fslbh //left join dj_qlrgl qlrgl on qlrgl.slbh=dj_dy.slbh //left join ql_fwxg fwxg on fwxg.slbh=dj_dy.slbh //Where dj_dy.slbh ='{0}' and qlrgl.qlrlx='抵押权人' and dj_tsgl.bdclx='房屋' "; string sql = @"select A.*,dj_xgdjzx.Djrq 注销日期,'' as 注销原因 from ( select dj_dy.slbh, qlrgl.qlrmc 权利人,'房屋所有权' 权利种类,dj_dy.bdczmh 他项权证号,fc_h_qsdc.zh 幢号,fc_h_qsdc.dyh||'-'||fc_h_qsdc.fjh 房号,fc_h_qsdc.jzmj 建筑面积, dj_dy.qlqssj 设定日期,dj_dy.bdbzzqse 权利价值,dj_dy.pgje 评估值,dj_dy.dyqx 约定期限, dj_dy.djyy 他项种类 from dj_dy left join dj_xgdjgl gl on gl.zslbh=dj_dy.slbh left join dj_djb djb on djb.slbh=gl.fslbh left join dj_qlrgl qlrgl on qlrgl.slbh=dj_dy.slbh left join ql_fwxg fwxg on fwxg.slbh=dj_dy.slbh left join dj_tsgl on dj_dy.slbh=dj_tsgl.slbh left join fc_h_qsdc on fc_h_qsdc.tstybm=dj_tsgl.tstybm Where djb.slbh ='{0}' and qlrgl.qlrlx='抵押权人' and dj_tsgl.bdclx='房屋' ) A left join dj_xgdjgl on dj_xgdjgl.fslbh=A.slbh left join dj_xgdjzx on dj_xgdjzx.slbh=dj_xgdjgl.zslbh"; sql = string.Format(sql, slbh); if (IsHasSQLInject(sql)) { return(null); } return(OleDBHelper.GetDataTable(sql)); }
public DataSet GetFirstRegistedInfo(string HouseId) { string sql = string.Format(@"Select * from fc_djyz Where Upper(HouseId)='{0}'", HouseId.ToUpper()); return(OleDBHelper.GetDataSet(sql)); }
internal DataTable GetQSInfoListFromBDC(string bdczh, string qlrmc, string zjhm, string zl) { string sql = @"select distinct djb.slbh 业务ID,djb.slbh 自然状况登记簿ID,nvl(nvl(h.oracle_wb_houseid,h.oracle_houseinfo_id),h.tstybm) 房屋ID,djb.slbh 业务宗号,h.zl 房屋坐落,djb.djlx 登记类型,djb.djyy 业务种类,djb.bdczh 证号, djb.djrq 登簿时间,2 as 状态 from dj_djb djb left join dj_tsgl tsgl on tsgl.slbh=djb.slbh left join fc_h_qsdc h on h.tstybm=tsgl.tstybm left join fc_h_qsdc h on h.tstybm=tsgl.tstybm left join dj_qlrgl gl on gl.slbh=djb.slbh left join dj_qlr qlr on gl.qlrid=qlr.qlrid where gl.qlrlx='权利人' and tsgl.bdclx='房屋' and (djb.lifecycle=0 or djb.lifecycle is null) "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bdczh)) { sql += string.Format(" and djb.bdczh='{0}'", bdczh); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(qlrmc)) { sql += string.Format(" and gl.qlrmc='{0}'", qlrmc); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(zjhm)) { sql += string.Format(" and qlr.zjhm='{0}'", zjhm); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(zl)) { sql += string.Format(" and h.zl like '%{0}%'", zl); } if (IsHasSQLInject(sql)) { return(null); } return(OleDBHelper.GetDataTable(sql)); }
/// <summary> /// 领证信息收费发证信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="ywzh"></param> /// <returns></returns> public DataTable GetCLF_LZXX_SFFZ(string ywzh) { string sql = string.Format(@"select State,FZState from CLF_LZXX_SFXX where ywzh='{0}'", ywzh); DataTable dt = OleDBHelper.GetDataTable(sql); DataTable dtCopy = dt.Copy(); dtCopy.TableName = "SFFZXX"; return(dtCopy); }
public DataTable GetCLF_CFXX(string ywzh) { string sql = string.Format("select * from CLF_CFXX where ywzh ='{0}'", ywzh); DataTable dt = OleDBHelper.GetDataTable(sql); DataTable dtCopy = dt.Copy(); dtCopy.TableName = "houseChaFenInfo"; return(dtCopy); }
public DataTable GetCLF_ZTXX(string ywzh) { string sql = string.Format("select * from CLF_ZTXX where YWZH='{0}'", ywzh); DataTable dt = OleDBHelper.GetDataTable(sql); DataTable dtCopy = dt.Copy(); dtCopy.TableName = "HouseOwnerInfo"; return(dtCopy); }
public DataTable GetCLF_ZTXX(string syqr, string qzbh) { string sql = string.Format("select * from CLF_ZTXX where syqr ='{0}' and QZBH like '%{1}%'", syqr, qzbh); DataTable dt = OleDBHelper.GetDataTable(sql); DataTable dtCopy = dt.Copy(); dtCopy.TableName = "HouseOwnerInfo"; return(dtCopy); }
public bool GetIsRegistedHouse(string HouseId) { string sql = string.Format(@"Select Count(1) From DJ_TSGL Left Join FC_H_QSDC on DJ_TSGL.TSTYBM=FC_H_QSDC.TSTYBM Where Nvl2(DJ_TSGL.LifeCycle,DJ_TSGL.LifeCycle,0)=0 And FC_H_QSDC.TSTYBM='{0}'", HouseId); int rowCount = OleDBHelper.GetScalar(sql); return(true); }
public DataTable GetCLF_LZXX_QTXX(string ywzh) { string sql = string.Format(@"select PrintState,SFState,FZState,DYQZBH from CLF_LZXX_DYXX where ywzh='{0}'", ywzh); DataTable dt = OleDBHelper.GetDataTable(sql); DataTable dtCopy = dt.Copy(); dtCopy.TableName = "QTXX"; return(dtCopy); }
internal DataTable GetQLRByFSLBH(string slbh) { string sql = @"select distinct qlr.qlrmc from dj_qlr qlr left join dj_qlrgl qlrgl on qlrgl.qlrid=qlr.qlrid left join dj_xgdjgl djgl on djgl.fslbh=qlrgl.slbh where djgl.zslbh='{0}' and qlrgl.qlrlx='权利人'"; sql = string.Format(sql, slbh); return(OleDBHelper.GetDataTable(sql)); }
/// <summary> /// 领证信息权证编号信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="ywzh"></param> /// <returns></returns> public DataTable GetCLF_LZXX_QZBH(string ywzh) { // string sql = string.Format(@"select DJB.BDCZH AS QZBH FROM (SELECT * FROM dj_xgdjgl WHERE BGLX='房屋变更') xgdjgl //left join dj_djb djb on xgdjgl.zslbh=djb.slbh where xgdjgl.fslbh='{0}'", ywzh); string sql = string.Format("select * from CLF_LZXX_QZBH where ywzh='{0}'", ywzh); DataTable dt = OleDBHelper.GetDataTable(sql); DataTable dtCopy = dt.Copy(); dtCopy.TableName = "FZXX"; return(dtCopy); }
public DataSet GetRegistesByHouseId(string HouseId) { string sql = string.Format(@"Select '权属' as RegistType,Count(1) as Times from DJ_TSGL Left join FC_H_QSDC on DJ_TSGL.TSTYBM=FC_H_QSDC.TSTYBM Where (DJ_TSGL.TSTYBM='{0}' or HSCID='{0}' or HYCID='{0}') and nvl2(DJ_TSGL.Lifecycle,DJ_TSGL.Lifecycle,0)=0 and exists(Select 1 from DJ_DJB where DJ_TSGL.SLBH=DJ_DJB.SLBH) union all Select '抵押' as RegistType,Count(1) as Times from DJ_TSGL Left join FC_H_QSDC on DJ_TSGL.TSTYBM=FC_H_QSDC.TSTYBM Where (DJ_TSGL.TSTYBM='{0}' or HSCID='{0}' or HYCID='{0}') and nvl2(DJ_TSGL.Lifecycle,DJ_TSGL.Lifecycle,0)=0 and exists(Select 1 from DJ_Dy where DJ_TSGL.SLBH=DJ_Dy.SLBH) union all Select '预告' as RegistType,Count(1) as Times from DJ_TSGL Left join FC_H_QSDC on DJ_TSGL.TSTYBM=FC_H_QSDC.TSTYBM Where (DJ_TSGL.TSTYBM='{0}' or HSCID='{0}' or HYCID='{0}') and nvl2(DJ_TSGL.Lifecycle,DJ_TSGL.Lifecycle,0)=0 and exists(Select 1 from DJ_YG where DJ_TSGL.SLBH=DJ_YG.SLBH) union all Select '查封' as RegistType,Count(1) as Times from DJ_TSGL Left join FC_H_QSDC on DJ_TSGL.TSTYBM=FC_H_QSDC.TSTYBM Where (DJ_TSGL.TSTYBM='{0}' or HSCID='{0}' or HYCID='{0}') and nvl2(DJ_TSGL.Lifecycle,DJ_TSGL.Lifecycle,0)=0 and exists(Select 1 from DJ_CF where DJ_TSGL.SLBH=DJ_CF.SLBH) ", HouseId); DataSet ds = OleDBHelper.GetDataSet(sql); return(ds); }
internal DataTable getBDCDYH(string zid) { string sql = @"select tstybm as 不动产户ID,bdcdyh as 不动产单元号,zl as 坐落,ycjzmj as 预测建筑面积,yctnjzmj as 预测套内面积,jzmj as 实测建筑面积,tnjzmj as 实测套内面积,HSCID as 原实测ID,FJBM as 房间编码 from fc_h_qsdc where lsztybm = '{0}' "; sql = string.Format(sql, zid); if (IsHasSQLInject(sql)) { return(null); } return(OleDBHelper.GetDataTable(sql)); }
internal DataTable GetQLRFromBDC(string slbh) { string sql = @"select qlrgl.qlrlx 权利人类型,qlr.qlrmc 权利人姓名,qlr.zjlb 证件类型,qlr.zjhm 证件号码, 联系地址,qlr.dh 联系电话,qlrgl.gyfe 份额,qlr.frdbxm 法定代表人 from dj_qlr qlr left join dj_qlrgl qlrgl on qlrgl.qlrid=qlr.qlrid where qlrgl.slbh='{0}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, slbh); if (IsHasSQLInject(sql)) { return(null); } return(OleDBHelper.GetDataTable(sql)); }
internal DataTable getCFFromBDC(string hid) { string sql = @"SELECT DISTINCT ''被执行人,cfjg 执行人,cffw 执行项目,DJSJ 查封日期,NVL(CFQX,decode (ceil(TO_CHAR(CFJSSJ-CFQSSJ)/365),1,'1',2,'2',3,'3',null)) 查封期限,BGRQ 解封录入日期,''备注 ,CFYY 查封信息, DJ_XGDJZX.DJYY 解封信息 FROM DJ_CF left join dj_XGDJGL ON DJ_CF.SLBH=DJ_XGDJGL.FSLBH LEFT JOIN DJ_XGDJZX ON DJ_XGDJGL.ZSLBH=DJ_XGDJZX.SLBH left join dj_tsgl tsgl on tsgl.slbh=dj_cf.slbh left join fc_h_qsdc h on h.tstybm=tsgl.tstybm Where h.tstybm = '{0}' or h.oracle_houseinfo_id = '{0}' or h.oracle_wb_houseid = '{0}' and tsgl.bdclx='房屋' "; sql = string.Format(sql, hid); if (IsHasSQLInject(sql)) { return(null); } return(OleDBHelper.GetDataTable(sql)); }
internal DataTable GetQLRMCBySLBH(string slbh, string IsDYQR) { string qlrlx = IsDYQR;//? "抵押权人" : "抵押人"; string sql = @"select qlr.qlrmc from dj_qlr qlr left join dj_qlrgl qlrgl on qlrgl.qlrid = qlr.qlrid where qlrgl.slbh = '{0}' and qlrgl.qlrlx = '{1}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, slbh, qlrlx); if (IsHasSQLInject(sql)) { return(null); } return(OleDBHelper.GetDataTable(sql)); }
internal DataTable GetDYBDCDYH(string slbh) { string sql = @"select tsgl.bdcdyh from dj_dy dy left join dj_tsgl tsgl on tsgl.slbh = dy.slbh left join fc_h_qsdc h on tsgl.tstybm = h.tstybm where dy.slbh = '{0}' "; sql = string.Format(sql, slbh); if (IsHasSQLInject(sql)) { return(null); } return(OleDBHelper.GetDataTable(sql)); }
internal DataTable GetCFInfoFromBDC(string hoID) { string sql = @"select cf.cfjg 执行法院,cf.cfwh 协助执行书号,cf.cfqssj 查封日期,NVL(cf.CFQX,decode (ceil(TO_CHAR(cf.CFJSSJ-cf.CFQSSJ)/365),1,'1',2,'2',3,'3',null)) 查封期限,cf.cfyy 查封原因 from dj_cf cf left join dj_tsgl tsgl on cf.slbh = tsgl.slbh left join fc_h_qsdc h on h.tstybm = tsgl.tstybm where h.tstybm = '{0}' or h.ORACLE_HOUSEINFO_ID = '{0}' or h.ORACLE_WB_HOUSEID = '{0}' and tsgl.bdclx='房屋'"; sql = string.Format(sql, hoID); if (IsHasSQLInject(sql)) { return(null); } return(OleDBHelper.GetDataTable(sql)); }
internal DataTable GetQLRZJHMBySLBH(string slbh, string isDyqr) { string sql = @"select qlr.zjhm from dj_djb djb left join dj_qlrgl gl on gl.slbh=djb.slbh left join dj_qlr qlr on qlr.qlrid=gl.qlrid where djb.slbh='{0}' and gl.qlrlx='{1}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, slbh, isDyqr); if (IsHasSQLInject(sql)) { return(null); } return(OleDBHelper.GetDataTable(sql)); }
internal DataTable GetFZFromBDC(string hID) { string sql = @"select z.fwzl 项目坐落,z.xmmc 项目名称,z.jzwmc 楼盘名称,h.dyh 单元号,h.fjh 房间号,h.jzmj 建筑面积,fwjg.itemname 结构,ghyt.ytmc 用途,z.jcnf 建成年代,z.zcs 总层数,h.sjc 所在层数,h.bdcdyh as 不动产单元号,nvl(h.FTTDMJ,h.DYTDMJ) as 土地面积 ,'' as 土地取得方式 from fc_h_qsdc h left join fc_z_qsdc z on h.lsztybm = z.tstybm left join dic_item@xzbdcggk fwjg on fwjg.itemval=z.fwjg and fwjg.diccode='1505181711115COR1KAPMB' left join DIC_FWYTLX@Xzbdcggk ghyt on ghyt.ytbm=h.ghyt where h.tstybm = '{0}' or h.oracle_houseinfo_id = '{0}' or h.oracle_wb_houseid = '{0}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, hID); if (IsHasSQLInject(sql)) { return(null); } return(OleDBHelper.GetDataTable(sql)); }
internal DataTable GetDYZL(string slbh) { // string sql = @"select h.zl from dj_dy dy //left join dj_tsgl tsgl on tsgl.slbh = dy.slbh //left join fc_h_qsdc h on tsgl.tstybm = h.tstybm //where dy.slbh = '{0}' "; string sql = @"select sjd.zl from dj_sjd sjd where sjd.slbh='{0}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, slbh); if (IsHasSQLInject(sql)) { return(null); } return(OleDBHelper.GetDataTable(sql)); }
/// <summary> /// 根据buildingId检查这个一栋房子是否有房屋做过登记 /// </summary> /// <param name="buildingId"></param> /// <returns>true 表示做过登记</returns> public bool GetIsRegistedBuilding(string buildingId) { //string sql = string.Format("select count(1) from dj_tsgl gl left join fc_h_qsdc h on gl.tstybm=h.tstybm where h.lsztybm='{0}'", buildingId); //string sql2= string.Format("select count(1) from dj_tsgl gl left join fc_z_qsdc z on gl.tstybm=z.tstybm where z.tstybm='{0}'", buildingId); //int rowCount = OleDBHelper.GetScalar(sql); //if (rowCount == 0) //{ // int ret2= OleDBHelper.GetScalar(sql2); // return ret2>0; //} string sql = string.Format(@"Select Count(1) From DJ_TSGL Left Join FC_H_QSDC on DJ_TSGL.TSTYBM=FC_H_QSDC.TSTYBM Left Join FC_Z_QSDC on FC_H_QSDC.LSZTYBM=FC_Z_QSDC.TSTYBM Where Nvl2(DJ_TSGL.LifeCycle,DJ_TSGL.LifeCycle,0)=0 And FC_Z_QSDC.TSTYBM='{0}'", buildingId); int rowCount = OleDBHelper.GetScalar(sql); return(true); }
internal DataTable GetQSInfoFromBDC(string slbh) { string sql = @"select djb.slbh 业务ID,djb.slbh 自然状况登记簿ID,nvl(nvl(h.oracle_wb_houseid,h.oracle_houseinfo_id),h.tstybm) 房屋ID,djb.slbh 业务宗号,2 as 状态,qm.qm 行政区,fwytlx.ytmc 产别,'' as 来源,h.zl 房屋坐落, item.itemname 共有性质,djb.djlx 登记类型,djb.djyy 业务种类,djb.bdczh 所有权证号,djb.zsxlh 证书印刷号,djb.djrq 登簿时间 from dj_djb djb left join dj_tsgl tsgl on tsgl.slbh = djb.slbh left join fc_h_qsdc h on h.tstybm = tsgl.tstybm left join dic_fwytlx@xzbdcggk fwytlx on fwytlx.ytbm=h.Ghyt LEFT JOIN dic_item@xzbdcggk item on item.itemval=djb.gyfs and item.diccode='150106151438XH6KL22QEP' left join fc_qm qm on where djb.slbh = '{0}' and tsgl.bdclx='房屋' "; sql = string.Format(sql, slbh); if (IsHasSQLInject(sql)) { return(null); } return(OleDBHelper.GetDataTable(sql)); }
internal DataTable getCertInfoFromBDC(string strBusNo, string stringstrCertCode) { string sql = @"select slbh 抵押业务宗号, bdczmh 不动产证明号,'苏' 不动产证明省份,'徐州市' 不动产证明市级,FZND 不动产证明年份,bdczmh 不动产证明序号,'抵押权' as 证明权利或事项,qt 其他,fj 附记,djrq 登簿日期,zsxlh 证书印刷号,DYLX AS LX,BDCDJ.f_ParseDic('预告登记种类',YGDJZL) AS YGDJZL from dj_dy where 1=1 "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strBusNo)) { sql += string.Format(" and dj_dy.slbh = '{0}'", strBusNo); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stringstrCertCode)) { sql += string.Format(" and bdczmh = '{0}'", stringstrCertCode); } if (IsHasSQLInject(sql)) { return(null); } return(OleDBHelper.GetDataTable(sql)); }