private void DeleteUserMapping() { string mappDesc = ""; DataRow row = null; try { myTimer.Stop(); if (lkupMappings.EditValue != null) { mappDesc = lkupMappings.Text; string select = "Description = " + "'" + mappDesc.Replace("'", "''") + "'"; DataRow[] rows = tblUserMappings.Select(select); if (rows.Length == 0) return; row = rows[0]; } if (row != null) { Int32 id = Convert.ToInt32(row["ID"]); InbAttribMapValDal inbAttribMapValDal = new InbAttribMapValDal(sqlConnectionStr); inbAttribMapValDal.Delete(id); row.Delete(); resetPhraseTable(); } else { XtraMessageBox.Show("Please select a valid value for mapping."); } } catch (Exception ex) { //XtraMessageBox.Show("Exception in Delete User Mapping: " + ex.Message); XtraMessageBox.Show("An error occurred while deleting user mappings." + Environment.NewLine + "Error CNF-193 in " + FORM_NAME + ".DeleteUserMapping(): " + ex.Message, MAIN_FORM_ERROR_CAPTION, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } finally { myTimer.Start(); } }
private long UpdateUserMappingValue(InbAttribMapValDto pData) { long mappingValId = 0; try { InbAttribMapValDal inbAttribMapValDal = new InbAttribMapValDal(sqlConnectionStr); int inbAttribMapValId = inbAttribMapValDal.Insert(pData); if (inbAttribMapValId > 0) { DataRow dr = tblUserMappings.NewRow(); dr["ID"] = inbAttribMapValId; dr["Description"] = pData.Descr; if (pData.ActiveFlag.Equals("Y")) { tblUserMappings.Rows.Add(dr); } mappingValId = inbAttribMapValId; } else { throw new Exception("The new Attribute Mapping value was unexpectedly not inserted into the database."); } } catch (Exception err) { //throw new Exception("Error in UpdateUserMappingValue(InbAttribMapValDto pData): " + err.Message); throw new Exception("An error occurred while updating a mapping value." + Environment.NewLine + "Error CNF-180 in " + FORM_NAME + ".UpdateUserMappingValue(): " + err.Message); } return mappingValId; }
private void PopulateUserMappings() { try { if (lkupMappedValue.Text.Equals("")) return; resetMappingTable(); DataRow row = ((System.Data.DataRowView)(lkupMappedValue.EditValue)).Row; if (row != null) { string inbAttribCode = row["CptySn"].ToString(); btnPhraseEditor.ToolTip = "Create a new mapping for: " + inbAttribCode; InbAttribMapValDal inbAttribMapValDal = new InbAttribMapValDal(sqlConnectionStr); List<InbAttribMapValDto> inbAttribMapValList = new List<InbAttribMapValDto>(); inbAttribMapValList = inbAttribMapValDal.GetMapValues(inbAttribCode); if (inbAttribMapValList.Count > 0) { foreach (InbAttribMapValDto data in inbAttribMapValList) { DataRow dr = tblUserMappings.NewRow(); dr[1] = data.Id; dr[0] = data.Descr; tblUserMappings.Rows.Add(dr); } PopulatePhrases(); } else { //throw new Exception("Error PopulateUserMappings() List"); throw new Exception("An error occurred while populating user mappings." + Environment.NewLine + "Error CNF-184 in " + FORM_NAME + ".PopulateUserMappings()"); } } } catch (Exception err) { //XtraMessageBox.Show(err.Message); XtraMessageBox.Show("An error occurred while processing user mappings." + Environment.NewLine + "Error CNF-185 in " + FORM_NAME + ".PopulateUserMappings(): " + err.Message, MAIN_FORM_ERROR_CAPTION, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private DataTable GetInbAttribMapVals(string pAttribCode) { DataTable dt = null; try { List<InbAttribMapValDto> inbAttribMapValList = new List<InbAttribMapValDto>(); InbAttribMapValDal inbAttribMapValDal = new InbAttribMapValDal(sqlConnectionString); inbAttribMapValList = inbAttribMapValDal.GetMapValues(pAttribCode); if (inbAttribMapValList.Count > 0) { dt = new DataTable(); dt.Columns.Add("Mapping Value"); dt.Columns.Add("Descr"); dt.Columns.Add("ID"); foreach(InbAttribMapValDto data in inbAttribMapValList) { DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); dr[0] = data.MappedValue; dr[1] = data.Descr; dr[2] = data.Id; dt.Rows.Add(dr); } } else { throw new Exception("Error CNF-302: The mapped value update did not occur for Attribute Code: " + pAttribCode + "."); } } catch (Exception err) { XtraMessageBox.Show("An error occurred while attempting to perform the requested update." + Environment.NewLine + "Error CNF-535 in " + FORM_NAME + ".GetInbAttribMapVals(): " + err.Message, FORM_ERROR_CAPTION, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } return dt; }